# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - Abstract hardware interface # # Copyright 2013-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.core.offset import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.util import AwlSimError from awlsim.core.hardware_loader import * from awlsim.core.hardware_params import * #from awlsim.core.hardware cimport * #@cy __all__ = [ "AbstractHardwareInterface", ] class AbstractHardwareInterface(object): #+cdef """Abstract hardware interface class. This class must be subclassed in the hardware interface module. The subclass must be named 'HardwareInterface' for the automatic loading mechanism to work.""" # The name of the module. Overload in the subclass. name = "" # The parameter descriptors. paramDescs = [] # The standard parameters. __standardParamDescs = [ HwParamDesc_bool("removeOnReset", defaultValue = True, description = "If set to 'True' the module will " "be removed on CPU reset."), HwParamDesc_int("inputAddressBase", defaultValue = 0, minValue = 0, description = "Start address in input address range"), HwParamDesc_int("outputAddressBase", defaultValue = 0, minValue = 0, description = "Start address in output address range"), ] @classmethod def getParamDescs(cls): """Get all parameter descriptors for this class.""" descs = cls.__standardParamDescs[:] descs.extend(cls.paramDescs) return descs @classmethod def getParamDesc(cls, paramName): """Get one parameter descriptor.""" for desc in cls.getParamDescs(): if desc.match(paramName): return desc return None @classmethod def getModuleInfo(cls): """Get module information. Returns a string.""" ret = [] ret.append("Hardware module '%s':" % cls.name) ret.append("") ret.append("Parameters:") for desc in cls.getParamDescs(): if desc.mandatory: defStr = "mandatory" else: defStr = "default: %s" % str(getattr(desc, "defaultValue", None)) ret.append(" %s = %s (%s)%s" %\ (desc.name, desc.typeStr.upper(), defStr, (" - " + desc.description) if desc.description else "")) return "\n".join(ret) def __init__(self, sim, parameters={}): """Constructs the abstract hardware interface. 'sim' is the AwlSim instance. 'parameters' is a dict of hardware specific parameters.""" self.sim = sim self.__running = False self.__parseParameters(parameters) # Get the base addresses for convenience. self.inputAddressBase = self.getParamValueByName("inputAddressBase") self.outputAddressBase = self.getParamValueByName("outputAddressBase") def startup(self): """Initialize access to the hardware.""" if not self.__running: self.doStartup() self.__running = True def doStartup(self): """Actually initialize access to hardware. Overload this method, if the hardware needs initialization""" pass def shutdown(self): """Shutdown access to the hardware.""" if self.__running: self.__running = False self.doShutdown() def doShutdown(self): """Actually shutdown access to hardware. Overload this method, if the hardware needs initialization""" pass def readInputs(self): #+cdef """Read all hardware input data and store it in the PAE. The implementation is supposed to put the data directly into the cpu memory. Overload this method, if the hardware has inputs.""" pass def writeOutputs(self): #+cdef """Write all hardware output data (read from PAA). The implementation is supposed to read the data directly from the cpu memory. Overload this method, if the hardware has outputs.""" pass def directReadInput(self, accessWidth, accessOffset): #@nocy #@cy cdef bytearray directReadInput(self, uint32_t accessWidth, uint32_t accessOffset): """Direct peripheral input data read operation. 'accessWidth' is the width of the access, in bits. 'accessOffset' is the byte offset of the access. The read data is returned. An empty bytearray is returned if the 'accessOffset' is not in this hardware's range. Overload this method, if the hardware has inputs and supports direct peripheral access.""" return bytearray() def directWriteOutput(self, accessWidth, accessOffset, data): #@nocy #@cy cdef _Bool directWriteOutput(self, uint32_t accessWidth, uint32_t accessOffset, bytearray data): """Direct peripheral output data write operation. 'accessWidth' is the width of the access, in bits. 'accessOffset' is the byte offset of the access. 'data' is the data to write. True is returned, if the hardware successfully stored the value. False is returned, if the 'accessOffset' is not in this hardware's range. Overload this method, if the hardware has outputs and supports direct peripheral access.""" return False def __repr__(self): return "HardwareInterface: %s" % self.name def raiseException(self, errorText): """Throw an exception.""" raise AwlSimError("['%s' hardware module] %s" %\ (self.name, errorText)) def paramErrorHandler(self, name, errorText): """Default parameter error handler.""" self.raiseException("Parameter '%s': %s" % (name, errorText)) def __parseParameters(self, parameters): # Parse the parameters. self.__paramsByName = {} self.__paramsByDescType = {} for name, value in dictItems(parameters): for desc in self.getParamDescs(): if desc.match(name): break else: self.paramErrorHandler(name, "Invalid parameter. The parameter '%s' is " "unknown to the '%s' hardware module." %\ (name, self.name)) try: parsedValue = desc.parse(value) except HwParamDesc.ParseError as e: self.paramErrorHandler(name, str(e)) self.__paramsByName[name] = parsedValue self.__paramsByDescType.setdefault(type(desc), []).append( (name, parsedValue)) # Check mandatory parameters for desc in self.getParamDescs(): if not desc.mandatory: continue if desc.name not in dictKeys(self.__paramsByName): self.paramErrorHandler(desc.name, "Mandatory parameter not specified") def getParamValueByName(self, name): """This is the main method to get a parameter value by name from the hardware module. 'name' is the name string of the parameter. """ descs = [ d for d in self.getParamDescs() if d.match(name) ] # Programming error, if getParamValueByName() was called with a name # that was not declared in paramDescs. assert(descs) # Get the value. try: return self.__paramsByName[name] except KeyError: return getattr(descs[0], "defaultValue", None) getParam = getParamValueByName # Old deprecated getParam() API def getParamsByDescType(self, descType): """This is the main method to get parameter name/value pairs for a given param desc type. This returns a list of (name, value) tuples. """ try: return self.__paramsByDescType[descType] except KeyError: return []