# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - PLC core server client # # Copyright 2013-2015 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.util import * from awlsim.common.subprocess import * from awlsim.coreserver.server import * from awlsim.coreserver.messages import * from awlsim.coreserver.memarea import * import sys import socket import errno import time class AwlSimClient(object): def __init__(self): self.serverProcess = None self.serverProcessHost = None self.serverProcessPort = None self.__transceiver = None self.__defaultTimeout = 3.0 def spawnServer(self, interpreter=None, serverExecutable=None, listenHost=AwlSimServer.DEFAULT_HOST, listenPort=AwlSimServer.DEFAULT_PORT): """Spawn a new AwlSim-core server process. interpreter -> The python interpreter to use. Must be either: - None: Use sys.executable as interpreter. - a string: Use the specified interpreter binary. - list of strings: Try with the interpreters in the list, until the first working one is found. serverExecutable -> The server executable to run. This has precedence over 'interpreter'. May be a list of strings. listenHost -> The hostname or IP address to listen on. listenPort -> The port to listen on. Returns the spawned process' PID.""" if self.serverProcess: raise AwlSimError("Server already running") if serverExecutable: for serverExe in toList(serverExecutable): if not findExecutable(serverExe): continue self.serverProcess = AwlSimServer.start(listenHost = listenHost, listenPort = listenPort, forkServerProcess = serverExe) break else: raise AwlSimError("Unable to fork any of the supplied " "server executables: %s" %\ str(toList(serverExecutable))) else: if interpreter is None: interpreter = sys.executable for interp in toList(interpreter): if not findExecutable(interp): continue self.serverProcess = AwlSimServer.start(listenHost = listenHost, listenPort = listenPort, forkInterpreter = interp) break else: raise AwlSimError("Unable to fork an awlsim core server with " "any of the supplied Python interpreters: %s\n" "No interpreter found." %\ str(toList(interpreter))) self.serverProcessHost = listenHost self.serverProcessPort = listenPort if isJython: #XXX Workaround: Jython's socket module does not like connecting # to a starting server. Wait a few seconds for the server # to start listening on the socket. time.sleep(10) def killSpawnedServer(self): """Shutdown the server process started with spawnServer().""" if not self.serverProcess: return if self.__transceiver: try: msg = AwlSimMessage_SHUTDOWN() status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: printError("AwlSimClient: Failed to shut " "down server via message") except (AwlSimError, MaintenanceRequest) as e: pass self.serverProcess.terminate() self.serverProcess.wait() self.serverProcess = None self.serverProcessHost = None self.serverProcessPort = None def connectToServer(self, host=AwlSimServer.DEFAULT_HOST, port=AwlSimServer.DEFAULT_PORT, timeout=3.0): """Connect to a AwlSim-core server. host -> The hostname or IP address to connect to. port -> The port to connect to.""" self.__defaultTimeout = timeout startTime = monotonic_time() readableSockaddr = host try: family, socktype, sockaddr = AwlSimServer.getaddrinfo(host, port) if family == AF_UNIX: readableSockaddr = sockaddr else: readableSockaddr = "[%s]:%d" % (sockaddr[0], sockaddr[1]) printInfo("AwlSimClient: Connecting to server '%s'..." % readableSockaddr) sock = socket.socket(family, socktype) while 1: if monotonic_time() - startTime > timeout: raise AwlSimError("Timeout connecting " "to AwlSimServer %s" % readableSockaddr) try: sock.connect(sockaddr) except SocketErrors as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED or\ e.errno == errno.ENOENT: self.sleep(0.1) continue if isJython and\ e.strerror.endswith("java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException"): # XXX Jython workaround: Ignore this exception printInfo("Warning: Jython connect workaround") continue raise break except SocketErrors as e: raise AwlSimError("Failed to connect to AwlSimServer %s: %s" %\ (readableSockaddr, str(e))) printInfo("AwlSimClient: Connected.") self.__transceiver = AwlSimMessageTransceiver(sock, readableSockaddr) self.lastRxMsg = None # Ping the server try: self.__transceiver.send(AwlSimMessage_PING()) msg = self.__transceiver.receive(timeout = timeout) if not msg: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Server did not " "respond to PING request.") if msg.msgId != AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_PONG: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Server did not " "respond properly to PING request. " "(Expected ID %d, but got ID %d)" %\ (AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_PONG, msg.msgId)) except TransferError as e: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: PING to server failed") def shutdownTransceiver(self): """Shutdown transceiver and close the socket.""" if not self.__transceiver: return self.__transceiver.shutdown() self.__transceiver = None def shutdown(self): """Shutdown all sockets and spawned processes.""" self.killSpawnedServer() self.shutdownTransceiver() def __rx_NOP(self, msg): pass # Nothing def handle_EXCEPTION(self, exception): raise exception def __rx_EXCEPTION(self, msg): self.handle_EXCEPTION(msg.exception) def __rx_PING(self, msg): self.__send(AwlSimMessage_PONG()) def handle_PONG(self): printInfo("AwlSimClient: Received PONG") def __rx_PONG(self, msg): self.handle_PONG() def handle_AWLSRC(self, awlSource): pass # Don't do anything by default def __rx_AWLSRC(self, msg): self.handle_AWLSRC(msg.source) def handle_SYMTABSRC(self, symTabSource): pass # Don't do anything by default def __rx_SYMTABSRC(self, msg): self.handle_SYMTABSRC(msg.source) def handle_CPUDUMP(self, dumpText): pass # Don't do anything by default def __rx_CPUDUMP(self, msg): self.handle_CPUDUMP(msg.dumpText) def __rx_MAINTREQ(self, msg): raise msg.maintRequest def handle_MEMORY(self, memAreas): pass # Don't do anything by default def __rx_MEMORY(self, msg): self.handle_MEMORY(msg.memAreas) if msg.flags & msg.FLG_SYNC: # The server should never send us a synchronous # memory image. So just output an error message. printError("Received synchronous memory request") def handle_INSNSTATE(self, msg): pass # Don't do anything by default def __rx_INSNSTATE(self, msg): self.handle_INSNSTATE(msg) def handle_IDENTS(self, msg): pass # Don't do anything by default def __rx_IDENTS(self, msg): self.handle_IDENTS(msg) def handle_BLOCKINFO(self, msg): pass # Don't do anything by default def __rx_BLOCKINFO(self, msg): self.handle_BLOCKINFO(msg) __msgRxHandlers = { AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_REPLY : __rx_NOP, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_EXCEPTION : __rx_EXCEPTION, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_MAINTREQ : __rx_MAINTREQ, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_PING : __rx_PING, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_PONG : __rx_PONG, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_AWLSRC : __rx_AWLSRC, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_SYMTABSRC : __rx_SYMTABSRC, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_IDENTS : __rx_IDENTS, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_BLOCKINFO : __rx_BLOCKINFO, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_CPUSPECS : __rx_NOP, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_RUNSTATE : __rx_NOP, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_CPUDUMP : __rx_CPUDUMP, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_MEMORY : __rx_MEMORY, AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_INSNSTATE : __rx_INSNSTATE, } # Main message processing # timeout: None -> Blocking. Block until packet is received. # 0 -> No timeout (= Nonblocking). Return immediately. # x -> Timeout, in seconds. def processMessages(self, timeout=None): self.lastRxMsg = None if not self.__transceiver: return False try: msg = self.__transceiver.receive(timeout) except TransferError as e: if e.reason == e.REASON_BLOCKING: return False raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: " "I/O error in connection to server '%s':\n" "%s (errno = %s)" %\ (self.__transceiver.peerInfoString, str(e), str(e.errno))) except TransferError as e: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: " "Connection to server '%s' died. " "Failed to receive message." %\ self.__transceiver.peerInfoString) if not msg: return False self.lastRxMsg = msg try: handler = self.__msgRxHandlers[msg.msgId] except KeyError: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Received unsupported " "message 0x%02X" % msg.msgId) handler(self, msg) return True def sleep(self, seconds): time.sleep(seconds) def __send(self, txMsg): try: self.__transceiver.send(txMsg) except TransferError as e: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: " "Send error in connection to server '%s':\n" "%s (errno = %s)" %\ (self.__transceiver.peerInfoString, str(e), str(e.errno))) def __sendAndWait(self, txMsg, checkRxMsg, waitTimeout=None, ignoreMaintenanceRequests=False): self.__send(txMsg) now = monotonic_time() end = now + (self.__defaultTimeout if waitTimeout is None\ else waitTimeout) while now < end: try: if self.processMessages(0.1): rxMsg = self.lastRxMsg if checkRxMsg(rxMsg): return rxMsg except MaintenanceRequest as e: if not ignoreMaintenanceRequests: raise e now = monotonic_time() raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Timeout waiting for server reply.") def __sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(self, msg, timeout=None, ignoreMaintenanceRequests=False): def checkRxMsg(rxMsg): return rxMsg.msgId == AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_REPLY and\ rxMsg.inReplyToId == msg.msgId and\ rxMsg.inReplyToSeq == msg.seq return self.__sendAndWait(msg, checkRxMsg, timeout, ignoreMaintenanceRequests).status def reset(self): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_RESET() status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg, ignoreMaintenanceRequests = True) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to reset CPU") return True def setRunState(self, run=True): if not self.__transceiver: return False if run: runState = AwlSimMessage_RUNSTATE.STATE_RUN else: runState = AwlSimMessage_RUNSTATE.STATE_STOP msg = AwlSimMessage_RUNSTATE(runState) status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg, ignoreMaintenanceRequests = True) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to set run state") return True def getRunState(self): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_GET_RUNSTATE() rxMsg = self.__sendAndWait(msg, lambda rxMsg: rxMsg.msgId == AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_RUNSTATE) if rxMsg.runState == AwlSimMessage_RUNSTATE.STATE_RUN: return True return False def getAwlSource(self, identHash, sync=True): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_GET_AWLSRC(identHash) if sync: rxMsg = self.__sendAndWait(msg, lambda rxMsg: rxMsg.msgId == AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_AWLSRC) return rxMsg.source else: self.__send(msg) return True def loadAwlSource(self, awlSource): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_AWLSRC(awlSource) self.__transceiver.txCork(True) try: status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg, 10.0) finally: self.__transceiver.txCork(False) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to AWL source") return True def getSymTabSource(self, identHash, sync=True): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_GET_SYMTABSRC(identHash) if sync: rxMsg = self.__sendAndWait(msg, lambda rxMsg: rxMsg.msgId == AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_SYMTABSRC) return rxMsg.source else: self.__send(msg) return True def loadSymTabSource(self, symTabSource): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_SYMTABSRC(symTabSource) self.__transceiver.txCork(True) try: status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) finally: self.__transceiver.txCork(False) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to load symbol table source") return True def loadLibraryBlock(self, libSelection): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_LIBSEL(libSelection) status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to load library block selection") return True def loadHardwareModule(self, hwmodDesc): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_HWMOD(hwmodDesc) status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to load hardware module") return True def removeSource(self, identHash): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_REMOVESRC(identHash) status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to remove source") return True def removeBlock(self, blockInfo): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_REMOVEBLK(blockInfo) status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to remove block") return True # Request the (source) ident hashes from the CPU. # This method is asynchronous. # The idents are returned via handle_IDENTS() def requestIdents(self, reqAwlSources = False, reqSymTabSources = False, reqHwModules = False, reqLibSelections = False): if not self.__transceiver: return False self.__send(AwlSimMessage_GET_IDENTS( (AwlSimMessage_GET_IDENTS.GET_AWLSRCS if reqAwlSources else 0) |\ (AwlSimMessage_GET_IDENTS.GET_SYMTABSRCS if reqSymTabSources else 0) |\ (AwlSimMessage_GET_IDENTS.GET_HWMODS if reqHwModules else 0) |\ (AwlSimMessage_GET_IDENTS.GET_LIBSELS if reqLibSelections else 0))) return True # Request the compiled block info from the CPU. # This method is asynchronous. # The idents are returned via handle_BLOCKINFO() def requestBlockInfo(self, reqOBInfo = False, reqFCInfo = False, reqFBInfo = False, reqDBInfo = False): if not self.__transceiver: return False self.__send(AwlSimMessage_GET_BLOCKINFO( (AwlSimMessage_GET_BLOCKINFO.GET_OB_INFO if reqOBInfo else 0) |\ (AwlSimMessage_GET_BLOCKINFO.GET_FC_INFO if reqFCInfo else 0) |\ (AwlSimMessage_GET_BLOCKINFO.GET_FB_INFO if reqFBInfo else 0) |\ (AwlSimMessage_GET_BLOCKINFO.GET_DB_INFO if reqDBInfo else 0))) return True def __setOption(self, name, value, sync=True): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_OPT(name, str(value)) if sync: status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to set option '%s'" % name) else: self.__send(msg) return True def setLoglevel(self, level=Logging.LOG_INFO): Logging.setLoglevel(level) return self.__setOption("loglevel", int(level)) def enableOBTempPresets(self, enable=True): return self.__setOption("ob_temp_presets", int(bool(enable))) def enableExtendedInsns(self, enable=True): return self.__setOption("extended_insns", int(bool(enable))) def setPeriodicDumpInterval(self, interval=0): return self.__setOption("periodic_dump_int", int(interval)) def setCycleTimeLimit(self, seconds=5.0): return self.__setOption("cycle_time_limit", float(seconds)) def setRunTimeLimit(self, seconds=0.0): return self.__setOption("runtime_limit", float(seconds)) # Set instruction state dumping. # fromLine, toLine is the range of AWL line numbers for which # dumping is enabled. def setInsnStateDump(self, enable=True, sourceId=0, fromLine=1, toLine=0x7FFFFFFF, sync=True): if not self.__transceiver: return None msg = AwlSimMessage_INSNSTATE_CONFIG( flags = 0, sourceId = sourceId, fromLine = fromLine, toLine = toLine) if enable: msg.flags |= msg.FLG_CLEAR else: msg.flags |= msg.FLG_CLEAR_ONLY if sync: msg.flags |= msg.FLG_SYNC status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to set insn state dump") else: self.__send(msg) def getCpuSpecs(self): if not self.__transceiver: return None msg = AwlSimMessage_GET_CPUSPECS() rxMsg = self.__sendAndWait(msg, lambda rxMsg: rxMsg.msgId == AwlSimMessage.MSG_ID_CPUSPECS) return rxMsg.cpuspecs def setCpuSpecs(self, cpuspecs): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_CPUSPECS(cpuspecs) status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to set cpuspecs") return True # Set the memory areas we are interested in receiving # dumps for, in the server. # memAreas is a list of MemoryArea instances. # The repetitionPeriod tells whether to # - only run the request once (repetitionneriod < 0.0) # - repeat every n'th second (repetitionFactor = n) # If sync is true, wait for a reply from the server. def setMemoryReadRequests(self, memAreas, repetitionPeriod = -1.0, sync = False): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_REQ_MEMORY(0, repetitionPeriod, memAreas) if sync: msg.flags |= msg.FLG_SYNC status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to set " "memory read reqs") else: self.__send(msg) return True # Write memory areas in the server. # memAreas is a list of MemoryAreaData instances. # If sync is true, wait for a reply from the server. def writeMemory(self, memAreas, sync=False): if not self.__transceiver: return False msg = AwlSimMessage_MEMORY(0, memAreas) if sync: msg.flags |= msg.FLG_SYNC status = self.__sendAndWaitFor_REPLY(msg) if status != AwlSimMessage_REPLY.STAT_OK: raise AwlSimError("AwlSimClient: Failed to write " "to memory") else: self.__send(msg) return True