# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - FUP compiler - Connection # # Copyright 2016-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.xmlfactory import * from awlsim.common.util import * from awlsim.core.instructions.all_insns import * #+cimport from awlsim.fupcompiler.base import * import re class FupCompiler_ConnFactory(XmlFactory): def parser_open(self, tag=None): self.inConn = False XmlFactory.parser_open(self, tag) def parser_beginTag(self, tag): if not self.inConn: if tag.name == "connection": self.inConn = True pos = tag.getAttrInt("pos") dirIn = tag.getAttrInt("dir_in") dirOut = tag.getAttrInt("dir_out") wireId = tag.getAttrInt("wire") text = tag.getAttr("text", "") inverted = tag.getAttrBool("inverted", False) uuid = tag.getAttr("uuid", None) conn = FupCompiler_Conn( elem=self.elem, pos=pos, dirIn=dirIn, dirOut=dirOut, wireId=wireId, text=text, inverted=inverted, virtual=False, uuid=uuid) if not self.elem.addConn(conn): raise self.Error("Invalid connection") return XmlFactory.parser_beginTag(self, tag) def parser_endTag(self, tag): if self.inConn: if tag.name == "connection": self.inConn = False return else: if tag.name == "connections": self.parser_finish() return XmlFactory.parser_endTag(self, tag) class FupCompiler_Conn(FupCompiler_BaseObj): factory = FupCompiler_ConnFactory # Connection types EnumGen.start TYPE_UNKNOWN = EnumGen.item TYPE_VKE = EnumGen.item # Bit operation TYPE_ACCU = EnumGen.item # Byte/word/dword operation EnumGen.end # The target instruction to be used for TYPE_VKE/TYPE_ACCU compilation EnumGen.start TARGET_VKE_U = EnumGen.item TARGET_VKE_O = EnumGen.item TARGET_VKE_X = EnumGen.item TARGET_ACCU1 = EnumGen.item EnumGen.end target2LoadInsnClass = { TARGET_VKE_U : AwlInsn_U, TARGET_VKE_O : AwlInsn_O, TARGET_VKE_X : AwlInsn_X, TARGET_ACCU1 : AwlInsn_L, } loadInsnClass2Target = pivotDict(target2LoadInsnClass) target2StoreInsnClass = { TARGET_VKE_U : AwlInsn_ASSIGN, TARGET_VKE_O : AwlInsn_ASSIGN, TARGET_VKE_X : AwlInsn_ASSIGN, TARGET_ACCU1 : AwlInsn_T, } # Wire-ID used for unconnected connections WIREID_NONE = -1 __slots__ = ( "elem", "pos", "dirIn", "dirOut", "wireId", "text", "inverted", "virtual", "wire", ) @classmethod def sorted(cls, connections): """Sort all connections from 'connections' sequence in ascending order by position. The sorted list is returned. """ return sorted(connections, key=lambda c: c.pos) @classmethod def targetIsVKE(cls, target): """Returns True, if a target ID is a VKE target. """ return target in {cls.TARGET_VKE_U, cls.TARGET_VKE_O, cls.TARGET_VKE_X} @classmethod def targetToInsnClass(cls, target, toLoad=True, inverted=False): """Convert a target ID to its corresponding instruction class. If 'toLoad' is True, the load instruction is returned. If 'toLoad' is False, the store instruction is returned. If 'inverted' is True, the inverted boolean is returned. """ from awlsim.fupcompiler.fupcompiler import FupCompiler if inverted and not toLoad: raise FupConnError("Boolean inversion is not " "supported for boolean store instructions.") if toLoad: insnClass = cls.target2LoadInsnClass[target] else: insnClass = cls.target2StoreInsnClass[target] if inverted: insnClass = FupCompiler.invertedInsnClass[insnClass] return insnClass def __init__(self, elem, pos, dirIn, dirOut, wireId, text, inverted=False, virtual=False, uuid=None): FupCompiler_BaseObj.__init__(self, uuid=uuid) self.elem = elem # FupCompiler_Elem self.pos = pos # Position index self.dirIn = bool(dirIn) # Input self.dirOut = bool(dirOut) # Output self.wireId = wireId # Wire ID number self.text = text or "" # Connection text (optional) self.inverted = bool(inverted) # True, if logically inverted connection self.virtual = bool(virtual) # True, if this is a virtual connection self.wire = None @property def compiler(self): if self.elem: return self.elem.compiler return None def hasText(self, text, caseSensitive=False): """Returns True, if the connection text is equal. 'text' is either a single string or a list of strings. This does a case insensitive compare if caseSensitive=False. """ return any(strEqual(self.text, t, caseSensitive=caseSensitive) for t in toList(text)) def textMatch(self, regexString, regexFlags=(re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)): """Match the connection text to a regular expression. Returns the match object, or None if there was no match. """ return re.match(regexString, self.text, regexFlags) @property def isOptional(self): """Returns True, if this connection is optional. An optional connection does not have to be connected. """ return self.elem.connIsOptional(self) @property def connType(self): """Get the connection type. This returns whether this connection is VKE based (TYPE_VKE) or accu based (TYPE_ACCU). If the type is unknown TYPE_UNKNOWN is returned. """ return self.elem.getConnType(self) @property def isConnected(self): """Returns True, if this connection is connected to a wire. """ return self.wire is not None def getConnectedConns(self, getOutputs=False, getInputs=False): """Get all other connections that are connected via self.wire to this connection. This excludes self. If 'getOutputs' is True, connections with dirOut=True are returned. If 'getInputs' is True, connections with dirIn=True are returned. """ if self.wire: for conn in self.wire.connections: if conn is not self and\ ((conn.dirOut and getOutputs) or\ (conn.dirIn and getInputs)): yield conn def getConnectedConn(self, getOutput=False, getInput=False): """Get the single connection that is connected to this connection. If 'getOutput' is True, elements connected to the wire via OUT connection are returned. If 'getInput' is True, elements connected to the wire via OUT connection are returned. If neither 'getOutput' nor 'getInput' is True, None is returned. If there is no matching element or more that one matching element, an exception is raised. """ if not getOutput and not getInput: return None dirText = "%s%s%s" % ( "IN" if getInput else "", "/" if getInput and getOutput else "", "OUT" if getOutput else "") selfText = (" \"%s\"" % self.text) if self.text else "" connections = list(self.getConnectedConns(getOutputs=getOutput, getInputs=getInput)) if len(connections) > 0: if len(connections) > 1: raise FupConnError("The connection%s of element '%s' does " "only support a single %s-wire, " "but has %d %s-connections." % ( selfText, str(self.elem), dirText, len(connections), dirText), self) return connections[0] raise FupConnError("The connection%s of element '%s' does " "does not have a valid %s-connected element." % ( selfText, str(self.elem), dirText), self) def getConnectedElems(self, viaOut=False, viaIn=False): """Get all elements that are connected to this connection. If 'viaOut' is True, elements connected to the wire via OUT connection are returned. If 'viaIn' is True, elements connected to the wire via OUT connection are returned. If neither 'viaOut' nor 'viaIn' is True, no element is returned. The element that belongs to 'self' is not returned. """ for conn in self.getConnectedConns(getOutputs=viaOut, getInputs=viaIn): yield conn.elem def getConnectedElem(self, viaOut=False, viaIn=False): """Get the single element that is connected to this connection. If 'viaOut' is True, elements connected to the wire via OUT connection are returned. If 'viaIn' is True, elements connected to the wire via OUT connection are returned. If neither 'viaOut' nor 'viaIn' is True, None is returned. If there is no matching element or more that one matching element, an exception is raised. """ conn = self.getConnectedConn(getOutput=viaOut, getInput=viaIn) if not conn: return None return conn.elem def connectTo(self, otherConn): if self.isConnected: raise FupConnError("Connection %s is already connected" % ( str(self)), self) if otherConn.isConnected: wire = otherConn.wire else: wire = self.elem.grid.newWire(virtual=True) wire.addConn(otherConn) wire.addConn(self) def compileConn(self, target=None, targetInsnClass=None, inverted=False): """Compile the element that owns this connection. A compile target has to be specified. That is either a VKE instruction target, or an ACCU1 load target. target: one of TARGET_xxx, targetInsnClass: An AwlInsn_xxx class. inverted: If True, generate an inverted boolean instruction. Either target or targetInsnClass must be specified, but not both. """ assert(self.elem) assert((target is not None) ^ (targetInsnClass is not None)) if targetInsnClass: target = self.loadInsnClass2Target[targetInsnClass] return self.elem.compileConn(self, target, inverted) def __repr__(self): return "FupCompiler_Conn(elem, pos=%d, dirIn=%s, dirOut=%s, "\ "wireId=%d, text=\"%s\", "\ "inverted=%s, virtual=%s)" % ( self.pos, self.dirIn, self.dirOut, self.wireId, self.text, self.inverted, self.virtual) def __str__(self): fields = [] if self.text: fields.append('"%s"' % self.text) else: fields.append("pos=%s" % self.pos) if self.inverted: fields.append("inverted") if self.elem: fields.append(str(self.elem)) if self.virtual: fields.append("VIRTUAL") return "CONNECTION(%s)" % (", ".join(fields))