# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - FUP compiler - Boolean element # # Copyright 2016-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.elem import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.elemoper import * from awlsim.core.operators import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.operatortypes import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.instructions.all_insns import * #+cimport class FupCompiler_ElemBool(FupCompiler_Elem): """FUP compiler - Boolean element. """ ELEM_NAME = "BOOL" EnumGen.start SUBTYPE_AND = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_OR = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_XOR = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_S = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_R = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_SR = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_RS = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_FP = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_FN = EnumGen.item EnumGen.end str2subtype = { "and" : SUBTYPE_AND, "or" : SUBTYPE_OR, "xor" : SUBTYPE_XOR, "s" : SUBTYPE_S, "r" : SUBTYPE_R, "sr" : SUBTYPE_SR, "rs" : SUBTYPE_RS, "fp" : SUBTYPE_FP, "fn" : SUBTYPE_FN, } @classmethod def parse(cls, grid, x, y, subType, content): try: subType = cls.str2subtype[subType] type2class = { cls.SUBTYPE_AND : FupCompiler_ElemBoolAnd, cls.SUBTYPE_OR : FupCompiler_ElemBoolOr, cls.SUBTYPE_XOR : FupCompiler_ElemBoolXor, cls.SUBTYPE_S : FupCompiler_ElemBoolS, cls.SUBTYPE_R : FupCompiler_ElemBoolR, cls.SUBTYPE_SR : FupCompiler_ElemBoolSR, cls.SUBTYPE_RS : FupCompiler_ElemBoolRS, cls.SUBTYPE_FP : FupCompiler_ElemBoolFP, cls.SUBTYPE_FN : FupCompiler_ElemBoolFN, } elemClass = None with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): elemClass = type2class[subType] if elemClass: return elemClass(grid=grid, x=x, y=y, content=content) except KeyError: pass return None def __init__(self, grid, x, y, subType, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_Elem.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, elemType=FupCompiler_Elem.TYPE_BOOLEAN, subType=subType, content=content, **kwargs) def _getBodyOper(self): """Get the body operand. """ if len(self.subElems) != 1: raise FupElemError("Invalid body operator in '%s'" % ( str(self)), self) subElem = getany(self.subElems) if not subElem.isType(FupCompiler_Elem.TYPE_OPERAND, FupCompiler_ElemOper.SUBTYPE_EMBEDDED): raise FupElemError("Body operator element '%s' " "is of invalid type." % ( str(subElem)), self) return subElem def getOutConn(self): outConnections = list(self.outConnections) if len(outConnections) != 1: raise FupElemError("Boolean elements only support one output.", self) return outConnections[0] def _doCompileBool(self, insnClass): insns = [] # Walk down each input connection of this element. for conn in sorted(self.inConnections, key=lambda c: c.pos): # For each element that is connected to this element's # input connection via its output connection. otherConn = conn.getConnectedConn(getOutput=True) otherElem = otherConn.elem if otherElem.isType(self.TYPE_OPERAND, FupCompiler_ElemOper.SUBTYPE_LOAD): # The other element is a LOAD operand. # Compile the boolean (load) instruction. # This generates: U #oper , O #oper or something similar. insns.extend(otherConn.compileConn( targetInsnClass=insnClass, inverted=conn.inverted)) elif otherElem.isType(self.TYPE_BOOLEAN): # The other element we get the signal from # is a boolean element. Compile this to get its # resulting VKE. insns.extend(otherElem.__compileToVKE(insnClass=insnClass, inverted=conn.inverted)) else: insnBranchClass = self.compiler.branchInsnClass[insnClass] insns.append(self.newInsn(insnBranchClass, parentFupConn=conn)) insns.extend(otherConn.compileConn(targetInsnClass=insnClass, inverted=conn.inverted)) insns.append(self.newInsn(AwlInsn_BEND, parentFupConn=conn)) outConn = self.getOutConn() if outConn.inverted: insns.append(self.newInsn(AwlInsn_NOT, parentFupConn=outConn)) return insns def __compileToVKE(self, insnClass, inverted=False): """Compile this boolean operation in a way that after the last instruction returned by this method the result of this element resides in the VKE. insnClass => The AwlInsn class used to load to VKE. Returns a list of AwlInsn instances. """ insns = [] outConn = self.getOutConn() if self.needCompile: insnBranchClass = self.compiler.branchInsnClass[insnClass] if inverted: insnBranchClass = self.compiler.invertedInsnClass[insnBranchClass] insns.append(self.newInsn(insnBranchClass, parentFupConn=outConn)) insns.extend(self.compile()) # Store result to a TEMP variable, if required. if len(tuple(outConn.getConnectedConns(getInputs=True))) > 1: insns.extend(self._storeToTemp("BOOL", AwlInsn_ASSIGN, { outConn, self.MAIN_RESULT })) insns.append(self.newInsn(AwlInsn_BEND, parentFupConn=outConn)) else: # Get the stored result from TEMP. if inverted: insnClass = self.compiler.invertedInsnClass[insnClass] insns.extend(self._loadFromTemp(insnClass, conn=outConn)) return insns def compileConn(self, conn, desiredTarget, inverted=False): self._compileConn_checkTarget(conn, desiredTarget, inverted, targetExpectVKE=True, allowInversion=True) insnClass = FupCompiler_Conn.targetToInsnClass(desiredTarget, toLoad=conn.dirOut, inverted=inverted) return self.__compileToVKE(insnClass) class FupCompiler_ElemBoolAnd(FupCompiler_ElemBool): """FUP compiler - Boolean AND element. """ ELEM_NAME = "AND" def __init__(self, grid, x, y, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_ElemBool.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, subType=FupCompiler_ElemBool.SUBTYPE_AND, content=content, **kwargs) def _doCompile(self): return self._doCompileBool(AwlInsn_U) class FupCompiler_ElemBoolOr(FupCompiler_ElemBool): """FUP compiler - Boolean OR element. """ ELEM_NAME = "OR" def __init__(self, grid, x, y, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_ElemBool.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, subType=FupCompiler_ElemBool.SUBTYPE_OR, content=content, **kwargs) def _doCompile(self): return self._doCompileBool(AwlInsn_O) class FupCompiler_ElemBoolXor(FupCompiler_ElemBool): """FUP compiler - Boolean XOR element. """ ELEM_NAME = "XOR" def __init__(self, grid, x, y, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_ElemBool.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, subType=FupCompiler_ElemBool.SUBTYPE_XOR, content=content, **kwargs) def _doCompile(self): return self._doCompileBool(AwlInsn_X) class FupCompiler_ElemBoolSR(FupCompiler_ElemBool): """FUP compiler - Boolean SR element. """ ELEM_NAME = "SR" SUBTYPE = FupCompiler_ElemBool.SUBTYPE_SR HAVE_S = True HAVE_R = True HIGH_PRIO_R = True OPTIONAL_CONNS = { "R", "Q", } def __init__(self, grid, x, y, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_ElemBool.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, subType=self.SUBTYPE, content=content, **kwargs) def __compileSR(self, bodyOper, connName, insnClass): conn = self.getUniqueConnByText(connName, searchInputs=True) if not conn or not conn.isConnected: return [] otherConn = conn.getConnectedConn(getOutput=True) insns = otherConn.compileConn(targetInsnClass=AwlInsn_U, inverted=conn.inverted) insns.extend(bodyOper.compileAs(insnClass)) return insns def __compileS(self, bodyOper): if not self.HAVE_S: return [] return self.__compileSR(bodyOper, "S", AwlInsn_S) def __compileR(self, bodyOper): if not self.HAVE_R: return [] return self.__compileSR(bodyOper, "R", AwlInsn_R) @property def isCompileEntryPoint(self): # We are a compilation entry, if Q is not connected. conn = self.getUniqueConnByText("Q", searchOutputs=True) if not conn or not conn.isConnected: return True return False def _doCompile(self): insns = [] bodyOper = self._getBodyOper() # Compile S and R inputs if self.HIGH_PRIO_R: insns.extend(self.__compileS(bodyOper)) insns.extend(self.__compileR(bodyOper)) else: insns.extend(self.__compileR(bodyOper)) insns.extend(self.__compileS(bodyOper)) # Compile Q output conn_Q = self.getUniqueConnByText("Q", searchOutputs=True) if conn_Q and conn_Q.isConnected: insns.extend(bodyOper.compileAs(AwlInsn_UN if conn_Q.inverted else AwlInsn_U)) return insns def connIsOptional(self, conn): return conn.hasText(self.OPTIONAL_CONNS) class FupCompiler_ElemBoolRS(FupCompiler_ElemBoolSR): """FUP compiler - Boolean RS element. """ ELEM_NAME = "RS" SUBTYPE = FupCompiler_ElemBool.SUBTYPE_RS HAVE_S = True HAVE_R = True HIGH_PRIO_R = False OPTIONAL_CONNS = { "S", "Q", } class FupCompiler_ElemBoolS(FupCompiler_ElemBoolSR): """FUP compiler - Boolean S element. """ ELEM_NAME = "S" SUBTYPE = FupCompiler_ElemBool.SUBTYPE_S HAVE_S = True HAVE_R = False HIGH_PRIO_R = False OPTIONAL_CONNS = { "Q", } def _doCompile(self): # Enforce connection names. # They might not be present in the project file. if len(list(self.inConnections)) == 1: getany(self.inConnections).text = self.ELEM_NAME if len(list(self.outConnections)) == 1: getany(self.outConnections).text = "Q" # Run the SR compiler return FupCompiler_ElemBoolSR._doCompile(self) class FupCompiler_ElemBoolR(FupCompiler_ElemBoolS): """FUP compiler - Boolean R element. """ ELEM_NAME = "R" SUBTYPE = FupCompiler_ElemBool.SUBTYPE_R HAVE_S = False HAVE_R = True HIGH_PRIO_R = True OPTIONAL_CONNS = { "Q", } class FupCompiler_ElemBoolFP(FupCompiler_ElemBool): """FUP compiler - Boolean FP element. """ ELEM_NAME = "FP" SUBTYPE = FupCompiler_ElemBool.SUBTYPE_FP POSITIVE = True def __init__(self, grid, x, y, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_ElemBool.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, subType=self.SUBTYPE, content=content, **kwargs) def _doCompile(self): insns = [] bodyOper = self._getBodyOper() inConns = list(self.inConnections) if len(inConns) != 1: raise FupElemError("Invalid number of input connections", self) inConn = inConns[0] outConns = list(self.outConnections) if len(outConns) != 1: raise FupElemError("Invalid number of output connections", self) outConn = outConns[0] otherConn = inConn.getConnectedConn(getOutput=True) insns.extend(otherConn.compileConn(targetInsnClass=AwlInsn_U, inverted=inConn.inverted)) insns.extend(bodyOper.compileAs(AwlInsn_FP if self.POSITIVE else AwlInsn_FN)) if outConn.inverted: insns.append(self.newInsn(AwlInsn_NOT, parentFupConn=outConn)) return insns class FupCompiler_ElemBoolFN(FupCompiler_ElemBoolFP): """FUP compiler - Boolean FN element. """ ELEM_NAME = "FN" SUBTYPE = FupCompiler_ElemBool.SUBTYPE_FN POSITIVE = False