# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - FUP compiler - Operand element # # Copyright 2016-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.elem import * from awlsim.core.operators import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.operatortypes import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.instructions.all_insns import * #+cimport class FupCompiler_ElemOper(FupCompiler_Elem): """FUP compiler - Operand element. """ ELEM_NAME = "operator" IS_LOAD_OPER = False IS_EMBEDDED_OPER = False EnumGen.start SUBTYPE_LOAD = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_ASSIGN = EnumGen.item SUBTYPE_EMBEDDED = EnumGen.item EnumGen.end str2subtype = { "load" : SUBTYPE_LOAD, "assign" : SUBTYPE_ASSIGN, "embedded" : SUBTYPE_EMBEDDED, } @classmethod def parse(cls, grid, x, y, subType, content): try: subType = cls.str2subtype[subType] type2class = { cls.SUBTYPE_LOAD : FupCompiler_ElemOperLoad, cls.SUBTYPE_ASSIGN : FupCompiler_ElemOperAssign, cls.SUBTYPE_EMBEDDED : FupCompiler_ElemOperEmbedded, } elemClass = None with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): elemClass = type2class[subType] if elemClass: return elemClass(grid=grid, x=x, y=y, content=content) except KeyError: pass return None def __init__(self, grid, x, y, subType, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_Elem.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, elemType=FupCompiler_Elem.TYPE_OPERAND, subType=subType, content=content, **kwargs) # The translated operator, if any, yet. # This will be available after compilation of this element. self._operator = None self.__operatorWidth = None def _getConn(self, getInput=True): """Get the one connection of this element. """ # Only one connection allowed per oper. if len(self.connections) != 1: raise FupOperError("Invalid number of " "connections in '%s'." % ( str(self)), self) # The connection must be input. conn = getany(self.connections) if conn.dirIn != getInput or\ conn.dirOut == getInput or\ conn.pos != 0: raise FupOperError("Invalid connection " "properties in '%s'." % ( str(self)), self) return conn def _getConnectedElem(self, viaOut=True): """Get the element that is connected to this operator element. """ conn = self._getConn(getInput=viaOut) otherElem = conn.getConnectedElem(viaOut=viaOut) return otherElem def _translateContent(self): """Translate the element content and create self._operator, if not already done so. """ if not self._operator: if not self.content.strip(): raise FupOperError("Found empty operator: %s" % ( str(self)), self) opDesc = self.opTrans.translateFromString(self.content) self._operator = opDesc.operator return self._operator @property def operatorWidth(self): if self.__operatorWidth is None: if self._operator: # Get the width of a possibly symbolic operator. compiler = self.grid.compiler width = compiler.getOperDataWidth(self._operator) self.__operatorWidth = width return width else: return self.__operatorWidth # Unknown width return 0 def getConnType(self, conn, preferVKE=False): if conn in self.connections or conn is None: self._translateContent() operType = self._operator.operType if operType == AwlOperatorTypes.SYMBOLIC: pass#TODO if operType in {AwlOperatorTypes.MEM_T, AwlOperatorTypes.MEM_Z}: if preferVKE: return FupCompiler_Conn.TYPE_VKE return FupCompiler_Conn.TYPE_ACCU operWidth = self.operatorWidth if operWidth == 1: return FupCompiler_Conn.TYPE_VKE elif operWidth in {8, 16, 32}: return FupCompiler_Conn.TYPE_ACCU return FupCompiler_Conn.TYPE_UNKNOWN def compileAs(self, insnClass): """Compile this operator as the specified instruction. This may be AwlInsn_U, AwlInsn_S or similar. """ insns = [] self._translateContent() if self.IS_EMBEDDED_OPER: conn = None else: conn = self._getConn(not self.IS_LOAD_OPER) insns.append(self.newInsn(insnClass, ops=[self._operator], parentFupConn=conn)) return insns def compileConn(self, conn, desiredTarget, inverted=False): self.compileState = self.COMPILE_RUNNING insns = [] assert(conn in self.connections) insnClass = FupCompiler_Conn.targetToInsnClass(desiredTarget, toLoad=conn.dirOut, inverted=inverted) insns.extend(self.compileAs(insnClass)) self.compileState = self.COMPILE_DONE return insns def __str__(self): extra = [] if len(self.connections) == 1: conn = getany(self.connections) elems = list(conn.getConnectedElems(viaOut=conn.dirIn, viaIn=conn.dirOut)) if elems: text = [] for elem in elems: text.append(elem.toStr()) extra.append("for " + " and ".join(text)) return self.toStr(extra=extra) class FupCompiler_ElemOperLoad(FupCompiler_ElemOper): """FUP compiler - Operand LOAD element. """ ELEM_NAME = "LOAD" IS_LOAD_OPER = True IS_EMBEDDED_OPER = False # Allow multiple compilations of LOAD operand. allowTrans_done2Running = True def __init__(self, grid, x, y, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_ElemOper.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, subType=FupCompiler_ElemOper.SUBTYPE_LOAD, content=content, **kwargs) def _doCompile(self): insns = [] # Translate the operator content self._translateContent() # Infer the instruction class from the operator. # Note that this can't distinguish between different # boolean types and always uses U. if self.operatorWidth == 1: insnClass = AwlInsn_U elif self.operatorWidth in {8, 16, 32}: insnClass = AwlInsn_L else: raise FupOperError("Invalid operator width %d " "in load operator: %s" % ( self.operatorWidth, str(self)), self) # Create the LOAD instruction. insns.extend(self.compileAs(insnClass)) return insns class FupCompiler_ElemOperAssign(FupCompiler_ElemOper): """FUP compiler - Operand ASSIGN element. """ ELEM_NAME = "STORE" IS_LOAD_OPER = False IS_EMBEDDED_OPER = False def __init__(self, grid, x, y, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_ElemOper.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, subType=FupCompiler_ElemOper.SUBTYPE_ASSIGN, content=content, **kwargs) self.__storeEmitted = False @property def isCompileEntryPoint(self): return True # This is a compilation entry point. def _doCompile(self): insns = [] # Get the element that is connected to this operator. otherElem = self._getConnectedElem() # Translate the operator. # Do this before compiling the connected element so that # the operator is available to the element. self._translateContent() # Compile the element connected to the input. if otherElem.needCompile: insns.extend(otherElem.compile()) else: if not self.__storeEmitted: insns.extend(otherElem._loadFromTemp(AwlInsn_U)) if not self.__storeEmitted: # This assign operator has not been emitted, yet. # Do a VKE store now. insns.extend(self.emitStore_VKE()) # Compile additional assign operators. # This is an optimization to avoid additional compilations # of the whole tree. We just assign the VKE once again. #FIXME this might lead to problems in evaluation order, if we have a branch with interleaved assigns and other elems. conn = getany(self.connections) for otherElem in self.sorted(conn.getConnectedElems(viaIn=True)): if otherElem.isType(self.TYPE_OPERAND, self.SUBTYPE_ASSIGN): otherElem.compileState = self.COMPILE_RUNNING insns.extend(otherElem.compileAs(AwlInsn_ASSIGN)) otherElem.compileState = self.COMPILE_DONE return insns def emitStore_VKE(self): """Emit a VKE store instruction (=) for this operator element. This does not check whether the operator actually is a boolean operator. A list of instructions is returned. """ insns = [] # Create the ASSIGN instruction. insns.extend(self.compileAs(AwlInsn_ASSIGN)) otherElem = self._getConnectedElem() # If the other element connected to this operand is a boolean and has more # than one connected element, we need to store the VKE for them. if otherElem.isType(self.TYPE_BOOLEAN): if any(len(tuple(c.getConnectedConns(getInputs=True))) > 1 for c in otherElem.outConnections): outConn = otherElem.getOutConn() insns.extend(otherElem._storeToTemp("BOOL", AwlInsn_ASSIGN, { outConn, otherElem.MAIN_RESULT })) self.__storeEmitted = True return insns def emitStore_ACCU(self): """Emit an ACCU store instruction (T) for this operator element. This does not check whether the operator actually is a non-bool operator. A list of instructions is returned. """ insns = [] # Create a transfer instruction. insns.extend(self.compileAs(AwlInsn_T)) self.__storeEmitted = True return insns class FupCompiler_ElemOperEmbedded(FupCompiler_ElemOper): """FUP compiler - Embedded operand element. """ ELEM_NAME = "EMBEDDED" IS_LOAD_OPER = False IS_EMBEDDED_OPER = True def __init__(self, grid, x, y, content, **kwargs): FupCompiler_ElemOper.__init__(self, grid=grid, x=x, y=y, subType=FupCompiler_ElemOper.SUBTYPE_EMBEDDED, content=content, **kwargs) def _doCompile(self): raise FupOperError("It's unknown how to compile " "the embedded operand.", self)