# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - GUI simulator client access # # Copyright 2014-2016 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from awlsim.gui.util import * from awlsim.gui.blocktreewidget import * from awlsim.coreclient.client import * from awlsim.coreclient.sshtunnel import * def sleepWithEventLoop(seconds, excludeInput=True): end = monotonic_time() + seconds eventFlags = QEventLoop.AllEvents |\ (QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents if excludeInput else 0) while monotonic_time() < end: QApplication.processEvents(eventFlags, 10) QThread.msleep(10) class GuiSSHTunnel(SSHTunnel, QDialog): """SSH tunnel helper with GUI. """ def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) SSHTunnel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.setLayout(QGridLayout()) self.setWindowTitle("Establishing SSH tunnel...") self.log = QPlainTextEdit(self) self.log.setFont(getDefaultFixedFont()) self.log.setReadOnly(True) self.layout().addWidget(self.log, 0, 0) self.resize(750, 180) def sleep(self, seconds): sleepWithEventLoop(seconds, excludeInput=True) def connect(self): self.hide() self.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) self.show() try: result = SSHTunnel.connect(self, timeout=None) except AwlSimError as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Failed to establish SSH tunnel", "Failed to establish SSH tunnel:\n\n%s" % str(e)) e.setSeenByUser() raise e finally: self.hide() return result def sshMessage(self, message, isDebug): """Print a SSH log message. """ if not isDebug: self.log.setPlainText(self.log.toPlainText() + "\n" + message) sb = self.log.verticalScrollBar() sb.setSliderPosition(sb.maximum()) def getPassphrase(self, prompt): """Get a password from the user. """ pw, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Please enter SSH password", "Please enter SSH password for '%s@%s':" %( self.sshUser, self.remoteHost), QLineEdit.Password) if not ok: return None try: return pw.encode("UTF-8", "ignore") except UnicodeError: return None def hostAuth(self, prompt): """Get the user answer to the host authentication question. This function returns a boolean. """ res = QMessageBox.question(self, "Confirm host authenticity?", prompt, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) return res == QMessageBox.Yes class OnlineData(QObject): """Container for data retrieved from the server. """ # Symbol table signal. # Contains only SymTabSources that can be parsed without errors. # Parameter: a list of tuples such as: # [ (SymTabSource, SymbolTable), ... ] symTabsUpdate = Signal(list) def __init__(self, client): QObject.__init__(self) self.__client = client self.reset() def reset(self): self.__symTabCache = {} def __getSymTabByIdent(self, identHash): try: symTabSrc = self.__client.getSymTabSource(identHash) if symTabSrc: return SymTabParser.parseSource(symTabSrc) except AwlSimError as e: return None return None def handle_IDENTS(self, msg): # Parse the symbol table sources symTabCache = {} symTabList = [] for symTabSrc in msg.symTabSources: identHash = symTabSrc.identHash symTab = self.__symTabCache.get(identHash, None) if symTab is None: symTab = self.__getSymTabByIdent(identHash) symTabCache[identHash] = symTab if symTab is not None: symTabList.append((symTabSrc, symTab)) self.__symTabCache = symTabCache self.symTabsUpdate.emit(symTabList) class GuiAwlSimClient(AwlSimClient, QObject): # CPU exception signal. haveException = Signal(AwlSimError) # CPU-dump signal. # Parameter: The dump text. haveCpuDump = Signal(str) # Instruction dump signal. # Parameter: AwlSimMessage_INSNSTATE instance. haveInsnDump = Signal(AwlSimMessage_INSNSTATE) # Memory update signal. # Parameter: A list of MemoryArea instances. haveMemoryUpdate = Signal(list) # Ident hashes signal. # Parameter: AwlSimMessage_IDENTS instance. haveIdentsMsg = Signal(AwlSimMessage_IDENTS) # Block info signal. # Parameter: AwlSimMessage_BLOCKINFO instance. haveBlockInfoMsg = Signal(AwlSimMessage_BLOCKINFO) # The client mode EnumGen.start MODE_OFFLINE = EnumGen.item # Not connected MODE_ONLINE = EnumGen.item # Connected to an existing core MODE_FORK = EnumGen.item # Online to a newly forked core EnumGen.end def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) AwlSimClient.__init__(self) self.onlineData = OnlineData(self) self.__setMode(self.MODE_OFFLINE) self.__blockTreeModelManager = None self.__blockTreeModel = None # Override sleep handler def sleep(self, seconds): sleepWithEventLoop(seconds, excludeInput=True) # Override exception handler def handle_EXCEPTION(self, exception): # Emit the exception signal. self.haveException.emit(exception) # Call the default exception handler. AwlSimClient.handle_EXCEPTION(self, exception) # Override cpudump handler def handle_CPUDUMP(self, dumpText): self.haveCpuDump.emit(dumpText) # Override memory update handler def handle_MEMORY(self, memAreas): self.haveMemoryUpdate.emit(memAreas) # Override instruction state handler def handle_INSNSTATE(self, msg): self.haveInsnDump.emit(msg) # Override ident hashes handler def handle_IDENTS(self, msg): self.onlineData.handle_IDENTS(msg) self.haveIdentsMsg.emit(msg) # Override block info handler def handle_BLOCKINFO(self, msg): self.haveBlockInfoMsg.emit(msg) def getMode(self): return self.__mode def __setMode(self, mode, host = None, port = None, tunnel = None): self.__mode = mode self.__host = host self.__port = port self.__tunnel = tunnel self.onlineData.reset() def shutdown(self): # Shutdown the client. # If we are in FORK mode, this will also terminate # the forked core. # If we are in ONLINE mode, this will only # close the connection and possibly the tunnel. if self.__tunnel: self.__tunnel.shutdown() self.__tunnel = None AwlSimClient.shutdown(self) self.__setMode(self.MODE_OFFLINE) def setMode_OFFLINE(self): if self.__mode == self.MODE_OFFLINE: return if self.serverProcess: # Put the spawned core into STOP state. try: if not self.setRunState(False): raise RuntimeError except (AwlSimError, RuntimeError) as e: with suppressAllExc: self.killSpawnedServer() self.shutdownTransceiver() self.__setMode(self.MODE_OFFLINE) def setMode_ONLINE(self, parentWidget, linkSettings): host = linkSettings.getConnectHost() port = linkSettings.getConnectPort() timeout = linkSettings.getConnectTimeoutMs() / 1000.0 wantTunnel = (linkSettings.getTunnel() == linkSettings.TUNNEL_SSH) sshUser = linkSettings.getSSHUser() sshPort = linkSettings.getSSHPort() sshExecutable = linkSettings.getSSHExecutable() if self.__mode == self.MODE_ONLINE: if wantTunnel and self.__tunnel: if host == self.__tunnel.remoteHost and\ port == self.__tunnel.remotePort and\ sshUser == self.__tunnel.sshUser and\ sshPort == self.__tunnel.sshPort and\ sshExecutable == self.__tunnel.sshExecutable: # We are already up and running. return elif not wantTunnel and not self.__tunnel: if self.__host == host and\ self.__port == port: # We are already up and running. return self.__interpreterList = None self.shutdown() tunnel = None try: if wantTunnel: localPort = linkSettings.getTunnelLocalPort() if localPort == linkSettings.TUNNEL_LOCPORT_AUTO: localPort = None tunnel = GuiSSHTunnel(parentWidget, remoteHost = host, remotePort = port, localPort = localPort, sshUser = sshUser, sshPort = sshPort, sshExecutable = sshExecutable ) host, port = tunnel.connect() self.__tunnel = tunnel self.connectToServer(host = host, port = port, timeout = timeout) except AwlSimError as e: with suppressAllExc: self.shutdown() raise e self.__setMode(self.MODE_ONLINE, host = host, port = port, tunnel = tunnel) def setMode_FORK(self, portRange, interpreterList=None): host = "localhost" if self.__mode == self.MODE_FORK: if self.__port in portRange and\ self.__interpreterList == interpreterList: assert(self.__host == host) # We are already up and running. return try: if self.serverProcess: if self.serverProcessPort not in portRange or\ self.__interpreterList != interpreterList: self.killSpawnedServer() if not self.serverProcess: self.spawnServer(interpreter = interpreterList, listenHost = host, listenPort = portRange) self.shutdownTransceiver() self.connectToServer(host=host, port=self.serverProcessPort, timeout=10.0) except AwlSimError as e: with suppressAllExc: self.shutdown() raise e self.__setMode(self.MODE_FORK, host=host, port=self.serverProcessPort) self.__interpreterList = interpreterList def getBlockTreeModelRef(self): """Get an ObjRef to the BlockTreeModel object.""" if not self.__blockTreeModelManager: # Create a new block tree model self.__blockTreeModelManager = ObjRefManager("BlockTreeModel", allDestroyedCallback = self.__allBlockTreeModelRefsDestroyed) self.__blockTreeModel = BlockTreeModel(self) # Connect block tree message handlers self.haveIdentsMsg.connect(self.__blockTreeModel.handle_IDENTS) self.haveBlockInfoMsg.connect(self.__blockTreeModel.handle_BLOCKINFO) self.onlineData.symTabsUpdate.connect(self.__blockTreeModel.handle_symTabInfo) return ObjRef.make("BlockTreeModel", self.__blockTreeModelManager, self.__blockTreeModel) def blockTreeModelActive(self): """Returns True, if there is at least one active ref to the BlockTreeModel.""" if self.__blockTreeModelManager: return self.__blockTreeModelManager.hasReferences return False def __allBlockTreeModelRefsDestroyed(self): # The last block tree model reference died. Destroy it. self.__blockTreeModelManager = None self.__blockTreeModel = None