# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - IEC library - FC 4 "DELETE" # # Copyright 2015 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.library.libentry import * class Lib__IEC__FC4_DELETE(AwlLibFC): libraryName = "IEC" staticIndex = 4 symbolName = "DELETE" description = "Delete STRING characters" interfaceFields = { BlockInterfaceField.FTYPE_IN : ( VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "IN", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("STRING"), desc = "Input string"), VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "L", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("INT"), desc = "Number of characters to delete"), VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "P", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("INT"), desc = "Position of first character to delete"), ), BlockInterfaceField.FTYPE_OUT : ( VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "RET_VAL", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("STRING"), desc = "Output string"), ), BlockInterfaceField.FTYPE_TEMP : ( VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "AR1_SAVE", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("DWORD"), desc = "Saved AR1 register"), VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "MAX_COPY_LEN", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("INT"), desc = "Maximum number of characters to copy"), VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "IN_END", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("DWORD"), desc = "Pointer beyond end of #IN string"), VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "DEL_START", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("DWORD"), desc = "Pointer to first deleted character in #IN"), VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "DEL_END", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("DWORD"), desc = "Pointer beyond last deleted character in #IN"), VerboseBlockIntfField(name = "RET_VAL_START", dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName("DWORD"), desc = "Pointer to start of #RET_VAL"), ), } awlCodeCopyright = "Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Buesch " awlCodeLicense = "BSD-2-clause" awlCodeIsStandard = True awlCodeVersion = "0.1" awlCode = """ TAR1 #AR1_SAVE // Save AR1 register // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load a pointer to #IN into AR1 and open the DB LAR1 P##IN // AR1 := pointer to #IN DB-pointer. L W [AR1, P#0.0] // Get the DB number from the DB-pointer. T #MAX_COPY_LEN // Abuse #MAX_COPY_LEN variable temporarily. AUF DB [#MAX_COPY_LEN] // Open the DB. L D [AR1, P#2.0] // Get the actual #IN data pointer... LAR1 // and store it in AR1. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load a pointer to #RET_VAL into AR2 and open the DB as DI LAR2 P##RET_VAL // AR1 := pointer to #RET_VAL DB-pointer. L W [AR2, P#0.0] // Get the DB number from the DB-pointer. T #MAX_COPY_LEN // Abuse #MAX_COPY_LEN variable temporarily. AUF DI [#MAX_COPY_LEN] // Open the DB as DI. L D [AR2, P#2.0] // Get the actual #RET_VAL data pointer. // If #RET_VAL points to DB (area 84) change it to DI (area 85). // This also works, if #RET_VAL points to VL (area 87). // Other areas are not possible. OD DW#16#85000000 LAR2 // Store #RET_VAL data pointer in AR2. T #RET_VAL_START // And also in #RET_VAL_START for later use. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate a pointer to the end of #IN. // #IN_END is a pointer beyond the last character if #IN. CEND: L B [AR1, P#1.0] // Get actual length of #IN. + 2 // Plus two bytes (max-len and act-len bytes). SLD 3 // Convert to pointer format. TAR1 // Accu1 := pointer to #IN string. +D // Add #IN pointer to length. T #IN_END // This is our end-pointer #IN_END. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if #L or #P is negative. L #L L #P OW // Combine #L with #P (bitwise OR). UW W#16#8000 // Mask out sign bit. SPN ERR // Jump, if sign bit is set. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate the maximum number of characters to copy. // Pseudo code: // #MAX_COPY_LEN := MIN(ACTUAL_LEN(#IN), MAX_LEN(#RET_VAL)) L B [AR2, P#0.0] // Get #RET_VAL maximum length. T #MAX_COPY_LEN // Save this as the maximum copy length. L B [AR1, P#1.0] // Get #IN actual length. <=I // If #RET_VAL max-len > #IN act-len... SPB ZCHK T #MAX_COPY_LEN // ...save #IN act-len as maximum copy length. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If #L or #P is zero or #P is bigger than the actual // length of #IN, copy the whole #IN to #RET_VAL. ZCHK: L #L OW W#16#0 // Evaluate value of #L (sets A0/A1 STW). SPZ FCPY // Jump to full copy, if L# is zero (/A0 * /A1). L #P OW W#16#0 // Evaluate value of #P (sets A0/A1 STW). SPZ FCPY // Jump to full copy, if P# is zero (/A0 * /A1). L #MAX_COPY_LEN >I // If P# > #MAX_COPY_LEN ... SPB FCPY // ...jump to full copy. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate the start and the end of the deleted area. // #DEL_START is a pointer to the first deleted character. // #DEL_END is a pointer beyond the last deleted character. TAR1 // Accu1 := pointer to #IN string. L #P // Get the delete position. + 1 // Make zero based (-1) and skip to first character (+2). SLD 3 // Convert to pointer format. +D // Add it to the #IN pointer. T #DEL_START // This is our #DEL_START pointer. L #L // Get the delete count (# of chars). SLD 3 // Convert to pointer format. +D // Add it to #DEL_START. T #DEL_END // This is our #DEL_END. L #IN_END // Compare #DEL_END to #IN_END. <=D // If #DEL_END is beyond our #IN string length... SPB SNIP // (can happen if #P + #L is too big) T #DEL_END // ...use #IN_END as our #DEL_END. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Restrict #DEL_START and #IN_END to the maximum number // of characters to copy. // First check (pseudo code): // LIMIT := #IN_PTR + ((#MAX_COPY_LEN + 2) << 3) // IF (#DEL_START > LIMIT) THEN // #DEL_START := LIMIT // #DEL_END := LIMIT // ENDIF SNIP: TAR1 // Accu1 := pointer to #IN string. L #MAX_COPY_LEN // Get maximum copy length. + 2 // Add two for max-len and act-len bytes. SLD 3 // Convert to pointer format. +D // Add to #IN pointer. L #DEL_START // Compare to #DEL_START. >=D SPB SNP2 // Jump, if bigger or equal. TAK // Save computed value as #DEL_START and #DEL_END. T #DEL_START T #DEL_END // Second check (pseudo code): // LIMIT := #IN_PTR + ((#MAX_COPY_LEN + 2) << 3) + (#DEL_END - #DEL_START) // IF (#IN_END > LIMIT) THEN // #IN_END := LIMIT // ENDIF SNP2: L #DEL_END // Subtract #DEL_START from #DEL_END. L #DEL_START -D L #MAX_COPY_LEN // Get maximum copy length. + 2 // Add two for max-len and act-len bytes. SLD 3 // Convert to pointer format. +D // Add to computed del range. TAR1 // Accu1 := pointer to #IN string. +D // Add #IN pointer to computed value. L #IN_END // Compare to #IN_END. >=D SPB SKIP // Jump, if bigger or equal. TAK // Save computed value as #IN_END. T #IN_END // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Skip the max-len and actual-len bytes in #IN and #RET_VAL. // This makes both pointers point to the first character. SKIP: +AR1 P#2.0 // Skip 2 bytes in #IN string. +AR2 P#2.0 // Skip 2 bytes in #RET_VAL string. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy the first part of the string from #IN to #RET_VAL. // (The part before the deleted section) CPY1: TAR1 // Accu1 := pointer to #IN string. L #DEL_START // Get the end of the first copy chunk. >=D // If current pointer is beyond end of chunk... SPB DEL // ...jump to second chunk (the part after del). L B [AR1, P#0.0] // Get one character from #IN. T B [AR2, P#0.0] // Put the character to #RET_VAL. +AR1 P#1.0 // Increment #IN pointer. +AR2 P#1.0 // Increment #RET_VAL pointer. SPA CPY1 // Jump back to first copy loop start. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copy the second part of the string from #IN to #RET_VAL. // (The part after the deleted section) DEL: LAR1 #DEL_END // AR1 := pointer to second chunk of #IN string. CPY2: TAR1 // Accu1 := pointer to #IN string. L #IN_END // Get the end of the second copy chunk. >=D // If current pointer is beyond end of chunk... SPB WLEN // ...we are done and jump to writing the length. L B [AR1, P#0.0] // Get one character from #IN. T B [AR2, P#0.0] // Put the character to #RET_VAL. +AR1 P#1.0 // Increment #IN pointer. +AR2 P#1.0 // Increment #RET_VAL pointer. SPA CPY2 // Jump back to second copy loop start. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write #RET_VAL actual length // Calculate it from AR2. // AR2 currently points one character beyond the #RET_VAL string. // (So it represents the actual length of the string.) WLEN: TAR2 // Accu1 := #RET_VAL pointer (AR2). L #RET_VAL_START // Get the start pointer to the #RET_VAL string. LAR2 // Save the start pointer (for later use) in AR2. -D // Subtract #RET_VAL start pointer from actual pointer. SRD 3 // Convert from pointer format to byte count. + -2 // Subtract two bytes (max-len and actual-len bytes). T B [AR2, P#1.0] // We have the #RET_VAL actual length. Store it in #RET_VAL. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Everything is Ok. SET // VKE := 1 SAVE // BIE := 1 END: LAR1 #AR1_SAVE // Restore AR1 register // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEA // BLOCK END // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do a full copy of all #IN characters to #RET_VAL. // Set #DEL_START and #DEL_END to #IN string end (that is #IN_END), // so nothing will get deleted. FCPY: L #IN_END T #DEL_START T #DEL_END SPA SNIP // Jump to the copying routine. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Input value error handler (#P or #L have invalid values). ERR: L 0 T B [AR2, P#1.0] // #RET_VAL actual string length := 0 CLR // VKE := 0 SAVE // BIE := 0 SPA END // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BE // BLOCK END """ AwlLib.registerEntry(Lib__IEC__FC4_DELETE)