from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape __all__ = [ "ParseError", "XMLParser", ] def unescapeattr(d): return unescape(d.replace(" ", "\t").replace(" ", "\r").replace(" ", "\n")) class ParseError(Exception): pass class XMLParser(object): class __Tag(object): def __init__(self, skip=0, state="tagname"): = "" = [] self.attrs = {} self.attrName = [] self.attrData = [] self.attrQuote = '"' self.end = False self.skip = skip self.state = state def __init__(self, html=0, target=None, encoding=None): assert target, "'target' must be provided. Standard TreeBuilder currently not implemented." = target def feed(self, text): tag = None tree = [] if not isinstance(text, str): text = text.decode("UTF-8") for i, c in enumerate(text): if tag and tag.skip > 0: tag.skip -= 1 continue if tag and tag.end: if tag.state not in ("comment", "head", "cdata"):"".join( tree.pop() prevTag = tree[-1] if tree else None if tag.state == "cdata" and prevTag: tag = prevTag # Fall through if tag and tag.state == "comment": if text.startswith("-->", i): tag.skip = 2 tag.end = True continue if tag and tag.state == "head": if text.startswith("?>", i): tag.skip = 1 tag.end = True continue if tag and tag.state == "cdata": if text.startswith("]]>", i): tag.skip = 2 tag.end = True else: continue if tag and tag.state == "attrname": if c == "=": if text.startswith('="', i): tag.attrQuote = '"' elif text.startswith("='", i): tag.attrQuote = "'" else: raise ParseError("Invalid attribute quoting.") tag.skip = 1 # skip quote tag.state = "attrdata" tag.attrData = [] else: tag.attrName.append(c) continue if tag and tag.state == "attrdata": if c == tag.attrQuote: tag.state = "taghead" tag.attrs["".join(tag.attrName)] = unescapeattr("".join(tag.attrData)) tag.attrName = [] tag.attrData = [] else: tag.attrData.append(c) continue if tag and tag.state == "taghead": if c == ">":, tag.attrs) tag.state = "data" elif text.startswith("/>", i):, tag.attrs) tag.skip = 1 tag.end = True elif not c.isspace(): tag.attrName = [c] tag.state = "attrname" continue if tag and tag.state == "tagname": if c.isspace() or c == ">": if c == ">": tag.state = "data", tag.attrs) else: tag.state = "taghead" else: += c continue if text.startswith("