""" * Tiny USB stack - Descriptor table generator * * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Michael Buesch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. """ import sys import atexit # bcdUSB USB_BCD_10 = 0x0100 USB_BCD_11 = 0x0110 USB_BCD_20 = 0x0200 USB_TYPE_STANDARD = 0x00 << 5 USB_TYPE_CLASS = 0x01 << 5 USB_TYPE_VENDOR = 0x02 << 5 USB_TYPE_RESERVED = 0x03 << 5 # Descriptor types USB_DT_DEVICE = 0x01 USB_DT_CONFIG = 0x02 USB_DT_STRING = 0x03 USB_DT_INTERFACE = 0x04 USB_DT_ENDPOINT = 0x05 # HID descriptor types HID_DT_HID = USB_TYPE_CLASS | 0x01 HID_DT_REPORT = USB_TYPE_CLASS | 0x02 HID_DT_PHYSICAL = USB_TYPE_CLASS | 0x03 # Descriptor sizes per descriptor type USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE = 18 USB_DT_CONFIG_SIZE = 9 USB_DT_INTERFACE_SIZE = 9 USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE = 7 USB_DT_ENDPOINT_AUDIO_SIZE = 9 USB_DT_HUB_NONVAR_SIZE = 7 # from config descriptor bmAttributes USB_CONFIG_ATT_ONE = 1 << 7 # must be set USB_CONFIG_ATT_SELFPOWER = 1 << 6 # self powered USB_CONFIG_ATT_WAKEUP = 1 << 5 # can wakeup USB_CONFIG_ATT_BATTERY = 1 << 4 # battery powered # Device and/or Interface Class codes USB_CLASS_PER_INTERFACE = 0 # for DeviceClass USB_CLASS_AUDIO = 1 USB_CLASS_COMM = 2 USB_CLASS_HID = 3 USB_CLASS_PRINTER = 7 USB_CLASS_PTP = 6 USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE = 8 USB_CLASS_HUB = 9 USB_CLASS_DATA = 10 USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC = 0xff # EP directions USB_ENDPOINT_IN = 0x80 USB_ENDPOINT_OUT = 0x00 # EP bmAttributes USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK = 0x03 USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_CONTROL = 0 USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_ISOC = 1 USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK = 2 USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT = 3 USB_ENDPOINT_MAX_ADJUSTABLE = 0x80 class Descriptor(object): STRDESC = 0xFF def __init__(self, parentDevice=None): self.parentDevice = parentDevice self.attributes = {} self.index = 0 def getParentDevice(self): if self.parentDevice: return self.parentDevice return self @staticmethod def name2type(name): if name.startswith("bcd") or\ name.startswith("id") or\ name.startswith("w"): return 16 if name.startswith("i"): return Descriptor.STRDESC if name.startswith("bm") or\ name.startswith("b"): return 8 raise Exception("Could not determine type from name '%s'" % name) def __createValue(self, name, value): if self.name2type(name) == Descriptor.STRDESC: sd = StringDescriptor(value) self.getParentDevice().addStringDescriptor(sd) return sd return value def __destroyValue(self, name, value): if self.name2type(name) == Descriptor.STRDESC: self.getParentDevice().removeStringDescriptor(value) def alloc(self, name, value): if name in self.attributes: raise Exception("Attribute " + name + " double allocation") self.attributes[name] = [self.index, self.__createValue(name, value)] self.index += 1 def set(self, name, value): if not name in self.attributes: raise Exception("Attribute " + name + " not found") self.__destroyValue(name, self.attributes[name][1]) self.attributes[name][1] = self.__createValue(name, value) def getValue(self, name): if not name in self.attributes: raise Exception("Attribute " + name + " not found") (index, value) = self.attributes[name] return value def getList(self): # Returns a list of (name, value) tuples. l = [ None ] * len(self.attributes) for attrName in self.attributes: (index, value) = self.attributes[attrName] l[index] = (attrName, value) return l class StringDescriptor(object): def __init__(self, string=None, ccode=None, strId=None): if ccode is None: ccode = [] uni = string.encode("UTF-16")[2:] for i in range(0, len(uni), 2): pfx = "" if i != 0 and i % 8 == 0: pfx = "\n\t" ccode.append("%s0x%02X, 0x%02X" %\ (pfx, ord(uni[i+1]), ord(uni[i]))) self.ccode = ", ".join(ccode) self.text = string else: self.ccode = ccode self.text = ccode self.strId = strId def getId(self): return self.strId def setId(self, strId): self.strId = strId def getText(self): return self.text def getCCode(self): return self.ccode class Device(Descriptor): def __init__(self): Descriptor.__init__(self) self.configs = [] self.stringDescs = [] # Only one language for now langSd = StringDescriptor(ccode="0x09, 0x04", strId=0) # Language ID (US) self.addStringDescriptor(langSd) self.alloc("bLength", USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE) self.alloc("bDescriptorType", USB_DT_DEVICE) self.alloc("bcdUSB", USB_BCD_11) self.alloc("bDeviceClass", 0) self.alloc("bDeviceSubClass", 0) self.alloc("bDeviceProtocol", 0) self.alloc("bMaxPacketSize0", 0) self.alloc("idVendor", 0x6666) self.alloc("idProduct", 0x1337) self.alloc("bcdDevice", 0) self.alloc("iManufacturer", "") self.alloc("iProduct", "") self.alloc("iSerialNumber", "") self.alloc("bNumConfigurations", 0) def addConfiguration(self, configuration): self.configs.append(configuration) def addStringDescriptor(self, sd): self.stringDescs.append(sd) def removeStringDescriptor(self, sd): self.stringDescs.remove(sd) def __setStringDescriptorIds(self): nextId = 1 for sd in self.stringDescs: if sd.getId() is not None: continue sd.setId(nextId) nextId += 1 def __autoConfig(self): self.set("bNumConfigurations", len(self.configs)) configNr = 1 interfNr = 0 for config in self.configs: totalLength = config.getValue("bLength") config.set("bConfigurationValue", configNr) configNr += 1 config.set("bNumInterfaces", len(config.interfaces)) for interface in config.interfaces: totalLength += interface.getValue("bLength") interface.set("bInterfaceNumber", interfNr) interfNr += 1 interface.set("bNumEndpoints", len(interface.endpoints)) for ep in interface.endpoints: totalLength += ep.getValue("bLength") if interface.hiddevice: totalLength += interface.hiddevice.getValue("bLength") config.set("wTotalLength", totalLength) def __attrParse(self, attr): (name, value) = attr attrType = Descriptor.name2type(name) if attrType == Descriptor.STRDESC: sd = value value = "0x%02X, " % sd.getId() elif attrType == 8: value = "0x%02X, " % int(value) elif attrType == 16: value = int(value) value = "0x%02X, 0x%02X, " % (value & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF) else: raise Exception("Unknown type (%s)" % str(attrType)) return (name, attrType, value) def __attrDump(self, attrList): s = [] count = 0 for attr in attrList: (name, attrType, value) = self.__attrParse(attr) s.append(value) if attrType == 16: count += 2 else: count += 1 if count % 10 == 0 and count != 0: s.append("\n\t") return ("".join(s), count) def __repr__(self): self.__setStringDescriptorIds() self.__autoConfig() s = [ "/*** THIS FILE IS GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT! ***/\n\n" ] s.append("struct descriptor_ptr {\n") s.append("\tconst void * USB_PROGMEM ptr;\n") s.append("\tuint8_t size;\n") s.append("};\n\n") s.append("static const uint8_t USB_PROGMEM device_descriptor[] = {\n\t") (string, cnt) = self.__attrDump(self.getList()) s.append(string) s.append("\n};\n\n") configNr = 0 for config in self.configs: count = 0 s.append("static const uint8_t USB_PROGMEM config%d_descriptor[] = {\n\t" % configNr) (string, cnt) = self.__attrDump(config.getList()) s.append(string) count += cnt s.append("\n") for interface in config.interfaces: s.append("\t/* Interface */\n\t") (string, cnt) = self.__attrDump(interface.getList()) s.append(string) count += cnt s.append("\n") if interface.hiddevice: s.append("\t/* HID Device */\n\t") (string, cnt) = self.__attrDump(interface.hiddevice.getList()) s.append(string) s.append("\n\t#define HID_DEVICE_DESC_OFFSET\t%d" % count) count += cnt s.append("\n") for ep in interface.endpoints: s.append("\t/* Endpoint */\n\t") (string, cnt) = self.__attrDump(ep.getList()) s.append(string) count += cnt s.append("\n") s.append("};\n\n") configNr += 1 s.append("static const struct descriptor_ptr USB_PROGMEM config_descriptor_ptrs[] = {\n") for i in range(0, len(self.configs)): s.append("\t{\n") s.append("\t\t.ptr\t= config%d_descriptor,\n" % i) s.append("\t\t.size\t= sizeof(config%d_descriptor),\n" % i) s.append("\t},\n") s.append("};\n\n") for sd in self.stringDescs: s.append("\n/* %d: " % sd.getId()) s.append(sd.getText()) s.append(" */\n") s.append("static const char USB_PROGMEM string%d_descriptor[] = {\n" % sd.getId()) s.append("\t%s\n};\n" % sd.getCCode()) s.append("\n") s.append("static const struct descriptor_ptr USB_PROGMEM string_descriptor_ptrs[] = {\n") for sd in self.stringDescs: s.append("\t{\n") s.append("\t\t.ptr\t= string%d_descriptor,\n" % sd.getId()) s.append("\t\t.size\t= sizeof(string%d_descriptor),\n" % sd.getId()) s.append("\t},\n") s.append("};\n\n") return "".join(s) def dump(self): print self class Configuration(Descriptor): def __init__(self, device): Descriptor.__init__(self, device) self.device = device device.addConfiguration(self) self.interfaces = [] self.alloc("bLength", USB_DT_CONFIG_SIZE) self.alloc("bDescriptorType", USB_DT_CONFIG) self.alloc("wTotalLength", 0) self.alloc("bNumInterfaces", 0) self.alloc("bConfigurationValue", 0) self.alloc("iConfiguration", "") self.alloc("bmAttributes", 0) self.alloc("bMaxPower", 500 / 2) def addInterface(self, interface): self.interfaces.append(interface) class Interface(Descriptor): def __init__(self, configuration): Descriptor.__init__(self, configuration.getParentDevice()) self.configuration = configuration configuration.addInterface(self) self.endpoints = [] self.hiddevice = None self.alloc("bLength", USB_DT_INTERFACE_SIZE) self.alloc("bDescriptorType", USB_DT_INTERFACE) self.alloc("bInterfaceNumber", 0) self.alloc("bAlternateSetting", 0) self.alloc("bNumEndpoints", 0) self.alloc("bInterfaceClass", 0) self.alloc("bInterfaceSubClass", 0) self.alloc("bInterfaceProtocol", 0) self.alloc("iInterface", "") def addEndpoint(self, endpoint): self.endpoints.append(endpoint) def addHIDDevice(self, hidDevice): if (self.hiddevice): raise Exception("Only one HID device") self.hiddevice = hidDevice class Endpoint(Descriptor): def __init__(self, interface): Descriptor.__init__(self, interface.getParentDevice()) self.interface = interface interface.addEndpoint(self) self.alloc("bLength", USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE) self.alloc("bDescriptorType", USB_DT_ENDPOINT) self.alloc("bEndpointAddress", 0) self.alloc("bmAttributes", 0) self.alloc("wMaxPacketSize", 0) self.alloc("bInterval", 0) class HIDDevice(Descriptor): def __init__(self, interface): Descriptor.__init__(self, interface.getParentDevice()) self.interface = interface interface.addHIDDevice(self) self.alloc("bLength", 9) self.alloc("bDescriptorType", HID_DT_HID) self.alloc("bcdHID", 0x0111) self.alloc("bCountryCode", 0) self.alloc("bNumDescriptors", 0) self.alloc("bClassDescriptorType", 0) self.alloc("wClassDescriptorLength", 0) device = Device() try: device.set("idVendor", int(sys.argv[1], 16)) device.set("idProduct", int(sys.argv[2], 16)) except (ValueError, IndexError), e: pass atexit.register(device.dump)