# HAL config file for Rugludallur Plasma Cutting Table using classic ladder # Loads the dallur-advanced.hal file first to set up motion and stepgen # for a 3 axis stepper system where Axis A is slaved to Axis Y # This adds limits and home from limit to the motion module # Adds ESTOP button (with classicladder) # Creates Charge Pump Signals for 2 Parallel ports on pins 17 # Includes unused intermittent lube pump and pressure or level sensing # Includes unused coolant # Spindle forward is used for "Torch ON" signal, reverse is not used # Load Driver for Two Parallel Ports, one for Breakout Board, other for Plasma Torch Height Control loadrt hal_parport cfg="0xa400 0xac00" # Connect both Paralell Ports to Threads for Read / Write addf parport.0.read base-thread 1 addf parport.0.write base-thread -1 addf parport.1.read base-thread 1 addf parport.1.write base-thread -1 # This configuration uses classicladder for machine logic # (load the realtime portion) # these classicladder parameters need to be optimized after ladder completion loadrt classicladder_rt numRungs=10 numBits=20 numWords=4 numTimers=5 numMonostables=2 numPhysInputs=20 numPhysOutputs=10 numArithmExpr=4 numSections=4 # We kick ladder into a thread at the slower servo rate rather than base rate addf classicladder.0.refresh servo-thread 1 # invoke the user part of CL to silently load the program # later we will need to add the clp file mentioned below # to the ini file so that we do not need to hardcode it here. loadusr -w classicladder --nogui dallur-advanced.clp # load the GUI aswell loadusr classicladder #Reverse Direction for A(Auxilary) Axis so both motors drive in same direction setp parport.0.pin-09-out-invert 1 # begin to connect physical pins to signals # this is EMC's standard motion pinouts #Axis for Cart, single stepper motor marked Axis X in breakout net Xstep parport.0.pin-02-out net Xdir parport.0.pin-06-out #Axis for Gantry, primary stepper motor (same side as ctrl box), marked Axis Y in breakout net Ystep parport.0.pin-03-out net Ydir parport.0.pin-07-out #Axis for Gantry, secondary stepper motor (other side of ctrl box), marked Axis A(Auxilary) in breakout net Ystep parport.0.pin-05-out net Ydir parport.0.pin-09-out #Axis for Height Control, single stepper motor marked Axis Z in breakout net Zstep parport.0.pin-04-out net Zdir parport.0.pin-08-out #Enable signals not used because of Charge Pump #linksp Yen parport.0.pin-06-out #linksp Yen parport.0.pin-09-out #linksp Xen parport.0.pin-03-out # Estop signals # This signal is the internal or gui estop command from EMC net estop-out iocontrol.0.user-enable-out classicladder.0.in-00 # This is a one-shot on timer when signal above goes high. net estop-in iocontrol.0.user-request-enable classicladder.0.in-02 # This bit is an external estop button connected to parport pin 10 net ext-estop parport.0.pin-10-in net ext-estop classicladder.0.in-01 # This bit signal is comand to estop from CL to EMC net emc-enable-in iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in classicladder.0.out-00 # Spindle Signal, forward drives Torch ON # Spindle reverse is not used (might be used for a Running Start later) net turn_torch_on parport.1.pin-01-out #net spindle-reverse spindle.0.reverse parport.0.pin-17-out #Create a limit switch signal for each axis #Read limit switches from normally open circuit on parport 0 net limit-reached-x parport.0.pin-11-in-not net limit-reached-y parport.0.pin-12-in-not net limit-reached-z parport.0.pin-13-in-not net limit-reached-a parport.0.pin-15-in-not #Connect all limit signals to relevant axes net limit-reached-x joint.0.neg-lim-sw-in net limit-reached-x joint.0.pos-lim-sw-in net limit-reached-y joint.1.neg-lim-sw-in net limit-reached-y joint.1.pos-lim-sw-in net limit-reached-a joint.1.neg-lim-sw-in net limit-reached-a joint.1.neg-lim-sw-in net limit-reached-z joint.2.neg-lim-sw-in net limit-reached-z joint.2.neg-lim-sw-in ########## Charge Pump ######### # This is for Charge Pump which requires a 15khz signal to activate, maxfreq is the limiter loadrt freqgen step_type=0 loadrt siggen loadrt threads name1=fastcp period1=30000 name2=slowcp period2=1000000 net velcp siggen.0.square net velcp freqgen.0.velocity net stepcp freqgen.0.step addf siggen.0.update slowcp addf freqgen.update-freq slowcp addf freqgen.make-pulses fastcp setp freqgen.0.velocity-scale 1000000 setp freqgen.0.maxfreq 15000 net stepcp parport.0.pin-17-out net stepcp parport.1.pin-17-out ###########Torch Height Control ######## # Load the neccessary functions loadrt mux2 count=7 loadrt or2 count=4 loadrt not count=4 loadrt sum2 count=2 loadrt comp count=2 loadrt and2 count=2 # Make a sensor for the ARC OK signal with an active low net senseArcOKInverted <= parport.1.pin-15-in # Invert ArcOK Signal to so TRUE = Arc ON (active high) net senseArcOKInverted not.0.in net senseArcOK not.0.out # Make a sensor for the Move Down bit from the THC, active low net senseZDownInverted <= parport.1.pin-11-in # Invert SenseDown Signal to so TRUE = Sense Down (active high) net senseZDownInverted not.1.in net senseZDown not.1.out # Make a sensor for the Move Up bit from the THC, this signal is active low net senseZUpInverted <= parport.1.pin-12-in # Invert senseZUp Signal to so TRUE = Sense Up (active high) net senseZUpInverted not.2.in net senseZUp not.2.out # Make a sensor for the Z Float Switch # Invert because THC has active low # The Z float switch is a proxmity sensor from torch to work piece # PNP or NPN Capacative or Inductive switches are recomended, Capacative for non metals but Inductive for metals net senseZFloatSwitchInverted <= parport.1.pin-13-in # invert the senseZFloatSwitch so TRUE = At distance (active high) net senseZFloatSwitchInverted not.3.in net senseZFloatSwitch not.3.out # Create signals to move Axis Y up or down with destinations, Y should never reach destination because as soon # as the axis moves the input signal will change and disconnect the signal at the mux # In the future it would be good to pull estop if Z axis is ever >= ZMaxCord sets ZMinCord 0 sets ZMaxCord 300 # Create signals to join the moveUP from parport and the one from init net senseZDown or2.0.in0 net moveZtoFloat or2.0.in1 net moveZDown or2.0.out net senseZUp or2.1.in0 net moveZtoSafe or2.1.in1 net moveZUp or2.1.out net moveZtoFloat or2.2.in0 net moveZtoSafe or2.2.in1 net moveZtoOK or2.2.out net LockPierceHeight or2.3.in0 net moveZtoOK or2.3.in1 net moveZEnabled or2.3.out addf or2.0 servo-thread addf or2.1 servo-thread addf or2.2 servo-thread addf or2.3 servo-thread addf not.0 servo-thread addf not.1 servo-thread addf not.2 servo-thread addf not.3 servo-thread # Mux the zpos-cmd and UpDest based on the state of the senseZUp signal net Zpos-cmd mux2.0.in0 net ZMinCord mux2.0.in1 net moveZUp mux2.0.sel net ZMinCord-Zpos-cmd-muxed mux2.0.out addf mux2.0 servo-thread # Mux the zpos-cmd and ZMaxCord based on the state of the senseZDown signal net Zpos-cmd mux2.1.in0 net ZMaxCord mux2.1.in1 net moveZDown mux2.1.sel net ZMaxCord-Zpos-cmd-muxed mux2.1.out addf mux2.1 servo-thread # Mux ZMaxCord-Zpos-cmd-muxed and UpDest-Zpos-cmd-muxed net ZMinCord-Zpos-cmd-muxed mux2.2.in0 net ZMaxCord-Zpos-cmd-muxed mux2.2.in1 net moveZDown mux2.2.sel net Zpos-cmd-muxed mux2.2.out addf mux2.2 servo-thread #Disconnect Machine/Manual Axis Z Control while ArcOK for safety and to eliminate jitter net Zpos-instructed-cmd <= joint.2.motor-pos-cmd net Zpos-instructed-cmd => mux2.3.in0 net Zpos-fb => mux2.3.in1 net moveZEnabled => mux2.3.sel net Zpos-cmd <= mux2.3.out addf mux2.3 servo-thread # Feedhold is used to halt gcode execution while torch is placed at correct initial height # feedhold, uses G50 adaptive feed input sets zero 0.0 sets one 1.0 net adaptive-feed mux2.4.out net adaptive-feed motion.adaptive-feed net one mux2.4.in0 net zero mux2.4.in1 # Not only do we want to set temp. to 0 we also want to pause state within GUI App, this way the user has to confirm before cutting starts # Pause state will be maintained even after feedrate has been reset to 1 # This is can now be shut off/turned on from the VCP UI net feed-hold mux2.4.sel # To remove the manual pause comment out the following line #linksp feed-hold halui.program.pause net feed-hold and2.0.in0 net ManualVerifyBeforePierce and2.0.in1 net program.pause halui.program.pause and2.0.out addf mux2.4 servo-thread # Create the signals for classicladder to control parts of THC net senseZFloatSwitch => classicladder.0.in-03 net moveZtoFloat classicladder.0.out-03 net moveZtoSafe classicladder.0.out-04 net senseArcOK classicladder.0.in-04 net spindle-forward classicladder.0.in-05 <= spindle.0.forward net feed-hold classicladder.0.out-06 net turn_torch_on classicladder.0.out-05 net ui_mode_is_auto halui.mode.is-auto net ui_mode_is_auto classicladder.0.in-06 ############## PierceGap & SwitchTravel ############ # These parameters control the SwitchTravel and PierceGap, later we hope to have piercegap automatically set # from the tools table as there will be a tool for each amp setting with cutting/gauging consumables sets SwitchTravel 10 sets PierceHeight 50 sets ArcStartTimeout 5 sets PierceDelay 0.2 sets EnablePierceDelay 1 # Add PierceGap to SwitchTravel, add this to the height at the moment LockPierceHeight is received # Make a new height signal which is PierceGap+SwitchTravel+LockPierceHeight # Tell the stepgen to move to the newly calculated position net SwitchTravel sum2.0.in0 net PierceGap sum2.0.in1 net WorkStandOff sum2.0.out net Zpos-fb => sum2.1.in0 net WorkStandOff => sum2.1.in1 #FIXME add a proper name net mux2-sum2 mux2.6.in0 <= sum2.1.out net PierceHeight mux2.6.in1 net PierceHeight mux2.6.out net LockPierceHeight mux2.6.sel net Zpos-cmd-muxed mux2.5.in0 net PierceHeight mux2.5.in1 net MoveZtoPierceHeight mux2.5.sel net Z-pos-cmd mux2.5.out stepgen.2.position-cmd addf mux2.5 servo-thread addf mux2.6 servo-thread addf sum2.0 servo-thread addf sum2.1 servo-thread addf comp.0 servo-thread addf comp.1 servo-thread addf and2.0 servo-thread addf and2.1 servo-thread # Also make sure we tell classicladder when we are at pierce height so it can turn on the torch net PierceHeight comp.0.in0 net Zpos-fb comp.0.in1 net TorchIsAtPierceHeight comp.0.out # make a signal so we do not turn Arc ON while the program is paused # put it through OR to make sure pause only affects operations while # mode is not manual net PauseIsOn halui.program.is-paused net PauseIsOn and2.0.in0 net ui_mode_is_auto and2.0.in1 net ProgramIsPaused and2.0.out # If for some reason the Z location is further down or equal than the maximum Z coord we estop! # if this happens it means that a. there is no work piece, b the torch is stuck, c the Floatswitch is broken net ZMaxCord comp.1.in0 net Zpos-fb comp.1.in1 net limit-estop comp.1.out # This is an estop signal used when THC has detected a limit error net limit-estop classicladder.0.in-11 net TorchIsAtPierceHeight classicladder.0.in-07 net LockPierceHeight classicladder.0.out-07 net MoveZtoPierceHeight classicladder.0.out-08 #linksp PierceDelay classicladder.0.in-08 #linksp ArcStartTimeout classicladder.0.in-09 net ProgramIsPaused classicladder.0.in-10 net EnablePierceDelay classicladder.0.in-12 sets EnablePierceDelay 1 ############ Corner Height Lock ##################