# this file contains the HAL configuration for Roland's Mazak # # kinematics loadrt [KINS]KINEMATICS # first load the motion controller, get name and thread periods from ini file loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT base_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]BASE_PERIOD servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD # next load I/O drivers. This retrofit uses three different I/O devices # # 1) MOTENC-Lite card, for analog outs to drives, encoder feedback, and # some digital I/O. # loadrt hal_motenc # 2) AXIOM AX5214H card, for 48 digital I/O # we are using 32 inputs and 16 outputs, with the outputs on port # C, which can be converted to inputs 4 bits at a time. # loadrt hal_ax5214h cfg="0x220_iiooiioo" # 3) Parallel Port, driving PMDX-122 card. This provides a charge pump # type watchdog, and also provides a small number of inputs that # can be sampled at a higher rate. The jogwheel comes in thru this # card and is counted in software. # loadrt hal_parport cfg="0x0378_in" # 4) Weighted summer, driven by toolchanger slot position inputs # This adds together the 5 bits (with bit 4 being equal to 13) # and outputs the sum as an S32 # loadrt weighted_sum wsum_sizes=5 # I/O Mapping - Physical I/O points to driver pins # -------------------------------------------------------- # OPTO-22 board IO-1 input module 0 is ax5214h.0.in-24 # OPTO-22 board IO-1 input module 1 is ax5214h.0.in-25 # " " " # OPTO-22 board IO-1 input module 14 is ax5214h.0.in-38 # OPTO-22 board IO-1 input module 15 is ax5214h.0.in-39 # OPTO-22 board IO-1 output module 16 is ax5214h.0.out-40 # OPTO-22 board IO-1 output module 17 is ax5214h.0.out-41 # " " " # OPTO-22 board IO-1 output module 22 is ax5214h.0.out-46 # OPTO-22 board IO-1 output module 23 is ax5214h.0.out-47 # -------------------------------------------------------- # OPTO-22 board IO-2 input module 0 is ax5214h.0.in-00 # OPTO-22 board IO-2 input module 1 is ax5214h.0.in-01 # " " " # OPTO-22 board IO-2 input module 14 is ax5214h.0.in-14 # OPTO-22 board IO-2 input module 15 is ax5214h.0.in-15 # OPTO-22 board IO-2 output module 16 is ax5214h.0.out-16 # OPTO-22 board IO-2 output module 17 is ax5214h.0.out-17 # " " " # OPTO-22 board IO-2 output module 22 is ax5214h.0.out-22 # OPTO-22 board IO-2 output module 23 is ax5214h.0.out-23 # -------------------------------------------------------- # OPTO-22 board IO-3 output module 0 is motenc.3.out-15 # OPTO-22 board IO-3 output module 1 is motenc.3.out-14 # " " " # OPTO-22 board IO-3 output module 6 is motenc.3.out-01 # OPTO-22 board IO-3 output module 7 is motenc.3.out-00 # OPTO-22 board IO-3 input module 8 is motenc.3.in-16 # OPTO-22 board IO-3 input module 9 is motenc.3.in-17 # " " " # OPTO-22 board IO-3 input module 22 is motenc.3.in-30 # OPTO-22 board IO-3 input module 23 is motenc.3.in-31 # -------------------------------------------------------- # Breakout board IO-4 output chan 0 is motenc.3.out-00 # Breakout board IO-4 output chan 1 is motenc.3.out-01 # " " " # Breakout board IO-4 output chan 6 is motenc.3.out-06 # Breakout board IO-4 output chan 7 is motenc.3.out-07 # Breakout board IO-4 input chan 0 is motenc.3.in-00 # Breakout board IO-4 input chan 1 is motenc.3.in-01 # " " " # Breakout board IO-4 input chan 14 is motenc.3.in-14 # Breakout board IO-4 input chan 15 is motenc.3.in-15 # -------------------------------------------------------- # Now we load some more HAL components: # # the rest of these components implement spindle speed # scaling (for high/low shifting) and spindle orient loadrt mux2 count=2 loadrt mux4 count=1 loadrt wcomp count=2 loadrt scale count=3 loadrt modmath mod_dir=2 loadrt charge_pump loadrt tristate_bit loadrt tristate_float count=3 loadrt conv_s32_float # Software encoder counter, for the jogwheel, and possibly a future # small manual encoder for a feedrate override knob. # loadrt encoder num_chan=1 # PID loops: 3 for axis control and one for spindle orient # loadrt pid num_chan=4 # classicladder for machine logic # (load the realtime portion) loadrt classicladder_rt numRungs=50 numBits=50 numWords=8 numTimers=20 numMonostables=10 numPhysInputs=50 numPhysOutputs=40 numArithmExpr=4 numSections=4 # invoke the user part of CL to silently load the program loadusr -w classicladder --nogui demo_mazak.clp # load debounce to handle the pushbuttons on the operator panels loadrt debounce cfg="8" setp debounce.0.delay 3 # ----------------------------------------------- # connect I/O driver functions to thread(s) # addf motenc.3.encoder-read servo-thread addf motenc.3.digital-in-read servo-thread addf ax5214h.0.read servo-thread addf encoder.capture-position servo-thread addf motenc.3.adc-read servo-thread # convert IO to internally useful representations addf scale.2 servo-thread # converter for tool magazine position addf process_wsums servo-thread addf mod-dir.0 servo-thread addf mod-dir.1 servo-thread # ladder logic is executed once all the inputs are read #addf classicladder.0.refresh servo-thread # adaptive feedrate mux addf mux2.1 servo-thread # now we run the motion controller addf motion-command-handler servo-thread addf motion-controller servo-thread # ladder logic is executed once all the inputs are read addf classicladder.0.refresh servo-thread # charge pump can run just about any time addf charge-pump servo-thread # pid calculations are done after the motion module # has determined new position commands. addf pid.0.do-pid-calcs servo-thread addf pid.1.do-pid-calcs servo-thread addf pid.2.do-pid-calcs servo-thread # spindle signal handling is done next addf pid.3.do-pid-calcs servo-thread addf mux2.0 servo-thread addf scale.0 servo-thread addf scale.1 servo-thread addf mux4.0 servo-thread addf wcomp.0 servo-thread addf wcomp.1 servo-thread addf tristate-bit.0 servo-thread # misc stuff (jogwheel scale, tool number display) addf tristate-float.0 servo-thread addf tristate-float.1 servo-thread addf tristate-float.2 servo-thread addf conv-s32-float.0 servo-thread # output drivers are loaded last addf motenc.3.dac-write servo-thread addf motenc.3.digital-out-write servo-thread addf ax5214h.0.write servo-thread addf parport.0.write servo-thread # the base thread (fast thread) isn't needed for step pulse # generation since this is a servo machine. However we use # it to sample the jogwheel signals and count them in software addf parport.0.read base-thread addf encoder.update-counters base-thread # ------------------------------------------------- # Next, create signals with meaningful names, and attach them to the # physical pins. There are a lot of these, so they are broken up # --------------------------------------------------- # ESTOP and related signals net external-estop-ok ax5214h.0.in-24 net gui-estop-ok iocontrol.0.user-enable-out net main-estop-ok parport.0.pin-01-out net main-estop-ok iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in net main-estop-ok charge-pump.enable net estop-reset iocontrol.0.user-request-enable net charge-pump parport.0.pin-17-out net charge-pump charge-pump.out # servo power supply control net AP1 motenc.3.out-00 net AP2 motenc.3.out-01 # motion enable - this signal prevents the motion controller # from starting unless everything is OK (comes from ladder) net motion-enable motion.enable # servo amp enable (only one, driven by axis 0) net servo-enable motenc.3.out-02 net servo-enable joint.0.amp-enable-out # servo amp fault signals # the signals from the amps are actually "not running" # they are asserted when the amp is faulted, OR just # disabled. So we use the inverse and call them "running" net X-amp-running motenc.3.in-12-not net Y-amp-running motenc.3.in-13-not net Z-amp-running motenc.3.in-14-not # need to release the Z-axis brake when running net Z-amp-running motenc.3.out-15 # these are the real fault signals, and go to the motion # controller, they are derived from the ones above by # ladder logic net X-amp-fault joint.0.amp-fault-in net Y-amp-fault joint.1.amp-fault-in net Z-amp-fault joint.2.amp-fault-in # Limit switches # (the switches are NC, and open when hit, so # we invert the signals by using the -not input # pin - the result is limit signals that are # TRUE when the machine is on the limit.) net X-lim-plus motenc.3.in-00-not => joint.0.pos-lim-sw-in net X-lim-minus motenc.3.in-01-not => joint.0.neg-lim-sw-in net Y-lim-plus motenc.3.in-02-not => joint.1.pos-lim-sw-in net Y-lim-minus motenc.3.in-03-not => joint.1.neg-lim-sw-in net Z-lim-plus motenc.3.in-04-not => joint.2.pos-lim-sw-in net Z-lim-minus motenc.3.in-05-not => joint.2.neg-lim-sw-in # Home switches # (the switches are NC, see note above) net X-home motenc.3.in-08-not => joint.0.home-sw-in net Y-home motenc.3.in-09-not => joint.1.home-sw-in net Z-home motenc.3.in-10-not => joint.2.home-sw-in # spindle related signals: "high level" signals # ready (from drive to PC) # run (from motion) # run (to drive) # at speed (from drive to PC) # orient command (to spindle control) # oriented status (from spindle control) # commanded speed (from EMC to control) # spindle current feedback (from drive to PC) # spindle related signals: "internal" signal # get spindle position from encoder net sp-enc-pos motenc.3.enc-03-position # scale spindle position to degrees # 1440 cnts/rev = 4 cnts/degree setp motenc.3.enc-03-scale -4.0 # get desired orient position from ini file sets sp-orient-pos-cmd [SPINDLE]ORIENT_POSITION # connect commanded and feedback positions to PID loop net sp-orient-pos-cmd pid.3.command net sp-enc-pos pid.3.feedback # enable PID loop when in orient mode net spindle-do-orient pid.3.enable # tuning params for PID loop setp pid.3.Pgain 1.0 setp pid.3.Igain 0.6 setp pid.3.Dgain 0.2 setp pid.3.deadband 0.4 # prevent integrator windup at the beginning of an orient # after running the spindle for a long time. The error is # very high before the first index happens. setp pid.3.maxerrorI 200.0 # limit outputs, we don't want to go fast during orient setp pid.3.maxoutput 100 # check position error with window comparator net sp-orient-pos-err pid.3.error net sp-orient-pos-err wcomp.0.in net sp-orient-pos-ok wcomp.0.out # set a +/- 1 degree window setp wcomp.0.min -1.0 setp wcomp.0.max 1.0 # output of loop is velocity for orientation net sp-orient-rpm-cmd pid.3.output # select between normal speed and orient speed # based on do-orient command net sp-orient-rpm-cmd mux2.0.in1 net spindle-rpm-cmd mux2.0.in0 net spindle-do-orient mux2.0.sel # output of mux is desired spindle RPM net sp-rpm-cmd mux2.0.out # use scale blocks to calculate required motor RPM for # both gears based on desired spindle RPM net sp-rpm-cmd scale.0.in net sp-mtr-high-rpm-cmd scale.0.out setp scale.0.gain [SPINDLE]HIGH_GEAR_RATIO net sp-rpm-cmd scale.1.in net sp-mtr-low-rpm-cmd scale.1.out setp scale.1.gain [SPINDLE]LOW_GEAR_RATIO # select either high or low speed based on current gear ratio, # unless shifting, then select a low speed for meshing the gears net sp-mtr-high-rpm-cmd mux4.0.in0 net sp-mtr-low-rpm-cmd mux4.0.in1 net sp-mtr-mesh-rpm-cmd mux4.0.in2 net sp-mtr-mesh-rpm-cmd mux4.0.in3 net sp-in-low-gear mux4.0.sel0 net sp-shifting mux4.0.sel1 # output of mux is desired motor RPM net sp-mtr-rpm-cmd mux4.0.out # set meshing speed sets sp-mtr-mesh-rpm-cmd 15 # link the final motor command to the DAC net sp-mtr-rpm-cmd motenc.3.dac-03-value # set scaling - 10V = 4500RPM at the motor setp motenc.3.dac-03-gain -0.002222 # correct for offset, it causes drift and hunting setp motenc.3.dac-03-offset -8 # connect other signals to drive net spindle-ready motenc.3.in-15 net spindle-drive-run motenc.3.out-03 net sp-at-speed motenc.3.in-11 net spindle-amps motenc.3.adc-03-value # connect signals to gearbox controls # need to add a spindle run command # and a rotating speed I think net sp-engage-high-gear ax5214h.0.out-21 net sp-engage-low-gear ax5214h.0.out-20 net sp-in-high-gear ax5214h.0.in-34 net sp-in-neutral ax5214h.0.in-35 net sp-in-low-gear ax5214h.0.in-36 # use scale block to convert spindle position in degrees # to revolutions for rigid tapping net sp-enc-pos scale.2.in net sp-pos-revs scale.2.out setp scale.2.gain 0.002777777777777 net sp-pos-revs spindle.0.revs # rayh begins to screw it up with help from his friends # connect iocontrol signals for spindle run and speed # these work as long as a spindle command is being output. net spindle-run-request spindle.0.on net spindle-rpm-cmd spindle.0.speed-out # end of spindle control # ioControl exports some tool pins # iocontrol.0.tool-prepare # iocontrol.0.tool-prep-number # and expects iocontrol.0.tool-prepared (when the tool prep. is done) # iocontrol.0.tool-change (output) # and expects iocontrol.0.tool-changed (when tool changed) # it also exports iocontrol.0.tool-number, which is the current tool # in the spindle and is used when its time to return that tool to # the tool magazine net tool-prepare iocontrol.0.tool-prepare net tool-prepared iocontrol.0.tool-prepared net tool-change iocontrol.0.tool-change net tool-changed iocontrol.0.tool-changed net tool-requested-number iocontrol.0.tool-prep-number net tool-current-number iocontrol.0.tool-number # misc control # tool change location push button operators net magazine-index-pbs ax5214h.0.in-07 net worklight-pbs ax5214h.0.in-08 net tool-load-pbs ax5214h.0.in-09 net tool-unload-pbs ax5214h.0.in-10 # add front panel buttons here net tool-unclamp-pbs ax5214h.0.in-39 net feed-hold-pbs ax5214h.0.in-14 net cycle-start-pbs ax5214h.0.in-25 # hydraulic pump net hydraulic-pump-run motenc.3.out-14 net hydraulic-pump-running ax5214h.0.in-05 # hydraulic actuator prox switches # tool load-unload arm net tool-unloaded ax5214h.0.in-38 net tool-loaded ax5214h.0.in-15 # double or intermediate arm net arm-retracted ax5214h.0.in-29 net arm-extended ax5214h.0.in-30 # FIXME!! This sensor is broken, so we are using a delay # instead - 2 seconds after the cylinder is actuated, we # assume that we have reached the desired position and # set the signal true. The commented out line below is # the proper source for the signal. But for now, it is # driven by classicladder output number 27 (see ladder # section near end of file). #linksp arm-at-0/180 ax5214h.0.in-26 net arm-at-0/60 ax5214h.0.in-27 net arm-at-60 ax5214h.0.in-28 net arm-at-180 ax5214h.0.in-31 # tool drawbar net tool-clamped ax5214h.0.in-33 net tool-unclamped ax5214h.0.in-32 # tool magazine or carousel with 0-24 positions net magazine-in-position ax5214h.0.in-37 net magazine-not-in-position ax5214h.0.in-37-not net magazine-not-in-position wsum.0.hold net magazine-position-0 ax5214h.0.in-00 net magazine-position-0 wsum.0.bit.0.in net magazine-position-1 ax5214h.0.in-01 net magazine-position-1 wsum.0.bit.1.in net magazine-position-2 ax5214h.0.in-02 net magazine-position-2 wsum.0.bit.2.in net magazine-position-3 ax5214h.0.in-03 net magazine-position-3 wsum.0.bit.3.in net magazine-position-4 ax5214h.0.in-04 net magazine-position-4 wsum.0.bit.4.in # set the bit weight for bit 4 to 13 instead of the default 16 setp wsum.0.bit.4.weight 13 # add a signal for magazine position net magazine-position wsum.0.sum # add a temporary signal to rotate by one. # hydraulic valves net arm-extend ax5214h.0.out-47 net arm-retract ax5214h.0.out-46 net arm-60cw ax5214h.0.out-45 net arm-180ccw ax5214h.0.out-44 net tool-load ax5214h.0.out-43 net tool-unload ax5214h.0.out-42 net magazine-forward ax5214h.0.out-41 net magazine-reverse ax5214h.0.out-40 net tool-unclamp ax5214h.0.out-23 net head-unclamp ax5214h.0.out-22 # other solenoids and such net spindle-air-blast ax5214h.0.out-19 net work-air-blast ax5214h.0.out-18 net mist-coolant ax5214h.0.out-17 net coolant-flood iocontrol.0.coolant-flood ax5214h.0.out-16 # magazine indexing net magazine-position mod-dir.0.actual net tool-requested-number mod-dir.0.desired net tool-requested-match mod-dir.0.on-target net magazine-position mod-dir.1.actual net tool-current-number mod-dir.1.desired net tool-current-match mod-dir.1.on-target setp mod-dir.0.max-num [EMCIO]TOOL_TURRET_MAX setp mod-dir.0.wrap [EMCIO]TOOL_TURRET_WRAP setp mod-dir.1.max-num [EMCIO]TOOL_TURRET_MAX setp mod-dir.1.wrap [EMCIO]TOOL_TURRET_WRAP # direction to move to fetch new tool net magazine-fwd-req-fetch mod-dir.0.up net magazine-rev-req-fetch mod-dir.0.down # direction to move to store previous tool net magazine-fwd-req-store mod-dir.1.up net magazine-rev-req-store mod-dir.1.down # set encoder latch enable TRUE so encoder count "wraps" during toolchanges # and resets under motion controller command for rigid tapping net sp-index-enable motenc.3.enc-03-index-enable net sp-index-enable tristate-bit.0.out setp tristate-bit.0.in 1 net tool-change tristate-bit.0.enable net sp-index-enable spindle.0.index-enable # jogwheel signals setp encoder.0.x4-mode 0 net jogwheel-phA parport.0.pin-12-in net jogwheel-phB parport.0.pin-11-in # route signals to software encoder counter net jogwheel-phA encoder.0.phase-A net jogwheel-phB encoder.0.phase-B # jogwheel output net jogwheel-counts encoder.0.counts # need to release the Z-axis brake when running net Z-amp-running motenc.3.out-15 # feedhold, uses G50 adaptive feed input sets zero 0.0 sets one 1.0 net adaptive-feed mux2.1.out net adaptive-feed motion.adaptive-feed net zero mux2.1.in1 net one mux2.1.in0 net feed-hold mux2.1.sel # ----------------------------------------------------- # encoders - signals and scaling # # position in counts net X-enc-counts motenc.3.enc-00-count net Y-enc-counts motenc.3.enc-01-count net Z-enc-counts motenc.3.enc-02-count # scaling to get inches (scale comes from ini file) setp motenc.3.enc-00-scale [JOINT_0]INPUT_SCALE setp motenc.3.enc-01-scale [JOINT_1]INPUT_SCALE setp motenc.3.enc-02-scale [JOINT_2]INPUT_SCALE # position in inches net X-enc-pos motenc.3.enc-00-position net Y-enc-pos motenc.3.enc-01-position net Z-enc-pos motenc.3.enc-02-position # index pulses net X-index-enable motenc.3.enc-00-index-enable joint.0.index-enable net Y-index-enable motenc.3.enc-01-index-enable joint.1.index-enable net Z-index-enable motenc.3.enc-02-index-enable joint.2.index-enable # ----------------------------------------------------- # DACs - output to servo amps # net X-volts motenc.3.dac-00-value net Y-volts motenc.3.dac-01-value net Z-volts motenc.3.dac-02-value # get scale and offset from the ini file setp motenc.3.dac-00-gain [JOINT_0]OUTPUT_SCALE setp motenc.3.dac-01-gain [JOINT_1]OUTPUT_SCALE setp motenc.3.dac-02-gain [JOINT_2]OUTPUT_SCALE setp motenc.3.dac-00-offset [JOINT_0]OUTPUT_OFFSET setp motenc.3.dac-01-offset [JOINT_1]OUTPUT_OFFSET setp motenc.3.dac-02-offset [JOINT_2]OUTPUT_OFFSET # ----------------------------------------------------- # ADCs - servo amp current feedback # net X-amps motenc.3.adc-00-value net Y-amps motenc.3.adc-01-value net Z-amps motenc.3.adc-02-value # set scale and offset (need to calibrate this) setp motenc.3.adc-00-gain 1.0 setp motenc.3.adc-01-gain 1.0 setp motenc.3.adc-02-gain 1.0 setp motenc.3.adc-00-offset 0.0 setp motenc.3.adc-01-offset 0.0 setp motenc.3.adc-02-offset 0.0 # ----------------------------------------------------- # PIDs - position control # # signals for position command # hook the motion controller outputs to the position command net X-pos-cmd joint.0.motor-pos-cmd net Y-pos-cmd joint.1.motor-pos-cmd net Z-pos-cmd joint.2.motor-pos-cmd # and to the PID inputs net X-pos-cmd pid.0.command net Y-pos-cmd pid.1.command net Z-pos-cmd pid.2.command # hook encoders to PID feedback net X-enc-pos pid.0.feedback net Y-enc-pos pid.1.feedback net Z-enc-pos pid.2.feedback # and to motion controller net X-enc-pos joint.0.motor-pos-fb net Y-enc-pos joint.1.motor-pos-fb net Z-enc-pos joint.2.motor-pos-fb # hook PID outputs to DACs net X-volts pid.0.output net Y-volts pid.1.output net Z-volts pid.2.output # use 'servo-enable' to enable PID blocks # need to release the Z-axis brake when running net Z-amp-running motenc.3.out-15 net servo-enable pid.0.enable net servo-enable pid.1.enable net servo-enable pid.2.enable # get tuning params from ini file setp pid.0.deadband [JOINT_0]DEADBAND setp pid.0.Pgain [JOINT_0]PGAIN setp pid.0.Igain [JOINT_0]IGAIN setp pid.0.Dgain [JOINT_0]DGAIN setp pid.0.FF0 [JOINT_0]FF0 setp pid.0.FF1 [JOINT_0]FF1 setp pid.0.FF2 [JOINT_0]FF2 setp pid.0.bias [JOINT_0]BIAS setp pid.1.deadband [JOINT_1]DEADBAND setp pid.1.Pgain [JOINT_1]PGAIN setp pid.1.Igain [JOINT_1]IGAIN setp pid.1.Dgain [JOINT_1]DGAIN setp pid.1.FF0 [JOINT_1]FF0 setp pid.1.FF1 [JOINT_1]FF1 setp pid.1.FF2 [JOINT_1]FF2 setp pid.1.bias [JOINT_1]BIAS setp pid.2.deadband [JOINT_2]DEADBAND setp pid.2.Pgain [JOINT_2]PGAIN setp pid.2.Igain [JOINT_2]IGAIN setp pid.2.Dgain [JOINT_2]DGAIN setp pid.2.FF0 [JOINT_2]FF0 setp pid.2.FF1 [JOINT_2]FF1 setp pid.2.FF2 [JOINT_2]FF2 setp pid.2.bias [JOINT_2]BIAS # get maximum (and minimum) output volts from ini file setp pid.0.maxoutput [JOINT_0]MAX_OUTPUT setp pid.1.maxoutput [JOINT_1]MAX_OUTPUT setp pid.2.maxoutput [JOINT_2]MAX_OUTPUT # LADDER LOGIC!!! # # Classic ladder doesn't let you use meaningful names, so this # will be the magic decoder ring # INPUTS to CL # I0 = the GUI estop "button" isn't pressed net gui-estop-ok classicladder.0.in-00 # I1 = servo-enable, used to mask amp faults when not enabled net servo-enable classicladder.0.in-01 # I2 thru I4, amp running signal (FALSE when faulted OR disabled) net X-amp-running classicladder.0.in-02 net Y-amp-running classicladder.0.in-03 net Z-amp-running classicladder.0.in-04 net spindle-use-low-gear classicladder.0.in-05 net sp-in-low-gear classicladder.0.in-06 net sp-in-high-gear classicladder.0.in-07 net sp-in-neutral classicladder.0.in-08 net sp-at-speed classicladder.0.in-09 net hydraulic-pump-running classicladder.0.in-10 net magazine-in-position classicladder.0.in-11 net magazine-index-pbs classicladder.0.in-12 net tool-load-pbs classicladder.0.in-13 net tool-loaded classicladder.0.in-14 net tool-unload-pbs classicladder.0.in-15 net tool-unloaded classicladder.0.in-16 net tool-unclamp-pbs classicladder.0.in-17 # based on difference between current position and # the slot for the tool currently in the spindle net magazine-fwd-req-store classicladder.0.in-18 net magazine-rev-req-store classicladder.0.in-19 # I20 = means the external estop chain is OK net external-estop-ok classicladder.0.in-20 # I21 = estop-reset, pulsed to reset the estop relay net estop-reset classicladder.0.in-21 net feed-hold-pbs classicladder.0.in-22 net spindle-run-request classicladder.0.in-23 net sp-orient-pos-ok classicladder.0.in-24 net tool-requested-match classicladder.0.in-25 net tool-prepare classicladder.0.in-26 # based on difference between current position and EMC # requested position (from a T block) net magazine-fwd-req-fetch classicladder.0.in-27 net magazine-rev-req-fetch classicladder.0.in-28 # tool changer proxes net arm-at-0/180 classicladder.0.in-29 net arm-at-0/60 classicladder.0.in-30 net arm-at-180 classicladder.0.in-31 net arm-at-60 classicladder.0.in-32 net arm-extended classicladder.0.in-33 net arm-retracted classicladder.0.in-34 net tool-change classicladder.0.in-35 net tool-clamped classicladder.0.in-36 net tool-unclamped classicladder.0.in-37 net tool-current-match classicladder.0.in-38 # OUTPUTS from CL # Q0 = AP1, first stage power up (applies power thru resistors) net AP1 classicladder.0.out-00 # Q1 = AP2, second stage (bypasses resistors) net AP2 classicladder.0.out-01 # Q2 thru Q4, amp faulted signal (ENABLED and NOT RUNNING) net X-amp-fault classicladder.0.out-02 net Y-amp-fault classicladder.0.out-03 net Z-amp-fault classicladder.0.out-04 # Q5 is motion enable (after chain) net motion-enable classicladder.0.out-05 # Q6 and 7 are the gear shift outputs net sp-engage-low-gear classicladder.0.out-06 net sp-engage-high-gear classicladder.0.out-07 # Q8 indicates that a shift is in progress net sp-shifting classicladder.0.out-08 net hydraulic-pump-run classicladder.0.out-09 net magazine-forward classicladder.0.out-10 net magazine-reverse classicladder.0.out-11 net tool-load classicladder.0.out-12 net tool-unload classicladder.0.out-13 net arm-extend classicladder.0.out-14 net arm-retract classicladder.0.out-15 net arm-60cw classicladder.0.out-16 net arm-180ccw classicladder.0.out-17 net tool-unclamp classicladder.0.out-18 net head-unclamp classicladder.0.out-19 net tool-prepared classicladder.0.out-20 net tool-changed classicladder.0.out-21 # Q22 indicates that the estop ladder rung (latch) is ok net main-estop-ok classicladder.0.out-22 net spindle-drive-run classicladder.0.out-23 net spindle-at-speed classicladder.0.out-24 net spindle-oriented classicladder.0.out-25 net feed-hold classicladder.0.out-26 # FIXME! this is a temporary replacement for a bad sensor net arm-at-0/180 classicladder.0.out-27 net spindle-do-orient classicladder.0.out-28 # CL internals (not HAL data, just here for documentation # # T0 = delay from estop OK to AP1 # T1 = delay from AP1 to AP2 # T2 = delay to allow servo amps to respond to enable # T3 = delay between AP2 close and motion enable # T4 = delay before shifting out of gear # T5 = delay before shifting into gear # T6 = oneshot for tool magazine advance # T7 = hydraulic pump delay # T8 = at-speed delay # T9 = oriented delay # T10 = bad prox delay # B0 = delayed servo-enable, for fault masking # B1 = five second initialization signal # B2 = gear shifting in progress # B3 = ok to shift into neutral # B4 = ok to shift into gear # B5 = magazine-index delay # B6 = magazine stop delay # B7 = tool load virtual # B8 = tool unload virtual # B9 = arm extend virtual # B10 = arm retract virtual # B11 = arm arm-60cw virtual # B12 = arm arm 180ccw virtual # B13 = arm tool unclamp virtual # B14 = tool change preconditions ready # B15 = cycle midpoint # B16 = tool cycle start