# HAL config file for Vital Systems MOTENC-100 PCI board # # Install driver. #loadrt hal_motenc # Classicladder for machine logic (load the realtime portion). # Just uncomment the following line if you want a Software PLC #loadrt classicladder_rt numRungs=4 numBits=16 numWords=4 numTimers=2 numMonostables=2 numPhysInputs=16 numPhysOutputs=8 numArithmExpr=4 numSections=1 # Invoke the user part of CL to silently load the program. # Just uncomment the following line if you want a Software PLC #loadusr -w classicladder --nogui ../configs/common/bridgeport.clp # Add I/O to servo thread so they will be evaluated # every servo period. # inputs get read at the beginning of the thread addf motenc.0.misc-update servo-thread 1 #addf motenc.0.adc-read servo-thread 1 addf motenc.0.digital-in-read servo-thread 1 #addf classicladder.0.refresh servo-thread 1 # outputs get refreshed at the end of the thread addf motenc.0.digital-out-write servo-thread -1 # # Connect motion controller I/Os # # Connect limit/home switch outputs to motion controller. net Xminlim <= motenc.0.in-00 net Xminlim => joint.0.neg-lim-sw-in net Xmaxlim <= motenc.0.in-01 net Xmaxlim => joint.0.pos-lim-sw-in net Xhome <= motenc.0.in-02 net Xhome => joint.0.home-sw-in net Yminlim <= motenc.0.in-04 net Yminlim => joint.1.neg-lim-sw-in net Ymaxlim <= motenc.0.in-05 net Ymaxlim => joint.1.pos-lim-sw-in net Yhome <= motenc.0.in-06 net Yhome => joint.1.home-sw-in net Zminlim <= motenc.0.in-08 net Zminlim => joint.2.neg-lim-sw-in net Zmaxlim <= motenc.0.in-09 net Zmaxlim => joint.2.pos-lim-sw-in net Zhome <= motenc.0.in-10 net Zhome => joint.2.home-sw-in # Connect amp faults to motion controller. net Xfault <= motenc.0.in-03 net Xfault => joint.0.amp-fault-in net Yfault <= motenc.0.in-07 net Yfault => joint.1.amp-fault-in net Zfault <= motenc.0.in-11 net Zfault => joint.2.amp-fault-in # Connect amp enables to motion controller. net Xenable => motenc.0.out-08 net Yenable => motenc.0.out-09 net Zenable => motenc.0.out-10 # Connect watchdog reset to motion controller. #newsig WatchdogRst bit #linksp WatchdogRst <= motenc.watchdog-reset #linksp WatchdogRst => motion.watchdog-reset-out # # Connect I/O controller I/Os # # Connect e-stop write/sense to I/O controller. # # The estop from the opto module should be jumpered to one of the # motenc estop pins. This will notify the moten of the estop condition # and it will zero the DACs and turn off all output even if the PC # has crashed. # net EstopSense <= motenc.0.estop-in-not #linksp EstopSense <= motenc.0.in-15 net EstopSense => iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in net EstopWrite => motenc.0.out-07 net EstopWrite <= iocontrol.0.user-enable-out # ESTOP loopback, only use this for a simple machine without external ESTOP # you really SHOULDN'T use a servo machine without proper ESTOP #net estop-loop iocontrol.0.user-enable-out iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in # Connect spindle fwd/rev to I/O controller. net SpindleFwd => motenc.0.out-00 net SpindleFwd <= spindle.0.forward net SpindleRev => motenc.0.out-01 net SpindleRev <= spindle.0.reverse # Connect spindle brake to I/O controller. net SpindleBrakeOn => motenc.0.out-02 net SpindleBrakeOn <= spindle.0.brake # Connect mist/flood coolant to I/O controller. net MistOn => motenc.0.out-05 net MistOn <= iocontrol.0.coolant-mist net FloodOn => motenc.0.out-06 net FloodOn <= iocontrol.0.coolant-flood # Connect lube motor run to I/O controller. net LubeOn => motenc.0.out-12 net LubeOn <= iocontrol.0.lube # Connect lube level to I/O controller. net LubeLevel <= motenc.0.in-14 net LubeLevel => iocontrol.0.lube_level