loadrt [KINS]KINEMATICS #autoconverted scorbot-kins # motion controller, get name and thread periods from ini file loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD num_joints=[KINS]JOINTS loadrt differential addf motion-command-handler servo-thread addf motion-controller servo-thread addf differential.0 servo-thread loadusr -W scorbot-er-3 # # E-Stop # net estop-loop iocontrol.0.user-enable-out => iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in # # Joint 0 # net j0.cmd <= joint.0.motor-pos-cmd net j0.cmd => scorbot-er-3.joint0.motor-pos-cmd net j0.cmd => joint.0.motor-pos-fb net j0.limit <= scorbot-er-3.joint0.limit-sw net j0.limit => joint.0.home-sw-in net j0.limit => joint.0.neg-lim-sw-in net j0.limit => joint.0.pos-lim-sw-in setp scorbot-er-3.joint0.scale [JOINT_0]SCALE # # Joint 1 # net j1.cmd <= joint.1.motor-pos-cmd net j1.cmd => scorbot-er-3.joint1.motor-pos-cmd net j1.cmd => joint.1.motor-pos-fb net j1.limit <= scorbot-er-3.joint1.limit-sw net j1.limit => joint.1.home-sw-in net j1.limit => joint.1.neg-lim-sw-in net j1.limit => joint.1.pos-lim-sw-in setp scorbot-er-3.joint1.scale [JOINT_1]SCALE # # Joint 2 # net j2.cmd <= joint.2.motor-pos-cmd net j2.cmd => scorbot-er-3.joint2.motor-pos-cmd net j2.cmd => joint.2.motor-pos-fb net j2.limit <= scorbot-er-3.joint2.limit-sw net j2.limit => joint.2.home-sw-in net j2.limit => joint.2.neg-lim-sw-in net j2.limit => joint.2.pos-lim-sw-in setp scorbot-er-3.joint2.scale [JOINT_2]SCALE # # Joint 3 # LinuxCNC commands "wrist pitch" on J3, this goes through the differential. # net wrist.pitch-cmd <= joint.3.motor-pos-cmd net wrist.pitch-cmd => differential.0.pitch-cmd net wrist.pitch-fb <= differential.0.pitch-fb net wrist.pitch-fb => joint.3.motor-pos-fb net j3.cmd <= differential.0.motor0-cmd net j3.cmd => scorbot-er-3.joint3.motor-pos-cmd net j3.cmd => differential.0.motor0-fb net wrist-pitch.limit <= scorbot-er-3.joint3.limit-sw net wrist-pitch.limit => joint.3.home-sw-in setp scorbot-er-3.joint3.scale [JOINT_3]SCALE # # Joint 4 # LinuxCNC commands "wrist roll" on J4, this goes through the differential. # net wrist.roll-cmd <= joint.4.motor-pos-cmd net wrist.roll-cmd => differential.0.roll-cmd net wrist.roll-fb <= differential.0.roll-fb net wrist.roll-fb => joint.4.motor-pos-fb net j4.cmd <= differential.0.motor1-cmd net j4.cmd => scorbot-er-3.joint4.motor-pos-cmd net j4.cmd => differential.0.motor1-fb net wrist-roll.limit <= scorbot-er-3.joint4.limit-sw net wrist-roll.limit => joint.4.home-sw-in setp scorbot-er-3.joint4.scale [JOINT_4]SCALE