maintainer.txt: General notes for the configs directory, root/configs. 'root' refers to the toplevel of the linuxcnc git tree. ------------------------------------------------------- The configs dir contains a hierarchy of configurations, each with one or more ini files, that are intended to: 1) run as-is on a RIP (run-in-place) build 2) run when copied to a user ~/linuxcnc directory by the configuration picker (pickconfig.tcl) Note: Special cases Any file named _panelui.ini is ignored Additionally, demonstration scripts identified by a file extension .demo, can run standalone to show linuxcnc-related functionality without requiring start-up of linuxcnc. A configs directory should not contain both .ini and .demo files. Directories for .demo applications by default are offered for copying to a user directory. Some apps are not usefully copied so a directory containing .demo files (and no .ini files) will not be copied if the directory includes a file named 'nodemocopy'. When a desktop shortcut is made for a copied .demo application, the shortcut will execute the .demo file. The environment for files executed by .desktop files is limited so extra care is required to ensure that a desktop shortcut created for a .demo file is usable. ------------------------------------------------------- The configuration picker (pickconfig.tcl) walks through existing _user_ configurations in ~/linuxcnc/configs and the distribution's root/configs directory. It presents both existing user configurations and sample configurations. When a sample configuration is selected the configuration picker: 1) creates a directory in ~/linuxcnc/configs for the selected item and copies all relevant files and directories to the newly created directory. When a name clash occurs, the picker appends a number to the directory name to make it distinct. 2) creates a directory ~/linuxcnc/nc_files (if it does not exist). It creates links in this directory to the system locations for examples and libraries (examples, ngcgui_lib, gladevcp_lib) 3) edits all ini files being copied so that [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX = ~/linuxcnc/nc_files. A similar process occurs for demonstration (.demo) files when directories for .demo files are copied (only when no file named 'nodemocopy' exists). Most general purpose demonstration scripts can be located in the directory named: root/configs/apps and its subdirectories. ------------------------------------------------------- A configuration directory may contain subdirectories. If a subdirectory contains a file with a .ini or .demo suffix, it is considered to be a selectable configuration directory and will be included in the selection tree provided by the configuration picker. Subdirectories required for other purposes must not contain a file with a .ini or .demo suffix. When a subdirectory requires file or directory resources that are shared by other configurations, it should use a symlink to a parent's file or directory. The configuration picker copies the file or directory referred to by the symlink. Use of symlinks in this manner reduces the number of real files in the git tree. ------------------------------------------------------- Occasional relocation of configuration directories within the root/configs tree is anticipated. To minimize the editing of files required for such moves, the following guidelines apply: Ini files may need to refer to root/nc_files resources. The most common case, [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX is handled as described above. Other examples include path items such as: [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH [RS274NGC]USER_M_PATH Items like these should refer to ../../nc_files and use appropriate symlinks within the configuration directory. Example: A configuration named: root/configs/sim/axis/ngcgui could, for example, refer to: [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH = ../../nc_files/ngcgui_lib:../../nc_files/ngcgui_lib/utilitysubs The root/configs/sim directory must contain a symlink: root/configs/sim/nc_files --> ../../nc_files so that the ini file reference will work in rip builds. These conventions work because: 1) Copied user configurations have configs located in --------- ~/linuxcnc/configs/ and nc_files located as --------- ~/linuxcnc/nc_files/ So if ini files always refer to root/nc_files as ../../nc_files they will not require modifications when copied to users' directories nor when moved within the distribution tree 2) Since symlinks are usually required to make ../../nc_files resolve to root/nc_files (for RIP usage). Because of this, symlinks for nc_files are never copied to user dirs. ------------------------------------------------------- Any configuration directory may include a file named maintainer.txt to include comments or details about maintaining the configuration. These files will not be copied to user's configuration directories.