db_ran.ini random_toolchanger db_nonran.ini nonrandom_toolchanger Each config starts with: tool numbers 10--19 A number of tools are set with identical tool diameters to demonstrate tool selection based on accrued tool time. The config runs separate tasks to a) modify a tool parameter b) add/remove tool numbers Usage (for db_nonran.ini): 1) In a terminal, start as $ linuxcnc ./db_nonran.ini F1 --------- Estop off F2 --------- Machine On Ctrl-Home -- Home All R ---------- Run program You can also experiment with MDI for the relevant commands (TnM6, T0M6, G10L0, G10L1, G10L10, M61) The default program runs a loop that a) loads tool T10 and applies its offset (G43), b) displays the zoffset, c) pauses, d) unloads the tool, e) reloads the tool data. The display will show different zoffsets at each tool change since the tool data includes several tools with the same diameter but different zoffsets and the applied database rule selects the tool with the minimum time usage. Since the pause time is nominally the same for each tool offered, the database will select different tools for T10 with each reload. To watch the tool data changes and tool usage time accrual, use the following command in a separate terminal (source rip_environment for RIP builds): $ watch -n 0.2 cat /tmp/db_nonran_file or $ watch -n 0.2 cat /tmp/db_ran_file The M parameter in the /tmp/db_nonran_file accounts for tool time measured in minutes To get more information (stdout): 1) export DB_SHOW= show 'g' (get) command 2) export DB_DEBUG= show more database info