(info: Multiple circles at radius R, use 0 for current val) ;Notes: ; 1) z axis not altered (remains at current z) ; 2) for inside polygon cutting (fnum==0): ; start with rfraction negative ; and gradually increase rfraction to zero as program runs ; multiple circles ; 3) for outside polygon cutting (fnum==1): ; start with rfraction positive ; and gradually decrease to zero as program runs multiple ; circles ; ; Alternate method for polygons: ; 1) use #=0 and jog to safe starting position ; 2) use #=1, run program for one revolution ; 3) Run program repeatedly and manually jog x (radius) ; before each program start to increase/decrease ; current radius for inside/outside polygon respectively o sub # = #1 (= 1 R 0==>current) # = #2 (= 8 aspeed: RPM) # = #3 (= 10 lspeed: units/sec) # = #4 (= 1 +/- Revolutions) # = #<_c> ;starting value # = [# + # * 360] # = [# * 360] m111 ;clear prior info messages o if [# EQ 0] # = #<_x> ;use current x o else # = # f# g1 x# o endif (debug, ref_radius=#) m68 e0 q# ; set ref_radius for eoffsets f# g1 c# ; circles at arate o endsub