[XHC_HB04_CONFIG] # specify layout = n for LIB:xhc-hb04-layout{n}.cfg files layout = 2 # coords: specify upto 4 letters from set {x y z a b c u v w} # coords: switch labels are xyza but any unique 4 letters # from the set {xyxabcuvw} can be used (if the coord exists) coords = x y z # lowpass settings: # coef: slows rate of change of output, range: 0 < coef < 1 coefs = 1 1 1 1 # scale plus or minus, rotaries may require larger scale factor: scales = 1 1 1 1 # jogmode normal(default) or vnormal jogmode = normal # sequence 1: 0.001,0.010,0.100,1.000 (mm-based machine) # sequence 2: 0.001,0.005,0.010,0.020 (inch-based machine) # sequence 3: 0.001,0.010,0.100 # sequence 4: 0.001,0.005,0.010,0.020,0.050,0.100 # sequence 5: 0.001,0.010,0.050,0.100,1.000 sequence = 2 # require_pendant = no: create xhc-hb04 hal pins when pendant not # connected at startup require_pendant = no # inch_or_mm = in | mm inch_or_mm = in # mpg_accels: provision for reduced acceleration for manual mode jogging mpg_accels = 20 20 20 20 [XHC_HB04_BUTTONS] # use button names according to layout file LIB:xhc-hb04-layout{n}.cfg # note: "start-pause" is connected for standard behavior # controlling halui.pause/halui.resume/halui.run # these are examples, edit as required: goto-zero = halui.mdi-command-00 # synthesized per-axis buttons for goto-zero button: goto-zero-x = "" goto-zero-y = "" goto-zero-z = "" goto-zero-a = "" start-pause = std_start_pause rewind = halui.program.step # probe-input for simulating a probe: probe-z = motion.probe-input macro-3 = halui.mdi-command-03 half = halui.spindle.0.stop # synthesized per-axis buttons for half button: half-x = "" half-y = "" half-z = "" half-a = "" zero = "" # synthesized per-axis buttons for zero button: zero-x = halui.mdi-command-12 zero-y = halui.mdi-command-13 zero-z = halui.mdi-command-14 zero-a = halui.mdi-command-15 safe-z = halui.mdi-command-10 # in this sim, home-all only works first time, hold down till finished: home = halui.home-all macro-1 = halui.mdi-command-01 macro-2 = halui.mdi-command-02 spindle = halui.spindle.0.start step = xhc-hb04.stepsize-up mode = "" macro-6 = halui.mdi-command-06 macro-7 = halui.mdi-command-07 stop = halui.program.stop reset = halui.estop.activate [HALUI] # these are examples, edit as required: # a halui hal pin is created for each MDI_COMMAND below # halui.mdi-command-00, halui.mdi-command-01,... etc MDI_COMMAND=G0 X0 Y0 Z0 MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-01) MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-02) #03 M110: clears notifications MDI_COMMAND=M110 MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-04) MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-05) MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-06) #07 M101: example print to stdout MDI_COMMAND=M101 MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-08) MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-09) MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-10) MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-11) #12 MDI_COMMAND= G10 L20 P0 X0 #13 MDI_COMMAND= G10 L20 P0 Y0 #14 MDI_COMMAND= G10 L20 P0 Z0 #15 MDI_COMMAND= G10 L20 P0 C0