This is a simulation of a 2-spindle lathe to demonstrate the multispindle patch. up to 8 spindles are supported, set by [TRAJ]SPINDLES in the INI and a num_spindles modparam to motmod. These _must_ agree with each other. Most spindle-related commands now take an extra "$" word to say which spindle to apply them to. Examples S1000 $1 - set the speed of spindle 1 to 1000 M3 S100 $0 - set the speed of spindle 0 to 100 G33 X10 K1.5 $1 - make a move synchronised to spindle 1. G33.2 Z-1 K1 $0 - rigid tap synchronised to spindle 0. M51 P0 $6 - disable speed override on spindle 6. M48 and M49 operate on all.