Moveoff demo Moveoff_gui options: onpause -- offsets when program paused external -- external controls (simulated) Moveoff component installed and connected using: [HAL]HALFILE = LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl External controls enabled with connections in: [HAL]HALFILE = LIB:moveoff_external.hal External controls simulated with sim_pin: external_enable external_backtrack_en external_offset_0 external_offset_1 external_offset_2 For additional info, see the manpages: man sim_pin ------ utility for setting pins man moveoff ------ moveoff component man moveoff_gui --- moveoff sample gui ---------------------------------------------------- Demo usage: 1) Start linuxcnc using the 2_onpause_external config. (set all sim_pin buttons to Toggle mode): 2) Set halscope to ROLL mode 3) (remove ESTOP) 4) (turn on machine) 5) (home all axes) 6) (Run the program) 7)

(Pause the program) 8) Enable offsets with the external_enable button 9) Change the x,y,z offsets (exernal_offset_0,1,2) and observe on halscope 10) Remove offsets with the external_enable button and allow program resumption. 11) Repeat steps 6) thru 9) but alter waypoint backtracking with the external_backtrack_en button.