#INCLUDE moveoff_display_6.inc #INCLUDE moveoff_base.inc #INCLUDE moveoff_settings.inc [EMC] VERSION = 1.1 MACHINE = moveoff zretract demo [HAL] HALUI = halui HALFILE = LIB:basic_sim.tcl # hookup a moveoff component: HALFILE = LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl # simulate external controls: HALFILE = LIB:moveoff_external.hal # demonstrate fixed zretract offset = 0.1234 # set offset,accel,velocity for axis 2 (z): HALCMD = sets external_offset_2 0.1234 HALCMD = setp mv.offset-accel-2 10 HALCMD = setp mv.offset-vel-2 0.05 # backtracking not required for fixed offset: HALCMD = sets external_backtrack_en 0 # Instead of external toggle switch, create connection # to external_enable signal with a pyvcp panel checkbutton. POSTGUI_HALFILE = moveoff_display_6.hal [APPLICATIONS] # moveoff_gui: # 1) provides display of offset # 2) resumes after delay # typical use, control spindle with mv.offset-aplied pin APP = moveoff_gui \ -mode onpause \ -size 14 \ -loc +10+50 \ -axes z \ -autoresume -delay 5 \ -no_cancel_autoresume