Moveoff demo -- fixed retract on single axis (Z) Demo: 1) Start linuxcnc using the 6_zretract config 2) A pyvpcp panel includes a checkbutton to enable fixed offsets on program pause. 3) Start program 4) Pause program 5) A moveoff_gui display (with no controls) will appear showing the current Z offset. If the checkbtton was set to enable offsets, the offset will be applied immediately. If the checkbutton was not set, enable the checkbutton to apply the offset. 6) Toggle the checkbutton to OFF to remove the fixed offset and resume the program. 7) The fixed offset will be removed after a delay to allow for spindle reactivation. Typically, the spindle would be gated off for the duration the mv.offset-applied pin. The delay allows time for the spindle to resume speed. 8) Toggle the sim_pin external_enable switch to 1 (ON) to allow offsetting at the next program pause -- or leave it OFF to require its activation on the next program pause. The ini file sets: 1) offset amount and its velocity and acceleration 2) state of the external-enable signal at startup 3) autoresume delay interval 4) location and size of the moveoff_gui display ---------------------------------------------------- Moveoff_gui options: onpause -- offsets when program paused local -- local controls Moveoff component installed and connected using: [HAL]HALFILE = LIB:hookup_moveoff.tcl For additional info: man moveoff ------ moveoff component man moveoff_gui --- moveoff sample gui