ngcgui -- Create tabs in the axis gui for subroutines. pyngcgui -- python, gladevcp implementation of ngcgui that can be embedded in guis like touchy, gscreen gmoccapy In the packaged version of LinuxCNC, ngcgui_lib is created as a symbolic link to a system directory owned by root: /usr/share/linuxcnc/ncfiles/ngcgui_lib This library is not ordinarily changed by the user. To modify a library .ngc file, copy the .ngc file to the [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX directory or to a directory that is included in the path specified by [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH and (optionally) change the filename. The search path for LinuxCNC and ngcgui is: [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX followed in order by all the colon (:) separated directories listed in: [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH The search for subroutine files uses the first file found with a matching name. See the examples and the documentation for configuring ngcgui in the startup ini file.