# This is a component of LinuxCNC # Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013 Dewey Garrett , # Michael Haberler # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # import os import sys import signal import traceback import emctask import emccanon import interpreter import hal try: import emc except ImportError: import linuxcnc as emc # ini only try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle try: from userfuncs import UserFuncs except ImportError: from nulluserfuncs import UserFuncs def debug(): # interpreter.this isn't usable until after Interpreter.init has been called if hasattr(interpreter,'this'): return interpreter.this.debugmask & 0x00040000 # EMC_DEBUG_PYTHON_TASK return def handler(signum, frame): ''' controlled shut down after this, emcIoHalt() will be called, too ''' print("Python Task shutdown handler") # this handler overrides the handler in emctaskmain, so call that as well emctask.emctask_quit(signum) class CustomTask(emctask.Task,UserFuncs): def __init__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler) try: if debug(): print("py: CustomTask()") emctask.Task.__init__(self) self.inifile = emc.ini(emctask.ini_filename()) self.tcpins = int(self.inifile.find("TOOL", "TASK_TOOLCHANGE_PINS") or 0) self.startchange_pins = int(self.inifile.find("TOOL", "TASK_START_CHANGE_PINS") or 0) self.fault_pins = int(self.inifile.find("TOOL", "TASK_TOOLCHANGE_FAULT_PINS") or 0) h = hal.component("iocontrol.0") h.newpin("coolant-flood", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("coolant-mist", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("lube-level", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("lube", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("emc-enable-in", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN) h.newpin("user-enable-out", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("user-request-enable", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) if self.tcpins: h.newpin("tool-change", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("tool-changed", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN) h.newpin("tool-number", hal.HAL_S32, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("tool-prep-number", hal.HAL_S32, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("tool-prep-pocket", hal.HAL_S32, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("tool-prepare", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("tool-prepared", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN) if self.startchange_pins: h.newpin("start-change", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("start-change-ack", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN) if self.fault_pins: h.newpin("emc-abort", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("emc-abort-ack", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN) h.newpin("emc-reason", hal.HAL_S32, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("toolchanger-fault", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN) h.newpin("toolchanger-fault-ack", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("toolchanger-reason", hal.HAL_S32, hal.HAL_IN) h.newpin("toolchanger-faulted", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) h.newpin("toolchanger-clear-fault", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN) h.ready() self.components = dict() self.components["iocontrol.0"] = h self.hal = h self.hal_init_pins() self.io = emctask.emcstat.io self.io.aux.estop = 1 self._callback = None self._check = None tt = self.io.tool.toolTable for p in range(0,len(tt)): tt[p].zero() UserFuncs.__init__(self) self.enqueue = EnqueueCall(self) except Exception as e: print("__init__") print_exc_plus() self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_ERROR else: self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE def emcIoInit(self): if debug(): print("py: emcIoInit tt=",self.tooltable_filename) try: self.io.aux.estop = 1 self.io.tool.pocketPrepped = -1; self.io.tool.toolInSpindle = 0; self.io.coolant.mist = 0 self.io.coolant.flood = 0 self.io.lube.on = 0 self.io.lube.level = 1 self.hal_init_pins() # on nonrandom machines, always start by assuming the spindle is empty if not self.random_toolchanger: self.io.tool.toolTable[0].zero() if self.inifile.find("TOOL", "ODBC_CONNECT"): import sqltoolaccess self.tt = sqltoolaccess.SqlToolAccess(self.inifile, self.random_toolchanger) else: import tooltable self.tt = tooltable.EmcToolTable(self.tooltable_filename, self.random_toolchanger) self.comments = dict() self.fms = dict() self.tt.load_table(self.io.tool.toolTable,self.comments,self.fms) self.tt.restore_state(emctask.emcstat) # self.io.tool.toolInSpindle = 2 # works self.reload_tool_number(self.io.tool.toolInSpindle) except Exception as e: print("emcIoInit",e) print_exc_plus() self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_ERROR else: self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE finally: return 0 def emcToolLoadToolTable(self,file): # triggered by UI if tooltable was edited if debug(): print("py: emcToolLoadToolTable file = '%s'" % (file)) self.comments = dict() self.fms = dict() try: self.tt.load_table(self.io.tool.toolTable,self.comments,self.fms) except Exception as e: print_exc_plus() self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_ERROR else: self.reload_tool_number(self.io.tool.toolInSpindle) self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def prepare_complete(self): if debug(): print("prepare complete") self.io.tool.pocketPrepped = self.hal["tool-prep-pocket"] self.hal["tool-prepare"] = 0 def emcToolPrepare(self,p,tool): if debug(): print("py: emcToolPrepare p =",p,"tool =",tool) if self.random_toolchanger and (p == 0): if debug(): print("it doesn't make sense to prep the spindle pocket") return 0 if self.tcpins: if self.fault_pins and self.hal["toolchanger-faulted"]: if debug(): print("prepare: toolchanger faulted (reason=%d), next M6 will %s" % (self.hal["toolchanger-reason"], "set fault code and reason" if self.hal["toolchanger-reason"] > 0 else "abort program")) self.hal["tool-prep-pocket"] = p if not self.random_toolchanger and (p == 0): self.hal["tool-prep-number"] = 0 else: self.hal["tool-prep-number"] = self.io.tool.toolTable[p].toolno self.hal["tool-prepare"] = 1 # and tell task to wait until status changes to RCS_DONE self.io.status = self.wait_for_named_pin(1,"iocontrol.0.tool-prepared",self.prepare_complete) else: self.io.tool.pocketPrepped = p self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def reload_tool_number(self, toolno): if self.random_toolchanger: return t = self.io.tool.toolTable for p in range(1,len(t)): if toolno == t[p].toolno: self.load_tool(p) def load_tool(self,pocket): if self.random_toolchanger: self.io.tool.toolTable[0],self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket] = self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket],self.io.tool.toolTable[0] self.comments[0],self.comments[pocket] = self.comments[pocket],self.comments[0] self.tt.save_table(self.io.tool.toolTable,self.comments,self.fms) else: if pocket == 0: self.io.tool.toolTable[0].zero() else: self.io.tool.toolTable[0] = self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket] def change_complete(self): if debug(): print("change complete") if not self.random_toolchanger and (self.io.tool.pocketPrepped == 0): self.io.tool.toolInSpindle = 0 else: self.io.tool.toolInSpindle = self.io.tool.toolTable[self.io.tool.pocketPrepped].toolno self.hal["tool-number"] = self.io.tool.toolInSpindle self.load_tool(self.io.tool.pocketPrepped) self.io.tool.pocketPrepped = -1 self.hal["tool-prep-number"] = 0 self.hal["tool-prep-pocket"] = 0 self.hal["tool-change"] = 0 def emcToolLoad(self): if debug(): print("py: emcToolLoad") if self.random_toolchanger and (self.io.tool.pocketPrepped == 0): self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 if not self.random_toolchanger and (self.io.tool.pocketPrepped > 0) and ( self.io.tool.toolInSpindle == self.io.tool.toolTable[self.io.tool.pocketPrepped].toolno): self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 if self.tcpins: if self.fault_pins and self.hal["toolchanger-faulted"]: self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_ERROR return 0 if self.io.tool.pocketPrepped != -1: self.hal["tool-change"] = 1 self.io.status = self.wait_for_named_pin(1,"iocontrol.0.tool-changed",self.change_complete) return 0 else: if not self.random_toolchanger and (self.io.tool.pocketPrepped == 0): self.io.tool.toolInSpindle = 0 else: self.io.tool.toolInSpindle = self.io.tool.toolTable[self.io.tool.pocketPrepped].toolno self.load_tool(self.io.tool.pocketPrepped) self.io.tool.pocketPrepped = -1 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcToolUnload(self): if debug(): print("py: emcToolUnload") self.io.tool.toolInSpindle = 0 # this isn't in ioControlv1, but I think it should be. self.hal["tool-number"] = self.io.tool.toolInSpindle self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcToolSetNumber(self,number): if debug(): print("py: emcToolSetNumber number =",number) self.io.tool.toolInSpindle = number if self.tcpins: self.hal["tool-number"] = self.io.tool.toolInSpindle self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcToolSetOffset(self,pocket,toolno,offset,diameter,frontangle,backangle,orientation): if debug(): print("py: emcToolSetOffset", pocket,toolno,str(offset),diameter,frontangle,backangle,orientation) self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket].toolno = toolno self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket].orientation = orientation self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket].diameter = diameter self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket].frontangle = frontangle self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket].backangle = backangle self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket].offset = offset if debug(): print("new tool entry: ",str(self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket])) if self.io.tool.toolInSpindle == toolno: self.io.tool.toolTable[0] = self.io.tool.toolTable[pocket] self.tt.save_table(self.io.tool.toolTable,self.comments,self.fms) self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcIoPluginCall(self, len, msg): if debug(): print("py: emcIoPluginCall len=%d msg=%s" %(len,msg)) call = pickle.loads(msg) func = getattr(self, call[0], None) if func: self.io.status = func(*call[1],**call[2]) else: raise AttributeError, "no such method: " + call[0] return 0 def emcIoHalt(self): if debug(): print("py: emcIoHalt") self.tt.save_state(emctask.emcstat) self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emc_abort_acked(self): if debug(): print("emc_abort_acked") self.hal["emc-abort"] = 0 def emcIoAbort(self,reason): if debug(): print("py: emcIoAbort reason=",reason,"state=",emctask.emcstat.task.state) #if debug(): print("tc fault=",self.io.fault, "tc reason=",self.io.reason) self.io.coolant.mist = 0 self.io.coolant.flood = 0 if self.tcpins: self.hal["coolant-mist"] = 0 self.hal["coolant-flood"] = 0 self.hal["tool-change"] = 0 self.hal["tool-prepare"] = 0 if self.startchange_pins: self.hal["start-change"] = 0 if self.fault_pins: self.hal["emc-reason"] = reason self.hal["emc-abort"] = 1 self.io.status = self.wait_for_named_pin(1,"iocontrol.0.emc-abort-ack",self.emc_abort_acked) return 0 if self._callback: if debug(): print("emcIoAbort: cancelling callback to ",self._callback) self._callback = None self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def start_change_acked(self): if debug(): print("start_change_acked") self.hal["start-change"] = 0 def emcToolStartChange(self): if debug(): print("py: emcToolStartChange", "wait for iocontrol.0.start-change-ack" if self.startchange_pins else "noop") if self.startchange_pins: self.hal["start-change"] = 1 self.io.status = self.wait_for_named_pin(1,"iocontrol.0.start-change-ack",self.start_change_acked) return 0 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcAuxEstopOn(self): if debug(): print("py: emcAuxEstopOn taskstate=",emctask.emcstat.task.state) self.hal["user-enable-out"] = 0 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcAuxEstopOff(self): if debug(): print("py: emcAuxEstopOff") self.hal["user-enable-out"] = 1 self.hal["user-request-enable"] = 1 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcCoolantMistOn(self): if debug(): print("py: emcCoolantMistOn") self.hal["coolant-mist"] = 1 self.io.coolant.mist = 1 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcCoolantMistOff(self): if debug(): print("py: emcCoolantMistOff") self.hal["coolant-mist"] = 0 self.io.coolant.mist = 0 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcCoolantFloodOn(self): if debug(): print("py: emcCoolantFloodOn") self.hal["coolant-flood"] = 1 self.io.coolant.flood = 1 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcCoolantFloodOff(self): if debug(): print("py: emcCoolantFloodOff") self.hal["coolant-flood"] = 0 self.io.coolant.flood = 0 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcLubeOn(self): if debug(): print("py: emcLubeOn") self.hal["lube"] = 1 self.io.lube.on = 1 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcLubeOff(self): if debug(): print("py: emcLubeOff") self.hal["lube"] = 0 self.io.lube.on = 0 self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcIoSetDebug(self,debug): if debug(): print("py: emcIoSetDebug debug =",debug) self.io.status = emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return 0 def emcIoUpdate(self): try: #if debug(): print("py: emcIoUpdate") self.hal["user-request-enable"] = 0 self.io.aux.estop = not self.hal["emc-enable-in"] if self.fault_pins: if self.hal["toolchanger-fault"]: self.io.reason = self.hal["toolchanger-reason"] self.hal["toolchanger-fault-ack"] = 1 self.hal["toolchanger-faulted"] = 1 # fault indicator latch self.io.fault = 1 return 0 else: self.hal["toolchanger-fault-ack"] = 0 if self.hal["toolchanger-clear-fault"]: self.hal["toolchanger-faulted"] = 0 # reset fault indicator latch self.io.reason = 0 if self._check: self.io.status = self._check() return 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: # shutting down print("emcIoUpdate----KeyboardInterrupt:") return -1 except Exception as e: print("emcIoUpdate----:") print_exc_plus() return -1 else: return 0 def wait_for_named_pin_callback(self): if self._comp[self._pin] == self._value: if debug(): print("pin %s now %d" % (self._pin, self._value)) if self._callback: self._callback() self._check = None self._callback = None return emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE return emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_EXEC def wait_for_named_pin(self,value,name,callback = None): (component, pin) = name.rsplit('.',1) comp = self.components[component] if comp[pin] == value: if debug(): print("pin: %s already at %d" % (name,value)) if callback: callback() return emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_DONE else: if debug(): print("waiting for %s to become %d" % (name,value)) # else set up callback self._comp = comp self._pin = pin self._value = value self._check = self.wait_for_named_pin_callback self._callback = callback # and tell task to wait until status changes to RCS_DONE return emctask.RCS_STATUS.RCS_EXEC def hal_init_pins(self): """ Sets HAL pins default values """ self.hal["user-enable-out"] = 0 self.hal["user-request-enable"] = 0 self.hal["coolant-mist"] = 0 self.hal["coolant-flood"] = 0 self.hal["lube"] = 0 if self.tcpins: self.hal["tool-prepare"] = 0 self.hal["tool-prepared"] = 0 self.hal["tool-prep-number"] = 0 self.hal["tool-prep-pocket"] = 0 self.hal["tool-change"] = 0 self.hal["tool-number"] = 0 if self.startchange_pins: self.hal["start-change"] = 0 if self.fault_pins: self.hal["emc-abort"] = 0 self.hal["emc-reason"] = 0 self.hal["toolchanger-fault-ack"] = 0 self.hal["toolchanger-faulted"] = 0 # support queuing calls from Interp to Task Python methods: # trap call, pickle a tuple of name and arguments and enqueue with canon IO_PLUGIN_CALL class EnqueueCall(object): def __init__(self,e): if debug(): print("EnqueueCall.__init__()") self._e = e def _encode(self,*args,**kwargs): if hasattr(self._e,self._name) and callable(getattr(self._e,self._name)): p = pickle.dumps((self._name,args,kwargs),-1) # binary pickle emccanon.IO_PLUGIN_CALL(int(len(p)),p) else: raise AttributeError,"no such Task method: " + self._name def __getattr__(self, name): self._name = name return self._encode ## {{{ http://code.activestate.com/recipes/52215/ (r1) def print_exc_plus(): """ Print the usual traceback information, followed by a listing of all the local variables in each frame. """ tb = sys.exc_info()[2] while 1: if not tb.tb_next: break tb = tb.tb_next stack = [] f = tb.tb_frame while f: stack.append(f) f = f.f_back stack.reverse() traceback.print_exc() print("Locals by frame, innermost last") for frame in stack: print print("Frame %s in %s at line %s" % (frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)) for key, value in frame.f_locals.items(): print("\t%20s = " % key, end=" ") #We have to be careful not to cause a new error in our error #printer! Calling str() on an unknown object could cause an #error we don't want. try: print(value) except: print("")