This is a simulated configuration to demonstrate the panelui component. This example shows: rapid jogging, MPG axis selection, MPG jog rate selection and spindle control buttons. The spindle on buttons will turn the spindle on in the desired direction (if off) or if already on, will increase or decrease the speed. by changing the panelui.ini file one can change the effects of the buttons. Panelui allows an integrator to connect an operator panel, whether in software or hardware to a HAL only or full linuxcnc systems. It allows different styles of buttons including: momentary -true output or 'true' command is only given when pushed and held -False output or 'false' command is only given when released toggle -true output or 'true' command is only given on first push -False output or 'false' command is only given on second push radio -each button can have its own set of pins/commands similar to toggle buttons -has a group association with it's own pins/commands that changes depending on which button in the group is active. There are a number of built in commands available, that allow a button press to control linuxcnc. such as spindle control, machine on, arbrtrary MDI commands etc. By adding a handler file written in python, one could add any arbitrary commands or modify the existing ones. Panelui is configured using an INI style text file that would be placed in the config folder.