[EMC] VERSION = 1.1 MACHINE = extend-builtins.ini # Debug level, 0 means no messages. See src/emc/nml_intf/debugflags.h for others DEBUG = 0 [DISPLAY] DISPLAY = axis OPEN_FILE= ./nc_files/examples.ngc GLADEVCP= -c gladevcp show.ui CYCLE_TIME = 0.100 HELP_FILE = doc/help.txt POSITION_OFFSET = RELATIVE POSITION_FEEDBACK = ACTUAL MAX_FEED_OVERRIDE = 1.2 MAX_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE = 1.0 MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 1.2 DEFAULT_LINEAR_VELOCITY = .25 PROGRAM_PREFIX = ../../nc_files/ INTRO_GRAPHIC = linuxcnc.gif INTRO_TIME = 5 #EDITOR = geany TOOL_EDITOR = tooledit INCREMENTS = 1 in, 0.1 in, 10 mil, 1 mil, 1mm, .1mm, 1/8000 in [FILTER] PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .png,.gif,.jpg Grayscale Depth Image PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .py Python Script png = image-to-gcode gif = image-to-gcode jpg = image-to-gcode py = python3 [RS274NGC] PARAMETER_FILE = sim.var SUBROUTINE_PATH = nc_subroutines:../../nc_files/remap_lib/common_nc_subs LOG_LEVEL = 1 # parameters exposed by prepare_prolog/evaluated by prepare_epilog: # # # # REMAP= T prolog=prepare_prolog ngc=prepare epilog=prepare_epilog # parameters exposed by change_prolog/evaluated by change_epilog: # # # # # # # # REMAP= M6 modalgroup=6 prolog=change_prolog ngc=change epilog=change_epilog # parameters exposed by settool_prolog/evaluated by settool_epilog: # # # # REMAP= M61 modalgroup=6 prolog=settool_prolog ngc=settool epilog=settool_epilog # alternative for demonstration purposes: 'do it all in Python' #REMAP= M61 modalgroup=6 python=set_tool_number # parameters exposed by setspeed_prolog/evaluated by setspeed_epilog: # # REMAP= S prolog=setspeed_prolog ngc=setspeed epilog=setspeed_epilog # parameters exposed by setfeed_prolog/evaluated by setfeed_epilog: # # REMAP= F prolog=setfeed_prolog ngc=setfeed epilog=setfeed_epilog REMAP= M0 modalgroup=4 ngc=extend_m0 REMAP= M1 modalgroup=4 ngc=extend_m1 REMAP= M60 modalgroup=4 ngc=extend_m60 # this is important - read common_nc_subs/reset_state.ngc ON_ABORT_COMMAND= O call [EMCMOT] EMCMOT = motmod COMM_TIMEOUT = 1.0 SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000 [TASK] TASK = milltask CYCLE_TIME = 0.001 [HAL] HALUI = halui HALFILE = LIB:basic_sim.tcl POSTGUI_HALFILE = gladevcp.hal [TRAJ] COORDINATES = X Y Z LINEAR_UNITS = inch ANGULAR_UNITS = degree DEFAULT_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 1.2 POSITION_FILE = position.txt MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 1.2 NO_FORCE_HOMING = 1 [EMCIO] EMCIO = iov2 CYCLE_TIME = 0.100 TOOL_TABLE = tool.tbl TOOL_CHANGE_POSITION = 0 0 0 TOOL_CHANGE_QUILL_UP = 1 [KINS] KINEMATICS = trivkins JOINTS = 3 [AXIS_X] MIN_LIMIT = -40.0 MAX_LIMIT = 40.0 MAX_VELOCITY = 4 MAX_ACCELERATION = 100.0 [JOINT_0] TYPE = LINEAR HOME = 0.000 MAX_VELOCITY = 4 MAX_ACCELERATION = 100.0 MIN_LIMIT = -40.0 MAX_LIMIT = 40.0 HOME_OFFSET = 0.0 HOME_SEARCH_VEL = 20.0 HOME_LATCH_VEL = 20.0 HOME_SEQUENCE = 1 HOME_IS_SHARED = 1 [AXIS_Y] MIN_LIMIT = -40.0 MAX_LIMIT = 40.0 MAX_VELOCITY = 4 MAX_ACCELERATION = 100.0 [JOINT_1] TYPE = LINEAR HOME = 0.000 MAX_VELOCITY = 4 MAX_ACCELERATION = 100.0 MIN_LIMIT = -40.0 MAX_LIMIT = 40.0 HOME_OFFSET = 0.0 HOME_SEARCH_VEL = 20.0 HOME_LATCH_VEL = 20.0 HOME_SEQUENCE = 1 [AXIS_Z] MIN_LIMIT = -8.0 MAX_LIMIT = 8.00 MAX_VELOCITY = 4 MAX_ACCELERATION = 100.0 [JOINT_2] TYPE = LINEAR HOME = 0.0 MAX_VELOCITY = 4 MAX_ACCELERATION = 100.0 MIN_LIMIT = -8.0 MAX_LIMIT = 8.00 HOME_OFFSET = 1.0 HOME_SEARCH_VEL = 20.0 HOME_LATCH_VEL = 20.0 HOME_SEQUENCE = 0 HOME_IS_SHARED = 1 # section for main IO controller parameters ----------------------------------- [PYTHON] # where to find Python code # code specific for this configuration PATH_PREPEND= ./python # generic support code PATH_APPEND= ../../nc_files/remap_lib/python-stdglue # import the following Python module TOPLEVEL= python/toplevel.py # the higher the more verbose tracing of the Python plugin LOG_LEVEL = 1