(Preamble) G90 G64 P0.1 Q1 (Switch to Joint mode trivial kinematics) M429 (When using "Joint" mode we need to make sure that) (the offsets are set correctly for the pose we used) (when we set up the Modified DH-Parameters for the ) ("genserkins" kinematic where we cannot define 'Theta') (-values.) ("M429" sets offsets to "G59.2" and resets those) (to "G10 L2 P8 X0 Y-90 Z0 A0 B0 C0" so we match the DH-) (Parameter model used in the genserkins kinematics) (Note that this pose leaves Joint_3 and Joint_5 collinear) (and that will cause the inverse kinematics to fail so we) (need to make sure that the wrist does not start out at) (zero degrees.) (Note that we also change speed settings through HAL when) (we switch kinematics) (Set the start pose to make sure the kinematics can handle it) G01 X0 Y0 Z0 A0 B0 C0 F1000 (Switch to Coordinated, i.e. cartesian, world mode) M428 ("M428" sets offsets to "G59.1" and resets those) (to "G10 L2 P7 X0 Y0 Z0 A0 B0 C0") (Origin is at bottom center of the robot base) (So to use other, nonzero, offsets we need to declare after) (each switch of the kinematics) G0 X450 Y200 Z350 B10 C45 (Draw a cube of 150mm) G91 G0 Y150 X150 Y-150 X-150 Z150 Y150 Z-150 Z150 X150 Z-150 Z150 Y-150 Z-150 Z150 X-150 (Switch to Joint mode trivial kinematics) M429 (Go different pose) G90 G0 X90 Y0 Z0 A0 (Switch to Coordinated, i.e. cartesian, world mode) M428 (Draw a cube of 150mm) G91 G0 Z-150 Y150 X150 Y-150 X-150 Z150 Y150 Z-150 Z150 X150 Z-150 Z150 Y-150 Z-150 Z150 X-150 (Switch to Joint mode trivial kinematics) M429 (Go to start pose) G90 G0 X0 Y0 Z0 A0 M2