Simulation of a Mill-Turn machine This shows the use of switchable kinematics for a machine with 3 linear cartesian joints (XYZ) and one rotary joint (A) where the rotary (A) can be used as an axis and as a spindle. Switching the kinematic between a mill configuration and a lathe configuration can be done using M-codes in MDI-mode or inside a GCODE-program (M428 for milling / M429 for turning). After loading the config and homing the configuration is set to milling (M428). SOFTLIMITS: Axis-Softlimits are defined in the usual [AXIS_n]-section of the INI file. 'MIN_LIMIT' and 'MAX_LIMIT' are used for the default kinematic (mill). For the alternative kinematic (turn) additional entries 'MIN_LIMIT_TURN' and 'MAX_LIMIT_TURN' are used for the required axis (x,y and z). Note that the 'set coords " "' entry in ./mcodes/M128 and ./mcodes/M129 has to contain the required axis (set coords "x y z"). Because the home position of the Y axis has been set up to be in the center of the axis, the softlimits for Y are identical for both kinematics so switching them is not strictly necessary in this case but has been included for the user to experiment. Also note that M128 and M129 are not meant to be called directly by the user but are called from inside M428/M429 codes and that because of the forced synchronization in M128/M129 the motion planner cannot "see" limit violations beyond the next kinematic switch. Only after the M128/M129 command has been executed will the following gcode (up to the next kinematic switch) be checked for limit violations. Note that, switching of velocity and acceleration settings can be handled in the same manner as the softlimits. VISMACH: Due to limitations of vismach, turning tools will only show correctly if tooloffset for X and Z are identical. Other offsets can be used and will be calculated correctly for the toolpath but the graphical tool representation will not be correct in vismach visualization. Also mill-bits are not shown cylindrical but as a triangle. M428 will: 1. Set the kinematic to 'mill' - mode x : joint0 y : joint1 z : joint2 a : joint3 so the gcode commands: 'g0x10' moves joint0 'g0z10' moves joint2 2. Load the softlimits as defined in 'MIN_LIMIT' and 'MAX_LIMIT' of [AXIS_n]-section of the INI file (for AXIS_X and AXIS_Z) 3. Set the G59.1 home offset to X-290 Y0 Z-160 A0 (this can be changed in ./remaps/428remap.ngc) 4. Activate G59.1 offset 5. Force a synchronization M428 will: 1. Set the kinematic to 'turn' - mode x : joint2 y : -joint1 z : joint0 a : joint3 so the gcode commands: 'g0x10' moves joint2 'g0z10' moves joint0 2. Load the softlimits as defined in 'MIN_LIMIT_TURN' and 'MAX_LIMIT_TURN' of [AXIS_n]-section of the INI file (for AXIS_X and AXIS_Z) 3. Set the G59.2 home offset to X-160 Y0 Z-290 A0 (this can be changed in ./remaps/429remap.ngc) 4. Activate G59.2 offset 5. Force a synchronization