millturn usage: For additional information see the README in the millturn folder. 1) startup (after homing) the simulation is in mill mode as configured in millturn.ini (mm-based) with 3 cartesian linear joints (XYZ) and 1 rotary joint (A). 2) pyvcp buttons are provided to switch between mill and turn kinematics. The buttons issue remapped commands M428,M429. These commands a) set the motion.switchkins-type pin and b) force a synchronization using a motion input read command. c) set softlimits according to values set in millturn.ini [AXIS_X] and [AXIS_Z] section. 3) when set for mill, default assignments are: x : joint0 y : joint1 z : joint2 a : joint3 so the gcode commands: 'g0x10' moves joint0 'g0z10' moves joint2 4) when set for turn, assignments are: x : joint2 y : -joint1 z : joint0 a : joint3 so the gcode commands: 'g0x10' moves joint2 'g0z10' moves joint0