This is a small instruction to include macros in gmoccapy. In your INI File you need to introduce a section called [MACROS] and for every macro you'll need to include a one-liner like so: MACRO = jog_around or MACRO = increment xinc yinc where xinc and yinc are placeholders During execution of the macro, you will be asked to enter the values. You are allowed to introduce 9 macros! If you enter more macros, only the first 9 will appear with button in gmoccapy. In the [RS274NGC] section you may want to give a path to your macros like so: [RS274NGC] SUBROUTINE_PATH = nc_files/subroutines or you place your macros in the nc_files folder. Each macro must have it's own file in one of the mentioned folders and they are normal subroutines, so the must begin with: O sub and end with O endsub M2 The name of the file must be jog_around.ngc. And an macro must contain at least one movement of one axis. macro name in INI file have to be the same as the file name and the sub must have also the same name (case sensitive!)! BE CAREFUL: At this development step, the macros can only be interrupted by pressing the machine off button or the emergency exit button! I will check how to make this more secure! Hope this does help. Norbert