# in case they were linked already unlinkp iocontrol.0.tool-change unlinkp iocontrol.0.tool-changed # Need a qt tool change dialog added to screen for this to work # though it uses the same pin names as the AXIS version # the Qt version integrates better. net tool-change hal_manualtoolchange.change iocontrol.0.tool-change net tool-changed hal_manualtoolchange.changed iocontrol.0.tool-changed net tool-prep-number hal_manualtoolchange.number iocontrol.0.tool-prep-number loadusr -Wn sim_panel qtvcp -a -d sim_panel.ui show pin sim_panel net cs-sig sim_panel.cyclestart qttouchy.cycle-start-in net mpg-sig axis.x.jog-counts axis.y.jog-counts axis.z.jog-counts sim_panel.MPG-s net mpg-sig joint.0.jog-counts joint.1.jog-counts joint.2.jog-counts net mpg-sig qttouchy.mpg-in net feedhold sim_panel.feedhold motion.feed-hold net abort sim_panel.abort qttouchy.abort net jogSelectx axis.x.jog-enable joint.0.jog-enable qttouchy.jogwheel.x-enable net jogSelecty axis.y.jog-enable joint.1.jog-enable qttouchy.jogwheel.y-enable net jogSelectz axis.z.jog-enable joint.2.jog-enable qttouchy.jogwheel.z-enable net jogIncrement qttouchy.jogwheel.increment net jogIncrement axis.x.jog-scale axis.y.jog-scale axis.z.jog-scale net jogIncrement joint.0.jog-scale joint.1.jog-scale joint.2.jog-scale