# Include your customized HAL commands here # The commands in this file are run after TOUCHY starts # connect out test panel controls to TOUCHY # In a real machine you would connect similarly to REAL buttons net TEST-MPG touchy_test.mpg => net TEST-MPG touchy.wheel-counts net TEST-MPG axis.x.jog-counts joint.0.jog-counts net TEST-MPG axis.y.jog-counts joint.1.jog-counts net TEST-MPG axis.z.jog-counts joint.2.jog-counts net TEST-JOG-ENABLE-X touchy.jog.wheel.x => axis.x.jog-enable joint.0.jog-enable net TEST-JOG-ENABLE-Y touchy.jog.wheel.y => axis.y.jog-enable joint.1.jog-enable net TEST-JOG-ENABLE-Z touchy.jog.wheel.z => axis.z.jog-enable joint.2.jog-enable net TEST-JOG-INCR touchy.jog.wheel.increment => net TEST-JOG-INCR axis.x.jog-scale joint.0.jog-scale net TEST-JOG-INCR axis.y.jog-scale joint.1.jog-scale net TEST-JOG-INCR axis.z.jog-scale joint.2.jog-scale net TEST-CYCLE-START touchy_test.cycle-start-button => touchy.cycle-start net TEST-SPINDLE-SPEED spindle.0.speed-out => touchy_test.spindle-speed