# Jog Pendant loadrt encoder num_chan=1 loadrt mux4 count=1 addf encoder.update-counters servo-thread addf mux4.0 servo-thread # For velocity mode, set to 1 # In velocity mode the axis stops when the dial is stopped # even if that means the commanded motion is not completed, # For position mode (the default), set to 0 # In position mode the axis will move exactly jog-scale # units for each count, regardless of how long that might take, setp axis.x.jog-vel-mode 0 setp axis.y.jog-vel-mode 0 setp axis.z.jog-vel-mode 0 setp axis.a.jog-vel-mode 0 # This sets the scale that will be used based on the input to the mux4 setp mux4.0.in0 0.001 setp mux4.0.in1 0.01 setp mux4.0.in2 0.1 # The inputs to the mux4 component net scale_0 mux4.0.sel0 net scale_1 mux4.0.sel1 # The output from the mux4 is sent to each axis jog scale net mpg-scale <= mux4.0.out net mpg-scale => axis.x.jog-scale net mpg-scale => axis.y.jog-scale net mpg-scale => axis.z.jog-scale net mpg-scale => axis.a.jog-scale # The encoder output counts to the axis. Only the selected axis will move. #net encoder-counts <= hm2_7i96.0.encoder.00.count-latched net encoder-counts => axis.x.jog-counts net encoder-counts => axis.y.jog-counts net encoder-counts => axis.z.jog-counts net encoder-counts => axis.a.jog-counts