#!/bin/bash if [ ! -d debian -o ! -d src ]; then echo "this script must be run from the root of the source tree (the directory with debian and src in it)" exit 1 fi source scripts/githelper.sh githelper $1 GIT_VERSION=$(scripts/get-version-from-git $GIT_BRANCH) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "error determining version!" exit 1 fi DEB_VERSION=`git show HEAD:debian/changelog | head -1 | sed 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/'` NEW_DEB_VERSION=$(echo $GIT_VERSION | sed -r 's/-pre/~pre/; s/-/./g') NEW_DEB_VERSION="1:${NEW_DEB_VERSION/v/}" if [ "$NEW_DEB_VERSION" = "$DEB_VERSION" ]; then echo "no changes since the version at the top of the debian/changelog file" echo "not modifying debian/changelog" exit 0 fi # Workaround until in lsb_release is fixed. CODENAME="$(lsb_release --codename --short)" case "$CODENAME" in n/a) CODENAME=unstable ;; esac set -e ( echo "linuxcnc ($NEW_DEB_VERSION) $CODENAME; urgency=low" echo git log --pretty=format:" * %w(72,0,6)%s" $GIT_TAG.. echo echo echo " -- buildbot $(date -R)" echo git show HEAD:debian/changelog ) > debian/changelog dch -r --nomultimaint ""