/* demo for using gcmc file with [py]ngcgui //ngcgui: info: WHEELS (gcmc G-Code Meta Compiler) //ngcgui: umode = 1; //, units: 1:mm, 0:inch //ngcgui: r1=10; //,Radius 1 (10mm = .39370 in) //ngcgui: r2= 5; //,Radius 2 ( 5mm = .19685 in) //ngcgui: r3= 3.333; //,Radius 3 ( 3.333mm = .13122 in) //ngcgui: s1= 1 ,Speed 1 (ratio, nounits) //ngcgui: s2= 7 ,Speed 2 (ratio, nounits) //ngcgui: s3= -17 ,Speed 3 (ratio, nounits) //ngcgui: p1= 0 ,Phase 1 (angle, degrees) //ngcgui: p2= 0 ,Phase 2 (angle, degrees) //ngcgui: p3= 90 ,Phase 3 (angle, degrees) //ngcgui: zsafe = 1; //, zsafe //ngcgui: zcut = -1; //, zcut (neg) //ngcgui: xoffset = 0; //ngcgui: yoffset = 0; //ngcgui: scalex = 5; //ngcgui: scaley = 5; //ngcgui: scalez = 1; //ngcgui: frate = 60; //, feedrate //ngcgui: verbose = 0; // precede ensure_units */ include("ensure_units.gcmc"); //avoid preamble conflict /* Copyright: 2013 Author: Alan Battersby This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /********************************************************/ /* Code to produce wheels paths */ /* Using GCMC Compiler */ /* Author: Alan Battersby */ /* Version: 1.0 */ /********************************************************/ /********************************************************/ /* Each wheel is a vector of three components */ /* Radius - The radius of the wheel */ /* Speed - The speed of the wheel */ /* Phase - The phase of the wheel */ function Radius(wheel) { return wheel[0]; } function Speed(wheel) { return wheel[1]; } function Phase(wheel) { return wheel[2]; } function CreateWheel(r, s, p) { return [r,s,p]; } /* Wheels are held in global vector list called wheels */ function CalcPoint(wheels, angle) { local at, posn, r, s, p, w; posn = [0, 0]; foreach (wheels; w) { r = Radius(w); s = Speed(w); p = Phase(w); at = s * angle + p; posn += [r * cos(at), r * sin(at) ]; } return posn; } function CutPath(wheels, start, inc, end, cdepth, scale) { local angle, point; /* move to first point at safe height */ for(angle = start; angle <= end; angle += inc) { if (angle == start) { /* we should be at safe height */ /* so move to cutting depth */ point = scale(CalcPoint(wheels, angle), scale); goto(point + theoffset); goto([-,-,cdepth * scale[2]]); } else { point = scale(CalcPoint(wheels, angle), scale); move(point + theoffset); } } } /******************* Library ****************************/ function GoAtSafeHeight(x,y) { goto([-,-,safeheight]); goto([x,y,safeheight]); } /******************* main program ***********************/ if (umode == 1) { zero = 0.0mm; } else { zero = 0.0in; } // ngcgui entries are unitless so these additions are used // to ensure 1) floatingpoint and 2) units per umode setting xoffset = zero + xoffset; yoffset = zero + yoffset; zsafe = zero + zsafe; zcut = zero + zcut; r1 = zero + r1; r2 = zero + r2; r3 = zero + r3; s1 = 0.0 + s1; //angular speed ratio (unitless) s2 = 0.0 + s2; //angular speed ratio (unitless) s3 = 0.0 + s3; //angular speed ratio (unitless) theoffset = [xoffset, yoffset]; safeheight = zsafe; cuttingdepth = zcut; svec = [scalex, scaley ,scalez ]; wheels = { CreateWheel(r1, s1, p1 * 1deg), CreateWheel(r2, s2, p2 * 1deg), CreateWheel(r3, s3, p3 * 1deg) }; feedrate(frate); GoAtSafeHeight(0, 0); CutPath(wheels, 0deg, 0.01deg, 360deg, cuttingdepth, svec); GoAtSafeHeight(0, 0);