; Gmoccapy_2_tools_with_compensation.ngc ; testprogram to mill two circles with cutter radius compensation ; and two different tools ; set the basic settings, this should be ; on every program the beginning G17 G21 G54 G61 G40 G49 G80 G90 ; get the first tool T3 M6 G43 ; go to center of the workpiece G0 X50 Y50 G0 Z30 ; turn on spindle clockwise S3000 M3 ; coolant on M8 G0 Z10 F250 G1 Z0 ; tool radius compensation ; go in circle with lower feed rate G41 G3 X70 Y50 Z-1 I10 J0 ; make first circle with normal feed F2000 G3 I -20 ; out of the workpiece G3 X50 Y50 Z1 I-10 J0 G0 Z30 ; coolant off M9 ; turn off cutter radius compensation, otherwise no tool change is possible G40 T1 M6 G43 ; optional stop for testing (MSG, optional stop, i.e. for cleaning the workpiece, or other thinks) M1 ; go again to the center of the workpiece G0 X50 Y50 G0 Z10 ; turn on spindle clockwise S6000 M3 ; mist on M7 G0 Z10 F400 G1 Z1 ; Werkzeugradienkompensation ein ; Anfahrradius mit Eintauchgeschwindigkeit G41 G3 X65 Y50 Z-1 I7.5 J0 ; 2. Kreis mit Vorschubgeschwindigkeit fräsen F1000 G3 I-15 ; Aus dem Werkstück G3 X50 Y50 Z1 I-7.5 J0 G0 Z30 G0 Z30 G0 X50 Y50 M9 ; coolant off M5 ; spindle off M2 ; program end