#!/usr/bin/tclsh # # for Usage: # latency-histogram --help | -? #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright: 2012-2016 # Author: Dewey Garrett # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mu sign is Unicode 00b5 set ::MICROSEC \u00b5s proc set_defaults {} { set ::LH(start) [clock seconds] # don't include glxgears, error suffices program_check {halrun halcmd lsmod pgrep pkill hostname} if {[string first rtai [string tolower $::tcl_platform(osVersion)]] >=0} { set ::LH(rtai) rtai set ::LH(realtime) [exec linuxcnc_var REALTIME] program_check $::LH(realtime) } set ::LH(use_x) 1 set ::LH(verbose) 0 set ::LH(opt,show) 0 set name [file tail [file rootname $::argv0]] set ::LH(compname) latencybins set ::LH(dir,screenshot) /tmp/$name if [catch {file mkdir $::LH(dir,screenshot)} msg] { set ::LH(dir,screenshot) ~ } set ::LH(note,txt) "" set ::LH(date) [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d%b%Y"] set ::LH(y,logscale) 1 set ::LH(threads) {base servo} set ::LH(base,name) base set ::LH(servo,name) servo set ::LH(base,color) seagreen set ::LH(servo,color) blue set ::LH(base,period,ns) 25000 set ::LH(servo,period,ns) 1000000 set ::LH(base,period,ns,min) 5000 set ::LH(servo,period,ns,min) 25000 set ::LH(base,binsize,ns) 100 set ::LH(servo,binsize,ns) 100 # must be integer for window naming and .comp file usage: set ::LH(base,maxbins) 200 set ::LH(servo,maxbins) 200 set ::LH(base,p,more) 0 set ::LH(base,n,more) 0 set ::LH(servo,p,more) 0 set ::LH(serve,n,more) 0 set ::LH(after,repeat) '' } ;# set_defaults proc which_exe {name} { # replaces /usr/bin/which deprecated in debian/unstable foreach dir [split $::env(PATH) :] { set f [file join $dir $name] if [file executable $f] { return $f } } return -code error "$name: executable not found" } ;# which_exe proc program_check {plist} { foreach prog $plist { if [catch { set ::LH(prog,$prog) [which_exe $prog] } chkmsg] { set msg "Cannot find required program named: <$prog>" set msg "$msg\n\nIf Run-in-Place, source rip-environment first" set msg "$msg\n\n$chkmsg" popup $msg exit 1 } } } ;# program_check proc config {} { while {[llength $::argv] >0} { # beware wish handling of reserved cmdline arguments # lreplace shifts argv for no. of items for each iteration set currentarg [lindex $::argv 0] switch -- $currentarg { -? - --help {usage;exit 0} --logscale {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::LH(y,logscale) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } --base {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::LH(base,period,ns) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] if {$::LH(base,period,ns) < $::LH(base,period,ns,min)} { puts "base period too small\ min=$::LH(base,period,ns,min)" exit 1 } } --servo {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::LH(servo,period,ns) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] if {$::LH(servo,period,ns) < $::LH(servo,period,ns,min)} { puts "servo period too small\ min=$::LH(servo,period,ns,min)" exit 1 } } --bbinsize {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::LH(base,binsize,ns) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } --sbinsize {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::LH(servo,binsize,ns) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } --sbins {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::LH(servo,maxbins) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } --bbins {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::LH(base,maxbins) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } --text {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::LH(note,txt) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } --nobase {set ::LH(threads) {servo} } --show {set ::LH(opt,show) 1 } --verbose {set ::LH(verbose) 1 } --nox {set ::LH(use_x) 0 } default {lappend unknownargs $currentarg} } set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } ;# while if [info exists unknownargs] { puts "\nIgnoring unknown args: <$unknownargs>" } if {$::LH(base,period,ns) > $::LH(servo,period,ns)} { popup "base period must be less than servo period" exit 1 } set ::LH(title) "$::argv0" foreach thd $::LH(threads) { # initial delay for reading by index set ms [expr $::LH($thd,period,ns)/1000000] if {$ms > 1} { set ::LH($thd,dly,ms) $ms } else { set ::LH($thd,dly,ms) 1 ;# minimum interval (ms) for after cmd } if {[expr $::LH($thd,binsize,ns) % 10] != 0} { puts "$::argv0: \[sb\]binsize must be multiple of 10 ns" exit 1 } # guard for lat32 limit of 2.147 sec if {[expr $::LH($thd,binsize,ns) * $::LH($thd,maxbins)] > 2000000000} { puts "Measurement interval too big for $thd thread" puts "Reduce bins or increase binsize" exit 1 } # uS display only set ::LH($thd,binsize,us) [expr ($::LH($thd,binsize,ns)/1000.)] } set ::LH(info) [other_info] set ::LH(processor) [processor_info] } ;# config proc other_info {} { if [info exists ::env(DISPLAY)] { set display "DISPLAY=$::env(DISPLAY)" } else { set display "DISPLAY=?" } set linuxcncversion [exec linuxcnc_var LINUXCNCVERSION] return "\ $::tcl_platform(machine) \ $::tcl_platform(osVersion) \ $linuxcncversion \ $display \ " } ;# other_info proc processor_info {} { set cmdline [exec cat /proc/cmdline] set idx [string first isolcpus $cmdline] if {$idx < 0} { set isolcpus no_isolcpus } else { set tmp [string range $cmdline $idx end] set tmp "$tmp " ;# add trailing blank set isolcpus [string range $tmp 0 [expr -1 + [string first " " $tmp]]] } set fd [open /proc/cpuinfo] while {![eof $fd]} { gets $fd newline set s [split $newline :] set key [string trim [lindex $s 0]] set key [string map "\" \" _" $key] set v [lindex $s 1] set procinfo($key) $v } close $fd set cores "1_core" catch {set cores "$procinfo(cpu_cores) cores"};# item may not exist catch {set cores "[exec getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN] cores"};# could fail? set model "" catch {set model $procinfo(model_name)} ;# item may not exist set model [string trim $model] set vendor_id "" catch {set vendor_id $procinfo(vendor_id)} ;# item may not exist # collapse multiple blanks: while 1 {if ![regsub " " $model " " model] break} return "\ $cores \ $isolcpus \ $vendor_id \ $model \ " } ;# processor_info proc load_packages {} { package require Tclx if $::LH(use_x) { package require Tk wm title . $::LH(title) wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW finish wm withdraw . if [catch {package require BLT} msg] { puts $msg puts "To install: sudo apt-get install blt" exit 1 } blt::bitmap define nbmap { {8 8} {0xc7,0x8f,0x1f,0x3e,0x7c, 0xf8,0xf1,0xe3} } blt::bitmap define pbmap { {8 8} {0xe3,0xf1,0xf8,0x7c, 0x3e,0x1f,0x8f,0xc7} } } if { [catch {exec pgrep linuxcnc} msg] \ && [catch {exec pgrep halcmd} msg]} { # puts "ok--not already running hal" } else { wm withdraw . popup "Stop linuxcnc and hal first (try: \$ halrun -U)" exit 1 } if [info exists ::LH(rtai)] { exec $::LH(realtime) start & progress "Delay for realtime startup" after 1000 ;# wait to load Hal package } # augment ::auto_path for special case: # 1) RIP build (no install) # 2) linuxcnc script called from Application menu if { [info exists ::env(LINUXCNC_TCL_DIR)] && ([lsearch $::auto_path $::env(LINUXCNC_TCL_DIR)] < 0) } { # prepend set ::auto_path [lreplace $::auto_path 0 -1 $::env(LINUXCNC_TCL_DIR)] } if [catch {package require Hal} msg] { puts $msg puts "For a RIP linuxcnc build, source rip-environment in this shell" exit 1 } } ;# load_packages proc make_gui { {w .} } { set f [frame ${w}fa] pack $f -side top -fill x -expand 1 set hname [exec hostname] set user $::tcl_platform(user) pack [label $f.l -anchor w \ -text "$::LH(date) $hname $user $::LH(note,txt)" ] -fill x -expand 1 set f [frame ${w}fb] pack $f -side top -fill x -expand 1 pack [label $f.l -anchor w -text $::LH(info)] -fill x -expand 1 set f [frame ${w}fc] pack $f -side top -fill x -expand 1 pack [label $f.l -anchor w -text $::LH(processor)] -fill x -expand 1 set fmain [frame ${w}fmain] pack $fmain -side top foreach thd $::LH(threads) { set f1 [frame $fmain.$thd -relief groove -bd 2] pack $f1 -side left set f [frame $f1.t] pack $f -side top set ::LH(w,$thd) $f.graph catch {destroy $::LH(w,$thd)} set per [expr $::LH($thd,period,ns)/1000.0] blt::barchart $::LH(w,$thd) \ -plotbackground honeydew1 \ -cursor arrow \ -title "Latency ($::MICROSEC) $thd thread ($per $::MICROSEC period, binsize=$::LH($thd,binsize,us) $::MICROSEC)" \ -width 480 -height 384 pack $::LH(w,$thd) -side left xaxis $thd $::LH(w,$thd) axis configure y -logscale $::LH(y,logscale) set f [frame $f1.extra12] pack $f -side top -anchor w -fill x -expand 1 pack [label $f.min -text "min ($::MICROSEC)"] \ -side left -anchor e set e [entry $f.emin -textvariable ::LH($thd,latency_min,us) \ -state readonly -justify right -width 9] pack $e -side left -anchor e pack [label $f.sdev -text " sdev ($::MICROSEC)"] \ -side left set e [entry $f.esdev -textvariable ::LH($thd,latency_sdev,us) \ -state readonly -justify right -width 9] pack $e -side left -anchor e set e [entry $f.emax -textvariable ::LH($thd,latency_max,us) \ -state readonly -justify right -width 9] pack $e -side right -anchor e pack [label $f.max -text " max ($::MICROSEC)"] \ -side right -anchor e if $::LH(opt,show) { set f [frame $f1.extra2] pack $f -side top -anchor w -fill x -expand 1 set e [entry $f.emin -textvariable ::LH($thd,n,more) \ -state readonly -justify right -width 9] pack $e -side left -anchor e pack [label $f.min -text "<--off-chart neg bin ct"] \ -side left -anchor e set ::LH(w,$thd,negbins) $e set e [entry $f.emax -textvariable ::LH($thd,p,more) \ -state readonly -justify right -width 9] pack $e -side right -anchor e pack [label $f.max -text "off-chart pos bin ct-->"] \ -side right -anchor e set ::LH(w,$thd,posbins) $e } else { set ::LH(w,$thd,negbins) placeholder set ::LH(w,$thd,posbins) placeholder proc placeholder {args} return } set f [frame $f1.bins] pack $f -side top -anchor w -fill x -expand 1 pack [label $f.l -text "Display +/- bins:"] -side left set values "" foreach d {100 50 20 10 5 2 1} { # avoid dividebyzero for small number of bins if [catch {set v [expr $::LH($thd,maxbins)/$d]} msg] continue if {$v == 0} continue lappend values $v } foreach v $values { pack [radiobutton $f.b$v \ -text $v -value $v -variable ::LH($thd,maxbins) \ -command "xaxis $thd"] -side left } } set f [frame ${w}bot] pack $f -side bottom -anchor w -fill x -expand 1 pack [button $f.b -padx 0 -pady 0 -text Reset -command reset_data ] \ -side left -anchor w pack [checkbutton $f.c -text ylogscale -variable ::LH(y,logscale)] \ -side left pack [button $f.exit -padx 0 -pady 0 -text Exit -command finish ] \ -side right pack [entry $f.e -textvariable ::LH(elapsed) \ -state readonly -justify right -width 6] \ -side right -anchor e pack [label $f.el -text "Elapsed Time:"] -side right -anchor e set fg [frame $f.fg] pack $fg -side right -anchor center -fill none -expand 1 pack [label $fg.gct -textvariable ::LH(glxgears,ct)] \ -side right -anchor center pack [button $fg.gears -padx 0 -pady 0 -text Glxgears \ -command [list exec glxgears &]] \ -side right -anchor center -fill none -expand 1 pack [button $f.sshot -padx 0 -pady 0 -text Screenshot \ -command [list windowToFile .]] \ -side right -anchor center -fill none -expand 1 wm deiconify . wm resizable . 0 0 after 0 count_glxgears } ;# make_gui proc count_glxgears {} { set l {} if [catch {set l [exec pgrep glxgears 2>/dev/null]} msg] { # puts "l=$l,msg=$msg" } set ::LH(glxgears,ct) [llength $l] after 1000 count_glxgears ;# reschedule } ;# count_glxgears proc xaxis {thd} { set bins $::LH($thd,maxbins) set binsize $::LH($thd,binsize,us) foreach v {-1 -2 -5 -10 0 10 5 2 1} { if {$v == 0} { lappend ticklist 0 } else { lappend ticklist [expr int(1.0*$bins/$v*$binsize)] } } set fullscale [expr $bins * $binsize] $::LH(w,$thd) axis configure x \ -hide 0 \ -logscale 0 \ -showticks 1 \ -min -$fullscale -max $fullscale \ -majorticks $ticklist } ;# xaxis proc finish {} { after cancel [after info] foreach thd $::LH(threads) { if {$::LH(elapsed) == 0} break progress "$thd reread,ct/sec=[format %.3f \ [expr 1.0*$::LH($thd,reread,ct)/$::LH(elapsed)]]" progress "$thd bump,ct/sec=[format %.3f \ [expr 1.0*$::LH($thd,bump,ct)/$::LH(elapsed)]]" } progress $::LH(title)\n catch {exec pkill glxgears} progress "Fini" exec halrun -U exit 0 } ;# finish proc repeat {} { after cancel $::LH(after,repeat) set ::LH(elapsed) [expr [clock seconds] - $::LH(start)] scan [time { foreach thd $::LH(threads) { update_bin_data $thd } }] "%d %s" tus notused set tms [expr $tus/1000] set ::LH(after,repeat) [after [expr 2*$tms] repeat] ;# nohogging } ;# repeat proc reset_data {} { progress "Reset data" foreach thd $::LH(threads) { hal setp $::LH($thd,name).reset 1 $::LH(w,$thd,posbins) conf -fg black $::LH(w,$thd,negbins) conf -fg black set ::LH($thd,pextra) 0 set ::LH($thd,nextra) 0 set ::LH($thd,p,more) 0 set ::LH($thd,n,more) 0 set ::LH($thd,latency_min,us) "" set ::LH($thd,latency_max,us) "" set ::LH($thd,latency_sdev,us) "" } after 100 foreach thd $::LH(threads) { hal setp $::LH($thd,name).reset 0 } set ::LH(start) [clock seconds] set ::LH(elapsed) 0 if $::LH(use_x) { make_chart } return } ;# reset_data proc start_collection {} { set i 1; set args "" foreach thd $::LH(threads) { set args "$args name$i=t_$thd period$i=$::LH($thd,period,ns)" incr i } eval hal loadrt threads "$args" set names ""; set ct 0 foreach thd $::LH(threads) { if $ct { set names "$names,$::LH($thd,name)" } else { set names "$::LH($thd,name)" } incr ct } hal loadrt $::LH(compname) names=$names foreach thd $::LH(threads) { set ::LH($thd,reread,ct) 0 set ::LH($thd,bump,ct) 0 set availablebins [hal getp $::LH($thd,name).availablebins] if {$availablebins < $::LH($thd,maxbins)} { if $::LH(use_x) { wm iconify . } puts "" puts "The compiled-in number of available bins for $::LH(compname).comp:" puts " <$availablebins>" puts "is less than the requested maxbins:" puts " <$::LH($thd,maxbins) for the $thd thread>" puts "" puts "To fix:" puts " 1) Increase binsize" puts "or" puts " 2) Decrease thread interval" puts "or" puts " 3) Set bins explicitly (< $availablebins)" puts "" exec halrun -U exit 1 } hal addf $::LH($thd,name) t_$thd hal setp $::LH($thd,name).maxbinnumber $::LH($thd,maxbins) hal setp $::LH($thd,name).nsbinsize $::LH($thd,binsize,ns) } hal start if $::LH(use_x) { make_chart } after 100 set ::LH(elapsed) 0 } ;# start_collection proc make_chart {} { foreach thd $::LH(threads) { set w $::LH(w,$thd) $w legend configure -hide 1 ;# too many bins for legend for {set bin 0} {$bin <= $::LH($thd,maxbins)} {incr bin} { lappend pxd [expr $bin*$::LH($thd,binsize,us)] lappend pyd 0 if {$bin == 0} continue lappend nxd [expr -$bin*$::LH($thd,binsize,us)] lappend nyd 0 } if [$w element exists ndata] { set op configure } else { set op create } $w element $op pdata -xdata $pxd \ -ydata $pyd \ -fg $::LH($thd,color) \ -relief solid \ -bd 0 -barwidth $::LH($thd,binsize,us) \ -bg lightblue $w element $op pmaxdata \ -xdata [expr $::LH($thd,maxbins) * $::LH($thd,binsize,us)] \ -ydata 0 \ -fg $::LH($thd,color) \ -relief solid \ -bd 0 -barwidth $::LH($thd,binsize,us) \ -bg lightblue if {$bin == 0} continue $w element $op ndata -xdata $nxd \ -ydata $nyd \ -fg $::LH($thd,color) \ -relief solid \ -bd 0 -barwidth $::LH($thd,binsize,us) \ -bg lightblue $w element $op nmaxdata \ -xdata [expr -$::LH($thd,maxbins) * $::LH($thd,binsize,us)] \ -ydata 0 \ -fg $::LH($thd,color) \ -relief solid \ -bd 0 -barwidth $::LH($thd,binsize,us) \ -bg lightblue if {$bin == 0} continue } } ;# make_chart proc update_bin_data {thd} { set dly $::LH($thd,dly,ms) set pmore 0 set nmore 0 for {set bin 0} {$bin <= $::LH($thd,maxbins)} {incr bin} { hal setp $::LH($thd,name).index $bin set ct 0 while 1 { after $dly set chk [hal getp $::LH($thd,name).check] if {$bin == $chk} { break } else { # retry (probably only needed for (irrelevant) non-realtime threads) incr ct incr ::LH($thd,reread,ct) if {$ct > 1} { incr dly incr ::LH($thd,bump,ct) } } } set pbin [hal getp $::LH($thd,name).pbinvalue] set nbin [hal getp $::LH($thd,name).nbinvalue] # 1.1 value makes single unit bins show as pips when using log y scale: if {$pbin == 1} {set pbin 1.1} if {$nbin == 1} {set nbin 1.1} lappend pxd [expr $bin * $::LH($thd,binsize,us)] lappend pyd $pbin if {($bin != 0)} { lappend nxd -[expr $bin * $::LH($thd,binsize,us)] lappend nyd $nbin } if {$bin > $::LH($thd,maxbins)} { set pmore [expr $pmore + $pbin] set nmore [expr $nmore + $nbin] } } ;# for bin set ::LH($thd,latency_min,us) [format %.1f \ [expr 1e-3 * [hal getp $::LH($thd,name).latency-min]]] set ::LH($thd,latency_max,us) [format %.1f \ [expr 1e-3 * [hal getp $::LH($thd,name).latency-max]]] set variance [hal getp $::LH($thd,name).variance] if [catch { set ::LH($thd,latency_sdev,us) [format %.1f \ [expr 1e-3 * sqrt(abs($variance))]] } msg] { puts "msg=$msg (variance=$variance)" } set ::LH($thd,pextra) [hal getp $::LH($thd,name).pextra] set ::LH($thd,p,more) [expr $pmore + $::LH($thd,pextra)] set ::LH($thd,nextra) [hal getp $::LH($thd,name).nextra] set ::LH($thd,n,more) [expr $nmore + $::LH($thd,nextra)] if !$::LH(use_x) { puts [format "%5d s %6s min:%8.3f us max:%8.3f us sdev:%8.3f us" \ $::LH(elapsed) \ $thd \ $::LH($thd,latency_min,us) \ $::LH($thd,latency_max,us) \ $::LH($thd,latency_sdev,us) \ ] return } set pcolor $::LH($thd,color) set pmaxcolor white if {$::LH($thd,pextra) > 0} { set pcolor red set pmaxcolor $pcolor $::LH(w,$thd,posbins) conf -fg $pcolor } elseif {$::LH($thd,p,more) > 0} { $::LH(w,$thd,posbins) conf -fg $::LH($thd,color) } else { $::LH(w,$thd,posbins) conf -fg black } set ncolor $::LH($thd,color) set nmaxcolor white if {$::LH($thd,nextra) > 0} { set ncolor red set nmaxcolor $ncolor $::LH(w,$thd,negbins) conf -fg $ncolor } elseif {$::LH($thd,n,more) > 0} { $::LH(w,$thd,negbins) conf -fg $::LH($thd,color) } else { $::LH(w,$thd,negbins) conf -fg black } set pyd_max_pos [expr [lindex $pyd end] + $::LH($thd,p,more)] set nyd_max_neg [expr [lindex $nyd end] + $::LH($thd,n,more)] # display fmt set ::LH($thd,p,more) [format %.3g $::LH($thd,p,more)] set ::LH($thd,n,more) [format %.3g $::LH($thd,n,more)] # remove end bin set pyd [lrange $pyd 0 [expr -1 + $::LH($thd,maxbins)]] set pxd [lrange $pxd 0 [expr -1 + $::LH($thd,maxbins)]] set nyd [lrange $nyd 0 [expr -2 + $::LH($thd,maxbins)]] set nxd [lrange $nxd 0 [expr -2 + $::LH($thd,maxbins)]] set w $::LH(w,$thd) $w element configure pdata -xdata $pxd -ydata $pyd $w element configure ndata -xdata $nxd -ydata $nyd $w element configure pmaxdata \ -xdata [expr $::LH($thd,maxbins) * $::LH($thd,binsize,us)] \ -ydata $pyd_max_pos \ -stipple pbmap \ -fg $::LH($thd,color) -bg $pmaxcolor $w element configure nmaxdata \ -xdata [expr -1*$::LH($thd,maxbins) * $::LH($thd,binsize,us)] \ -ydata $nyd_max_neg \ -stipple nbmap \ -fg $::LH($thd,color) -bg $nmaxcolor # a y axis configure is needed, updates may fail without it $::LH(w,$thd) axis configure y -logscale $::LH(y,logscale) update } ;# update_bin_data proc popup {msg} { \ package require Tk set answer [tk_messageBox \ -parent . \ -icon error \ -type ok \ -title "Message" \ -message "$msg" \ ] puts $msg } ;# popup proc progress {txt} { if !$::LH(verbose) return puts stderr "$::argv0: [expr [clock seconds] - $::LH(start)]s $txt" } ;# progress proc usage {} { set prog [file tail $::argv0] puts "" puts "Usage:" puts " $prog --help | -?" puts "or" puts " $prog \[Options\]" puts "" puts "Options:" puts " --base ns (base thread interval, default: $::LH(base,period,ns), min: $::LH(base,period,ns,min))" puts " --servo ns (servo thread interval, default: $::LH(servo,period,ns), min: $::LH(servo,period,ns,min))" puts " --bbinsize ns (base bin size, default: $::LH(base,binsize,ns))" puts " --sbinsize ns (servo bin size, default: $::LH(servo,binsize,ns))" puts " --bbins n (base bins, default: $::LH(base,maxbins))" puts " --sbins n (servo bins, default: $::LH(servo,maxbins))" puts " --logscale 0|1 (y axis log scale, default: $::LH(y,logscale))" puts " --text note (additional note, default: \"$::LH(note,txt)\")" puts " --show (show count of undisplayed bins)" puts " --nobase (servo thread only)" puts " --verbose (progress and debug)" puts " --nox (no gui, display elapsed,min,max,sdev for each thread)" puts "" puts "Notes:" puts " Linuxcnc and Hal should not be running, stop with halrun -U." puts " Large number of bins and/or small binsizes will slow updates." puts " For single thread, specify --nobase (and options for servo thread)." puts " Measured latencies outside of the +/- bin range are reported" puts " with special end bars. Use --show to show count for" puts " the off-chart \[pos|neg\] bin" exit 0 } ;# usage #------------------------------------------------------------------ proc bltCaptureWindow { win } { set image [image create photo] blt::winop snap $win $image return $image } ;# bltCaptureWindow proc windowToFile { win } { set image [bltCaptureWindow $win] set types {{"Image Files" {.png}}} set ifile $::tcl_platform(user)-$::LH(date)-$::LH(elapsed).png set filename [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types \ -initialfile $ifile \ -initialdir $::LH(dir,screenshot) \ -defaultextension .png] if {[llength $filename]} { set ::LH(dir,screenshot) [file dirname $filename] $image write -format png $filename } image delete $image } ;# windowToFile #------------------------------------------------------------------ # allow re-sourcing for testing with tkcon if ![info exists ::LH(start)] { set_defaults config progress "Loading packages" load_packages signal trap SIGINT finish progress "Making gui" if $::LH(use_x) make_gui progress "Start_collection" start_collection progress "Begin repeats" repeat } else { puts "$::argv0 already running" } if !$::LH(use_x) { vwait ::forever }