#!/usr/bin/wish # Notes: # notusing y axis title because it coredumps with X BadMatch with wish8.5 # (it works with wish8.4, tcl8.5 introduced a problem for rotated text) # see also: # http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/package-announce/2010-January/034295.html #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright: 2011 # Author: Dewey Garrett # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- package require Tk 8.5 ;# needed for clock milliseconds proc popup {msg} { \ set answer [tk_messageBox \ -parent . \ -icon error \ -type ok \ -title "Message" \ -message "$msg" \ ] puts $msg } ;# popup if [catch {package require BLT} msg] { if {[string first "version conflict" $msg] == 0} { set msg "BLT version conflict!\n\n$msg" } elseif {[string first "can't find package" $msg] == 0} { set msg "package BLT not found!\nrun: sudo apt-get install blt" } else { set msg "unhandled error:\n$msg" } popup $msg exit 1 } proc which_exe {name} { # replaces /usr/bin/which deprecated in debian/unstable foreach dir [split $::env(PATH) :] { set f [file join $dir $name] if [file executable $f] { return $f } } return -code error "$name: executable not found" } ;# which_exe proc setdefaults {} { if [catch { set ::sc(halrun) [which_exe halrun]} msg] { puts $msg exit 1 } set ::sc(realtime) [exec linuxcnc_var REALTIME] # note: program updates at 1 second intervals set ::sc(xpoints) 60 ;# x axis points set ::sc(xpoints,min) 15 ;# set ::sc(xpoints,max) 15360 ;# set ::sc(shiftby) 1 ;# x axis shiftby points set ::sc(::yv1,smooth) linear ;# linear,step,... set ::sc(::yv2,smooth) linear set ::sc(::yv3,smooth) step set ::sc(::yv4,smooth) step set ::sc(::yv1,symbol) "" ;# square,circle,... set ::sc(::yv2,symbol) "" set ::sc(::yv3,symbol) circle set ::sc(::yv4,symbol) square set ::sc(::yv1,pixels) 0 ;# symbol size set ::sc(::yv2,pixels) 0 set ::sc(::yv3,pixels) 2 set ::sc(::yv4,pixels) 2 set ::sc(::yv1,linewidth) 2 set ::sc(::yv2,linewidth) 2 set ::sc(::yv3,linewidth) 1 set ::sc(::yv4,linewidth) 1 set ::sc(::yv1,color) red set ::sc(::yv2,color) blue set ::sc(::yv3,color) green set ::sc(::yv4,color) yellow set ::sc(grid,color) white set ::sc(grid,hide) no set ::sc(color,background) black set ::sc(clock,mode) relative ;# actual | relative set ::sc(mem,max,percent) 1.0 set ::sc(pid) [pid] set ::sc(data,source) hal_timedelta # hal_timedelta defaults: set ::sc(base,period,ns) 25000 set ::sc(servo,period,ns) 1000000 set ::sc(report,ms) 1000 set ::sc(report,ms,min) 100 set ::sc(report,ms,max) 10000 set ::sc(sample,ms) 10 ;# min value is 1 mS using tcl after cmd ;# not sure all cpus could do 1mS so use 10mS set ::sc(show,sample,max) 1 ;# 1: show max .out value in report,ms interval ;# 0: show last .out value of report,ms interval } ;# setdefaults proc init {} { set ::sc(label) "Latency (uSeconds) vs Time (seconds) Wall:" switch $::sc(clock,mode) { actual {set ::sc(button,timescale) 1} relative {set ::sc(button,timescale) 0} } set sp [format %.0f [expr $::sc(servo,period,ns)/1000]] set bp [format %.0f [expr $::sc(base,period,ns)/1000]] wm title . "[file tail $::argv0] (servo: $sp uS, base: $bp uS)" update_timescale blt::vector create ::xv blt::vector create ::yv1; set ::yv1(++end) 0.0 blt::vector create ::yv2; set ::yv2(++end) 0.0 blt::vector create ::yv3; set ::yv3(++end) 0.0 blt::vector create ::yv4; set ::yv4(++end) 0.0 switch $::sc(data,source) { hal_timedelta {init_hal_timedelta set ::xv(++end) [expr [clock milliseconds]/1000.] } default {return -code error "init: unknown data,source: <$::sc(data,source)>"} } wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW finish } ;# init proc init_hal_timedelta {} { if [catch {set ans [eval exec $::sc(realtime) start]} msg] { # see note on abomination it scripts/realtime.in if {[string length "$msg"] > 1} { puts stderr "$::argv0:msg<$msg>" } } else { if {[string length "$ans"] > 1} { puts stderr "$::argv0:ans<$ans>" } } # augment ::auto_path for special case: # 1) RIP build (no install) # 2) linuxcnc script called from Application menu if { [info exists ::env(LINUXCNC_TCL_DIR)] && ([lsearch $::auto_path $::env(LINUXCNC_TCL_DIR)] < 0) } { # prepend set ::auto_path [lreplace $::auto_path 0 -1 $::env(LINUXCNC_TCL_DIR)] } package require Hal set ::sc(v,name,pairs) { ::yv1 b:max \ ::yv2 s:max \ ::yv3 b:latency \ ::yv4 s:latency } set ::sc(servo,max,last) 0 set ::sc(base,max,last) 0 set ::sc(servo,out,sample,max) 0 set ::sc(base,out,sample,max) 0 } ;# init_hal_timedelta proc check {} { switch $::sc(data,source) { hal_timedelta {} default {return -code error "init: unknown data,source: <$::sc(data,source)>"} } } ;# check proc mcheck {} { # cautionary check on memory usage # %mem "ratio of process's resident set size to the physical mem in percent" set mempercent [eval exec ps --no-headers --pid $::sc(pid) -o %mem] if {$mempercent > $::sc(mem,max,percent)} { set msg "Memory used is ${mempercent}%, Exiting" popup $msg exit 1 } after 10000 mcheck } ;# mcheck proc start {} { switch $::sc(data,source) { hal_timedelta {start_hal_timedelta} default {return -code error "init: unknown data,source: <$::sc(data,source)>"} } } ;# start proc start_hal_timedelta {} { hal loadrt threads name1=base period1=$::sc(base,period,ns) \ name2=servo period2=$::sc(servo,period,ns) hal loadrt timedelta names=base:time,servo:time hal addf base:time base hal addf servo:time servo hal net servo_max servo:time.max hal net servo_jitter servo:time.jitter hal net servo_out servo:time.out hal net base_max base:time.max hal net base_jitter base:time.jitter hal net base_out base:time.out hal start set ::sc(start,time) [expr [clock milliseconds]/1000.] set ::sc(after,hal,sample) [after $::sc(sample,ms) hal_sample] set ::sc(after,hal,report) [after $::sc(report,ms) hal_report] after 2000 [list $::sc(stripchart) axis configure x -hide no] } ;# start_hal_timedelta proc hal_sample {} { set ::sc(base,out,sample) [hal getp base:time.out] set ::sc(servo,out,sample) [hal getp servo:time.out] # save the largest sampled .out value: if {$::sc(base,out,sample) > $::sc(base,out,sample,max)} { set ::sc(base,out,sample,max) $::sc(base,out,sample) } if {$::sc(servo,out,sample) > $::sc(servo,out,sample,max)} { set ::sc(servo,out,sample,max) $::sc(servo,out,sample) } # reschedule: set ::sc(after,hal,sample) [after $::sc(sample,ms) hal_sample] } ;# hal_sample proc hal_report {} { set ::sc(base,max) [hal getp base:time.max] set ::sc(servo,max) [hal getp servo:time.max] set ::sc(base,out) [hal getp base:time.out] set ::sc(servo,out) [hal getp servo:time.out] if $::sc(show,sample,max) { set ::sc(base,lat) $::sc(base,out,sample,max) set ::sc(servo,lat) $::sc(servo,out,sample,max) } else { set ::sc(base,lat) $::sc(base,out) set ::sc(servo,lat) $::sc(servo,out) } # This script undersamples the hal threads so it can miss a latency # spike that bumps (*,max). Detect explicitly whenever an increase # in (*,max) occurs during the (report,ms) interval: if { $::sc(base,max) > $::sc(base,max,last) } { set ::sc(base,lat) $::sc(base,max) } if { $::sc(servo,max) > $::sc(servo,max,last) } { set ::sc(servo,lat) $::sc(servo,max) } set ::xv(++end) [expr [clock milliseconds]/1000.] set ::yv1(++end) [expr ($::sc(base,max) - $::sc(base,period,ns) )/1000] set ::yv2(++end) [expr ($::sc(servo,max) - $::sc(servo,period,ns) )/1000] set ::yv3(++end) [expr ($::sc(base,lat) - $::sc(base,period,ns) )/1000] set ::yv4(++end) [expr ($::sc(servo,lat) - $::sc(servo,period,ns) )/1000] if {[info exists ::env(verbose_latency_plot)]} { set ::sc(base,jitter) [hal getp base:time.jitter] set ::sc(servo,jitter) [hal getp servo:time.jitter] puts [format "%7.0f %7.0f %7.0f %8.0f %8.0f %8.0f %8.0f %9.0f"\ $::sc(base,max) \ $::sc(base,out) \ $::sc(base,jitter) \ $::sc(base,lat) \ $::sc(servo,max) \ $::sc(servo,out) \ $::sc(servo,jitter) \ $::sc(servo,lat) \ ] } ;# if verbose set ::sc(base,max,last) $::sc(base,max) set ::sc(servo,max,last) $::sc(servo,max) set ::sc(base,out,sample,max) 0 set ::sc(servo,out,sample,max) 0 # reschedule: set ::sc(after,hal,report) [after $::sc(report,ms) hal_report] } ;# hal_report proc restart {} { switch $::sc(data,source) { hal_timedelta {restart_hal_timedelta} default {return -code error "init: unknown data,source: <$::sc(data,source)>"} } } ;# restart proc restart_hal_timedelta {} { $::sc(stripchart) axis configure x -hide yes after cancel $::sc(after,hal,sample) after cancel $::sc(after,hal,report) hal setp servo:time.reset 1 hal setp base:time.reset 1 ::xv set {} ::yv1 set {}; ::yv2 set {}; ::yv3 set {}; ::yv4 set {} set ::sc(start,time) [expr [clock milliseconds]/1000.] set ::xv(++end) $::sc(start,time) update ;# !! hal setp servo:time.reset 0 hal setp base:time.reset 0 set ::sc(after,hal,sample) [after $::sc(sample,ms) hal_sample] set ::sc(after,hal,report) [after $::sc(report,ms) hal_report] after 2000 [list $::sc(stripchart) axis configure x -hide no] } ;# restart_hal_timedelta proc setup_stripchart {} { wm minsize . 400 300 pack [frame .f1] -fill both -expand 1 set ::sc(stripchart) [blt::stripchart .f1.s \ -plotbackground $::sc(color,background) \ -height 2i \ ] pack $::sc(stripchart) -expand yes -fill both $::sc(stripchart) grid configure \ -hide $::sc(grid,hide) \ -color $::sc(grid,color) $::sc(stripchart) legend configure \ -anchor n \ -position leftmargin # note: hide x axis label until autoranging completed $::sc(stripchart) axis configure x \ -autorange $::sc(xpoints) \ -shiftby $::sc(shiftby) \ -command xfmt \ -hide 1 $::sc(stripchart) axis configure y \ -autorange 0 foreach {v name} $::sc(v,name,pairs) { $::sc(stripchart) element create $name \ -xdata ::xv \ -ydata $v \ -color $::sc($v,color) \ -linewidth $::sc($v,linewidth) \ -smooth $::sc($v,smooth) \ -symbol $::sc($v,symbol) \ -pixels $::sc($v,pixels) } pack [frame .f2] -side top -anchor w -fill x -expand 0 pack [frame .f3] -side left -anchor e -fill none -expand 0 pack [button .f3.b1 -text "R"\ -padx 2 -pady 0 \ -command restart \ ] -side left -expand 0 pack [label .f3.l2 -text "Pts:"] -side left -expand 0 pack [entry .f3.e -textvariable ::sc(xpoints) \ -width 5 -justify right -state readonly] \ -side left -fill none -expand 0 pack [button .f3.decrement \ -padx 3 -pady 0 -text "-" -command "xpoints decrease"] \ -side left -fill none -expand 1 pack [button .f3.increment \ -padx 0 -pady 0 -text "+" -command "xpoints increase"] \ -side left -fill none -expand 1 set ::sc(button,decrease) .f3.decrement set ::sc(button,increase) .f3.increment pack [frame .f4] -side right -anchor w -fill x -expand 0 pack [checkbutton .f4.b -command update_timescale\ -variable ::sc(button,timescale) ] -side right -anchor w -fill x -expand 0 pack [label .f4.l1 -text "$::sc(label)"]\ -side left -anchor w -fill none -expand 1 } ;# setup_stripchart proc update_timescale {} { switch $::sc(button,timescale) { 0 {set ::sc(clock,mode) relative} 1 {set ::sc(clock,mode) actual} } } ;# update_timescale proc finish {} { switch $::sc(data,source) { hal_timedelta {finish_hal_timedelta} default {return -code error "init: unknown data,source: <$::sc(data,source)>"} } } ;# finish proc finish_hal_timedelta {} { after cancel $::sc(after,hal,sample) after cancel $::sc(after,hal,report) hal stop hal delsig servo_max hal delsig servo_jitter hal delsig servo_out hal delsig base_max hal delsig base_jitter hal delsig base_out hal delf base:time base hal delf servo:time servo hal unloadrt timedelta hal unloadrt threads ;# doesn't seem to work #puts [hal show funct] ;# gone #puts [hal show thread] ;# not gone eval exec $::sc(halrun) -U } ;# finish_hal_timedelta proc xfmt {widget x} { switch $::sc(clock,mode) { relative { return [format %.0f [expr int($x - $::sc(start,time) + 0.5)]] } actual { return [clock format $x -format "%H:%M:%S"] } default { return -code error \ "xfmt: unknown clock,mode <$::sc(clock,mode)>"} } } ;# xfmt proc xpoints {input} { switch $input { increase { set ::sc(xpoints) [expr $::sc(xpoints) * 2] } decrease { set ::sc(xpoints) [expr $::sc(xpoints)/2] } } if {$::sc(xpoints) <= $::sc(xpoints,min)} { set ::sc(xpoints) $::sc(xpoints,min) $::sc(button,decrease) configure -state disabled } else { $::sc(button,decrease) configure -state normal } if {$::sc(xpoints) >= $::sc(xpoints,max)} { set ::sc(xpoints) $::sc(xpoints,max) $::sc(button,increase) configure -state disabled } else { $::sc(button,increase) configure -state normal } $::sc(stripchart) axis configure x -autorange $::sc(xpoints) } ;# xpoints proc usage {} { set prog [file tail $::argv0] puts "" puts "Usage:" puts " $prog --help | -? (this)" puts " $prog --hal \[Options\]" puts "" puts "Options:" puts " --base nS (base thread interval, default: $::sc(base,period,ns))" puts " --servo nS (servo thread interval, default: $::sc(servo,period,ns))" puts " --time mS (report interval, default: $::sc(report,ms))" puts " --relative (relative clock time (default))" puts " --actual (actual clock time)" } ;# usage proc config {} { while {[llength $::argv] >0} { # beware wish handling of reserved cmdline arguments # to use -h: use -- -h, # lreplace shifts argv for no. of items for each iteration set currentarg [lindex $::argv 0] switch -- $currentarg { -? - --help {usage;exit 0} -H - --hal {set ::sc(data,source) hal_timedelta} --actual {set ::sc(clock,mode) actual} --relative {set ::sc(clock,mode) relative} -b - --base {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::sc(base,period,ns) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } -s - --servo {set t [lindex $::argv 1] set ::sc(servo,period,ns) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } -t - --time {set t [lindex $::argv 1] if {$t > $::sc(report,ms,max)} { set t $::sc(report,ms,max) puts "--time value too big, setting to $t" } if {$t < $::sc(report,ms,min)} { set t $::sc(report,ms,min) puts "--time value too small, setting to $t" } set ::sc(report,ms) $t set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } default {lappend unknownargs $currentarg} } set ::argv [lreplace $::argv 0 0] } ;# while if [info exists unknownargs] { puts "\nIgnoring unknown args: <$unknownargs>" } if {$::sc(base,period,ns) > $::sc(servo,period,ns)} { set msg "Require base thread period <= servo thread period" puts $msg wm withdraw . popup $msg exit 1 } if {$::sc(servo,period,ns) >= [expr $::sc(sample,ms) * 1000000]} { set msg "Require servo thread period < sample interval $::sc(sample,ms) mS" puts $msg wm withdraw . popup $msg exit 1 } } ;# config # allow re-sourcing for testing if ![info exists ::sc(xpoints)] { setdefaults config check init mcheck setup_stripchart start } else { puts "already running" }