#!/usr/bin/wish # simulate a probe # You must disconnect hal connections to motion.probe-input package require Hal set this [file tail $::argv0] if [catch {hal setp motion.probe-input 0} msg] { if {[string last connected $msg] >= 0} { puts "\nThe pin motion.probe-input is currently connected to a signal" puts "Remove the connection to use $this\n" exit } else { puts "\nIs LinuxCNC running? <$msg>" puts "Start LinuxCNC before starting $this\n" } exit } pack [label .l -width 20 -height 10 -bg lightgray -fg black \ -relief raised -bd 5 \ -text "Push to simulate\nProbe touch"] \ -fill both -expand 1 bind .l probetouch bind .l proberelease set ::pulse 0 pack [checkbutton .c -text Pulse -variable ::pulse] \ -fill x -expand 0 proc probetouch {} { .l configure -bg red -fg white -text ProbeON if [catch {hal setp motion.probe-input 1} msg] { puts stderr "Is LinuxCNC running? <$msg>" return } if $::pulse { after 100 proberelease if [catch {hal setp motion.probe-input 0} msg] { puts stderr "Is LinuxCNC running? <$msg>" return } } } proc proberelease {} { .l configure -bg lightgray -fg black -text ProbeOFF if [catch {hal setp motion.probe-input 0} msg] { puts stderr "Is LinuxCNC running? <$msg>" } }