#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2012 Jeff Epler # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ This program creates "torture test" ngc files. These include arcs (helices) in any plane, straight feeds, and traverses all in a random order with differing feeds. Run the resulting file in a stepper inifile with no headroom, and kick things up a notch by using different max velocities and accelerations. Turning feed override past 100% has also helped turn up bugs. """ from random import * from math import sin, cos, pi distances = [-10,1,-.1,0,0,.1,1,10] radii = [.1, 1, 10] arcangles = range(0, 360, 45) aangles = [-361,-89,-1,1,91,359] chance_angular = .5 chance_angular_helix = .5 chance_lineaxis = .2 def feed(): "Half the time, change the feed rate" if random() < .5: return print("F%d" % randrange(100, 1000, 10), end=" ") def torture_arc(x, y, z, a, b, c, u, v, w): "Generate a random arc (helix)" plane = randrange(3) print("G%d" % (plane+17), end=" ") direction = randrange(2) print("G%d" % (direction+2), end=" ") feed() theta = choice(arcangles) theta1 = choice(arcangles) r = choice(radii) q = choice(distances) print("(%d %d)" % (theta*180/pi, theta1*180/pi), end=" ") if plane == 0: # XY plane ox = -cos(theta)*r oy = -sin(theta)*r print("I%f J%f" % (ox, oy), end=" ") z = z + q x = x + ox + cos(theta1)*r y = y + oy + sin(theta1)*r elif plane == 1: # XZ plane ox = -cos(theta)*r oz = -sin(theta)*r print("I%f K%f" % (ox, oz), end=" ") x = x + ox + sin(theta1)*r z = z + oz + cos(theta1)*r y = y + q else: # YZ plane oy = -cos(theta)*r oz = -sin(theta)*r print("J%f K%f" % (oy, oz), end=" ") x = x + q y = y + oy + cos(theta1)*r z = z + oz + sin(theta1)*r if random() < chance_angular_helix: a = a + choice(aangles) print("A%f" % a, end=" ") if random() < chance_angular_helix: b = b + choice(aangles) print("B%f" % b, end=" ") if random() < chance_angular_helix: c = c + choice(aangles) print("C%f" % c, end=" ") if random() < chance_angular_helix: u = u + randrange(-500, 500)/100. print("U%f" % u, end=" ") if random() < chance_angular_helix: v = v + randrange(-500, 500)/100. print("V%f" % v, end=" ") if random() < chance_angular_helix: w = w + randrange(-500, 500)/100. print("W%f" % w, end=" ") print("X%f Y%f Z%f" % (x, y, z)) return x, y, z, a, b, c, u, v, w def torture_line(x, y, z, a, b, c, u, v, w): "Generate a random traverse or straight feed" kind = randrange(2) p = "" p += "G%d " % kind if random() < chance_lineaxis: x = x + randrange(-10, 11)/2. p += "X%f " % x if random() < chance_lineaxis: y = y + randrange(-10, 11)/2. p += "Y%f " % y if random() < chance_lineaxis: z = z + randrange(-10, 11)/2. p += "Z%f " % z if random() < chance_lineaxis: a = a + randrange(-180, 80)/2. p += "A%f " % a if random() < chance_lineaxis: b = b + randrange(-180, 80)/2. p += "B%f " % b if random() < chance_lineaxis: c = c + randrange(-180, 80)/2. p += "C%f " % c if random() < chance_lineaxis: u = u + randrange(-500, 500)/100. p += "U%f " % u if random() < chance_lineaxis: v = v + randrange(-500, 500)/100. p += "V%f " % v if random() < chance_lineaxis: w = w + randrange(-500, 500)/100. p += "W%f " % w if len(p) > 4: if kind == 1: feed() print(p) return x, y, z, a, b, c, u, v, w def torture_main(runs): """Generate random chains of movement several times, restarting near the center each time motion gets too far away.""" funcs = [torture_line, torture_arc] #funcs = [torture_arc] def R(x,l=-50, k=50): return x < l or x > k print("g21") for i in range(runs): x = y = 0 z = 20 a = b = c = u = v = w = 0 if chance_angular or chance_angular_helix: print("G0 X0 Y0 A0 B0 C0 U0 V0 W0 Z20") else: print("G0 X0 Y0 Z20") print("F100") while 1: x, y, z, a, b, c, u, v, w = choice(funcs)(x, y, z, a, b, c, u, v, w) if (R(x) or R(y) or R(z,-10,30) or R(a,-30000,30000) or R(b, -30000,30000) or R(c, -30000,30000) or R(u) or R(v) or R(w)): break # Do ten runs then print m2 torture_main(20) print("m2")