/******************************************************************** * Description: genserkins.h * Kinematics for a generalised serial kinematics machine * * Derived from a work by Fred Proctor, * changed to work with emc2 and HAL * * Adapting Author: Alex Joni * License: GPL Version 2 * System: Linux * ******************************************************************* These are the forward and inverse kinematic functions for a general serial-link manipulator. Thanks to Herman Bruyninckx and John Hallam at http://www.roble.info/ for this. The functions are general enough to be configured for any serial configuration. The kinematics use Denavit-Hartenberg definition for the joint and links. The DH definitions are the ones used by John J Craig in "Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control" The parameters for the manipulator are defined by hal pins. Currently the type of the joints is hardcoded to ANGULAR, although the kins support both ANGULAR and LINEAR axes. */ /* genserkins.h */ #ifndef GENSERKINS_H #define GENSERKINS_H #include "gomath.h" /* go_pose */ #include "hal.h" /* HAL data types */ #include "gotypes.h" /* go_result, go_integer */ #include "gomath.h" /* go_pose */ #include "kinematics.h" /*! The maximum number of joints supported by the general serial kinematics. Make this at least 6; a device can have fewer than these. */ #define GENSER_MAX_JOINTS 6 #define GENSER_DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS 100 #define PI_2 GO_PI_2 /* default DH parameters, these should be ok for a puma - at least according to Craig */ #define DEFAULT_A1 0 #define DEFAULT_ALPHA1 0 #define DEFAULT_D1 0 #define DEFAULT_A2 0 #define DEFAULT_ALPHA2 -PI_2 #define DEFAULT_D2 0 #define DEFAULT_A3 300 #define DEFAULT_ALPHA3 0 #define DEFAULT_D3 70 #define DEFAULT_A4 50 #define DEFAULT_ALPHA4 -PI_2 #define DEFAULT_D4 400 #define DEFAULT_A5 0 #define DEFAULT_ALPHA5 PI_2 #define DEFAULT_D5 0 #define DEFAULT_A6 0 #define DEFAULT_ALPHA6 -PI_2 #define DEFAULT_D6 0 typedef struct { go_link links[GENSER_MAX_JOINTS]; /*!< The link description of the device. */ int link_num; /*!< How many are actually present. */ hal_u32_t iterations; /*!< How many iterations were actually used to compute the inverse kinematics. */ } genser_struct; extern int genser_kin_size(void); extern int genser_kin_init(void); extern const char * genser_kin_get_name(void); extern int genser_kin_num_joints(void * kins); extern int genser_kin_fwd(void * kins, const go_real *joint, go_pose * world); extern int genser_kin_inv(void * kins, const go_pose * world, go_real *joint); extern int genser_kin_set_parameters(void * kins, go_link * params, int num); extern int genser_kin_get_parameters(void * kins, go_link * params, int num); extern int genser_kin_jac_inv(void * kins, const go_pose * pos, const go_screw * vel, const go_real * joints, go_real * jointvels); extern int genser_kin_jac_fwd(void * kins, const go_real * joints, const go_real * jointvels, const go_pose * pos, go_screw * vel); extern int genser_kin_fwd_interations(genser_struct * genser); /* Extras, not callable using go_kin_ wrapper but if you know you have linked in these kinematics, go ahead and call these for your ad hoc purposes. */ /*! Returns the number of iterations used during the last call to the inverse kinematics functions */ extern int genser_kin_inv_iterations(genser_struct * genser); /*! Sets the maximum number of iterations to use in future calls to the inverse kinematics functions, after which an error will be reported */ extern int genser_kin_inv_set_max_iterations(int i); /*! Returns the maximum number of iterations that will be used to compute inverse kinematics functions */ extern int genser_kin_inv_get_max_iterations(void); extern int compute_jfwd(go_link * link_params, int link_number, go_matrix * Jfwd, go_pose * T_L_0); extern int compute_jinv(go_matrix * Jfwd, go_matrix * Jinv); extern int genserKinematicsForward(const double *joint, EmcPose * world, const KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags, KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags); extern int genserKinematicsInverse(const EmcPose * world, double *joints, const KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags, KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags); extern int genserKinematicsSetup(const int comp_id, const char* coordinates, kparms* ksetup_parms); #endif