/******************************************************************* * Description: mot_priv.h * Macros and declarations local to the realtime sources. * * Author: * License: GPL Version 2 * System: Linux * * Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved. ********************************************************************/ #ifndef MOT_PRIV_H #define MOT_PRIV_H /*********************************************************************** * TYPEDEFS, ENUMS, ETC. * ************************************************************************/ /* First we define structures for data shared with the HAL */ /* HAL visible data notations: RPA: read only parameter WPA: write only parameter WRPA: read/write parameter RPI: read only pin WPI: write only pin WRPI: read/write pin */ /* joint data */ #include "hal.h" #include "../motion/motion.h" typedef struct { // creating a lot of pins for spindle control to be very flexible // the user needs only a subset of these // simplest way of spindle control (output start/stop) hal_bit_t *spindle_on; /* spindle spin output */ // same thing for 2 directions hal_bit_t *spindle_forward; /* spindle spin-forward output */ hal_bit_t *spindle_reverse; /* spindle spin-reverse output */ // simple velocity control (as long as the output is active the spindle // should accelerate/decelerate hal_bit_t *spindle_incr_speed; /* spindle spin-increase output */ hal_bit_t *spindle_decr_speed; /* spindle spin-decrease output */ // simple output for brake hal_bit_t *spindle_brake; /* spindle brake output */ // output of a prescribed speed (to hook-up to a velocity controller) hal_float_t *spindle_speed_out; /* spindle speed output */ hal_float_t *spindle_speed_out_rps; /* spindle speed output */ hal_float_t *spindle_speed_out_abs; /* spindle speed output absolute*/ hal_float_t *spindle_speed_out_rps_abs; /* spindle speed output absolute*/ hal_float_t *spindle_speed_cmd_rps; /* spindle speed command without SO applied */ hal_float_t *spindle_speed_in; /* spindle speed measured */ hal_bit_t *spindle_index_enable; /* spindle inde I/O pin */ hal_bit_t *spindle_inhibit; hal_float_t *spindle_revs; hal_bit_t *spindle_is_atspeed; hal_bit_t *spindle_amp_fault; // spindle orient hal_float_t *spindle_orient_angle; /* out: desired spindle angle, degrees */ hal_s32_t *spindle_orient_mode; /* out: 0: least travel; 1: cw; 2: ccw */ hal_bit_t *spindle_orient; /* out: signal orient in progress */ hal_bit_t *spindle_locked; /* out: signal orient complete, spindle locked */ hal_bit_t *spindle_is_oriented; /* in: orientation completed */ hal_s32_t *spindle_orient_fault; /* in: error code of failed operation */ } spindle_hal_t; typedef struct { hal_float_t *coarse_pos_cmd;/* RPI: commanded position, w/o comp */ hal_float_t *joint_vel_cmd; /* RPI: commanded velocity, w/o comp */ hal_float_t *joint_acc_cmd; /* RPI: commanded acceleration, w/o comp */ hal_float_t *backlash_corr; /* RPI: correction for backlash */ hal_float_t *backlash_filt; /* RPI: filtered backlash correction */ hal_float_t *backlash_vel; /* RPI: backlash speed variable */ hal_float_t *motor_offset; /* RPI: motor offset, for checking homing stability */ hal_float_t *motor_pos_cmd; /* WPI: commanded position, with comp */ hal_float_t *motor_pos_fb; /* RPI: position feedback, with comp */ hal_float_t *joint_pos_cmd; /* WPI: commanded position w/o comp, not ofs */ hal_float_t *joint_pos_fb; /* RPI: position feedback, w/o comp */ hal_float_t *f_error; /* RPI: following error */ hal_float_t *f_error_lim; /* RPI: following error limit */ hal_float_t *free_pos_cmd; /* RPI: free traj planner pos cmd */ hal_float_t *free_vel_lim; /* RPI: free traj planner vel limit */ hal_bit_t *free_tp_enable; /* RPI: free traj planner is running */ hal_bit_t *kb_jjog_active; /* RPI: executing keyboard jog */ hal_bit_t *wheel_jjog_active;/* RPI: executing handwheel jog */ hal_bit_t *active; /* RPI: joint is active, whatever that means */ hal_bit_t *in_position; /* RPI: joint is in position */ hal_bit_t *error; /* RPI: joint has an error */ hal_bit_t *phl; /* RPI: joint is at positive hard limit */ hal_bit_t *nhl; /* RPI: joint is at negative hard limit */ hal_bit_t *f_errored; /* RPI: joint had too much following error */ hal_bit_t *faulted; /* RPI: joint amp faulted */ hal_bit_t *pos_lim_sw; /* RPI: positive limit switch input */ hal_bit_t *neg_lim_sw; /* RPI: negative limit switch input */ hal_bit_t *amp_fault; /* RPI: amp fault input */ hal_bit_t *amp_enable; /* WPI: amp enable output */ hal_bit_t *unlock; /* WPI: command that axis should unlock for rotation */ hal_bit_t *is_unlocked; /* RPI: axis is currently unlocked */ hal_s32_t *jjog_counts; /* WPI: jogwheel position input */ hal_bit_t *jjog_enable; /* RPI: enable jogwheel */ hal_float_t *jjog_scale; /* RPI: distance to jog on each count */ hal_float_t *jjog_accel_fraction; /* RPI: to limit wheel jog accel */ hal_bit_t *jjog_vel_mode; /* RPI: true for "velocity mode" jogwheel */ } joint_hal_t; typedef struct { hal_float_t *posthome_cmd; // IN pin extrajoint } extrajoint_hal_t; /* machine data */ typedef struct { hal_bit_t *probe_input; /* RPI: probe switch input */ hal_bit_t *enable; /* RPI: motion inhibit input */ hal_float_t *adaptive_feed; /* RPI: adaptive feedrate, 0.0 to 1.0 */ hal_bit_t *feed_hold; /* RPI: set TRUE to stop motion maskable with g53 P1*/ hal_bit_t *feed_inhibit; /* RPI: set TRUE to stop motion (non maskable)*/ hal_bit_t *homing_inhibit; /* RPI: set TRUE to inhibit homing*/ hal_bit_t *jog_inhibit; /* RPI: set TRUE to inhibit jogging*/ hal_bit_t *jog_stop; /* RPI: set TRUE to stop jogging following accel values*/ hal_bit_t *jog_stop_immediate; /* RPI: set TRUE to stop jogging immediately*/ hal_bit_t *jog_is_active; /* RPI: TRUE if active jogging*/ hal_bit_t *tp_reverse; /* Set true if trajectory planner is running in reverse*/ hal_bit_t *motion_enabled; /* RPI: motion enable for all joints */ hal_bit_t *is_all_homed; /* RPI: TRUE if all active joints is homed */ hal_bit_t *in_position; /* RPI: all joints are in position */ hal_bit_t *coord_mode; /* RPA: TRUE if coord, FALSE if free */ hal_bit_t *teleop_mode; /* RPA: TRUE if teleop mode */ hal_bit_t *coord_error; /* RPA: TRUE if coord mode error */ hal_bit_t *on_soft_limit; /* RPA: TRUE if outside a limit */ hal_s32_t *program_line; /* RPA: program line causing current motion */ hal_s32_t *motion_type; /* RPA: type (feed/rapid) of currently commanded motion */ hal_float_t *current_vel; /* RPI: velocity magnitude in machine units */ hal_float_t *requested_vel; /* RPI: requested velocity magnitude in machine units */ hal_float_t *distance_to_go;/* RPI: distance to go in current move*/ hal_bit_t debug_bit_0; /* RPA: generic param, for debugging */ hal_bit_t debug_bit_1; /* RPA: generic param, for debugging */ hal_float_t debug_float_0; /* RPA: generic param, for debugging */ hal_float_t debug_float_1; /* RPA: generic param, for debugging */ hal_float_t debug_float_2; /* RPA: generic param, for debugging */ hal_float_t debug_float_3; /* RPA: generic param, for debugging */ hal_s32_t debug_s32_0; /* RPA: generic param, for debugging */ hal_s32_t debug_s32_1; /* RPA: generic param, for debugging */ hal_bit_t *synch_do[EMCMOT_MAX_DIO]; /* WPI array: output pins for motion synched IO */ hal_bit_t *synch_di[EMCMOT_MAX_DIO]; /* RPI array: input pins for motion synched IO */ hal_float_t *analog_input[EMCMOT_MAX_AIO]; /* RPI array: input pins for analog Inputs */ hal_float_t *analog_output[EMCMOT_MAX_AIO]; /* RPI array: output pins for analog Inputs */ hal_bit_t *misc_error[EMCMOT_MAX_MISC_ERROR]; /* RPI array: output pins for misc error Inputs */ // FIXME - debug only, remove later hal_float_t traj_pos_out; /* RPA: traj internals, for debugging */ hal_float_t traj_vel_out; /* RPA: traj internals, for debugging */ hal_u32_t traj_active_tc; /* RPA: traj internals, for debugging */ hal_float_t tc_pos[4]; /* RPA: traj internals, for debugging */ hal_float_t tc_vel[4]; /* RPA: traj internals, for debugging */ hal_float_t tc_acc[4]; /* RPA: traj internals, for debugging */ // realtime overrun detection hal_u32_t *last_period; /* pin: last period in clocks */ hal_float_t *last_period_ns; /* pin: last period in nanoseconds */ hal_float_t *tooloffset_x; hal_float_t *tooloffset_y; hal_float_t *tooloffset_z; hal_float_t *tooloffset_a; hal_float_t *tooloffset_b; hal_float_t *tooloffset_c; hal_float_t *tooloffset_u; hal_float_t *tooloffset_v; hal_float_t *tooloffset_w; spindle_hal_t spindle[EMCMOT_MAX_SPINDLES]; /*spindle data */ joint_hal_t joint[EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS]; /* data for each joint */ extrajoint_hal_t ejoint[EMCMOT_MAX_EXTRAJOINTS]; /* data for each extrajoint */ hal_bit_t *eoffset_active; /* ext offsets active */ hal_bit_t *eoffset_limited; /* ext offsets exceed limit */ hal_float_t *feed_upm; /* feed G-code units per minute*/ hal_float_t *feed_inches_per_minute; /* feed inches per minute*/ hal_float_t *feed_inches_per_second; /* feed inches per second*/ hal_float_t *feed_mm_per_minute; /* feed mm per minute*/ hal_float_t *feed_mm_per_second; /* feed mm per second*/ hal_float_t *switchkins_type; } emcmot_hal_data_t; /*********************************************************************** * GLOBAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS * ************************************************************************/ /* pointer to emcmot_hal_data_t struct in HAL shmem, with all HAL data */ extern emcmot_hal_data_t *emcmot_hal_data; /* pointer to array of joint structs with all joint data */ /* the actual array may be in shared memory or in kernel space, as determined by the init code in motion.c */ extern emcmot_joint_t joints[EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS]; /* Variable defs */ extern KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS fflags; extern KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS iflags; /* these variable have the 1/servo cycle time */ /* Struct pointers */ extern struct emcmot_struct_t *emcmotStruct; extern struct emcmot_command_t *emcmotCommand; extern struct emcmot_status_t *emcmotStatus; extern struct emcmot_config_t *emcmotConfig; extern struct emcmot_internal_t *emcmotInternal; extern struct emcmot_error_t *emcmotError; /*********************************************************************** * PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES * ************************************************************************/ /* function definitions */ extern void emcmotCommandHandler(void *arg, long period); extern void emcmotController(void *arg, long period); extern void emcmotSetCycleTime(unsigned long nsec); /* these are related to synchronized I/O */ extern void emcmotDioWrite(int index, char value); extern void emcmotAioWrite(int index, double value); extern void emcmotSetRotaryUnlock(int axis, int unlock); extern int emcmotGetRotaryIsUnlocked(int axis); // // Try to change the Motion mode to Teleop. // // This function can be called at any time. Returns without changing // mode if Teleop is not currently allowed. This code doesn't actually // make the transition, it just sets a flag requesting the transition. // The real transition to Teleop mode is done in emcmotController(). // void switch_to_teleop_mode(void); /* recalculates jog limits */ extern void refresh_jog_limits(emcmot_joint_t *joint,int joint_num); /* handles 'homed' flags, see command.c for details */ extern void clearHomes(int joint_num); extern void emcmot_config_change(void); extern void reportError(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,1,2))); /* Use the rtapi_print call */ int joint_is_lockable(int joint_num); #define ALL_JOINTS emcmotConfig->numJoints // number of kinematics-only joints: #define NO_OF_KINS_JOINTS (ALL_JOINTS - emcmotConfig->numExtraJoints) #define IS_EXTRA_JOINT(jno) (jno >= NO_OF_KINS_JOINTS) // 0-based Joint numbering: // kinematic-only jno.s: [0 ... (NO_OF_KINS_JOINTS -1) ] // extrajoint jno.s: [NO_OF_KINS_JOINTS ... (ALL_JOINTS -1) ] /* rtapi_get_time() returns a nanosecond value. In time, we should use a u64 value for all calcs and only do the conversion to seconds when it is really needed. */ #define etime() (((double) rtapi_get_time()) / 1.0e9) /* macros for reading, writing bit flags */ /* motion flags */ #define GET_MOTION_ERROR_FLAG() (emcmotStatus->motionFlag & EMCMOT_MOTION_ERROR_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_MOTION_ERROR_FLAG(fl) if (fl) emcmotStatus->motionFlag |= EMCMOT_MOTION_ERROR_BIT; else emcmotStatus->motionFlag &= ~EMCMOT_MOTION_ERROR_BIT; #define GET_MOTION_COORD_FLAG() (emcmotStatus->motionFlag & EMCMOT_MOTION_COORD_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_MOTION_COORD_FLAG(fl) if (fl) emcmotStatus->motionFlag |= EMCMOT_MOTION_COORD_BIT; else emcmotStatus->motionFlag &= ~EMCMOT_MOTION_COORD_BIT; #define GET_MOTION_TELEOP_FLAG() (emcmotStatus->motionFlag & EMCMOT_MOTION_TELEOP_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_MOTION_TELEOP_FLAG(fl) if (fl) emcmotStatus->motionFlag |= EMCMOT_MOTION_TELEOP_BIT; else emcmotStatus->motionFlag &= ~EMCMOT_MOTION_TELEOP_BIT; #define GET_MOTION_INPOS_FLAG() (emcmotStatus->motionFlag & EMCMOT_MOTION_INPOS_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_MOTION_INPOS_FLAG(fl) if (fl) emcmotStatus->motionFlag |= EMCMOT_MOTION_INPOS_BIT; else emcmotStatus->motionFlag &= ~EMCMOT_MOTION_INPOS_BIT; #define GET_MOTION_ENABLE_FLAG() (emcmotStatus->motionFlag & EMCMOT_MOTION_ENABLE_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_MOTION_ENABLE_FLAG(fl) if (fl) emcmotStatus->motionFlag |= EMCMOT_MOTION_ENABLE_BIT; else emcmotStatus->motionFlag &= ~EMCMOT_MOTION_ENABLE_BIT; /* joint flags */ #define GET_JOINT_ENABLE_FLAG(joint) ((joint)->flag & EMCMOT_JOINT_ENABLE_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_JOINT_ENABLE_FLAG(joint,fl) if (fl) (joint)->flag |= EMCMOT_JOINT_ENABLE_BIT; else (joint)->flag &= ~EMCMOT_JOINT_ENABLE_BIT; #define SET_JOINT_ACTIVE_FLAG(joint,fl) if (fl) (joint)->flag |= EMCMOT_JOINT_ACTIVE_BIT; else (joint)->flag &= ~EMCMOT_JOINT_ACTIVE_BIT; #define SET_JOINT_INPOS_FLAG(joint,fl) if (fl) (joint)->flag |= EMCMOT_JOINT_INPOS_BIT; else (joint)->flag &= ~EMCMOT_JOINT_INPOS_BIT; #define GET_JOINT_ERROR_FLAG(joint) ((joint)->flag & EMCMOT_JOINT_ERROR_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_JOINT_ERROR_FLAG(joint,fl) if (fl) (joint)->flag |= EMCMOT_JOINT_ERROR_BIT; else (joint)->flag &= ~EMCMOT_JOINT_ERROR_BIT; #define GET_JOINT_PHL_FLAG(joint) ((joint)->flag & EMCMOT_JOINT_MAX_HARD_LIMIT_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_JOINT_PHL_FLAG(joint,fl) if (fl) (joint)->flag |= EMCMOT_JOINT_MAX_HARD_LIMIT_BIT; else (joint)->flag &= ~EMCMOT_JOINT_MAX_HARD_LIMIT_BIT; #define GET_JOINT_NHL_FLAG(joint) ((joint)->flag & EMCMOT_JOINT_MIN_HARD_LIMIT_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_JOINT_NHL_FLAG(joint,fl) if (fl) (joint)->flag |= EMCMOT_JOINT_MIN_HARD_LIMIT_BIT; else (joint)->flag &= ~EMCMOT_JOINT_MIN_HARD_LIMIT_BIT; #define GET_JOINT_FERROR_FLAG(joint) ((joint)->flag & EMCMOT_JOINT_FERROR_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_JOINT_FERROR_FLAG(joint,fl) if (fl) (joint)->flag |= EMCMOT_JOINT_FERROR_BIT; else (joint)->flag &= ~EMCMOT_JOINT_FERROR_BIT; #define GET_JOINT_FAULT_FLAG(joint) ((joint)->flag & EMCMOT_JOINT_FAULT_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define SET_JOINT_FAULT_FLAG(joint,fl) if (fl) (joint)->flag |= EMCMOT_JOINT_FAULT_BIT; else (joint)->flag &= ~EMCMOT_JOINT_FAULT_BIT; #if defined(__KERNEL__) #define HAVE_CPU_KHZ #endif #endif /* MOT_PRIV_H */