/******************************************************************** * Description: motion.h * Data structures used throughout emc2. * * Author: * License: GPL Version 2 * System: Linux * * Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved ********************************************************************/ /* jmk says: This file is a mess! */ /* Misc ramblings: The terms axis and joint are used inconsistently throughout EMC. For all new code, the usages are as follows: axis - one of the nine degrees of freedom, x, y, z, a, b, c, u, v, w these refer to axes in Cartesian space, which may or may not match up with joints (see below). On Cartesian machines they do match up, but for hexapods, robots, and other non-Cartesian machines they don't. joint - one of the physical degrees of freedom of the machine these might be linear (leadscrews) or rotary (rotary tables, robot arm joints). There can be any number of joints. The kinematics code is responsible for translating from axis space to joint space and back. There are three main kinds of data needed by the motion controller 1) data shared with higher level stuff - commands, status, etc. 2) data that is local to the motion controller 3) data shared with lower level stuff - hal pins In addition, some internal data (2) should be shared for trouble shooting purposes, even though it is "internal" to the motion controller. Depending on the type of data, it can either be treated as type (1), and made available to the higher level code, or it can be treated as type (3), and made available to the hal, so that halscope can monitor it. This file should ONLY contain structures and declarations for type (1) items - those that are shared with higher level code. Type (2) items should be declared in mot_priv.h, along with type (3) items. In the interest of retaining my sanity, I'm not gonna attempt to move everything to its proper location yet.... However, all new items will be defined in the proper place, and some existing items may be moved from one struct definition to another. */ #ifndef MOTION_H #define MOTION_H #include "posemath.h" /* PmCartesian, PmPose, pmCartMag() */ #include "emcpos.h" /* EmcPose */ #include "cubic.h" /* CUBIC_STRUCT, CUBIC_COEFF */ #include "emcmotcfg.h" /* EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS */ #include "kinematics.h" #include "simple_tp.h" #include "rtapi_limits.h" #include #include "rtapi_bool.h" #include "state_tag.h" #include "tp_types.h" // define a special value to denote an invalid motion ID // NB: do not ever generate a motion id of MOTION_INVALID_ID // this should be really be tested for in command.c #define MOTION_INVALID_ID INT_MIN #define MOTION_ID_VALID(x) ((x) != MOTION_INVALID_ID) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct _EMC_TELEOP_DATA { EmcPose currentVel; EmcPose currentAccel; EmcPose desiredVel; EmcPose desiredAccel; } EMC_TELEOP_DATA; /* This enum lists all the possible commands */ typedef enum { EMCMOT_ABORT = 1, /* abort all motion */ EMCMOT_ENABLE, /* enable servos for active joints */ EMCMOT_DISABLE, /* disable servos for active joints */ EMCMOT_PAUSE, /* pause motion */ EMCMOT_REVERSE, /* run reverse motion */ EMCMOT_FORWARD, /* run reverse motion */ EMCMOT_RESUME, /* resume motion */ EMCMOT_STEP, /* resume motion until id encountered */ EMCMOT_FREE, /* set mode to free (joint) motion */ EMCMOT_COORD, /* set mode to coordinated motion */ EMCMOT_TELEOP, /* set mode to teleop */ EMCMOT_SPINDLE_SCALE, /* set scale factor for spindle speed */ EMCMOT_SS_ENABLE, /* enable/disable scaling the spindle speed */ EMCMOT_FEED_SCALE, /* set scale factor for feedrate */ EMCMOT_RAPID_SCALE, /* set scale factor for rapids */ EMCMOT_FS_ENABLE, /* enable/disable scaling feedrate */ EMCMOT_FH_ENABLE, /* enable/disable feed_hold */ EMCMOT_AF_ENABLE, /* enable/disable adaptive feedrate */ EMCMOT_OVERRIDE_LIMITS, /* temporarily ignore limits until jog done */ EMCMOT_SET_LINE, /* queue up a linear move */ EMCMOT_SET_CIRCLE, /* queue up a circular move */ EMCMOT_SET_TELEOP_VECTOR, /* Move at a given velocity but in world cartesian coordinates, not in joint space like EMCMOT_JOG_* */ EMCMOT_CLEAR_PROBE_FLAGS, /* clears probeTripped flag */ EMCMOT_PROBE, /* go to pos, stop if probe trips, record trip pos */ EMCMOT_RIGID_TAP, /* go to pos, with sync to spindle speed, then return to initial pos */ EMCMOT_SET_VEL, /* set the velocity for subsequent moves */ EMCMOT_SET_VEL_LIMIT, /* set the max vel for all moves (tooltip) */ EMCMOT_SET_ACC, /* set the max accel for moves (tooltip) */ EMCMOT_SET_TERM_COND, /* set termination condition (stop, blend) */ EMCMOT_SET_NUM_JOINTS, /* set the number of joints */ EMCMOT_SET_NUM_SPINDLES, /* set the number of spindles */ EMCMOT_SET_WORLD_HOME, /* set pose for world home */ EMCMOT_SET_DEBUG, /* sets the debug level */ EMCMOT_SET_DOUT, /* sets or unsets a DIO, this can be immediate or synched with motion */ EMCMOT_SET_AOUT, /* sets or unsets a AIO, this can be immediate or synched with motion */ EMCMOT_SET_SPINDLESYNC, /* synchronize motion to spindle encoder */ EMCMOT_SPINDLE_ON, /* start the spindle */ EMCMOT_SPINDLE_OFF, /* stop the spindle */ EMCMOT_SPINDLE_INCREASE, /* spindle faster */ EMCMOT_SPINDLE_DECREASE, /* spindle slower */ EMCMOT_SPINDLE_BRAKE_ENGAGE, /* engage the spindle brake */ EMCMOT_SPINDLE_BRAKE_RELEASE, /* release the spindle brake */ EMCMOT_SPINDLE_ORIENT, /* orient the spindle */ EMCMOT_SET_OFFSET, /* set tool offsets */ EMCMOT_SET_MAX_FEED_OVERRIDE, EMCMOT_SETUP_ARC_BLENDS, EMCMOT_SET_PROBE_ERR_INHIBIT, EMCMOT_ENABLE_WATCHDOG, /* enable watchdog sound, parport */ EMCMOT_DISABLE_WATCHDOG, /* enable watchdog sound, parport */ EMCMOT_JOG_CONT, /* continuous jog */ EMCMOT_JOG_INCR, /* incremental jog */ EMCMOT_JOG_ABS, /* absolute jog */ EMCMOT_JOG_ABORT, /* abort one joint num or axis num */ EMCMOT_JOINT_ACTIVATE, /* make joint active */ EMCMOT_JOINT_DEACTIVATE, /* make joint inactive */ EMCMOT_JOINT_ENABLE_AMPLIFIER, /* enable amp outputs */ EMCMOT_JOINT_DISABLE_AMPLIFIER, /* disable amp outputs */ EMCMOT_JOINT_HOME, /* home a joint or all joints */ EMCMOT_JOINT_UNHOME, /* unhome a joint or all joints*/ EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_POSITION_LIMITS, /* set the joint position +/- limits */ EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_BACKLASH, /* set the joint backlash */ EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_MIN_FERROR, /* minimum following error, input units */ EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_MAX_FERROR, /* maximum following error, input units */ EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_VEL_LIMIT, /* set the max joint vel */ EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_ACC_LIMIT, /* set the max joint accel */ EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_HOMING_PARAMS, /* sets joint homing parameters */ EMCMOT_UPDATE_JOINT_HOMING_PARAMS, /* updates some joint homing parameters */ EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_MOTOR_OFFSET, /* set the offset between joint and motor */ EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_COMP, /* set a compensation triplet for a joint (nominal, forw., rev.) */ EMCMOT_SET_AXIS_POSITION_LIMITS, /* set the axis position +/- limits */ EMCMOT_SET_AXIS_VEL_LIMIT, /* set the max axis vel */ EMCMOT_SET_AXIS_ACC_LIMIT, /* set the max axis acc */ EMCMOT_SET_AXIS_LOCKING_JOINT, /* set the axis locking joint */ EMCMOT_SET_SPINDLE_PARAMS, /* One command to set all spindle params */ } cmd_code_t; /* this enum lists the possible results of a command */ typedef enum { EMCMOT_COMMAND_OK = 0, /* cmd honored */ EMCMOT_COMMAND_UNKNOWN_COMMAND, /* cmd not understood */ EMCMOT_COMMAND_INVALID_COMMAND, /* cmd can't be handled now */ EMCMOT_COMMAND_INVALID_PARAMS, /* bad cmd params */ EMCMOT_COMMAND_BAD_EXEC /* error trying to initiate */ } cmd_status_t; /* termination conditions for queued motions */ #define EMCMOT_TERM_COND_STOP 1 #define EMCMOT_TERM_COND_BLEND 2 #define EMCMOT_TERM_COND_TANGENT 3 /********************************* COMMAND STRUCTURE *********************************/ /* This is the command structure. There is one of these in shared memory, and all commands from higher level code come thru it. */ typedef struct emcmot_command_t { cmd_code_t command; /* command code (enum) */ int commandNum; /* increment this for new command */ double motor_offset; /* offset from joint to motor position */ double maxLimit; /* pos value for position limit, output */ double minLimit; /* neg value for position limit, output */ double min_pos_speed; /* spindle minimum positive speed */ double max_neg_speed; /* spindle maximum negative speed */ EmcPose pos; /* line/circle endpt, or teleop vector */ PmCartesian center; /* center for circle */ PmCartesian normal; /* normal vec for circle */ int turn; /* turns for circle or joint number for a locking indexer*/ double vel; /* max velocity */ double ini_maxvel; /* max velocity allowed by machine constraints (the INI file) */ int motion_type; /* this move is because of traverse, feed, arc, or toolchange */ double spindlesync; /* user units per spindle revolution, 0 = no sync */ double acc; /* max acceleration */ double backlash; /* amount of backlash */ int id; /* id for motion */ int termCond; /* termination condition */ double tolerance; /* tolerance for path deviation in CONTINUOUS mode */ int joint; /* which joint index to use for below */ int axis; /* which axis index to use for below */ int spindle; /* which spindle to use */ double scale; /* velocity scale or spindle_speed scale arg */ double offset; /* input, output, or home offset arg */ double home; /* joint home position */ double home_final_vel; /* joint velocity for moving from OFFSET to HOME */ double search_vel; /* home search velocity */ double latch_vel; /* home latch velocity */ int flags; /* homing config flags, other boolean args */ int home_sequence; /* order in homing sequence */ int volatile_home; /* joint should get unhomed when we get unhome -2 (generated by task upon estop, etc) */ double minFerror; /* min following error */ double maxFerror; /* max following error */ int wdWait; /* cycle to wait before toggling wd */ int debug; /* debug level, from DEBUG in INI file */ unsigned char now, out, start, end; /* these are related to synched AOUT/DOUT. now=whether now or synched, out = which gets set, start=start value, end=end value */ unsigned char mode; /* used for turning overrides etc. on/off */ double comp_nominal, comp_forward, comp_reverse; /* compensation triplet, nominal, forward, reverse */ unsigned char probe_type; /* ~1 = error if probe operation is unsuccessful (ngc default) |1 = suppress error, report in # instead ~2 = move until probe trips (ngc default) |2 = move until probe clears */ int probe_jog_err_inhibit; // setting to inhibit probe tripped while jogging error. int probe_home_err_inhibit; // setting to inhibit probe tripped while homeing error. EmcPose tool_offset; /* TLO */ double orientation; /* angle for spindle orient */ int state; /*spindle state*/ char direction; /* CANON_DIRECTION flag for spindle orient */ double timeout; /* of wait for spindle orient to complete */ unsigned char wait_for_spindle_at_speed; // EMCMOT_SPINDLE_ON now carries this, for next feed move int arcBlendOptDepth; int arcBlendEnable; int arcBlendFallbackEnable; int arcBlendGapCycles; double arcBlendRampFreq; double arcBlendTangentKinkRatio; double maxFeedScale; double ext_offset_vel; /* velocity for an external axis offset */ double ext_offset_acc; /* acceleration for an external axis offset */ struct state_tag_t tag; } emcmot_command_t; /*! \todo FIXME - these packed bits might be replaced with chars memory is cheap, and being able to access them without those damn macros would be nice */ /* motion flag type */ typedef unsigned short EMCMOT_MOTION_FLAG; /* motion status flag structure-- looks like: MSB LSB v---------------v------------------v | | | | T | CE | C | IP | EN | ^---------------^------------------^ where: EN is 1 if calculations are enabled, 0 if not IP is 1 if all joints in position, 0 if not C is 1 if coordinated mode, 0 if in free mode CE is 1 if coordinated mode error, 0 if not T is 1 if we are in teleop mode. */ /* bit masks */ #define EMCMOT_MOTION_ENABLE_BIT 0x0001 #define EMCMOT_MOTION_INPOS_BIT 0x0002 #define EMCMOT_MOTION_COORD_BIT 0x0004 #define EMCMOT_MOTION_ERROR_BIT 0x0008 #define EMCMOT_MOTION_TELEOP_BIT 0x0010 /* joint flag type */ typedef unsigned short EMCMOT_JOINT_FLAG; /* joint status flag structure-- looks like: MSB LSB ----------v-----------------v--------------------v-------------------v | AF | FE | AH | HD | H | HS | NHL | PHL | - | - | ER | IP | AC | EN | ----------^-----------------^--------------------^-------------------^ x = unused where: EN is 1 if joint amplifier is enabled, 0 if not AC is 1 if joint is active for calculations, 0 if not IP is 1 if joint is in position, 0 if not (free mode only) ER is 1 if joint has an error, 0 if not PHL is 1 if joint is on maximum hardware limit, 0 if not NHL is 1 if joint is on minimum hardware limit, 0 if not HS is 1 if joint home switch is tripped, 0 if not H is 1 if joint is homing, 0 if not HD is 1 if joint has been homed, 0 if not AH is 1 if joint is at home position, 0 if not FE is 1 if joint exceeded following error, 0 if not AF is 1 if amplifier is faulted, 0 if not Suggestion: Split this in to an Error and a Status flag register.. Then a simple test on each of the two flags can be performed rather than testing each bit... Saving on a global per joint fault and ready status flag. */ /* bit masks */ #define EMCMOT_JOINT_ENABLE_BIT 0x0001 #define EMCMOT_JOINT_ACTIVE_BIT 0x0002 #define EMCMOT_JOINT_INPOS_BIT 0x0004 #define EMCMOT_JOINT_ERROR_BIT 0x0008 #define EMCMOT_JOINT_MAX_HARD_LIMIT_BIT 0x0010 #define EMCMOT_JOINT_MIN_HARD_LIMIT_BIT 0x0020 #define EMCMOT_JOINT_FERROR_BIT 0x0040 #define EMCMOT_JOINT_FAULT_BIT 0x0080 /*! \todo FIXME - the terms "teleop", "coord", and "free" are poorly documented. This is my feeble attempt to understand exactly what they mean. According to Fred, teleop is never used with machine tools, although that may not be true for machines with non-trivial kinematics. "coord", or coordinated mode, means that all the joints are synchronized, and move together as commanded by the higher level code. It is the normal mode when machining. In coordinated mode, commands are assumed to be in the cartesean reference frame, and if the machine is non-cartesean, the commands are translated by the kinematics to drive each joint in joint space as needed. "free" mode means commands are interpreted in joint space. It is used for jogging individual joints, although it does not preclude multiple joints moving at once (I think). Homing is also done in free mode, in fact machines with non-trivial kinematics must be homed before they can go into either coord or teleop mode. 'teleop' is what you probably want if you are 'jogging' a hexapod. The jog commands as implemented by the motion controller are joint jogs, which work in free mode. But if you want to jog a hexapod or similar machine along one particular cartesean axis, you need to operate more than one joint. That's what 'teleop' is for. */ /* compensation structures */ typedef struct { double nominal; /* nominal (command) position */ float fwd_trim; /* correction for forward movement */ float rev_trim; /* correction for reverse movement */ float fwd_slope; /* slopes between here and next pt */ float rev_slope; } emcmot_comp_entry_t; #define EMCMOT_COMP_SIZE 256 typedef struct { int entries; /* number of entries in the array */ emcmot_comp_entry_t *entry; /* current entry in array */ emcmot_comp_entry_t array[EMCMOT_COMP_SIZE+2]; /* +2 because array has -HUGE_VAL and +HUGE_VAL entries at the ends */ } emcmot_comp_t; /* motion controller states */ typedef enum { EMCMOT_MOTION_DISABLED = 0, EMCMOT_MOTION_FREE, EMCMOT_MOTION_TELEOP, EMCMOT_MOTION_COORD } motion_state_t; typedef enum { EMCMOT_ORIENT_NONE = 0, EMCMOT_ORIENT_COMPLETE, EMCMOT_ORIENT_IN_PROGRESS, EMCMOT_ORIENT_FAULTED, } orient_state_t; /* flags for enabling spindle scaling, feed scaling, adaptive feed, and feed hold */ #define SS_ENABLED 0x01 #define FS_ENABLED 0x02 #define AF_ENABLED 0x04 #define FH_ENABLED 0x08 /* This structure contains all of the data associated with a single joint. Note that this structure does not need to be in shared memory (but it can, if desired for debugging reasons). The portions of this structure that are considered "status" and need to be made available to user space are copied to a much smaller struct called emcmot_joint_status_t which is located in shared memory. */ typedef struct { /* configuration info - changes rarely */ int type; /* 0 = linear, 1 = rotary */ double max_pos_limit; /* upper soft limit on joint pos */ double min_pos_limit; /* lower soft limit on joint pos */ double max_jog_limit; /* jog limits change when not homed */ double min_jog_limit; double vel_limit; /* upper limit of joint speed */ double acc_limit; /* upper limit of joint accel */ double min_ferror; /* zero speed following error limit */ double max_ferror; /* max speed following error limit */ double backlash; /* amount of backlash */ emcmot_comp_t comp; /* leadscrew correction data */ /* status info - changes regularly */ /* many of these need to be made available to higher levels */ /* they can either be copied to the status struct, or an array of joint structs can be made part of the status */ EMCMOT_JOINT_FLAG flag; /* see above for bit details */ double coarse_pos; /* trajectory point, before interp */ double pos_cmd; /* commanded joint position */ double vel_cmd; /* commanded joint velocity */ double acc_cmd; /* commanded joint acceleration */ double backlash_corr; /* correction for backlash */ double backlash_filt; /* filtered backlash correction */ double backlash_vel; /* backlash velocity variable */ double motor_pos_cmd; /* commanded position, with comp */ double motor_pos_fb; /* position feedback, with comp */ double pos_fb; /* position feedback, comp removed */ double ferror; /* following error */ double ferror_limit; /* limit depends on speed */ double ferror_high_mark; /* max following error */ simple_tp_t free_tp; /* planner for free mode motion */ int kb_jjog_active; /* non-zero during a keyboard jog */ int wheel_jjog_active; /* non-zero during a wheel jog */ /* internal info - changes regularly, not usually accessed from user space */ CUBIC_STRUCT cubic; /* cubic interpolator data */ int on_pos_limit; /* non-zero if on limit */ int on_neg_limit; /* non-zero if on limit */ double motor_offset; /* diff between internal and motor pos, used to set position to zero during homing */ int old_jjog_counts; /* prior value, used for deltas */ double big_vel; /* used for "debouncing" velocity */ } emcmot_joint_t; /* This structure contains only the "status" data associated with a joint. "Status" data is that data that should be reported to user space on a continuous basis. An array of these structs is part of the main status structure, and is filled in with data copied from the emcmot_joint_t structs every servo period. For now this struct contains more data than it really needs, but paring it down will take time (and probably needs to be done one or two items at a time, with much testing). My main goal right now is to get get the large joint struct out of status. */ typedef struct { EMCMOT_JOINT_FLAG flag; /* see above for bit details */ bool homed; bool homing; double pos_cmd; /* commanded joint position */ double pos_fb; /* position feedback, comp removed */ double vel_cmd; /* current velocity */ double acc_cmd; /* current acceleration */ double ferror; /* following error */ double ferror_high_mark; /* max following error */ /*! \todo FIXME - the following are not really "status", but taskintf.cc expects them to be in the status structure. I don't know how or if they are used by the user space code. Ideally they will be removed from here, but each one will need to be investigated individually. */ double backlash; /* amount of backlash */ double max_pos_limit; /* upper soft limit on joint pos */ double min_pos_limit; /* lower soft limit on joint pos */ double min_ferror; /* zero speed following error limit */ double max_ferror; /* max speed following error limit */ } emcmot_joint_status_t; typedef struct { double speed; // spindle speed in RPMs double scale; // spindle override value double net_scale; // scale or zero if inhibited double css_factor; double xoffset; int state; int direction; // 0 stopped, 1 forward, -1 reverse int brake; // 0 released, 1 engaged int locked; // spindle lock engaged after orient int orient_fault; // fault code from motion.spindle-orient-fault int orient_state; // orient_state_t int spindle_index_enable; /* hooked to a canon encoder index-enable */ double spindleRevs; /* position of spindle in revolutions */ double spindleSpeedIn; /* velocity of spindle in revolutions per minute */ int at_speed; int fault; /* amplifier fault */ double max_pos_speed; /* spindle speed limits */ double min_pos_speed; /* signed values, so max_neg = 0 */ double max_neg_speed; /* and min_neg = -1e99 indicates no limit */ double min_neg_speed; double home_angle; double home_search_vel; int home_sequence; double increment; } spindle_status_t; typedef struct { double teleop_vel_cmd; /* commanded axis velocity */ double max_pos_limit; /* upper soft limit on axis pos */ double min_pos_limit; /* lower soft limit on axis pos */ } emcmot_axis_status_t; /********************************* STATUS STRUCTURE *********************************/ /* This is the status structure. There is one of these in shared memory, and it reports motion controller status to higher level code in user space. For the most part, this structure contains higher level variables - low level stuff is made visible to the HAL and troubleshooting, etc, is done using the HAL oscilloscope. */ /*! \todo FIXME - this struct is broken into two parts... at the top are structure members that I understand, and that are needed for emc2. Other structure members follow. All the later ones need to be evaluated - either they move up, or they go away. */ typedef struct emcmot_status_t { unsigned char head; /* flag count for mutex detect */ /* these three are updated only when a new command is handled */ cmd_code_t commandEcho; /* echo of input command */ int commandNumEcho; /* echo of input command number */ cmd_status_t commandStatus; /* result of most recent command */ /* these are config info, updated when a command changes them */ double feed_scale; /* velocity scale factor for all motion but rapids */ double rapid_scale; /* velocity scale factor for rapids */ unsigned char enables_new; /* flags for FS, SS, etc */ /* the above set is the enables in effect for new moves */ /* the rest are updated every cycle */ double net_feed_scale; /* net scale factor for all motion */ unsigned char enables_queued; /* flags for FS, SS, etc */ /* the above set is the enables in effect for the currently executing move */ motion_state_t motion_state; /* operating state: FREE, COORD, etc. */ EMCMOT_MOTION_FLAG motionFlag; /* see above for bit details */ EmcPose carte_pos_cmd; /* commanded Cartesian position */ int carte_pos_cmd_ok; /* non-zero if command is valid */ EmcPose carte_pos_fb; /* actual Cartesian position */ int carte_pos_fb_ok; /* non-zero if feedback is valid */ EmcPose world_home; /* cartesean coords of home position */ emcmot_joint_status_t joint_status[EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS]; /* all joint status data */ emcmot_axis_status_t axis_status[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* all axis status data */ int spindleSync; /* spindle used for synchronised moves. -1 = none */ spindle_status_t spindle_status[EMCMOT_MAX_SPINDLES]; /* all spindle data */ int on_soft_limit; /* non-zero if any joint is on soft limit */ int probeVal; /* debounced value of probe input */ int probeTripped; /* Has the probe signal changed since start of probe command? */ int probing; /* Currently looking for a probe signal? */ unsigned char probe_type; EmcPose probedPos; /* Axis positions stored as soon as possible after last probeTripped */ int synch_di[EMCMOT_MAX_DIO]; /* inputs to the motion controller, queried by G-code */ int synch_do[EMCMOT_MAX_DIO]; /* outputs to the motion controller, queried by G-code */ double analog_input[EMCMOT_MAX_AIO]; /* inputs to the motion controller, queried by G-code */ double analog_output[EMCMOT_MAX_AIO]; /* outputs to the motion controller, queried by G-code */ int misc_error[EMCMOT_MAX_MISC_ERROR]; /* Random Error pins*/ struct state_tag_t tag; /* Current interp state corresponding to motion line */ /*! \todo FIXME - all structure members beyond this point are in limbo */ /* dynamic status-- changes every cycle */ unsigned int heartbeat; int config_num; /* incremented whenever configuration changed. */ int id; /* id for executing motion */ int depth; /* motion queue depth */ int activeDepth; /* depth of active blend elements */ int queueFull; /* Flag to indicate the tc queue is full */ int paused; /* Flag to signal motion paused */ int overrideLimitMask; /* non-zero means one or more limits ignored */ /* 1 << (joint-num*2) = ignore neg limit */ /* 2 << (joint-num*2) = ignore pos limit */ int reverse_run; /* static status-- only changes upon input commands, e.g., config */ double vel; /* scalar max vel */ double acc; /* scalar max accel */ int motionType; double distance_to_go; /* in this move */ EmcPose dtg; double current_vel; double requested_vel; unsigned int tcqlen; EmcPose tool_offset; int atspeed_next_feed; /* at next feed move, wait for spindle to be at speed */ unsigned char tail; /* flag count for mutex detect */ int external_offsets_applied; EmcPose eoffset_pose; int numExtraJoints; int stepping; bool jogging_active; } emcmot_status_t; /********************************* CONFIG STRUCTURE *********************************/ /* This is the config structure. This is currently in shared memory, but I have no idea why... there are commands to set most of the items in this structure. It seems we should either put the struct in private memory and manipulate it with commands, or we should put it in shared memory and manipulate it directly - not both. The structure contains static or rarely changed information that describes the machine configuration. later: I think I get it now - the struct is in shared memory so user space can read the config at any time, but commands are used to change the config so they only take effect when the realtime code processes the command. */ /*! \todo FIXME - this struct is broken into two parts... at the top are structure members that I understand, and that are needed for emc2. Other structure members follow. All the later ones need to be evaluated - either they move up, or they go away. */ typedef struct emcmot_config_t { unsigned char head; /* flag count for mutex detect */ int config_num; /* Incremented everytime configuration changed, should match status.config_num */ int numJoints; /* The number of total joints in the system (which must be between 1 and EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS, inclusive). includes extra joints*/ int numExtraJoints; /* The number of extra joints in the system (which must be between 1 and EMCMOT_MAX_EXTRAJOINTS, inclusive). */ int numSpindles; /* The number of spindles, 1 to EMCMOT_MAX_SPINDLES */ KINEMATICS_TYPE kinType; int numDIO; /* userdefined number of digital IO. default is 4. (EMCMOT_MAX_DIO=64), but can be altered at motmod insmod time */ int numAIO; /* userdefined number of analog IO. default is 4. (EMCMOT_MAX_AIO=16), but can be altered at motmod insmod time */ int numMiscError; /* userdefined number of Misc Errors. default is 0. but can be altered at motmod insmod time */ /*! \todo FIXME - all structure members beyond this point are in limbo */ double trajCycleTime; /* the rate at which the trajectory loop runs.... (maybe) */ double servoCycleTime; /* the rate of the servo loop - Not the same as the traj time */ int interpolationRate; /* grep control.c for an explanation.... approx line 50 */ double limitVel; /* scalar upper limit on vel */ int debug; /* copy of DEBUG, from INI file */ unsigned char tail; /* flag count for mutex detect */ int arcBlendOptDepth; int arcBlendEnable; int arcBlendFallbackEnable; int arcBlendGapCycles; double arcBlendRampFreq; double arcBlendTangentKinkRatio; double maxFeedScale; int inhibit_probe_jog_error; int inhibit_probe_home_error; } emcmot_config_t; /* error structure - A ring buffer used to pass formatted printf strings to usr space */ typedef struct emcmot_error_t { unsigned char head; /* flag count for mutex detect */ char error[EMCMOT_ERROR_NUM][EMCMOT_ERROR_LEN]; int start; /* index of oldest error */ int end; /* index of newest error */ int num; /* number of items */ unsigned char tail; /* flag count for mutex detect */ } emcmot_error_t; typedef struct emcmot_internal_t { unsigned char head; /* flag count for mutex detect */ unsigned char tail; /* flag count for mutex detect */ int split; /* number of split command reads */ int enabling; /* starts up disabled */ int coordinating; /* starts up in free mode */ int teleoperating; /* starts up in free mode */ int overriding; /* non-zero means we've initiated an joint move while overriding limits */ TP_STRUCT coord_tp; /* coordinated mode planner */ int idForStep; /* status id while stepping */ } emcmot_internal_t; /* error ring buffer access functions */ extern int emcmotErrorInit(emcmot_error_t * errlog); extern int emcmotErrorPut(emcmot_error_t * errlog, const char *error); extern int emcmotErrorPutfv(emcmot_error_t * errlog, const char *fmt, va_list ap); extern int emcmotErrorPutf(emcmot_error_t * errlog, const char *fmt, ...); extern int emcmotErrorGet(emcmot_error_t * errlog, char *error); #define GET_JOINT_ACTIVE_FLAG(joint) ((joint)->flag & EMCMOT_JOINT_ACTIVE_BIT ? 1 : 0) #define GET_JOINT_INPOS_FLAG(joint) ((joint)->flag & EMCMOT_JOINT_INPOS_BIT ? 1 : 0) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* MOTION_H */