/******************************************************************** * Description: usrmotintf.cc * Defs for interface functions (init, exit, read, write) for user * processes which communicate with the real-time motion controller * in emcmot.c * * Derived from a work by Fred Proctor & Will Shackleford * * Author: * License: GPL Version 2 * System: Linux * * Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved. ********************************************************************/ #include "emc/linuxcnc.h" /* LINELEN definition */ #include /* exit() */ #include #include /* memcpy() */ #include /* DBL_MIN */ #include "motion.h" /* emcmot_status_t,CMD */ #include "motion_struct.h" /* emcmot_struct_t */ #include "emcmotcfg.h" /* EMCMOT_ERROR_NUM,LEN */ #include "emcmotglb.h" /* SHMEM_KEY */ #include "usrmotintf.h" /* these decls */ #include "_timer.h" #include "rcs_print.hh" #include "inifile.hh" #define READ_TIMEOUT_SEC 0 /* seconds for timeout */ #define READ_TIMEOUT_USEC 100000 /* microseconds for timeout */ #include "rtapi.h" #include "dbuf.h" #include "stashf.h" static int inited = 0; /* flag if inited */ static emcmot_command_t *emcmotCommand = 0; static emcmot_status_t *emcmotStatus = 0; static emcmot_config_t *emcmotConfig = 0; static emcmot_internal_t *emcmotInternal = 0; static emcmot_error_t *emcmotError = 0; static emcmot_struct_t *emcmotStruct = 0; /* usrmotIniLoad() loads params (SHMEM_KEY, COMM_TIMEOUT) from named INI file */ int usrmotIniLoad(const char *filename) { IniFile inifile(IniFile::ERR_CONVERSION); // Enable exception. /* open it */ if (!inifile.Open(filename)) { rtapi_print("can't find emcmot INI file %s\n", filename); return -1; } try { inifile.Find((int *)&SHMEM_KEY, "SHMEM_KEY", "EMCMOT"); inifile.Find(&EMCMOT_COMM_TIMEOUT, "COMM_TIMEOUT", "EMCMOT"); } catch(IniFile::Exception &e){ e.Print(); return -1; } return 0; } /* writes command from c */ int usrmotWriteEmcmotCommand(emcmot_command_t * c) { emcmot_status_t s; static int commandNum = 0; double end; if (!MOTION_ID_VALID(c->id)) { rcs_print("USRMOT: ERROR: invalid motion id: %d\n",c->id); return EMCMOT_COMM_INVALID_MOTION_ID; } c->commandNum = ++commandNum; /* check for mapped mem still around */ if (0 == emcmotCommand) { rcs_print("USRMOT: ERROR: can't connect to shared memory\n"); return EMCMOT_COMM_ERROR_CONNECT; } /* copy entire command structure to shared memory */ rtapi_mutex_get(&emcmotStruct->command_mutex); *emcmotCommand = *c; rtapi_mutex_give(&emcmotStruct->command_mutex); /* poll for receipt of command */ /* set timeout for comm failure, now + timeout */ end = etime() + EMCMOT_COMM_TIMEOUT; /* now check to see if it got it */ while (etime() < end) { /* update status */ if (( usrmotReadEmcmotStatus(&s) == 0 ) && ( s.commandNumEcho == commandNum )) { /* now check emcmot status flag */ if (s.commandStatus == EMCMOT_COMMAND_OK) { return EMCMOT_COMM_OK; } else { rcs_print("USRMOT: ERROR: invalid command\n"); return EMCMOT_COMM_ERROR_COMMAND; } } esleep(25e-6); } rcs_print("USRMOT: ERROR: command timeout\n"); return EMCMOT_COMM_ERROR_TIMEOUT; } /* copies status to s */ int usrmotReadEmcmotStatus(emcmot_status_t * s) { int split_read_count; /* check for shmem still around */ if (0 == emcmotStatus) { return EMCMOT_COMM_ERROR_CONNECT; } split_read_count = 0; do { /* copy status struct from shmem to local memory */ memcpy(s, emcmotStatus, sizeof(emcmot_status_t)); /* got it, now check head-tail matche */ if (s->head == s->tail) { /* head and tail match, done */ return EMCMOT_COMM_OK; } /* inc counter and try again, max three times */ } while ( ++split_read_count < 3 ); return EMCMOT_COMM_SPLIT_READ_TIMEOUT; } /* copies config to s */ int usrmotReadEmcmotConfig(emcmot_config_t * s) { int split_read_count; /* check for shmem still around */ if (0 == emcmotConfig) { return EMCMOT_COMM_ERROR_CONNECT; } split_read_count = 0; do { /* copy config struct from shmem to local memory */ memcpy(s, emcmotConfig, sizeof(emcmot_config_t)); /* got it, now check head-tail matches */ if (s->head == s->tail) { /* head and tail match, done */ return EMCMOT_COMM_OK; } /* inc counter and try again, max three times */ } while ( ++split_read_count < 3 ); printf("ReadEmcmotConfig COMM_SPLIT_READ_TIMEOUT\n" ); return EMCMOT_COMM_SPLIT_READ_TIMEOUT; } /* copies internal to s */ int usrmotReadEmcmotInternal(emcmot_internal_t * s) { int split_read_count; /* check for shmem still around */ if (0 == emcmotInternal) { return EMCMOT_COMM_ERROR_CONNECT; } split_read_count = 0; do { /* copy debug struct from shmem to local memory */ memcpy(s, emcmotInternal, sizeof(emcmot_internal_t)); /* got it, now check head-tail matches */ if (s->head == s->tail) { /* head and tail match, done */ return EMCMOT_COMM_OK; } /* inc counter and try again, max three times */ } while ( ++split_read_count < 3 ); printf("ReadEmcmotInternal COMM_SPLIT_READ_TIMEOUT\n" ); return EMCMOT_COMM_SPLIT_READ_TIMEOUT; } /* copies error to s */ int usrmotReadEmcmotError(char *e) { /* check to see if ptr still around */ if (emcmotError == 0) { return -1; } char data[EMCMOT_ERROR_LEN]; struct dbuf d; dbuf_init(&d, (unsigned char *)data, EMCMOT_ERROR_LEN); /* returns 0 if something, -1 if not */ int result = emcmotErrorGet(emcmotError, data); if(result < 0) return result; struct dbuf_iter di; dbuf_iter_init(&di, &d); result = snprintdbuf(e, EMCMOT_ERROR_LEN, &di); if(result < 0) return result; return 0; } /* htostr() converts short int to 0-1 style string, in s. Assumes a short is 2 bytes. */ /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 /*! \todo FIXME - don't know if this is still needed */ static int htostr(char *s, unsigned short h) { int t; for (t = 15; t >= 0; t--) { s[t] = h % 2 ? '1' : '0'; h >>= 1; } s[16] = 0; /* null terminate */ return 0; } #endif void printEmcPose(EmcPose * pose) { printf("x=%f\ty=%f\tz=%f\tu=%f\tv=%f\tw=%f\ta=%f\tb=%f\tc=%f", pose->tran.x, pose->tran.y, pose->tran.z, pose->u, pose->v, pose->w, pose->a, pose->b, pose->c); } void printTPstruct(TP_STRUCT * tp) { printf("queueSize=%d\n", tp->queueSize); printf("cycleTime=%f\n", tp->cycleTime); printf("vMax=%f\n", tp->vMax); printf("aMax=%f\n", tp->aMax); printf("vLimit=%f\n", tp->vLimit); printf("wMax=%f\n", tp->wMax); printf("wDotMax=%f\n", tp->wDotMax); printf("nextId=%d\n", tp->nextId); printf("execId=%d\n", tp->execId); printf("termCond=%d\n", tp->termCond); printf("currentPos :"); printEmcPose(&tp->currentPos); printf("\n"); printf("goalPos :"); printEmcPose(&tp->goalPos); printf("\n"); printf("done=%d\n", tp->done); printf("depth=%d\n", tp->depth); printf("activeDepth=%d\n", tp->activeDepth); printf("aborting=%d\n", tp->aborting); printf("pausing=%d\n", tp->pausing); } void usrmotPrintEmcmotConfig(emcmot_config_t c, int which) { // int t; // char m[32]; switch (which) { case 0: printf("debug level \t%d\n", c.debug); printf("traj time: \t%f\n", c.trajCycleTime); printf("servo time: \t%f\n", c.servoCycleTime); printf("interp rate: \t%d\n", c.interpolationRate); printf("v limit: \t%f\n", c.limitVel); printf("axis vlimit: \t"); /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 /*! \todo FIXME - waiting for new structs */ for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%f ", c.axisLimitVel[t]); } printf("\n"); printf("axis acc: \t"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%f ", c.axisLimitAcc[t]); } printf("\n"); #endif printf("\n"); break; case 1: printf("pid stuff is obsolete\n"); /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 printf ("pid:\tP\tI\tD\tFF0\tFF1\tFF2\tBCKLSH\tBIAS\tMAXI\tDEADBAND\tCYCLE TIME\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf ("\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%f\t%f\n", c.pid[t].p, c.pid[t].i, c.pid[t].d, c.pid[t].ff0, c.pid[t].ff1, c.pid[t].ff2, c.pid[t].backlash, c.pid[t].bias, c.pid[t].maxError, c.pid[t].deadband, c.pid[t].cycleTime); } printf("\n"); #endif break; case 3: /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 /*! \todo FIXME - waiting for new structs */ printf("pos limits: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", c.maxLimit[t]); } printf("\nneg limits: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", c.minLimit[t]); } printf("\nmax ferror: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", c.maxFerror[t]); } printf("\n"); printf("\nmin ferror: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", c.minFerror[t]); } printf("\n"); printf("\nhome offsets: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", c.homeOffset[t]); } printf("\n"); #endif break; default: break; } } /* status printing function */ void usrmotPrintEmcmotStatus(emcmot_status_t *s, int which) { // int t; // char m[32]; switch (which) { case 0: printf("mode: \t%s\n", s->motionFlag & EMCMOT_MOTION_TELEOP_BIT ? "teleop" : (s->motionFlag & EMCMOT_MOTION_COORD_BIT ? "coord" : "free") ); printf("cmd: \t%d\n", s->commandEcho); printf("cmd num: \t%d\n", s->commandNumEcho); printf("heartbeat: \t%u\n", s->heartbeat); /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 /*! \todo FIXME - change to work with joint structures */ printf("axes enabled: \t"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d", s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_ENABLE_BIT ? 1 : 0); } printf("\n"); #endif printf("cmd pos: \t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", s->carte_pos_cmd.tran.x, s->carte_pos_cmd.tran.y, s->carte_pos_cmd.tran.z, s->carte_pos_cmd.a, s->carte_pos_cmd.b, s->carte_pos_cmd.c); printf("act pos: \t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", s->carte_pos_fb.tran.x, s->carte_pos_fb.tran.y, s->carte_pos_fb.tran.z, s->carte_pos_fb.a, s->carte_pos_fb.b, s->carte_pos_fb.c); printf("joint data:\n"); /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 /*! \todo FIXME - change to work with joint structures */ printf(" cmd: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->joint_pos_cmd[t]); } printf("\n"); printf(" fb: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->joint_pos_fb[t]); } printf("\n"); printf(" vel: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->joint_vel_cmd[t]); } printf("\n"); printf(" ferr:"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->ferrorCurrent[t]); } printf("\n"); printf(" lim:"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->ferrorLimit[t]); } printf("\n"); printf(" max:"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->ferrorHighMark[t]); } printf("\n"); #endif printf("velocity: \t%f\n", s->vel); printf("accel: \t%f\n", s->acc); printf("id: \t%d\n", s->id); printf("depth: \t%d\n", s->depth); printf("active depth: \t%d\n", s->activeDepth); printf("inpos: \t%d\n", s->motionFlag & EMCMOT_MOTION_INPOS_BIT ? 1 : 0); /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 /*! \todo FIXME - change to work with joint structures */ printf("homing: \t"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d", s->axisFlag[0] & EMCMOT_JOINT_HOMING_BIT ? 1 : 0); } printf("\n"); #endif printf("enabled: \t%s\n", s->motionFlag & EMCMOT_MOTION_ENABLE_BIT ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED"); printf("probe value: %d\n", s->probeVal); printf("probe Tripped: %d\n", s->probeTripped); printf("probing: %d\n", s->probing); printf("probed pos: \t%f\t%f\t%f\n", s->probedPos.tran.x, s->probedPos.tran.y, s->probedPos.tran.z); break; case 2: /* print motion and axis flags */ /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 /*! \todo FIXME - change to work with joint structures */ htostr(m, s->motionFlag); printf("motion: %s\n", m); printf("axes: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { htostr(m, s->axisFlag[t]); printf("%s ", m); } printf("\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_ENABLE_BIT) != 0)); } printf("enable\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_ACTIVE_BIT) != 0)); } printf("active\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_INPOS_BIT) != 0)); } printf("inpos\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_ERROR_BIT) != 0)); } printf("error\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_MAX_SOFT_LIMIT_BIT) != 0)); } printf("max_soft_limit\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_MIN_SOFT_LIMIT_BIT) != 0)); } printf("min_soft_limit\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_MAX_HARD_LIMIT_BIT) != 0)); } printf("max_hard_limit\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_MIN_HARD_LIMIT_BIT) != 0)); } printf("min_hard_limit\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_HOME_SWITCH_BIT) != 0)); } printf("home_switch\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_HOMING_BIT) != 0)); } printf("homing\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_HOMED_BIT) != 0)); } printf("homed\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_FERROR_BIT) != 0)); } printf("ferror\n"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("%d\t", ((s->axisFlag[t] & EMCMOT_JOINT_FAULT_BIT) != 0)); } #endif printf("fault\n"); printf("\npolarity: "); printf("limit override mask: %08x\n", s->overrideLimitMask); break; case 4: printf("scales handled in HAL now!\n"); /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 printf("output scales: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->outputScale[t]); } printf("\noutput offsets:"); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->outputOffset[t]); } printf("\ninput scales: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->inputScale[t]); } printf("\ninput offsets: "); for (t = 0; t < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; t++) { printf("\t%f", s->inputOffset[t]); } printf("\n"); #endif break; default: break; } } static int module_id; static int shmem_id; int usrmotInit(const char *modname) { int retval; module_id = rtapi_init(modname); if (module_id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "usrmotintf: ERROR: rtapi init failed\n"); return -1; } /* get shared memory block from RTAPI */ shmem_id = rtapi_shmem_new(SHMEM_KEY, module_id, sizeof(emcmot_struct_t)); if (shmem_id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "usrmotintf: ERROR: could not open shared memory\n"); rtapi_exit(module_id); return -1; } /* get address of shared memory area */ retval = rtapi_shmem_getptr(shmem_id, (void **) &emcmotStruct); if (retval < 0) { rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, "usrmotintf: ERROR: could not access shared memory\n"); rtapi_exit(module_id); return -1; } /* got it */ emcmotCommand = &(emcmotStruct->command); emcmotStatus = &(emcmotStruct->status); emcmotInternal = &(emcmotStruct->internal); emcmotConfig = &(emcmotStruct->config); emcmotError = &(emcmotStruct->error); inited = 1; return 0; } int usrmotExit(void) { if (NULL != emcmotStruct) { rtapi_shmem_delete(shmem_id, module_id); rtapi_exit(module_id); } emcmotStruct = 0; emcmotCommand = 0; emcmotStatus = 0; emcmotError = 0; /*! \todo Another #if 0 */ #if 0 /*! \todo FIXME - comp structs no longer in shmem */ for (axis = 0; axis < EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS; axis++) { emcmotComp[axis] = 0; } #endif inited = 0; return 0; } /* Loads pairs of comp from the compensation file. The default way is to specify nominal, forward & reverse triplets in the file However if type != 0, it expects nominal, forward_trim & reverse_trim (where forward_trim = nominal - forward reverse_trim = nominal - reverse) */ int usrmotLoadComp(int joint, const char *file, int type) { FILE *fp; char buffer[LINELEN]; double nom, fwd, rev; int ret = 0; emcmot_command_t emcmotCommand; /* check joint range */ if (joint < 0 || joint >= EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS) { fprintf(stderr, "joint out of range for compensation\n"); return -1; } /* open input comp file */ if (NULL == (fp = fopen(file, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open compensation file %s\n", file); return -1; } while (!feof(fp)) { if (NULL == fgets(buffer, LINELEN, fp)) { break; } if (3 != sscanf(buffer, "%lf %lf %lf", &nom, &fwd, &rev)) { break; } else { // got a triplet if (type == 0) { /* expecting nominal-forward-reverse triplets, e.g., 0.000000 0.000000 -0.001279 0.100000 0.098742 0.051632 0.200000 0.171529 0.194216 */ emcmotCommand.comp_nominal = nom; emcmotCommand.comp_forward = nom - fwd; //convert to diffs emcmotCommand.comp_reverse = nom - rev; //convert to diffs } else { /* expecting nominal-forw_trim-rev_trim triplets */ emcmotCommand.comp_nominal = nom; emcmotCommand.comp_forward = fwd; emcmotCommand.comp_reverse = rev; } emcmotCommand.joint = joint; emcmotCommand.command = EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_COMP; ret |= usrmotWriteEmcmotCommand(&emcmotCommand); } } fclose(fp); return ret; } int usrmotPrintComp(int joint) { /* FIXME-AJ: comp isn't in shmem atm it's in the joint struct, which is only in shmem when STRUCTS_IN_SHM is defined, currently only usrmot uses usrmotPrintComp - might go away */ return -1; /* currently disabled */ #if 0 int t; /* check axis range */ if (joint < 0 || joint >= EMCMOT_MAX_JOINTS) { fprintf(stderr, "joint out of range for compensation\n"); return -1; } /* first check if comp pointer is valid */ if (emcmotComp[joint] == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "compensation data structure not present\n"); return -1; } printf("total: %d\n", emcmotComp[joint]->total); printf("avgint: %f\n", emcmotComp[joint]->avgint); for (t = 0; t < emcmotComp[joint]->total; t++) { printf("%f\t%f\t%f\n", emcmotComp[joint]->nominal[t], emcmotComp[joint]->forward[t], emcmotComp[joint]->reverse[t]); } return 0; #endif }