/******************************************************************** * Description: emcpose.c * * Miscellaneous functions to handle EmcPose operations * Derived from a work by Fred Proctor & Will Shackleford * * Author: Robert W. Ellenberg * License: GPL Version 2 * System: Linux * * Copyright (c) 2014 All rights reserved. * ********************************************************************/ #include "emcpose.h" #include "posemath.h" #include "rtapi_math.h" //#define EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC void emcPoseZero(EmcPose * const pos) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if(!pos) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif pos->tran.x = 0.0; pos->tran.y = 0.0; pos->tran.z = 0.0; pos->a = 0.0; pos->b = 0.0; pos->c = 0.0; pos->u = 0.0; pos->v = 0.0; pos->w = 0.0; } int emcPoseAdd(EmcPose const * const p1, EmcPose const * const p2, EmcPose * const out) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!p1 || !p2) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif pmCartCartAdd(&p1->tran, &p2->tran, &out->tran); out->a = p1->a + p2->a; out->b = p1->b + p2->b; out->c = p1->c + p2->c; out->u = p1->u + p2->u; out->v = p1->v + p2->v; out->w = p1->w + p2->w; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } int emcPoseSub(EmcPose const * const p1, EmcPose const * const p2, EmcPose * const out) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!p1 || !p2) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif pmCartCartSub(&p1->tran, &p2->tran, &out->tran); out->a = p1->a - p2->a; out->b = p1->b - p2->b; out->c = p1->c - p2->c; out->u = p1->u - p2->u; out->v = p1->v - p2->v; out->w = p1->w - p2->w; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } int emcPoseSelfAdd(EmcPose * const self, EmcPose const * const p2) { return emcPoseAdd(self, p2, self); } int emcPoseSelfSub(EmcPose * const self, EmcPose const * const p2) { return emcPoseSub(self, p2, self); } int emcPoseToPmCartesian(EmcPose const * const pose, PmCartesian * const xyz, PmCartesian * const abc, PmCartesian * const uvw) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!pose) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } if (!xyz | !abc || !uvw) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_OUTPUT_MISSING; } #endif //Direct copy of translation struct for xyz *xyz = pose->tran; //Convert ABCUVW axes into 2 pairs of 3D lines abc->x = pose->a; abc->y = pose->b; abc->z = pose->c; uvw->x = pose->u; uvw->y = pose->v; uvw->z = pose->w; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } /** * Collect PmCartesian elements into 9D EmcPose structure. */ int pmCartesianToEmcPose(PmCartesian const * const xyz, PmCartesian const * const abc, PmCartesian const * const uvw, EmcPose * const pose) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!pose) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_OUTPUT_MISSING; } if (!xyz || !abc || !uvw) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif //Direct copy of translation struct for xyz pose->tran = *xyz; pose->a = abc->x; pose->b = abc->y; pose->c = abc->z; pose->u = uvw->x; pose->v = uvw->y; pose->w = uvw->z; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } int emcPoseSetXYZ(PmCartesian const * const xyz, EmcPose * const pose) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!pose) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_OUTPUT_MISSING; } if (!xyz) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif pose->tran.x = xyz->x; pose->tran.y = xyz->y; pose->tran.z = xyz->z; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } int emcPoseSetABC(PmCartesian const * const abc, EmcPose * const pose) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!pose) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_OUTPUT_MISSING; } if (!abc) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif pose->a = abc->x; pose->b = abc->y; pose->c = abc->z; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } int emcPoseSetUVW(PmCartesian const * const uvw, EmcPose * const pose) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!pose) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_OUTPUT_MISSING; } if (!uvw) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif pose->u = uvw->x; pose->v = uvw->y; pose->w = uvw->z; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } int emcPoseGetXYZ(EmcPose const * const pose, PmCartesian * const xyz) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!pose) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_OUTPUT_MISSING; } if (!xyz) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif xyz->x = pose->tran.x; xyz->y = pose->tran.y; xyz->z = pose->tran.z; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } int emcPoseGetABC(EmcPose const * const pose, PmCartesian * const abc) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!pose) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_OUTPUT_MISSING; } if (!abc) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif abc->x = pose->a; abc->y = pose->b; abc->z = pose->c; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } int emcPoseGetUVW(EmcPose const * const pose, PmCartesian * const uvw) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!pose) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_OUTPUT_MISSING; } if (!uvw) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } #endif uvw->x = pose->u; uvw->y = pose->v; uvw->z = pose->w; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } /** * Find the magnitude of an EmcPose position, treating it like a single vector. */ int emcPoseMagnitude(EmcPose const * const pose, double * const out) { #ifdef EMCPOSE_PEDANTIC if (!pose) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_INPUT_MISSING; } if (!out) { return EMCPOSE_ERR_OUTPUT_MISSING; } #endif double mag = 0.0; mag += pmSq(pose->tran.x); mag += pmSq(pose->tran.y); mag += pmSq(pose->tran.z); mag += pmSq(pose->a); mag += pmSq(pose->b); mag += pmSq(pose->c); mag += pmSq(pose->u); mag += pmSq(pose->v); mag += pmSq(pose->w); mag = pmSqrt(mag); *out = mag; return EMCPOSE_ERR_OK; } /** * Return true for a numerically valid pose, or false for an invalid pose (or null pointer). */ int emcPoseValid(EmcPose const * const pose) { if (!pose || isnan(pose->tran.x) || isnan(pose->tran.y) || isnan(pose->tran.z) || isnan(pose->a) || isnan(pose->b) || isnan(pose->c) || isnan(pose->u) || isnan(pose->v) || isnan(pose->w)) { return 0; } else { return 1; } }