/* This is a component of LinuxCNC * Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013 Jeff Epler , Michael * Haberler , Sebastian Kuzminsky * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "python_plugin.hh" #include "inifile.hh" #include #include #include #include #define BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY 4 #include #include #include namespace bp = boost::python; #define MAX_ERRMSG_SIZE 256 #define ERRMSG(fmt, args...) \ do { \ char msgbuf[MAX_ERRMSG_SIZE]; \ size_t ret = snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf) -1, fmt, ##args); \ if (ret >= sizeof(msgbuf)){ \ snprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), "Error message too long"); \ } else { \ error_msg = std::string(msgbuf); \ } \ } while(0) #define logPP(level, fmt, ...) \ do { \ ERRMSG(fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ if (log_level >= level) { \ fprintf(stderr, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); \ } \ } while (0) static const char *strstore(const char *s); int PythonPlugin::run_string(const char *cmd, bp::object &retval, bool as_file) { reload(); try { if (as_file) retval = bp::exec_file(cmd, main_namespace, main_namespace); else retval = bp::exec(cmd, main_namespace, main_namespace); status = PLUGIN_OK; } catch (bp::error_already_set &) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) { exception_msg = handle_pyerror(); } else exception_msg = "unknown exception"; status = PLUGIN_EXCEPTION; bp::handle_exception(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (status == PLUGIN_EXCEPTION) { logPP(0, "run_string(%s): \n%s", cmd, exception_msg.c_str()); } return status; } int PythonPlugin::call_method(bp::object method, bp::object &retval) { logPP(1, "call_method()"); if (status < PLUGIN_OK) return status; try { retval = method(); status = PLUGIN_OK; } catch (bp::error_already_set &) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) { exception_msg = handle_pyerror(); } else exception_msg = "unknown exception"; status = PLUGIN_EXCEPTION; bp::handle_exception(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (status == PLUGIN_EXCEPTION) { logPP(0, "call_method(): %s", exception_msg.c_str()); } return status; } int PythonPlugin::call(const char *module, const char *callable, bp::object tupleargs, bp::object kwargs, bp::object &retval) { bp::object function; if (callable == NULL) return PLUGIN_NO_CALLABLE; reload(); if (status < PLUGIN_OK) return status; try { if (module == NULL) { // default to function in toplevel module function = main_namespace[callable]; } else { bp::object submod = main_namespace[module]; bp::object submod_namespace = submod.attr("__dict__"); function = submod_namespace[callable]; } // this wont work with boost-python1.34 - needs 1.40 //retval = function(*tupleargs, **kwargs); // this does PyObject *rv = PyObject_Call(function.ptr(), tupleargs.ptr(), kwargs.ptr()); if (PyErr_Occurred()) bp::throw_error_already_set(); if (rv) retval = bp::object(bp::borrowed(rv)); else retval = bp::object(); status = PLUGIN_OK; } catch (bp::error_already_set &) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) { exception_msg = handle_pyerror(); } else exception_msg = "unknown exception"; status = PLUGIN_EXCEPTION; bp::handle_exception(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (status == PLUGIN_EXCEPTION) { logPP(0, "call(%s%s%s): \n%s", module ? module : "", module ? "." : "", callable, exception_msg.c_str()); } return status; } bool PythonPlugin::is_callable(const char *module, const char *funcname) { bool unexpected = false; bool result = false; bp::object function; reload(); if ((status != PLUGIN_OK) || (funcname == NULL)) { return false; } try { if (module == NULL) { // default to function in toplevel module function = main_namespace[funcname]; } else { bp::object submod = main_namespace[module]; bp::object submod_namespace = submod.attr("__dict__"); function = submod_namespace[funcname]; } result = PyCallable_Check(function.ptr()); } catch (bp::error_already_set &) { // KeyError expected if not callable if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_KeyError)) { // something else, strange exception_msg = handle_pyerror(); unexpected = true; } result = false; PyErr_Clear(); } if (unexpected) logPP(0, "is_callable(%s%s%s): unexpected exception:\n%s", module ? module : "", module ? "." : "", funcname,exception_msg.c_str()); if (log_level) logPP(4, "is_callable(%s%s%s) = %s", module ? module : "", module ? "." : "", funcname,result ? "TRUE":"FALSE"); return result; } // this should be moved to an inotify-based solution and be done with it int PythonPlugin::reload() { struct stat st; if (!reload_on_change) return PLUGIN_OK; if (stat(abs_path, &st)) { logPP(0, "reload: stat(%s) returned %s", abs_path, strerror(errno)); status = PLUGIN_STAT_FAILED; return status; } if (st.st_mtime > module_mtime) { module_mtime = st.st_mtime; initialize(); logPP(1, "reload(): %s reloaded, status=%d", toplevel, status); } else { logPP(5, "reload: no-op"); status = PLUGIN_OK; } return status; } // decode a Python exception into a string. // Free function usable without working plugin instance. std::string handle_pyerror() { PyObject *exc, *val, *tb; bp::object formatted_list, formatted; PyErr_Fetch(&exc, &val, &tb); PyErr_NormalizeException(&exc, &val, &tb); bp::handle<> hexc(exc), hval(bp::allow_null(val)), htb(bp::allow_null(tb)); bp::object traceback(bp::import("traceback")); if (!tb) { bp::object format_exception_only(traceback.attr("format_exception_only")); formatted_list = format_exception_only(hexc, hval); } else { bp::object format_exception(traceback.attr("format_exception")); formatted_list = format_exception(hexc, hval, htb); } formatted = bp::str("\n").join(formatted_list); return bp::extract(formatted); } int PythonPlugin::initialize() { std::string msg; if (Py_IsInitialized()) { try { bp::object module = bp::import("__main__"); main_namespace = module.attr("__dict__"); for(unsigned i = 0; i < inittab_entries.size(); i++) { main_namespace[inittab_entries[i]] = bp::import(inittab_entries[i].c_str()); } if (toplevel) // only execute a file if there's one configured. bp::object result = bp::exec_file(abs_path, main_namespace, main_namespace); status = PLUGIN_OK; } catch (bp::error_already_set &) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) { exception_msg = handle_pyerror(); } else exception_msg = "unknown exception"; bp::handle_exception(); status = PLUGIN_INIT_EXCEPTION; PyErr_Clear(); } if (status == PLUGIN_INIT_EXCEPTION) { logPP(-1, "initialize: module '%s' init failed: \n%s", abs_path, exception_msg.c_str()); } } else { logPP(-1, "initialize: Plugin not initialized"); status = PLUGIN_PYTHON_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return status; } PythonPlugin::PythonPlugin(struct _inittab *inittab) : status(0), module_mtime(0), reload_on_change(0), toplevel(0), abs_path(0), log_level(0) { if (abs_path) { wchar_t *program = Py_DecodeLocale(abs_path, NULL); Py_SetProgramName(program); } if (inittab != NULL) { if (!Py_IsInitialized()) { if (PyImport_ExtendInittab(inittab) != 0) { logPP(-1, "cannot extend inittab"); status = PLUGIN_INITTAB_FAILED; return; } } else { PyObject *sys_modules = PyImport_GetModuleDict(); // borrowed for (int i = 0; inittab[i].name != NULL; i++) { struct _inittab tab = inittab[i]; PyObject *module = tab.initfunc(); if (module == NULL) { logPP(-1, "failed to initialize built-in module '%s'", tab.name); status = PLUGIN_INITTAB_FAILED; return; } PyImport_AddModule(tab.name); // borrowed PyDict_SetItemString(sys_modules, tab.name, module); Py_DECREF(module); } } } Py_UnbufferedStdioFlag = 1; Py_Initialize(); initialize(); } int PythonPlugin::configure(const char *iniFilename, const char *section) { IniFile inifile; const char *inistring; if (section == NULL) { logPP(1, "no section"); status = PLUGIN_NO_SECTION; return status; } if ((iniFilename == NULL) && ((iniFilename = getenv("INI_FILE_NAME")) == NULL)) { logPP(-1, "no inifile"); status = PLUGIN_NO_INIFILE; return status; } if (inifile.Open(iniFilename) == false) { logPP(-1, "Unable to open inifile:%s:\n", iniFilename); status = PLUGIN_BAD_INIFILE; return status; } char real_path[PATH_MAX]; if ((inistring = inifile.Find("TOPLEVEL", section)) != NULL) { toplevel = strstore(inistring); if ((inistring = inifile.Find("RELOAD_ON_CHANGE", section)) != NULL) reload_on_change = (atoi(inistring) > 0); if (realpath(toplevel, real_path) == NULL) { logPP(-1, "can\'t resolve path to '%s'", toplevel); status = PLUGIN_BAD_PATH; return status; } struct stat st; if (stat(real_path, &st)) { logPP(1, "stat(%s) returns %s", real_path, strerror(errno)); status = PLUGIN_STAT_FAILED; return status; } abs_path = strstore(real_path); module_mtime = st.st_mtime; // record timestamp } else { if (getcwd(real_path, PATH_MAX) == NULL) { logPP(1, "path too long"); status = PLUGIN_PATH_TOO_LONG; return status; } abs_path = strstore(real_path); } if ((inistring = inifile.Find("LOG_LEVEL", section)) != NULL) log_level = atoi(inistring); else log_level = 0; char pycmd[PATH_MAX]; int n = 1; int lineno; while (NULL != (inistring = inifile.Find("PATH_PREPEND", "PYTHON", n, &lineno))) { snprintf(pycmd, sizeof(pycmd), "import sys\nsys.path.insert(0,\"%s\")", inistring); logPP(1, "%s:%d: executing '%s'",iniFilename, lineno, pycmd); if (PyRun_SimpleString(pycmd)) { logPP(-1, "%s:%d: exception running '%s'",iniFilename, lineno, pycmd); exception_msg = "exception running:" + std::string((const char*)pycmd); status = PLUGIN_EXCEPTION_DURING_PATH_PREPEND; return status; } n++; } n = 1; while (NULL != (inistring = inifile.Find("PATH_APPEND", "PYTHON", n, &lineno))) { snprintf(pycmd, sizeof(pycmd), "import sys\nsys.path.append(\"%s\")", inistring); logPP(1, "%s:%d: executing '%s'",iniFilename, lineno, pycmd); if (PyRun_SimpleString(pycmd)) { logPP(-1, "%s:%d: exception running '%s'",iniFilename, lineno, pycmd); exception_msg = "exception running " + std::string((const char*)pycmd); status = PLUGIN_EXCEPTION_DURING_PATH_APPEND; return status; } n++; } logPP(3,"PythonPlugin: Python '%s'", Py_GetVersion()); return initialize(); } // the externally visible singleton instance PythonPlugin *python_plugin; // first caller wins // this splits instantiation from configuring PYTHONPATH, imports etc PythonPlugin *PythonPlugin::instantiate(struct _inittab *inittab) { if (python_plugin == NULL) { python_plugin = new PythonPlugin(inittab); } return (python_plugin->usable()) ? python_plugin : NULL; } static const char *strstore(const char *s) { static std::set stringtable; using namespace std; if (s == NULL) throw invalid_argument("strstore(): NULL argument"); pair< set::iterator, bool > pair = stringtable.insert(s); return pair.first->c_str(); }