// Copyright 2004 Roman Yakovenko. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef __array_1_pyplusplus_hpp__ #define __array_1_pyplusplus_hpp__ #ifndef BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY #define BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY 4 #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //1 - dimension namespace pyplusplus{ namespace containers{ namespace static_sized{ inline void raise_on_out_of_range( long unsigned int size, long unsigned int index ){ if( size <= index ){ throw std::out_of_range("index out of range"); } } namespace details{ template struct is_immutable{ enum { value = ( std::is_same< T, std::string >::value ) || ( std::is_same< T, std::wstring >::value ) || ( std::is_fundamental< T >::value ) || ( std::is_enum< T >::value ) }; }; template bool is_registered(){ namespace bpl = boost::python; bpl::handle<> class_obj( bpl::objects::registered_class_object( bpl::type_id< T >())); return class_obj.get() ? true : false; } template< class T > void register_alias( const char* name ){ namespace bpl = boost::python; bpl::handle<> class_obj( bpl::objects::registered_class_object( bpl::type_id< T >())); boost::python::scope().attr( name ) = bpl::object( class_obj ); } }//details template< class TItemType, long unsigned int size > struct const_array_1_t{ typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::call_traits::param_type param_type; typedef typename std::conditional< details::is_immutable::value , TItemType , param_type >::type reference_type; const_array_1_t( TItemType const * const data ) : m_data( data ){ if( !data ){ throw std::runtime_error( "const_array_1_t: pointer to null has been received." ); } } long unsigned int len() const { return size; } reference_type item_ref( long unsigned int index ) const{ raise_on_out_of_range( size, index ); return m_data[index]; } private: TItemType const * m_data; }; template< class TItemType, long unsigned int size > struct array_1_t{ typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::call_traits::param_type param_type; typedef typename std::conditional< details::is_immutable::value , TItemType , param_type >::type reference_type; array_1_t( TItemType * data ) : m_data( data ){ if( !data ){ throw std::runtime_error( "array_1_t: pointer to null has been received." ); } } long unsigned int len() const { return size; } reference_type item_ref( long unsigned int index ) const{ raise_on_out_of_range( size, index ); return m_data[index]; } void set_item( long unsigned int index, reference_type new_value ){ raise_on_out_of_range( size, index ); m_data[index] = new_value; } private: TItemType* m_data; }; template< class TItemType , long unsigned int size , typename CallPolicies=boost::python::default_call_policies > struct register_const_array_1{ register_const_array_1(const char* name){ namespace bpl = boost::python; typedef const_array_1_t< TItemType, size > wrapper_t; if( details::is_registered< wrapper_t >() ){ details::register_alias< wrapper_t >( name ); } else{ bpl::class_< wrapper_t >( name, bpl::no_init ) .def( "__getitem__" , &wrapper_t::item_ref , ( bpl::arg("index") ) , CallPolicies() ) .def( "__len__", &wrapper_t::len ); } } }; template< class TItemType , long unsigned int size , typename CallPolicies=boost::python::default_call_policies > struct register_array_1{ register_array_1(const char* name){ namespace bpl = boost::python; typedef array_1_t< TItemType, size > wrapper_t; if( details::is_registered< wrapper_t >() ){ details::register_alias< wrapper_t >( name ); } else{ bpl::class_< wrapper_t >( name, bpl::no_init ) .def( "__getitem__" , &wrapper_t::item_ref , ( bpl::arg("index") ) , CallPolicies() ) .def( "__setitem__" , &wrapper_t::set_item , ( bpl::arg("index"), bpl::arg("value") ) , CallPolicies() ) .def( "__len__", &wrapper_t::len ); } } }; } /*pyplusplus*/ } /*containers*/ } /*static_sized*/ #endif//__array_1_pyplusplus_hpp__