/******************************************************************** * Description: interp_execute.cc * * Derived from a work by Thomas Kramer * * Author: * License: GPL Version 2 * System: Linux * * Copyright (c) 2004 All rights reserved. * * Last change: ********************************************************************/ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rtapi_math.h" #include "rs274ngc.hh" #include "rs274ngc_return.hh" #include "interp_internal.hh" #include "rs274ngc_interp.hh" #define RESULT_OK(x) ((x) == INTERP_OK || (x) == INTERP_EXECUTE_FINISH) /****************************************************************************/ /*! execute binary Returned value: int If execute_binary1 or execute_binary2 returns an error code, this returns that code. Otherwise, it returns INTERP_OK. Side effects: The value of left is set to the result of applying the operation to left and right. Called by: read_real_expression This just calls either execute_binary1 or execute_binary2. */ int Interp::execute_binary(double *left, int operation, double *right) { if (operation < AND2) CHP(execute_binary1(left, operation, right)); else CHP(execute_binary2(left, operation, right)); return INTERP_OK; } /****************************************************************************/ /*! execute_binary1 Returned Value: int If any of the following errors occur, this returns the error shown. Otherwise, it returns INTERP_OK. 1. operation is unknown: NCE_BUG_UNKNOWN_OPERATION 2. An attempt is made to divide by zero: NCE_ATTEMPT_TO_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO 3. An attempt is made to raise a negative number to a non-integer power: NCE_ATTEMPT_TO_RAISE_NEGATIVE_TO_NON_INTEGER_POWER Side effects: The result from performing the operation is put into what left points at. Called by: read_real_expression. This executes the operations: DIVIDED_BY, MODULO, POWER, TIMES. */ int Interp::execute_binary1(double *left, //!< pointer to the left operand int operation, //!< integer code for the operation double *right) //!< pointer to the right operand { switch (operation) { case DIVIDED_BY: CHKS((*right == 0.0), NCE_ATTEMPT_TO_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO); *left = (*left / *right); break; case MODULO: /* always calculates a positive answer */ *left = fmod(*left, *right); if (*left < 0.0) { *left = (*left + fabs(*right)); } break; case POWER: CHKS(((*left < 0.0) && (floor(*right) != *right)), NCE_ATTEMPT_TO_RAISE_NEGATIVE_TO_NON_INTEGER_POWER); *left = pow(*left, *right); break; case TIMES: *left = (*left * *right); break; default: ERS(NCE_BUG_UNKNOWN_OPERATION); } return INTERP_OK; } /****************************************************************************/ /*! execute_binary2 Returned Value: int If any of the following errors occur, this returns the error code shown. Otherwise, it returns INTERP_OK. 1. operation is unknown: NCE_BUG_UNKNOWN_OPERATION Side effects: The result from performing the operation is put into what left points at. Called by: read_real_expression. This executes the operations: AND2, EXCLUSIVE_OR, MINUS, NON_EXCLUSIVE_OR, PLUS. The RS274/NGC manual [NCMS] does not say what the calculated value of the three logical operations should be. This function calculates either 1.0 (meaning true) or 0.0 (meaning false). Any non-zero input value is taken as meaning true, and only 0.0 means false. */ int Interp::execute_binary2(double *left, //!< pointer to the left operand int operation, //!< integer code for the operation double *right) //!< pointer to the right operand { double diff; switch (operation) { case AND2: *left = ((*left == 0.0) || (*right == 0.0)) ? 0.0 : 1.0; break; case EXCLUSIVE_OR: *left = (((*left == 0.0) && (*right != 0.0)) || ((*left != 0.0) && (*right == 0.0))) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case MINUS: *left = (*left - *right); break; case NON_EXCLUSIVE_OR: *left = ((*left != 0.0) || (*right != 0.0)) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case PLUS: *left = (*left + *right); break; case LT: *left = (*left < *right) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case EQ: diff = *left - *right; diff = (diff < 0) ? -diff : diff; *left = (diff < TOLERANCE_EQUAL) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case NE: diff = *left - *right; diff = (diff < 0) ? -diff : diff; *left = (diff >= TOLERANCE_EQUAL) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case LE: *left = (*left <= *right) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case GE: *left = (*left >= *right) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case GT: *left = (*left > *right) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; default: ERS(NCE_BUG_UNKNOWN_OPERATION); } return INTERP_OK; } /****************************************************************************/ /*! execute_block Returned Value: int If convert_stop returns INTERP_EXIT, this returns INTERP_EXIT. If any of the following functions is called and returns an error code, this returns that code. convert_comment convert_feed_mode convert_feed_rate convert_g convert_m convert_speed convert_stop convert_tool_select Otherwise, if the probe_flag in the settings is true, or the input_flag is set to true this returns INTERP_EXECUTE_FINISH. Otherwise, it returns INTERP_OK. Side effects: One block of RS274/NGC instructions is executed. Called by: Interp::execute This converts a block to zero to many actions. The order of execution of items in a block is critical to safe and effective machine operation, but is not specified clearly in the RS274/NGC documentation. Actions are executed in the following order: 1. any comment. 2. a feed mode setting (g93, g94, g95) 3. a feed rate (f) setting if in units_per_minute feed mode. 4. a spindle speed (s) setting. 5. a tool selection (t). 6. "m" commands as described in convert_m (includes tool change). 7. any g_codes (except g93, g94) as described in convert_g. 8. stopping commands (m0, m1, m2, m30, or m60). In inverse time feed mode, the explicit and implicit g code executions include feed rate setting with g1, g2, and g3. Also in inverse time feed mode, attempting a canned cycle cycle (g81 to g89) or setting a feed rate with g0 is illegal and will be detected and result in an error message. */ int Interp::execute_block(block_pointer block, //!< pointer to a block of RS274/NGC instructions setup_pointer settings) //!< pointer to machine settings { int status = INTERP_EXIT; block->line_number = settings->sequence_number; if ((block->comment[0] != 0) && ONCE(STEP_COMMENT)) { status = convert_comment(block->comment); CHP(status); } if ((block->g_modes[GM_SPINDLE_MODE] != -1) && ONCE(STEP_SPINDLE_MODE)) { settings->active_spindle = 0; //must be single-spindle, default to 0 if (block->dollar_flag){ CHKS((block->dollar_number < 0 || block->dollar_number >= settings->num_spindles), (_("Invalid spindle ($) number in Spindle Mode command"))); settings->active_spindle = (int)block->dollar_number; } status = convert_spindle_mode(settings->active_spindle, block, settings); CHP(status); } if ((block->g_modes[GM_FEED_MODE] != -1) && ONCE(STEP_FEED_MODE)) { settings->active_spindle = 0; //must be single-spindle, default to 0 if (block->dollar_flag){ CHKS((block->dollar_number < 0 || block->dollar_number >= settings->num_spindles), (_("Invalid spindle ($) number in Spindle Feed command"))); settings->active_spindle = (int)block->dollar_number; } status = convert_feed_mode(block->g_modes[GM_FEED_MODE], settings); CHP(status); } if (block->f_flag){ if ((settings->feed_mode != INVERSE_TIME) && ONCE(STEP_SET_FEED_RATE)) { if (STEP_REMAPPED_IN_BLOCK(block, STEP_SET_FEED_RATE)) { return (convert_remapped_code(block, settings, STEP_SET_FEED_RATE, 'F')); } else { status = convert_feed_rate(block, settings); CHP(status); } } /* INVERSE_TIME is handled elsewhere */ } if ((block->s_flag) && ONCE(STEP_SET_SPINDLE_SPEED)){ if (STEP_REMAPPED_IN_BLOCK(block, STEP_SET_SPINDLE_SPEED)) { return (convert_remapped_code(block,settings,STEP_SET_SPINDLE_SPEED,'S')); } else { if (block->dollar_flag){ CHKS((block->dollar_number < -1 || block->dollar_number >= settings->num_spindles), (_("Invalid spindle ($) number in Spindle speed command"))); if (block->dollar_number == -1 ){ for (int i = 0; i < settings->num_spindles; status = convert_speed(i++, block, settings)); } else { status = convert_speed(block->dollar_number, block, settings); } } else { status = convert_speed(0, block, settings); } CHP(status); } } if ((block->t_flag) && ONCE(STEP_PREPARE)) { if (STEP_REMAPPED_IN_BLOCK(block, STEP_PREPARE)) { return (convert_remapped_code(block,settings,STEP_PREPARE,'T')); } else { CHP(convert_tool_select(block, settings)); } } CHP(convert_m(block, settings)); CHP(convert_g(block, settings)); /* convert m0, m1, m2, m30, m60, or (when main program loops disabled) m99 */ if ((block->m_modes[4] != -1) && ONCE(STEP_MGROUP4)) { if (STEP_REMAPPED_IN_BLOCK(block, STEP_MGROUP4)) { status = convert_remapped_code(block,settings,STEP_MGROUP4,'M',block->m_modes[4]); } else { status = convert_stop(block, settings); } if (status == INTERP_EXIT) { return(INTERP_EXIT); } else if (status != INTERP_OK) { ERP(status); } } if (settings->probe_flag) return (INTERP_EXECUTE_FINISH); if (settings->input_flag) return (INTERP_EXECUTE_FINISH); if (settings->toolchange_flag) return (INTERP_EXECUTE_FINISH); // All changes to settings are complete write_canon_state_tag(block, settings); return INTERP_OK; } /****************************************************************************/ /*! execute_unary Returned Value: int If any of the following errors occur, this returns the error code shown. Otherwise, it returns INTERP_OK. 1. the operation is unknown: NCE_BUG_UNKNOWN_OPERATION 2. the argument to acos is not between minus and plus one: NCE_ARGUMENT_TO_ACOS_OUT_RANGE 3. the argument to asin is not between minus and plus one: NCE_ARGUMENT_TO_ASIN_OUT_RANGE 4. the argument to the natural logarithm is not positive: NCE_ZERO_OR_NEGATIVE_ARGUMENT_TO_LN 5. the argument to square root is negative: NCE_NEGATIVE_ARGUMENT_TO_SQRT Side effects: The result from performing the operation on the value in double_ptr is put into what double_ptr points at. Called by: read_unary. This executes the operations: ABS, ACOS, ASIN, COS, EXP, FIX, FUP, LN ROUND, SIN, SQRT, TAN All angle measures in the input or output are in degrees. */ int Interp::execute_unary(double *double_ptr, //!< pointer to the operand int operation) //!< integer code for the operation { switch (operation) { case ABS: if (*double_ptr < 0.0) *double_ptr = (-1.0 * *double_ptr); break; case ACOS: CHKS(((*double_ptr < -1.0) || (*double_ptr > 1.0)), NCE_ARGUMENT_TO_ACOS_OUT_OF_RANGE); *double_ptr = acos(*double_ptr); *double_ptr = ((*double_ptr * 180.0) / M_PIl); break; case ASIN: CHKS(((*double_ptr < -1.0) || (*double_ptr > 1.0)), NCE_ARGUMENT_TO_ASIN_OUT_OF_RANGE); *double_ptr = asin(*double_ptr); *double_ptr = ((*double_ptr * 180.0) / M_PIl); break; case COS: *double_ptr = cos((*double_ptr * M_PIl) / 180.0); break; case EXISTS: // do nothing here // result for the EXISTS function is set by Interp:read_unary() break; case EXP: *double_ptr = exp(*double_ptr); break; case FIX: *double_ptr = floor(*double_ptr); break; case FUP: *double_ptr = ceil(*double_ptr); break; case LN: CHKS((*double_ptr <= 0.0), NCE_ZERO_OR_NEGATIVE_ARGUMENT_TO_LN); *double_ptr = log(*double_ptr); break; case ROUND: *double_ptr = (double) ((int) (*double_ptr + ((*double_ptr < 0.0) ? -0.5 : 0.5))); break; case SIN: *double_ptr = sin((*double_ptr * M_PIl) / 180.0); break; case SQRT: CHKS((*double_ptr < 0.0), NCE_NEGATIVE_ARGUMENT_TO_SQRT); *double_ptr = sqrt(*double_ptr); break; case TAN: *double_ptr = tan((*double_ptr * M_PIl) / 180.0); break; default: ERS(NCE_BUG_UNKNOWN_OPERATION); } return INTERP_OK; }