/* This is a component of LinuxCNC * Copyright 2013 Michael Haberler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // Interpreter internals - Python bindings // Michael Haberler 7/2011 // #define BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY 9 #include #include namespace bp = boost::python; #include "rs274ngc.hh" static bp::object pmcartesian_str( PmCartesian &c) { return bp::object("PmCartesian(x=%.4f y=%.4f z=%.4f)" % bp::make_tuple(c.x,c.y,c.z)); } static bp::object emcpose_2_obj ( EmcPose &p) { return bp::object("x=%.4f y=%.4f z=%.4f a=%.4f b=%.4f c=%.4f u=%.4f v=%.4f w=%.4f" % bp::make_tuple(p.tran.x,p.tran.y,p.tran.z, p.a,p.b,p.c,p.u,p.v,p.w)); } static bp::object emcpose_str( EmcPose &p) { return bp::object("EmcPose(" + emcpose_2_obj(p) + ")"); } static void set_x(EmcPose &p, double value) { p.tran.x = value; } static void set_y(EmcPose &p, double value) { p.tran.y = value; } static void set_z(EmcPose &p, double value) { p.tran.z = value; } static double get_x(EmcPose &p) { return p.tran.x; } static double get_y(EmcPose &p) { return p.tran.y; } static double get_z(EmcPose &p) { return p.tran.z; } static bp::object tool_str( CANON_TOOL_TABLE &t) { return bp::object("Tool(T%d D%.4f I%.4f J%.4f Q%d offset: " % bp::make_tuple(t.toolno, t.diameter, t.frontangle,t.backangle, t.orientation) + emcpose_2_obj(t.offset) + ")"); } static void tool_zero( CANON_TOOL_TABLE &t) { t.toolno = -1; ZERO_EMC_POSE(t.offset); t.diameter = 0.0; t.frontangle = 0.0; t.backangle = 0.0; t.orientation = 0; } static void carte_zero( PmCartesian &c) { c.x = 0.0; c.y = 0.0; c.z = 0.0; } static void pose_zero( EmcPose &p) { ZERO_EMC_POSE(p); } void export_EmcTypes() { using namespace boost::python; using namespace boost; // PmCartesian and EmcPose make sense to be instantiable // within Python, since some canon calls take these as parameter class_("PmCartesian","EMC cartesian position") .def_readwrite("x",&PmCartesian::x) .def_readwrite("y",&PmCartesian::y) .def_readwrite("z",&PmCartesian::z) .def("__str__", &pmcartesian_str) .def("zero", &carte_zero) ; class_("EmcPose","EMC pose") .def_readwrite("tran",&EmcPose::tran) .add_property("x", &get_x, &set_x) .add_property("y", &get_y, &set_y) .add_property("z", &get_z, &set_z) .def_readwrite("a",&EmcPose::a) .def_readwrite("b",&EmcPose::b) .def_readwrite("c",&EmcPose::c) .def_readwrite("u",&EmcPose::u) .def_readwrite("v",&EmcPose::v) .def_readwrite("w",&EmcPose::w) .def("__str__", &emcpose_str) .def("zero", &pose_zero) ; // leave CANON_TOOL_TABLE copyable/assignable because assignment is // used a lot when fiddling with tooltable entries class_("CANON_TOOL_TABLE","Tool description" ,no_init) .def_readwrite("toolno", &CANON_TOOL_TABLE::toolno) .def_readwrite("offset", &CANON_TOOL_TABLE::offset) .def_readwrite("diameter", &CANON_TOOL_TABLE::diameter) .def_readwrite("frontangle", &CANON_TOOL_TABLE::frontangle) .def_readwrite("backangle", &CANON_TOOL_TABLE::backangle) .def_readwrite("orientation", &CANON_TOOL_TABLE::orientation) .def("__str__", &tool_str) .def("zero", &tool_zero) ; }