#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This is a component of AXIS, a front-end for LinuxCNC # Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 # Jeff Epler and Chris Radek # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # import pdb import sys, os import string from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * BASE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..")) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(BASE, "lib", "python")) # otherwise, on hardy the user is shown spurious "[application] closed # unexpectedly" messages but denied the ability to actually "report [the] # problem" sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ import gettext; import array, time, atexit, tempfile, shutil, errno, select, re, getopt import traceback import tkinter as Tkinter import _thread gettext.install("linuxcnc", localedir=os.path.join(BASE, "share", "locale")) # Print Tk errors to stdout. python.org/sf/639266 OldTk = Tkinter.Tk class Tk(OldTk): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): OldTk.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.tk.createcommand('tkerror', self.tkerror) def tkerror(self, arg): print("TCL error in asynchronous code:") print(self.tk.call("set", "errorInfo")) Tkinter.Tk = Tk RTLD_NOW, RTLD_GLOBAL = 0x1, 0x100 # XXX portable? old_flags = sys.getdlopenflags() sys.setdlopenflags(RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); import gcode sys.setdlopenflags(old_flags) from rs274.OpenGLTk import * from rs274.interpret import StatMixin from rs274.glcanon import GLCanon, GlCanonDraw from hershey import Hershey from propertywindow import properties import rs274.options import nf import locale import bwidget from math import hypot, atan2, sin, cos, pi, sqrt import linuxcnc from glnav import * if "AXIS_NO_HAL" in os.environ: hal_present = 0; else: hal_present = 1; if hal_present == 1: import hal import configparser cp = configparser.ConfigParser class AxisPreferences(cp): types = { bool: cp.getboolean, float: cp.getfloat, int: cp.getint, str: cp.get, repr: lambda self,section,option: eval(cp.get(self,section,option)), } def __init__(self): cp.__init__(self) self.fn = os.path.expanduser("~/.axis_preferences") self.read(self.fn) def getpref(self, option, default=False, type=bool): m = self.types.get(type) if type == repr and len(default) == 0: default="" try: o = m(self, "DEFAULT", option) except Exception as detail: if default != "": print(detail) self.set("DEFAULT", option, default) self.write(open(self.fn, "w")) o = default return o def putpref(self, option, value, type=bool): self.set("DEFAULT", option, str(value)) self.write(open(self.fn, "w")) if sys.argv[1] != "-ini": raise SystemExit("-ini must be first argument") inifile = linuxcnc.ini(sys.argv[2]) ap = AxisPreferences() os.system("xhost -SI:localuser:gdm -SI:localuser:root > /dev/null 2>&1") root_window = Tkinter.Tk(className="Axis") dpi_value = root_window.winfo_fpixels('1i') root_window.tk.call('tk', 'scaling', '-displayof', '.', dpi_value / 72.0) root_window.withdraw() nf.start(root_window) nf.makecommand(root_window, "_", _) rs274.options.install(root_window) root_window.tk.call("set", "version", linuxcnc.version) try: root_window.tk.call("set","::MAX_JOINTS" ,linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS) root_window.tk.call("set","::MAX_AXIS" ,linuxcnc.MAX_AXIS) root_window.tk.call("set","::STATE_ESTOP" ,linuxcnc.STATE_ESTOP) root_window.tk.call("set","::STATE_ESTOP_RESET" ,linuxcnc.STATE_ESTOP_RESET) root_window.tk.call("set","::STATE_OFF" ,linuxcnc.STATE_OFF) root_window.tk.call("set","::STATE_ON" ,linuxcnc.STATE_ON) root_window.tk.call("set","::TASK_MODE_MANUAL" ,linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) root_window.tk.call("set","::TASK_MODE_MDI" ,linuxcnc.MODE_MDI) root_window.tk.call("set","::TASK_MODE_AUTO" ,linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO) root_window.tk.call("set","::INTERP_IDLE" ,linuxcnc.INTERP_IDLE) root_window.tk.call("set","::INTERP_READING" ,linuxcnc.INTERP_READING) root_window.tk.call("set","::INTERP_PAUSED" ,linuxcnc.INTERP_PAUSED) root_window.tk.call("set","::INTERP_WAITING" ,linuxcnc.INTERP_WAITING) root_window.tk.call("set","::TRAJ_MODE_FREE" ,linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_FREE) root_window.tk.call("set","::KINEMATICS_IDENTITY",linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY) nf.source_lib_tcl(root_window,"axis.tcl") except TclError: print(root_window.tk.call("set", "errorInfo")) raise def General_Halt(): text = _("Do you really want to close LinuxCNC?") if not root_window.tk.call("nf_dialog", ".error", _("Confirm Close"), text, "warning", 1, _("Yes"), _("No")): root_window.destroy() root_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", General_Halt) program_start_line = 0 program_start_line_last = -1 lathe = 0 mdi_history_max_entries = 1000 mdi_history_save_filename =\ inifile.find('DISPLAY', 'MDI_HISTORY_FILE') or "~/.axis_mdi_history" feedrate_blackout = 0 rapidrate_blackout = 0 spindlerate_blackout = 0 maxvel_blackout = 0 jogincr_index_last = 1 mdi_history_index= -1 resume_inhibit = 0 continuous_jog_in_progress = False cjogindices = [] help1 = [ ("F1", _("Emergency stop")), ("F2", _("Turn machine on")), ("", ""), ("X", _("Activate first axis")), ("Y", _("Activate second axis")), ("Z", _("Activate third axis")), ("A", _("Activate fourth axis")), ("` or 0,1..8", _("Activate first through ninth joint")), ("", _("if joints radiobuttons visible")), ("`,1..9,0", _("Set Feed Override from 0% to 100%")), ("", _("if axes radiobuttons visible")), (_(", and ."), _("Select jog speed")), (_("< and >"), _("Select angular jog speed")), (_("I, Shift-I"), _("Select jog increment")), ("C", _("Continuous jog")), (_("Home"), _("Send active joint home")), (_("Ctrl-Home"), _("Home all joints")), (_("Shift-Home"), _("Zero G54 offset for active axis")), (_("End"), _("Set G54 offset for active axis")), (_("Ctrl-End"), _("Set tool offset for loaded tool")), ("-, =", _("Jog active axis or joint")), (";, '", _("Select Max velocity")), ("", ""), (_("Left, Right"), _("Jog first axis or joint")), (_("Up, Down"), _("Jog second axis or joint")), (_("Pg Up, Pg Dn"), _("Jog third axis or joint")), (_("Shift+above jogs"), _("Jog at traverse speed")), ("[, ]", _("Jog fourth axis or joint")), ("", ""), ("D", _("Toggle between Drag and Rotate mode")), (_("Left Button"), _("Pan, rotate or select line")), (_("Shift+Left Button"), _("Rotate or pan")), (_("Right Button"), _("Zoom view")), (_("Wheel Button"), _("Rotate view")), (_("Rotate Wheel"), _("Zoom view")), (_("Ctrl+Left Button"), _("Zoom view")), ] help2 = [ ("F3", _("Manual control")), ("F5", _("Code entry (MDI)")), (_("Ctrl-M"), _("Clear MDI history")), (_("Ctrl-H"), _("Copy selected MDI history elements")), ("", _("to clipboard")), (_("Ctrl-Shift-H"), _("Paste clipboard to MDI history")), ("L", _("Override Limits")), ("", ""), ("O", _("Open program")), (_("Ctrl-R"), _("Reload program")), (_("Ctrl-S"), _("Save G-code as")), ("R", _("Run program")), ("T", _("Step program")), ("P", _("Pause program")), ("S", _("Resume program")), ("ESC", _("Stop running program, or")), ("", _("stop loading program preview")), ("", ""), ("F7", _("Toggle mist")), ("F8", _("Toggle flood")), ("B", _("Spindle brake off")), (_("Shift-B"), _("Spindle brake on")), ("F9", _("Turn spindle clockwise")), ("F10", _("Turn spindle counterclockwise")), ("F11", _("Turn spindle more slowly")), ("F12", _("Turn spindle more quickly")), (_("Ctrl-K"), _("Clear live plot")), ("V", _("Cycle among preset views")), ("F4", _("Cycle among preview, DRO, and user tabs")), ("@", _("toggle Actual/Commanded")), ("#", _("toggle Relative/Machine")), (_("Ctrl-Space"), _("Clear notifications")), (_("Alt-F, M, V"), _("Open a Menu")), ] def install_help(app): keys = nf.makewidget(app, Frame, '.keys.text') fixed = app.tk.call("linuxcnc::standard_fixed_font") for i in range(len(help1)): a, b = help1[i] Label(keys, text=a, font=fixed, padx=4, pady=0, highlightthickness=0).grid(row=i, column=0, sticky="w") Label(keys, text=b, padx=4, pady=0, highlightthickness=0).grid(row=i, column=1, sticky="w") for i in range(len(help2)): a, b = help2[i] Label(keys, text=a, font=fixed, padx=4, pady=0, highlightthickness=0).grid(row=i, column=3, sticky="w") Label(keys, text=b, padx=4, pady=0, highlightthickness=0).grid(row=i, column=4, sticky="w") Label(keys, text=" ").grid(row=0, column=2) def joints_mode(): return s.motion_mode == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_FREE def set_motion_teleop(value): if running(): return # 1:teleop, 0: joint vars.teleop_mode.set(value) c.teleop_enable(value) c.wait_complete() s.poll() def parse_color(c): if c == "": return (1,0,0) return tuple([i/65535. for i in root_window.winfo_rgb(c)]) def to_internal_units(pos, unit=None): if unit is None: unit = s.linear_units lu = (unit or 1) * 25.4 lus = [lu, lu, lu, 1, 1, 1, lu, lu, lu] return [a/b for a, b in zip(pos, lus)] def to_internal_linear_unit(v, unit=None): if unit is None: unit = s.linear_units lu = (unit or 1) * 25.4 return v/lu def from_internal_units(pos, unit=None): if unit is None: unit = s.linear_units lu = (unit or 1) * 25.4 lus = [lu, lu, lu, 1, 1, 1, lu, lu, lu] return [a*b for a, b in zip(pos, lus)] def from_internal_linear_unit(v, unit=None): if unit is None: unit = s.linear_units lu = (unit or 1) * 25.4 return v*lu def masked_axes_count(): ct = 0 for i in range(linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS): if s.axis_mask & (1< 10: self.remove(self.widgets[0]) if self.cache: frame, icon, text, button, discard = self.cache.pop() icon.configure(image=iconname_image) text.configure(text=message) widgets = frame, icon, text, button, iconname_image else: frame = Tkinter.Frame(self) icon = Tkinter.Label(frame, image=iconname_image) text = Tkinter.Label(frame, text=message, wraplength=300, justify="left") button = Tkinter.Button(frame, image=close) widgets = frame, icon, text, button, iconname_image text.pack(side="left") icon.pack(side="left") button.pack(side="left") button.configure(command=lambda: self.remove(widgets)) frame.pack(side="top", anchor="e") self.widgets.append(widgets) if iconname == "error": comp["error"] = True def remove(self, widgets): self.widgets.remove(widgets) if len(self.cache) < 10: widgets[0].pack_forget() self.cache.append(widgets) else: widgets[0].destroy() if len(self.widgets) == 0: self.place_forget() if self._remaining_error_count() == 0: comp["error"] = False def _remaining_error_count(self): """ Returns the count of remaining error messages """ count = 0 for i, item in enumerate(self.widgets): frame, icon, text, button, iname = item if iname == "icon_std_error": count += 1 return count def soft_limits(): def fudge(x): if abs(x) > 1e99: return 0 return x ax = s.axis return ( to_internal_units([fudge(ax[i]['min_position_limit']) for i in range(3)]), to_internal_units([fudge(ax[i]['max_position_limit']) for i in range(3)])) class MyOpengl(GlCanonDraw, Opengl): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.after_id = None self.motion_after = None self.perspective = False Opengl.__init__(self, *args, **kw) GlCanonDraw.__init__(self, s, None) self.bind('', self.select_prime, add=True) self.bind('', self.select_fire, add=True) self.bind('', self.select_cancel, add=True) self.highlight_line = None self.select_event = None self.select_buffer_size = 100 self.select_primed = None self.last_position = None self.last_homed = None self.last_origin = None self.last_rotation_xy = None self.last_tool = None self.last_tool_offset = None self.last_limits = None self.set_eyepoint(5.) self.get_resources() self.realize() self.init_glcanondraw(trajcoordinates=trajcoordinates, kinsmodule=kinsmodule) def getRotateMode(self): return vars.rotate_mode.get() def get_font_info(self): return coordinate_charwidth, coordinate_linespace, fontbase def get_resources(self): self.colors = dict(GlCanonDraw.colors) for c in list(self.colors.keys()): if isinstance(c, tuple): c, d = c elif c.endswith("_alpha"): d = "Alpha" else: d = "Foreground" option_value = self.option_get(c, d) if option_value: if d == "Alpha": self.colors[c] = float(option_value) else: self.colors[c] = parse_color(option_value) x = float(self.option_get("tool_light_x", "Float")) y = float(self.option_get("tool_light_y", "Float")) z = float(self.option_get("tool_light_z", "Float")) dist = (x**2 + y**2 + z**2) ** .5 self.light_position = (x/dist, y/dist, z/dist, 0) def select_prime(self, event): self.select_primed = event def select_cancel(self, event): if self.select_primed and (event.x != self.select_primed.x or event.y != self.select_primed.y): self.select_primed = None def select_fire(self, event): if self.select_primed: self.queue_select(event) def queue_select(self, event): self.select_event = event self.tkRedraw() def deselect(self, event): self.set_highlight_line(None) def select(self, event): GlCanonDraw.select(self, event.x, event.y) def get_joints_mode(self): return joints_mode() def get_current_tool(self): return current_tool def is_lathe(self): return lathe def get_show_commanded(self): return vars.display_type.get() def get_show_rapids(self): return vars.show_rapids.get() def get_geometry(self): return geometry def is_foam(self): return foam def get_num_joints(self): return num_joints def get_program_alpha(self): return vars.program_alpha.get() def get_a_axis_wrapped(self): return a_axis_wrapped def get_b_axis_wrapped(self): return b_axis_wrapped def get_c_axis_wrapped(self): return c_axis_wrapped def set_current_line(self, line): if line == vars.running_line.get(): return t.tag_remove("executing", "0.0", "end") if line is not None and line > 0: vupdate(vars.running_line, line) if vars.highlight_line.get() <= 0: t.see("%d.0" % (line+2)) t.see("%d.0" % line) t.tag_add("executing", "%d.0" % line, "%d.end" % line) else: vupdate(vars.running_line, 0) def get_highlight_line(self): return vars.highlight_line.get() def set_highlight_line(self, line): if line == self.get_highlight_line(): return GlCanonDraw.set_highlight_line(self, line) t.tag_remove("sel", "0.0", "end") if line is not None and line > 0: t.see("%d.0" % (line+2)) t.see("%d.0" % line) t.tag_add("sel", "%d.0" % line, "%d.end" % line) vupdate(vars.highlight_line, line) else: vupdate(vars.highlight_line, -1) def tkRedraw(self, *dummy): if self.after_id: # May need to upgrade to an instant redraw self.after_cancel(self.after_id) self.after_id = self.after_idle(self.actual_tkRedraw) def redraw_soon(self, *dummy): if self.after_id: return self.after_id = self.after(50, self.actual_tkRedraw) def tkRedraw_perspective(self, *dummy): """Cause the opengl widget to redraw itself.""" self.redraw_perspective() def tkRedraw_ortho(self, *dummy): """Cause the opengl widget to redraw itself.""" self.redraw_ortho() def startRotate(self, event): if lathe: return return Opengl.startRotate(self, event) def tkAutoSpin(self, event): if lathe: return return Opengl.tkAutoSpin(self, event) def tkRotate(self, event): if lathe: return Opengl.tkRotate(self, event) self.perspective = True widgets.view_z.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_z2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_x.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_p.configure(relief="link") vars.view_type.set(0) def tkTranslateOrRotate(self, event): if self.getRotateMode(): self.tkRotate(event) else: self.tkTranslate(event) def tkRotateOrTranslate(self, event): if self.getRotateMode(): self.tkTranslate(event) else: self.tkRotate(event) def actual_tkRedraw(self, *dummy): self.after_id = None if self.perspective: self.tkRedraw_perspective() else: self.tkRedraw_ortho() def get_show_program(self): return vars.show_program.get() def get_show_offsets(self): return vars.show_offsets.get() def get_show_extents(self): return vars.show_extents.get() def get_grid_size(self): return vars.grid_size.get() def get_show_metric(self): return vars.metric.get() def get_show_live_plot(self): return vars.show_live_plot.get() def get_show_machine_speed(self): return vars.show_machine_speed.get() def get_show_distance_to_go(self): return vars.show_distance_to_go.get() def get_view(self): x,y,z,p = 0,1,2,3 if str(widgets.view_x['relief']) == "sunken": view = x elif (str(widgets.view_y['relief']) == "sunken" or str(widgets.view_y2['relief']) == "sunken"): view = y elif (str(widgets.view_z['relief']) == "sunken" or str(widgets.view_z2['relief']) == "sunken"): view = z else: view = p return view def get_show_relative(self): return vars.coord_type.get() def get_show_limits(self): return vars.show_machine_limits.get() def get_show_tool(self): return vars.show_tool.get() def redraw(self): if not self.winfo_viewable(): return self.redraw_dro() if self.select_event: self.select(self.select_event) self.select_event = None GlCanonDraw.redraw(self) def redraw_dro(self): self.stat.poll() limit, homed, posstrs, droposstrs = self.posstrs() text = widgets.numbers_text font = "Courier 10 pitch" if not hasattr(self, 'font_width'): self.font_width = text.tk.call( "font", "measure", (font, -100, "bold"), "0") self.font_vertspace = text.tk.call( "font", "metrics", (font, -100, "bold"), "-linespace") - 100 self.last_font = None font_width = self.font_width font_vertspace = self.font_vertspace text.delete("0.0", "end") t = droposstrs[:] text.insert("end", "\n".join(t)) window_height = text.winfo_height() window_width = text.winfo_width() dro_lines = len(droposstrs) dro_width = len(droposstrs[0]) + 3 # pixels of height required, for "100 pixel" font req_height = dro_lines * 100 + (dro_lines + 1) * font_vertspace # pixels of width required, for "100 pixel" font req_width = dro_width * font_width height_ratio = float(window_height) / req_height width_ratio = float(window_width) / req_width ratio = min(height_ratio, width_ratio) new_font = -int(100*ratio) if new_font != self.last_font: text.configure(font=(font, new_font, "bold")) self.last_font = new_font def init(): glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK) glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE) glLineStipple(2, 0x5555) glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) glClearColor(0,0,0,0) glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) def toggle_perspective(e): o.perspective = not o.perspective o.tkRedraw() def select_line(event): i = t.index("@%d,%d" % (event.x, event.y)) i = int(i.split('.')[0]) o.set_highlight_line(i) o.tkRedraw() return "break" def release_select_line(event): o.set_highlight_line(None) o.set_current_line(None) o.tkRedraw() return "break" def select_prev(event): if o.highlight_line is None: i = o.last_line else: i = max(1, o.highlight_line - 1) o.set_highlight_line(i) o.tkRedraw() def select_next(event): if o.highlight_line is None: i = 1 else: i = min(o.last_line, o.highlight_line + 1) o.set_highlight_line(i) o.tkRedraw() def scroll_up(event): t.yview_scroll(-2, "units") def scroll_down(event): t.yview_scroll(2, "units") current_tool = None def vupdate(var, val): try: if var.get() == val: return except ValueError: pass var.set(val) class LivePlotter: def __init__(self, window): self.win = window window.live_plot_size = 0 self.after = None self.error_after = None self.running = BooleanVar(window) self.running.set(False) self.lastpts = -1 self.last_speed = -1 self.last_limit = None self.last_motion_mode = None self.last_joint_position = None self.notifications_clear = False self.notifications_clear_info = False self.notifications_clear_error = False def start(self): if self.running.get(): return if not os.path.exists(linuxcnc.nmlfile): return False try: self.stat = linuxcnc.stat() except linuxcnc.error: return False self.last_task_mode = self.stat.task_mode self.last_motion_mode = self.stat.motion_mode def C(s): a = o.colors[s + "_alpha"] s = o.colors[s] return [int(x * 255) for x in s + (a,)] self.logger = linuxcnc.positionlogger(linuxcnc.stat(), C('backplotjog'), C('backplottraverse'), C('backplotfeed'), C('backplotarc'), C('backplottoolchange'), C('backplotprobing'), geometry, foam ) o.after_idle(lambda: _thread.start_new_thread(self.logger.start, (.01,))) global feedrate_blackout, rapidrate_blackout, spindlerate_blackout, maxvel_blackout feedrate_blackout=rapidrate_blackout=spindlerate_blackout=maxvel_blackout=time.time()+1 self.running.set(True) def stop(self): if not self.running.get(): return if hasattr(self, 'stat'): del self.stat if self.after is not None: self.win.after_cancel(self.after) self.after = None if self.error_after is not None: self.win.after_cancel(self.error_after) self.error_after = None self.logger.stop() self.running.set(True) def error_task(self): error = e.poll() while error: kind, text = error if kind in (linuxcnc.NML_ERROR, linuxcnc.OPERATOR_ERROR): icon = "error" else: icon = "info" notifications.add(icon, text) error = e.poll() self.error_after = self.win.after(200, self.error_task) def update(self): if not self.running.get(): return try: self.stat.poll() except linuxcnc.error as detail: print("error", detail) del self.stat return global continuous_jog_in_progress,cjogindices if continuous_jog_in_progress and not manual_tab_visible(): jjogmode = get_jog_mode() for idx in cjogindices: c.jog(linuxcnc.JOG_STOP, jjogmode,idx) continuous_jog_in_progress = 0 cjogindices = [] if ( (self.stat.motion_mode == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_COORD) and (self.stat.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) ): set_motion_teleop(1) if ( (self.stat.motion_mode == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_TELEOP) and not vars.teleop_mode.get() ): vars.teleop_mode.set(1) # With joints_axes support and jogging while mdi # (ref: emctaskmain.cc:allow_while_idle_type()) # behavior is better without changing tabs upon detecting # a task_mode change. # Restore behavior with this local var: enable_tab_change enable_tab_change = False if ( enable_tab_change and (self.stat.task_mode != self.last_task_mode)): if (self.stat.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL): root_window.tk.eval(pane_top + ".tabs raise manual") if (self.stat.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_MDI): root_window.tk.eval(pane_top + ".tabs raise mdi") if (self.stat.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO): # not sure if anything needs to be done for this pass self.last_task_mode = self.stat.task_mode self.after = self.win.after(update_ms, self.update) self.win.set_current_line(self.stat.motion_id or self.stat.motion_line) speed = self.stat.current_vel limits = soft_limits() if ( self.stat.tool_offset != o.last_tool_offset or self.stat.tool_in_spindle != o.last_tool): o.redraw_dro() if (self.logger.npts != self.lastpts or limits != o.last_limits or self.stat.actual_position != o.last_position or self.stat.joint_actual_position != o.last_joint_position or self.stat.homed != o.last_homed or self.stat.g5x_offset != o.last_g5x_offset or self.stat.g92_offset != o.last_g92_offset or self.stat.g5x_index != o.last_g5x_index or self.stat.rotation_xy != o.last_rotation_xy or self.stat.limit != o.last_limit or self.stat.tool_offset != o.last_tool_offset or self.stat.tool_in_spindle != o.last_tool or self.stat.motion_mode != self.last_motion_mode or abs(speed - self.last_speed) > .01): o.redraw_soon() o.last_limits = limits o.last_limit = self.stat.limit o.last_homed = self.stat.homed o.last_position = self.stat.actual_position o.last_g5x_offset = self.stat.g5x_offset o.last_g92_offset = self.stat.g92_offset o.last_g5x_index = self.stat.g5x_index o.last_rotation_xy = self.stat.rotation_xy self.last_motion_mode = self.stat.motion_mode o.last_tool = self.stat.tool_in_spindle o.last_tool_offset = self.stat.tool_offset o.last_joint_position = self.stat.joint_actual_position self.last_speed = speed self.lastpts = self.logger.npts root_window.update_idletasks() vupdate(vars.exec_state, self.stat.exec_state) vupdate(vars.interp_state, self.stat.interp_state) vupdate(vars.queued_mdi_commands, self.stat.queued_mdi_commands) if hal_present == 1: notifications_clear = comp["notifications-clear"] if self.notifications_clear != notifications_clear: self.notifications_clear = notifications_clear if self.notifications_clear: notifications.clear() notifications_clear_info = comp["notifications-clear-info"] if self.notifications_clear_info != notifications_clear_info: self.notifications_clear_info = notifications_clear_info if self.notifications_clear_info: notifications.clear("info") notifications_clear_error = comp["notifications-clear-error"] if self.notifications_clear_error != notifications_clear_error: self.notifications_clear_error = notifications_clear_error if self.notifications_clear_error: notifications.clear("error") now_resume_inhibit = comp["resume-inhibit"] global resume_inhibit if resume_inhibit != now_resume_inhibit: resume_inhibit = now_resume_inhibit if resume_inhibit: root_window.tk.call("pause_image_override") else: root_window.tk.call("pause_image_normal") vupdate(vars.task_mode, self.stat.task_mode) vupdate(vars.task_state, self.stat.task_state) vupdate(vars.task_paused, self.stat.task_paused) vupdate(vars.taskfile, self.stat.file) vupdate(vars.interp_pause, self.stat.paused) vupdate(vars.mist, self.stat.mist) vupdate(vars.flood, self.stat.flood) vupdate(vars.brake, self.stat.spindle[0]['brake']) vupdate(vars.spindledir, self.stat.spindle[0]['direction']) vupdate(vars.motion_mode, self.stat.motion_mode) vupdate(vars.optional_stop, self.stat.optional_stop) vupdate(vars.block_delete, self.stat.block_delete) if time.time() > spindlerate_blackout: vupdate(vars.spindlerate, int(100 * self.stat.spindle[0]['override'] + .5)) if time.time() > feedrate_blackout: vupdate(vars.feedrate, int(100 * self.stat.feedrate + .5)) if time.time() > rapidrate_blackout: vupdate(vars.rapidrate, int(100 * self.stat.rapidrate + .5)) if time.time() > maxvel_blackout: m = to_internal_linear_unit(self.stat.max_velocity) if vars.metric.get(): m = m * 25.4 vupdate(vars.maxvel_speed, float(int(600 * m)/10.0)) root_window.tk.call("update_maxvel_slider") vupdate(vars.override_limits, self.stat.joint[0]['override_limits']) on_any_limit = 0 for l in self.stat.limit: if l: on_any_limit = True break vupdate(vars.on_any_limit, on_any_limit) global current_tool current_tool = self.stat.tool_table[0] if current_tool: tool_data = {'tool': current_tool[0], 'zo': current_tool[3], 'xo': current_tool[1], 'dia': current_tool[10]} if current_tool is None: vupdate(vars.tool, _("Unknown tool %d") % self.stat.tool_in_spindle) elif tool_data['tool'] == 0 or tool_data['tool'] == -1: vupdate(vars.tool, _("No tool")) elif current_tool.xoffset == 0 and not lathe: vupdate(vars.tool, _("Tool %(tool)d, offset %(zo)g, diameter %(dia)g") % tool_data) else: vupdate(vars.tool, _("Tool %(tool)d, zo %(zo)g, xo %(xo)g, dia %(dia)g") % tool_data) active_codes = [] for i in self.stat.gcodes[1:]: if i == -1: continue if i % 10 == 0: active_codes.append("G%d" % (i/10)) else: active_codes.append("G%(ones)d.%(tenths)d" % {'ones': i/10, 'tenths': i%10}) for i in self.stat.mcodes[1:]: if i == -1: continue active_codes.append("M%d" % i) feed_str = "F%.1f" % self.stat.settings[1] if feed_str.endswith(".0"): feed_str = feed_str[:-2] active_codes.append(feed_str) active_codes.append("S%.0f" % self.stat.settings[2]) codes = " ".join(active_codes) widgets.code_text.configure(state="normal") widgets.code_text.delete("0.0", "end") widgets.code_text.insert("end", codes) widgets.code_text.configure(state="disabled") # disable jog radiobutton for extrajoints that are homed # since control is transferred to joint.N.posthome-cmd for jno in range(num_joints - self.stat.num_extrajoints, num_joints): jname = tabs_manual+".joints.joint"+str(jno) #print jno,num_joints,num_extrajoints,s.homed[jno],jname if s.homed[jno]: state="disabled" else: state="normal" root_window.call(jname,"configure","-state",state) user_live_update() def clear(self): self.logger.clear() o.redraw_soon() def running(do_poll=True): if do_poll: s.poll() return ( (s.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO or s.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_MDI) and s.interp_state != linuxcnc.INTERP_IDLE) def manual_tab_visible(): page = root_window.tk.call(widgets.tabs, "raise") return page == "manual" def manual_ok(do_poll=True): """warning: deceptive function name. This function returns TRUE when not running a program, i.e., when a user- initiated action (whether an MDI command or a jog) is acceptable. This means this function returns True when the mdi tab is visible.""" if do_poll: s.poll() if s.task_state != linuxcnc.STATE_ON: return False if running(): return 0 return s.interp_state == linuxcnc.INTERP_IDLE or (s.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_MDI and s.queued_mdi_commands < vars.max_queued_mdi_commands.get()) # If LinuxCNC is not already in one of the modes given, switch it to the # first (task) mode MANUAL,MDI,AUTO def ensure_mode(m, *p): s.poll() if s.task_mode == m or s.task_mode in p: return True c.mode(m) # task_mode c.wait_complete() s.poll() return True class DummyProgress: def update(self, count): pass def nextphase(self, count): pass def done(self): pass class Progress: def __init__(self, phases, total): self.num_phases = phases self.phase = 0 self.total = total or 1 self.lastcount = 0 self.text = None self.old_focus = root_window.tk.call("focus", "-lastfor", ".") root_window.tk.call("canvas", ".info.progress", "-width", 1, "-height", 1, "-highlightthickness", 0, "-borderwidth", 2, "-relief", "sunken", "-cursor", "watch") root_window.configure(cursor="watch") root_window.tk.call(".menu", "configure", "-cursor", "watch") t.configure(cursor="watch") root_window.tk.call("bind", ".info.progress", "", "break") root_window.tk.call("pack", ".info.progress", "-side", "left", "-fill", "both", "-expand", "1") root_window.tk.call(".info.progress", "create", "rectangle", (-10, -10, -10, -10), "-fill", "blue", "-outline", "blue") root_window.update_idletasks() root_window.tk.call("focus", "-force", ".info.progress") root_window.tk.call("patient_grab", ".info.progress") def update(self, count, force=0): if force or count - self.lastcount > 400: fraction = (self.phase + count * 1. / self.total) / self.num_phases self.lastcount = count try: width = int(t.tk.call("winfo", "width", ".info.progress")) except Tkinter.TclError as detail: print(detail) return height = int(t.tk.call("winfo", "height", ".info.progress")) t.tk.call(".info.progress", "coords", "1", (0, 0, int(fraction * width), height)) t.tk.call("update", "idletasks") def nextphase(self, total): self.phase += 1 self.total = total or 1 self.lastcount = -100 self.update(0, True) def done(self): root_window.tk.call("destroy", ".info.progress") root_window.tk.call("grab", "release", ".info.progress") root_window.tk.call("focus", self.old_focus) root_window.configure(cursor="") root_window.tk.call(".menu", "configure", "-cursor", "") t.configure(cursor="xterm") def __del__(self): if root_window.tk.call("winfo", "exists", ".info.progress"): self.done() def set_text(self, text): if self.text is None: self.text = root_window.tk.call(".info.progress", "create", "text", (1, 1), "-text", text, "-anchor", "nw") else: root_window.tk.call(".info.progress", "itemconfigure", text, "-text", text) class AxisCanon(GLCanon, StatMixin): def __init__(self, widget, text, linecount, progress, arcdivision): GLCanon.__init__(self, widget.colors, geometry, foam) StatMixin.__init__(self, s, random_toolchanger) self.text = text self.linecount = linecount self.progress = progress self.aborted = False self.arcdivision = arcdivision self.timeout_time = None def set_timeout(self, timeout): '''Abort loading of G-code if it takes more than timeout seconds from the time this method was called. Set timeout to None to disable.''' if timeout is None or timeout <= 0: self.timeout_time = None else: self.timeout_time = time.time() + timeout def change_tool(self, pocket): GLCanon.change_tool(self, pocket) StatMixin.change_tool(self, pocket) def is_lathe(self): return lathe def do_cancel(self, event): self.aborted = True def check_abort(self): root_window.update() if self.timeout_time is not None and self.timeout_time < time.time(): notifications.add("info", _("G-code preview loading timed out")) self.aborted = True if self.aborted: raise KeyboardInterrupt def next_line(self, st): GLCanon.next_line(self, st) self.progress.update(self.lineno) if self.notify: notifications.add("info",self.notify_message) self.notify = 0 progress_re = re.compile("^FILTER_PROGRESS=(\\d*)$") def filter_program(program_filter, infilename, outfilename): import subprocess outfile = open(outfilename, "w") infilename_q = infilename.replace("'", "'\\''") env = dict(os.environ) env['AXIS_PROGRESS_BAR'] = '1' p = subprocess.Popen(["sh", "-c", "%s '%s'" % (program_filter, infilename_q)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=outfile, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) p.stdin.close() # No input for you progress = Progress(1, 100) progress.set_text(_("Filtering...")) stderr_text = [] try: while p.poll() is None: # XXX add checking for abort t.update() r,w,x = select.select([p.stderr], [], [], 0.100) if r: stderr_line = p.stderr.readline().decode() m = progress_re.match(stderr_line) if m: progress.update(int(m.group(1)), 1) else: stderr_text.append(stderr_line) sys.stderr.write(stderr_line) # .. might be something left on stderr for line in p.stderr: stderr_line = line.decode() m = progress_re.match(stderr_line) if not m: stderr_text.append(stderr_line) sys.stderr.write(stderr_line) return p.returncode, "".join(stderr_text) finally: progress.done() def get_filter(filename): ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext: return inifile.find("FILTER", ext[1:]) else: return None def update_recent_menu(): recent = ap.getpref('recentfiles', [], repr) root_window.tk.call("update_recent", *recent) def add_recent_file(f): recent = ap.getpref('recentfiles', [], repr) if len(recent) == 0: recent=[] if f in recent: recent.remove(f) recent.insert(0, f) recent = recent[:10] ap.putpref('recentfiles', recent, repr) update_recent_menu() def cancel_open(event=None): if o.canon is not None: o.canon.aborted = True loaded_file = None def open_file_guts(f, filtered=False, addrecent=True): s.poll() save_task_mode = s.task_mode ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) if addrecent: add_recent_file(f) if not filtered: global loaded_file loaded_file = f program_filter = get_filter(f) if program_filter: tempfile = os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(f)) exitcode, stderr = filter_program(program_filter, f, tempfile) if exitcode: root_window.tk.call("nf_dialog", (".error", "-ext", stderr), _("Filter failed"), _("The program %(program)r exited with code %(code)d. " "Any error messages it produced are shown below:") % {'program': program_filter, 'code': exitcode}, "error",0,_("OK")) return ensure_mode(save_task_mode) return open_file_guts(tempfile, True, False) ensure_mode(save_task_mode) set_first_line(0) t0 = time.time() canon = None o.deselect(None) # remove highlight line from last program try: # Force a sync of the interpreter, which writes out the var file. c.task_plan_synch() c.wait_complete() c.program_open(f) lines = open(f).readlines() progress = Progress(2, len(lines)) t.configure(state="normal") t.tk.call("delete_all", t) code = [] i = 0 for i, l in enumerate(lines): l = l.expandtabs().replace("\r", "") #t.insert("end", "%6d: " % (i+1), "lineno", l) code.extend(["%6d: " % (i+1), "lineno", l, ""]) if i % 1000 == 0: t.insert("end", *code) del code[:] progress.update(i) if code: t.insert("end", *code) progress.nextphase(len(lines)) f = os.path.abspath(f) o.canon = canon = AxisCanon(o, widgets.text, i, progress, arcdivision) root_window.bind_class(".info.progress", "", cancel_open) parameter = inifile.find("RS274NGC", "PARAMETER_FILE") temp_parameter = os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(parameter)) if os.path.exists(parameter): shutil.copy(parameter, temp_parameter) canon.parameter_file = temp_parameter timeout = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "PREVIEW_TIMEOUT") or "" if timeout: canon.set_timeout(float(timeout)) initcode = inifile.find("EMC", "RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE") or "" if initcode == "": initcode = inifile.find("RS274NGC", "RS274NGC_STARTUP_CODE") or "" initcodes = [] if initcode: initcodes.append(initcode) if not interpname: unitcode = "G%d" % (20 + (s.linear_units == 1)) initcodes.append(unitcode) initcodes.append("g90") initcodes.append("t%d m6" % s.tool_in_spindle) for i in range(9): if s.axis_mask & (1< gcode.MIN_ERROR: error_str = _(gcode.strerror(result)) root_window.tk.call("nf_dialog", ".error", _("G-Code error in %s") % os.path.basename(f), _("Near line %(seq)d of %(f)s:\n%(error_str)s") % {'seq': seq, 'f': f, 'error_str': error_str}, "error",0,_("OK")) t.configure(state="disabled") o.lp.set_depth(from_internal_linear_unit(o.get_foam_z()), from_internal_linear_unit(o.get_foam_w())) except Exception as e: notifications.add("error", str(e)) finally: # Before unbusying, I update again, so that any keystroke events # that reached the program while it was busy are sent to the # label, not to another window in the application. If this # update call is removed, the events are only handled after that # widget is destroyed and focus has passed to some other widget, # which will handle the keystrokes instead, leading to the # R-while-loading bug. #print "load_time", time.time() - t0 root_window.update() root_window.tk.call("destroy", ".info.progress") root_window.tk.call("grab", "release", ".info.progress") if canon: canon.progress = DummyProgress() try: progress.done() except UnboundLocalError: pass o.tkRedraw() root_window.tk.call("set_mode_from_tab") tabs_mdi = str(root_window.tk.call("set", "_tabs_mdi")) tabs_manual = str(root_window.tk.call("set", "_tabs_manual")) tabs_preview = str(root_window.tk.call("set", "_tabs_preview")) tabs_numbers = str(root_window.tk.call("set", "_tabs_numbers")) pane_top = str(root_window.tk.call("set", "pane_top")) pane_bottom = str(root_window.tk.call("set", "pane_bottom")) widget_list=[ ("help_window", Toplevel, ".keys"), ("about_window", Toplevel, ".about"), ("text", Text, pane_bottom + ".t.text"), ("preview_frame", Frame, tabs_preview), ("numbers_text", Text, tabs_numbers + ".text"), ("tabs", bwidget.NoteBook, pane_top + ".tabs"), ("right", bwidget.NoteBook, pane_top + ".right"), ("mdi_history", Listbox, tabs_mdi + ".history"), ("mdi_command", Entry, tabs_mdi + ".command"), ("code_text", Text, pane_top + ".gcodes"), ("axes", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes"), ("axis_x", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes.axisx"), ("axis_y", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes.axisy"), ("axis_z", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes.axisz"), ("axis_a", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes.axisa"), ("axis_b", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes.axisb"), ("axis_c", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes.axisc"), ("axis_u", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes.axisu"), ("axis_v", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes.axisv"), ("axis_w", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".axes.axisw"), ("jogincr", Entry, tabs_manual + ".jogf.jog.jogincr"), ("override", Checkbutton, tabs_manual + ".jogf.override"), ("ajogspeed", Entry, pane_top + ".ajogspeed"), ("lubel", Label, tabs_manual + ".coolant"), ("flood", Checkbutton, tabs_manual + ".flood"), ("mist", Checkbutton, tabs_manual + ".mist"), ("brake", Checkbutton, tabs_manual + ".spindlef.brake"), ("spindlel", Label, tabs_manual + ".spindlel"), ("spindlef", Frame, tabs_manual + ".spindlef"), ("spindle_ccw", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".spindlef.ccw"), ("spindle_stop", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".spindlef.stop"), ("spindle_cw", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".spindlef.cw"), ("spindle_minus", Button, tabs_manual + ".spindlef.spindleminus"), ("spindle_plus", Button, tabs_manual + ".spindlef.spindleplus"), ("view_z", Button, ".toolbar.view_z"), ("view_z2", Button, ".toolbar.view_z2"), ("view_x", Button, ".toolbar.view_x"), ("view_y", Button, ".toolbar.view_y"), ("view_y2", Button, ".toolbar.view_y2"), ("view_p", Button, ".toolbar.view_p"), ("rotate", Button, ".toolbar.rotate"), ("feedoverride", Scale, pane_top + ".feedoverride.foscale"), ("rapidoverride", Scale, pane_top + ".rapidoverride.foscale"), ("spinoverride", Scale, pane_top + ".spinoverride.foscale"), ("spinoverridef", Scale, pane_top + ".spinoverride"), ("menu_view", Menu, ".menu.view"), ("menu_grid", Menu, ".menu.view.grid"), ("menu_file", Menu, ".menu.file"), ("menu_machine", Menu, ".menu.machine"), ("menu_touchoff", Menu, ".menu.machine.touchoff"), ("homebutton", Button, tabs_manual + ".jogf.zerohome.home"), ("homemenu", Menu, ".menu.machine.home"), ("unhomemenu", Menu, ".menu.machine.unhome"), ] widget_list.append( ("joints", Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".joints") ) for j in range(linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS): widget_list.append( ("joint_"+str(j), Radiobutton, tabs_manual + ".joints.joint"+str(j)) ) widgets = nf.Widgets(root_window,*widget_list) # Work around an apparent regression in python-tk which causes the value # associated with the Y axis button to be changed to the string "True", # related to the interpretation of the string "y" as true in a boolean # context in Tcl's typeless value system. # https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/issues/146 # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=834783 widgets.axis_x.configure(value="x") widgets.axis_y.configure(value="y") widgets.axis_z.configure(value="z") widgets.axis_a.configure(value="a") widgets.axis_b.configure(value="b") widgets.axis_c.configure(value="c") widgets.axis_u.configure(value="u") widgets.axis_v.configure(value="v") widgets.axis_w.configure(value="w") def activate_ja_widget(i, force=0): if not force and not manual_ok(): return if get_jog_mode() and (not kins_is_trivkins or (kins_is_trivkins and s.kinematics_type == linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_BOTH)): # free jogging (joints) if: # non-trivkins config or # trivkins config and kinstype = both # only accept integers here if not isinstance(i, int): return if i >= num_joints: return widget = getattr(widgets, "joint_%d" % i) else: # teleop jogging (axes) or # free jogging (joints) if: # trivkins config and kinstype not both # letters are special case for key bindings if isinstance(i, str): letter = i elif not get_jog_mode(): letter = "xyzabcuvw"[i] else: if lathe_historical_config(): if i == 1: return if i > 1: i = i-1 letter = trajcoordinates[i] if letter in trajcoordinates: widget = getattr(widgets, "axis_%s" % letter) else: # key bindings for letters not in trajcoordinates end up here return widget.focus() widget.invoke() def set_first_line(lineno): global program_start_line program_start_line = lineno t.tag_remove("ignored", "0.0", "end") if lineno > 0: t.tag_add("ignored", "0.0", "%d.end" % (lineno-1)) def parse_increment(jogincr): if jogincr.endswith("mm"): scale = from_internal_linear_unit(1/25.4) elif jogincr.endswith("cm"): scale = from_internal_linear_unit(10/25.4) elif jogincr.endswith("um"): scale = from_internal_linear_unit(.001/25.4) elif jogincr.endswith("in") or jogincr.endswith("inch"): scale = from_internal_linear_unit(1.) elif jogincr.endswith("mil"): scale = from_internal_linear_unit(.001) else: scale = 1 jogincr = jogincr.rstrip(" inchmuil") if "/" in jogincr: p, q = jogincr.split("/") jogincr = float(p) / float(q) else: jogincr = float(jogincr) return jogincr * scale def set_hal_jogincrement(): if not 'comp' in globals(): return # this is called once during startup before comp exists jogincr = widgets.jogincr.get() if jogincr == _("Continuous"): distance = 0 else: distance = parse_increment(jogincr) comp['jog.increment'] = distance def jogspeed_listbox_change(dummy, value): global jogincr_index_last # pdb.set_trace() # FJ: curselection is not always up to date here, so # do a linear search by hand iterator = root_window.call(widgets.jogincr._w, "list", "get", "0", "end") idx = 0 cursel = -1 if isinstance(value, str): value = value.encode('utf-8', 'replace') for i in iterator: if isinstance(i, str): i = i.encode('utf-8', 'replace') if i == value: cursel= idx break idx += 1 if cursel > 0: jogincr_index_last= cursel set_hal_jogincrement() def jogspeed_continuous(): root_window.call(widgets.jogincr._w, "select", 0) def jogspeed_incremental(dir=1): global jogincr_index_last global continuous_jog_in_progress if continuous_jog_in_progress: return jogincr_size = int(root_window.call(widgets.jogincr._w, "list", "size")) # pdb.set_trace() cursel = root_window.call(widgets.jogincr._w, "curselection") if type(cursel) == tuple: cursel = cursel[0] if cursel == "": cursel = 0 else: cursel = int(cursel) if dir == 1: if cursel > 0: # If it was "Continuous" just before, then don't change last jog increment! jogincr_index_last += 1 if jogincr_index_last >= jogincr_size: jogincr_index_last = jogincr_size - 1 else: if cursel > 0: jogincr_index_last -= 1 if jogincr_index_last < 1: jogincr_index_last = 1 root_window.call(widgets.jogincr._w, "select", jogincr_index_last) set_hal_jogincrement() class SelectionHandler: def __init__(self, win, **kw): self.kw = kw self.win = win self.win.selection_handle(self.handler, *kw) self.value = "" def set_value(self, value): self.win.selection_own(**self.kw) self.value = value def handler(self, offset, maxchars): offset = int(offset) maxchars = int(maxchars) return self.value[offset:offset+maxchars] selection = SelectionHandler(root_window) class DummyCanon: def comment(*args): pass def next_line(*args): pass def set_g5x_offset(*args): pass def set_g92_offset(*args): pass def set_xy_rotation(*args): pass def get_external_angular_units(self): return 1.0 def get_external_length_units(self): return 1.0 def set_plane(*args): pass def get_axis_mask(self): return 7 def get_tool(self, tool): return tool, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 def set_feed_rate(self, rate): pass def user_defined_function(self, m, p, q): self.number = p def parse_gcode_expression(e): f = os.path.devnull canon = DummyCanon() parameter = inifile.find("RS274NGC", "PARAMETER_FILE") temp_parameter = os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(parameter)) shutil.copy(parameter, temp_parameter) canon.parameter_file = temp_parameter result, seq = gcode.parse("", canon, "M199 P["+e+"]", "M2") if result > gcode.MIN_ERROR: return False, gcode.strerror(result) return True, canon.number class _prompt_areyousure: """ Prompt for a question, user can enter yes or no """ def __init__(self, title, text): t = self.t = Toplevel(root_window, padx=7, pady=7) t.wm_title(title) t.wm_transient(root_window) t.wm_resizable(0, 0) self.status=False m = Message(t, text=text, aspect=500, anchor="w", justify="left") self.w = w = StringVar(t) l = Tkinter.Message(t, textvariable=w, justify="left", anchor="w", aspect=500) self.buttons = f = Tkinter.Frame(t) self.ok = Tkinter.Button(f, text=_("Ok"), command=self.do_ok, width=10,height=1,padx=0,pady=.25, default="active") self.cancel = Tkinter.Button(f, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.do_cancel, width=10,height=1,padx=0,pady=.25, default="normal") t.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel.invoke) t.bind("", lambda event: (self.ok.flash(), self.ok.invoke())) t.bind("", lambda event: (self.ok.flash(), self.ok.invoke())) t.bind("", lambda event: (self.ok.flash(), self.ok.invoke())) t.bind("", lambda event: (self.cancel.flash(), self.cancel.invoke())) m.pack(side="top", anchor="w") l.pack(side="top", anchor="w", fill="x", expand=1) f.pack(side="bottom", anchor="e") self.ok.pack(side="left", padx=3, pady=3) self.cancel.pack(side="left", padx=3, pady=3) def do_ok(self): self.status=True self.t.destroy() def do_cancel(self): self.status=False self.t.destroy() def result(self): return self.status def run(self): self.t.grab_set() self.t.wait_window() try: self.t.destroy() except Tkinter.TclError: pass return self.result() def prompt_areyousure(title, text): t = _prompt_areyousure(title, text) return t.run() class _prompt_float: """ Prompt for a G-code floating point expression """ def __init__(self, title, text, default, unit_str=''): self.unit_str = unit_str t = self.t = Toplevel(root_window, padx=7, pady=7) t.wm_title(title) t.wm_transient(root_window) t.wm_resizable(0, 0) self.m = m = Message(t, text=text, aspect=500, anchor="w", justify="left") self.v = v = StringVar(t) self.vv = vv = DoubleVar(t) self.u = u = BooleanVar(t) self.w = w = StringVar(t) l = Tkinter.Message(t, textvariable=w, justify="left", anchor="w", aspect=500) v.set(default) self.e = e = Entry(t, textvariable=v) self.buttons = f = Tkinter.Frame(t) self.ok = Tkinter.Button(f, text=_("OK"), command=self.do_ok, width=10,height=1,padx=0,pady=.25, default="active") self.cancel = Tkinter.Button(f, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.do_cancel, width=10,height=1,padx=0,pady=.25, default="normal") v.trace("w", self.check_valid) t.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel.invoke) t.bind("", lambda event: (self.ok.flash(), self.ok.invoke())) t.bind("", lambda event: (self.ok.flash(), self.ok.invoke())) t.bind("", lambda event: (self.cancel.flash(), self.cancel.invoke())) m.pack(side="top", anchor="w") e.pack(side="top", anchor="e") l.pack(side="top", anchor="w", fill="x", expand=1) f.pack(side="bottom", anchor="e") self.ok.pack(side="left", padx=3, pady=3) self.cancel.pack(side="left", padx=3, pady=3) def set_text(self, text): self.m.configure(text=text) def do_ok(self): self.u.set(True) self.t.destroy() def do_cancel(self): self.u.set(False) self.t.destroy() def check_valid(self, *args): v = self.v.get() st = 0 ok = 1 if "#" in v: ok = 0 self.w.set("Variables may not be used here") if ok: for ch in v: if ch == "[": st += 1 elif ch == "]": st -= 1 if st < 0: ok = 0 self.w.set("Right bracket without matching left bracket") break if st != 0: self.w.set("Left bracket without matching right bracket") ok = 0 if ok: ok, value = parse_gcode_expression(v) if ok: self.w.set("= %f%s" % (value, self.unit_str)) self.vv.set(value) else: self.w.set(value) if ok: self.ok.configure(state="normal") else: self.ok.configure(state="disabled") def do_focus(self): if not self.e.winfo_viewable(): self._after = self.t.after(10, self.do_focus) else: self.e.focus() self.e.selection_range(0, "end") self._after = None def result(self): if self.u.get(): return self.vv.get() return None def run(self): self.t.grab_set() self._after = self.t.after_idle(self.do_focus) self.t.wait_window() if self._after is not None: self.t.after_cancel(self._after) try: self.t.destroy() except Tkinter.TclError: pass return self.result() def prompt_float(title, text, default, unit_str): t = _prompt_float(title, text, default, unit_str) return t.run() all_systems = ['P0 Current', 'P1 G54', 'P2 G55', 'P3 G56', 'P4 G57', 'P5 G58', 'P6 G59', 'P7 G59.1', 'P8 G59.2', 'P9 G59.3', _('T Tool Table')] class _prompt_touchoff(_prompt_float): def __init__(self, title, text_pattern, default, tool_only, defaultsystem): systems = all_systems[:] if not tool_only: del systems[-1] linear_axis = vars.ja_rbutton.get() in "xyzuvw" if linear_axis: if vars.metric.get(): unit_str = " " + _("mm") else: unit_str = " " + _("in") if lathe and vars.ja_rbutton.get() == "x": if 80 in s.gcodes: unit_str += _(" radius") else: unit_str += _(" diameter") else: unit_str = _(u"\xb0") self.text_pattern = text_pattern text = text_pattern % self.workpiece_or_fixture(defaultsystem) _prompt_float.__init__(self, title, text, default, unit_str) t = self.t f = Frame(t) self.c = c = StringVar(t) c.set(defaultsystem) c.trace_variable("w", self.change_system) if not tool_only: l = Label(f, text=_("Coordinate System:")) mb = OptionMenu(f, c, *systems) mb.tk.call("size_menubutton_to_entries", mb) mb.configure(takefocus=1) l.pack(side="left") mb.pack(side="left") f.pack(side="top") self.buttons.tkraise() if not tool_only: for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]: t.bind("" % i, lambda event, system=systems[i-1]: c.set(system)) if tool_only: if current_tool.id > 0: t.bind("", lambda event: c.set(systems[9])) t.bind("", lambda event: c.set(systems[9])) def workpiece_or_fixture(self, s): if s.startswith('T') and vars.tto_g11.get(): return _("fixture") return _("workpiece") def change_system(self, *args): system = self.c.get() text = self.text_pattern % self.workpiece_or_fixture(system) self.set_text(text) def result(self): if self.u.get(): return self.v.get(), self.c.get() return None, None def prompt_touchoff(title, text, default, tool_only, system=None): t = _prompt_touchoff(title=title, text_pattern=text, default=default, tool_only=tool_only, defaultsystem=system ) return t.run() property_names = [ ('name', _("Name:")), ('size', _("Size:")), ('tools', _("Tool order:")), ('g0', _("Rapid distance:")), ('g1', _("Feed distance:")), ('g', _("Total distance:")), ('run', _("Run time:")),('toollist',_('Tool Change List:')), ('x', _("X bounds:")),('y', _("Y bounds:")), ('z', _("Z bounds:")),('a', _("A bounds:")), ('b', _("B bounds:")),('c', _("C bounds:")) ] def dist(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1): (x,y,z) = xxx_todo_changeme (p,q,r) = xxx_todo_changeme1 return ((x-p)**2 + (y-q)**2 + (z-r)**2) ** .5 # returns units/sec def get_jog_speed(a): if vars.teleop_mode.get(): if axis_type[a] == "LINEAR" : return vars.jog_speed.get()/60. else: return vars.jog_aspeed.get()/60. else: if joint_type[a] == 'LINEAR': return vars.jog_speed.get()/60. else: return vars.jog_aspeed.get()/60. def get_jog_speed_map(a): if get_jog_mode() and a >= num_joints: return 0 if not get_jog_mode(): if a >= len(jog_order): return 0 axis_letter = jog_order[a] a = "XYZABCUVW".index(axis_letter) return get_jog_speed(a) def get_max_jog_speed(a): max_linear_speed = vars.max_speed.get() max_linear_speed = to_internal_linear_unit(max_linear_speed) if vars.metric.get(): max_linear_speed = max_linear_speed * 25.4 if vars.teleop_mode.get(): if a in (0,1,2,6,7,8): return max_linear_speed else: return vars.max_aspeed.get() else: if joint_type[a] == 'LINEAR': return max_linear_speed else: return vars.max_aspeed.get() def get_max_jog_speed_map(a): if not get_jog_mode(): axis_letter = jog_order[a] a = "XYZABCUVW".index(axis_letter) return get_max_jog_speed(a) def run_warn(): warnings = [] if o.canon: machine_limit_min, machine_limit_max = soft_limits() for i in range(3): # Does not enforce angle limits if not(s.axis_mask & (1< machine_limit_max[i]: warnings.append(_("Program exceeds machine maximum on axis %s") % "XYZABCUVW"[i]) if warnings: text = "\n".join(warnings) return int(root_window.tk.call("nf_dialog", ".error", _("Program exceeds machine limits"), text, "warning", 1, _("Run Anyway"), _("Cancel"))) return 0 def reload_file(refilter=True): if running(): return s.poll() if not loaded_file: root_window.tk.call("set_mode_from_tab") return line = vars.highlight_line.get() o.set_highlight_line(None) if refilter or not get_filter(loaded_file): open_file_guts(loaded_file, False, False) else: tempfile = os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(loaded_file)) open_file_guts(tempfile, True, False) if line: o.set_highlight_line(line) def ja_from_rbutton(): # radiobuttons for joints set ja_rbutton to numeric value [0,MAX_JOINTS) # radiobuttons for axes set ja_rbutton to one of: xyzabcuvw ja = vars.ja_rbutton.get() if not all_homed() and lathe and not lathe_historical_config(): axes = "xzabcuvw" else: axes = "xyzabcuvw" try: # ja may be a joint number or an axis coordinate letter a = int(ja) # invalid for types: 'str' or 'unicode' if a not in list(range(linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS)): print("ja_from_rbutton:Unexpected joint number",a) return "" # can not continue except ValueError: a = axes.index(ja) # letter specifies an axis coordinate # handle joint jogging for known identity kins if get_jog_mode(): # joint jogging if lathe_historical_config(): a = "xyzabcuvw".index(ja) elif kins_is_trivkins and s.kinematics_type == linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY: # note: if duplicate_coord_letters, # use index for first occurrence of the letter a = trajcoordinates.index(ja) #future: elif's for other known identity kins go here return a def all_homed(): isHomed=True for i,h in enumerate(s.homed): if i >= num_joints: break isHomed = isHomed and h return isHomed def go_home(num): set_motion_teleop(0) c.home(num) c.wait_complete() #----------------------------------------------------------- # convenience functions def motion_modename(x): if x == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_FREE: return "FREE" if x == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_COORD: return "COORD" if x == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_TELEOP: return "TELEOP" def task_modename(x): if x == linuxcnc.MODE_MDI: return "MDI" if x == linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL: return "MANUAL" if x == linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO: return "AUTO" def task_statename(x): if x == linuxcnc.STATE_ESTOP: return "STATE_ESTOP" if x == linuxcnc.STATE_ESTOP_RESET: return "STATE_ESTOP_RESET" if x == linuxcnc.STATE_OFF: return "STATE_OFF" if x == linuxcnc.STATE_ON: return "STATE_ON" def interp_statename(x): if x == linuxcnc.INTERP_IDLE: return "IDLE" if x == linuxcnc.INTERP_READING: return "READING" if x == linuxcnc.INTERP_PAUSED: return "PAUSED" if x == linuxcnc.INTERP_WAITING: return "WAITING" def get_states(): s.poll() return (task_modename(s.task_mode) ,task_statename(s.task_state) ,motion_modename(s.motion_mode) ,interp_statename(s.interp_state) ) #----------------------------------------------------------- class TclCommands(nf.TclCommands): def next_tab(event=None): current = widgets.right.raise_page() pages = widgets.right.pages() try: idx = pages.index(current) except ValueError: idx = -1 newidx = (idx + 1) % len(pages) widgets.right.raise_page(pages[newidx]) root_window.focus_force() def redraw_soon(event=None): o.redraw_soon() def to_internal_linear_unit(a, b=None): if b is not None: b = float(b) return to_internal_linear_unit(float(a), b) def from_internal_linear_unit(a, b=None): if b is not None: b = float(b) return from_internal_linear_unit(float(a), b) def toggle_tto_g11(event=None): ap.putpref("tto_g11", vars.tto_g11.get()) def toggle_optional_stop(event=None): c.set_optional_stop(vars.optional_stop.get()) ap.putpref("optional_stop", vars.optional_stop.get()) def toggle_block_delete(event=None): c.set_block_delete(vars.block_delete.get()) ap.putpref("block_delete", vars.block_delete.get()) c.wait_complete() ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) s.poll() o.tkRedraw() reload_file(False) def gcode_properties(event=None): props = {} if not loaded_file: props['name'] = _("No file loaded") else: ext = os.path.splitext(loaded_file)[1] program_filter = None if ext: program_filter = inifile.find("FILTER", ext[1:]) name = os.path.basename(loaded_file) if program_filter: props['name'] = _("generated from %s") % name else: props['name'] = name size = os.stat(loaded_file).st_size lines = int(widgets.text.index("end").split(".")[0])-2 props['size'] = _("%(size)s bytes\n%(lines)s G-code lines") % {'size': size, 'lines': lines} if vars.metric.get(): conv = 1 units = _("mm") fmt = "%.3f" else: conv = 1/25.4 units = _("in") fmt = "%.4f" mf = vars.max_speed.get() #print o.canon.traverse[0] g0 = sum(dist(l[1][:3], l[2][:3]) for l in o.canon.traverse) g1 = (sum(dist(l[1][:3], l[2][:3]) for l in o.canon.feed) + sum(dist(l[1][:3], l[2][:3]) for l in o.canon.arcfeed)) gt = (sum(dist(l[1][:3], l[2][:3])/min(mf, l[3]) for l in o.canon.feed) + sum(dist(l[1][:3], l[2][:3])/min(mf, l[3]) for l in o.canon.arcfeed) + sum(dist(l[1][:3], l[2][:3])/mf for l in o.canon.traverse) + o.canon.dwell_time ) props['g0'] = "%f %s".replace("%f", fmt) % (from_internal_linear_unit(g0, conv), units) props['g1'] = "%f %s".replace("%f", fmt) % (from_internal_linear_unit(g1, conv), units) if gt > 120: props['run'] = _("%.1f minutes") % (gt/60) else: props['run'] = _("%d seconds") % (int(gt)) min_extents = from_internal_units(o.canon.min_extents, conv) max_extents = from_internal_units(o.canon.max_extents, conv) for (i, c) in enumerate("xyz"): a = min_extents[i] b = max_extents[i] if a != b: props[c] = _("%(a)f to %(b)f = %(diff)f %(units)s").replace("%f", fmt) % {'a': a, 'b': b, 'diff': b-a, 'units': units} props['toollist'] = o.canon.tool_list properties(root_window, _("G-Code Properties"), property_names, props) def launch_website(event=None): import webbrowser webbrowser.open("http://www.linuxcnc.org/") def set_spindlerate(newval): global spindlerate_blackout try: value = int(newval) except ValueError: return value = value / 100. c.spindleoverride(value) spindlerate_blackout = time.time() + 1 def set_feedrate(newval): global feedrate_blackout try: value = int(newval) except ValueError: return value = value / 100. c.feedrate(value) feedrate_blackout = time.time() + 1 def set_rapidrate(newval): global rapidrate_blackout try: value = int(newval) except ValueError: return value = value / 100. c.rapidrate(value) rapidrate_blackout = time.time() + 1 def set_maxvel(newval): newval = float(newval) if vars.metric.get(): newval = newval / 25.4 newval = from_internal_linear_unit(newval) global maxvel_blackout c.maxvel(newval / 60.) maxvel_blackout = time.time() + 1 def copy_line(*args): line = -1 if vars.running_line.get() != -1: line = vars.running_line.get() if vars.highlight_line.get() != -1: line = vars.highlight_line.get() if line == -1: return selection.set_value(t.get("%d.8" % line, "%d.end" % line)) def task_run_line(*args): line = vars.highlight_line.get() if line != -1: set_first_line(line) commands.task_run() def reload_tool_table(*args): c.load_tool_table() def program_verify(*args): set_first_line(-1) commands.task_run() def zoomin(event=None): o.zoomin() def zoomout(event=None): o.zoomout() def set_view_x(event=None): widgets.view_z.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_z2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_x.configure(relief="sunken") widgets.view_y.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_p.configure(relief="link") vars.view_type.set(3) o.set_view_x() def set_view_y(event=None): widgets.view_z.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_z2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_x.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y.configure(relief="sunken") widgets.view_y2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_p.configure(relief="link") vars.view_type.set(4) o.set_view_y() def set_view_y2(event=None): widgets.view_z.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_z2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_x.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y2.configure(relief="sunken") widgets.view_p.configure(relief="link") vars.view_type.set(4) o.set_view_y2() def set_view_z(event=None): widgets.view_z.configure(relief="sunken") widgets.view_z2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_x.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_p.configure(relief="link") vars.view_type.set(1) o.set_view_z() def set_view_z2(event=None): widgets.view_z.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_z2.configure(relief="sunken") widgets.view_x.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_p.configure(relief="link") vars.view_type.set(2) o.set_view_z2() def set_view_p(event=None): widgets.view_z.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_z2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_x.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_y2.configure(relief="link") widgets.view_p.configure(relief="sunken") vars.view_type.set(5) o.set_view_p() def estop_clicked(event=None): s.poll() if s.task_state == linuxcnc.STATE_ESTOP: c.state(linuxcnc.STATE_ESTOP_RESET) else: c.state(linuxcnc.STATE_ESTOP) def onoff_clicked(event=None): s.poll() if s.task_state == linuxcnc.STATE_ESTOP_RESET: c.state(linuxcnc.STATE_ON) else: c.state(linuxcnc.STATE_OFF) def open_file(*event): if running(): return global open_directory all_extensions = tuple([".ngc"]) for e in extensions: all_extensions = all_extensions + tuple(e[1]) types = ( (_("All machinable files"), all_extensions), (_("rs274ngc files"), ".ngc")) + extensions + \ ((_("All files"), "*"),) f = root_window.tk.call("tk_getOpenFile", "-initialdir", open_directory, "-filetypes", types) if type(f) is tuple and not len(f): return if not len(str(f)): return o.set_highlight_line(None) f = str(f) open_directory = os.path.dirname(f) commands.open_file_name(f) def remote (cmd,arg=""): if cmd == "clear_live_plot": commands.clear_live_plot() return "" if running(): return _("axis cannot accept remote command while running") if cmd == "open_file_name": commands.open_file_name(arg) elif cmd == "send_mdi_command": commands.send_mdi_command(arg) elif cmd == "reload_file": commands.reload_file() elif cmd == "destroy": root_window.tk.call("destroy", ".") return "" def open_file_name(f): open_file_guts(f) if str(widgets.view_x['relief']) == "sunken": commands.set_view_x() elif str(widgets.view_y['relief']) == "sunken": commands.set_view_y() elif str(widgets.view_y2['relief']) == "sunken": commands.set_view_y2() elif str(widgets.view_z['relief']) == "sunken": commands.set_view_z() elif str(widgets.view_z2['relief']) == "sunken": commands.set_view_z2() else: commands.set_view_p() if o.canon is not None: x = (o.canon.min_extents[0] + o.canon.max_extents[0])/2 y = (o.canon.min_extents[1] + o.canon.max_extents[1])/2 z = (o.canon.min_extents[2] + o.canon.max_extents[2])/2 o.set_centerpoint(x, y, z) def open_pipe(f, c): try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(tempdir, "pipe")) except os.error: pass f = os.path.join(tempdir, "pipe", os.path.basename(f)) fi = open(f, "w") fi.write(c) fi.close() commands.open_file_name(f) def reload_file(*event): reload_file() def edit_program(*event): if loaded_file is None: pass else: omode = 0 showname = os.path.basename(loaded_file) if not os.access(loaded_file,os.W_OK): omode = root_window.tk.call( "nf_dialog", ".filenotwritable", _("File not Writable:") + showname, _("This file is not writable\n" "You can Edit-readonly\n\n" "or\n\n" "Save it to your own directory\n" "then open that saved, writable file"), "warning", 0, _("Edit-readonly"), _("Save"), _("Cancel") ) if omode == 1: root_window.tk.call("save_gcode", "my_" + showname) return elif omode == 2: return e = str.split(editor) e.append(loaded_file) e.append("&") root_window.tk.call("exec", *e) def edit_tooltable(*event): if db_program is not None and tooleditor is not None: root_window.tk.call("exec",tooleditor) return if tooltable is None: pass else: e = str.split(tooleditor) e.append(tooltable) e.append("&") root_window.tk.call("exec", *e) def task_run(*event): if run_warn(): return global program_start_line, program_start_line_last program_start_line_last = program_start_line; ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO) c.auto(linuxcnc.AUTO_RUN, program_start_line) program_start_line = 0 t.tag_remove("ignored", "0.0", "end") o.set_highlight_line(None) def task_step(*event): if s.task_mode != linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO or s.interp_state != linuxcnc.INTERP_IDLE: o.set_highlight_line(None) if run_warn(): return ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO) c.auto(linuxcnc.AUTO_STEP) def task_pause(*event): if s.task_mode != linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO or s.interp_state not in (linuxcnc.INTERP_READING, linuxcnc.INTERP_WAITING): return ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO) c.auto(linuxcnc.AUTO_PAUSE) def task_reverse(*event): s.poll() if s.task_mode != linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO: return ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO) c.auto(linuxcnc.AUTO_REVERSE) def task_forward(*event): s.poll() if s.task_mode != linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO: return ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO) c.auto(linuxcnc.AUTO_FORWARD) def task_resume(*event): s.poll() if not s.paused: return if s.task_mode not in (linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO, linuxcnc.MODE_MDI): return ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO, linuxcnc.MODE_MDI) c.auto(linuxcnc.AUTO_RESUME) def task_pauseresume(*event): if s.task_mode not in (linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO, linuxcnc.MODE_MDI): return ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO, linuxcnc.MODE_MDI) s.poll() if s.paused: global resume_inhibit if resume_inhibit: return c.auto(linuxcnc.AUTO_RESUME) elif s.interp_state != linuxcnc.INTERP_IDLE: c.auto(linuxcnc.AUTO_PAUSE) def task_stop(*event): if s.task_mode == linuxcnc.MODE_AUTO and vars.running_line.get() != 0: o.set_highlight_line(vars.running_line.get()) comp["abort"] = True c.abort() c.wait_complete() time.sleep(0.3) comp["abort"] = False def mdi_up_cmd(*args): if args and args[0].char: return # e.g., for KP_Up with numlock on global mdi_history_index if widgets.mdi_command.cget("state") == "disabled": return if mdi_history_index != -1: if mdi_history_index > 0: mdi_history_index -= 1 else: mdi_history_index = widgets.mdi_history.size() - 1 widgets.mdi_history.selection_clear(0, "end") widgets.mdi_history.see(mdi_history_index) if mdi_history_index != (widgets.mdi_history.size() - 1): widgets.mdi_history.selection_set(mdi_history_index, mdi_history_index) vars.mdi_command.set(widgets.mdi_history.get(mdi_history_index)) widgets.mdi_command.selection_range(0, "end") def mdi_down_cmd(*args): if args and args[0].char: return # e.g., for KP_Up with numlock on global mdi_history_index if widgets.mdi_command.cget("state") == "disabled": return history_size = widgets.mdi_history.size() if mdi_history_index != -1: if mdi_history_index < (history_size - 1): mdi_history_index += 1 else: mdi_history_index = 0 widgets.mdi_history.selection_clear(0, "end") widgets.mdi_history.see(mdi_history_index) if mdi_history_index != (widgets.mdi_history.size() - 1): widgets.mdi_history.selection_set(mdi_history_index, mdi_history_index) vars.mdi_command.set(widgets.mdi_history.get(mdi_history_index)) widgets.mdi_command.selection_range(0, "end") def send_mdi(*event): if not manual_ok(): return "break" command = vars.mdi_command.get() commands.send_mdi_command(command) return "break" def send_mdi_command(command): global mdi_history_index, mdi_history_save_filename if command != "": command= command.lstrip().rstrip() vars.mdi_command.set("") ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MDI) widgets.mdi_history.selection_clear(0, "end") ## check if input is already in list. If so, then delete old element #idx = 0 #for ele in widgets.mdi_history.get(0, "end"): # if ele == command: # widgets.mdi_history.delete(idx) # break # idx += 1 history_size = widgets.mdi_history.size() new_entry = 1 if history_size > 1 and widgets.mdi_history.get(history_size - 2) == command: new_entry = 0 if new_entry != 0: # if command is already at end of list, don't add it again widgets.mdi_history.insert(history_size - 1, "%s" % command) history_size += 1 widgets.mdi_history.see(history_size - 1) if history_size > (mdi_history_max_entries + 1): widgets.mdi_history.delete(0, 0) history_size= (mdi_history_max_entries + 1) # pdb.set_trace() mdi_history_index = widgets.mdi_history.index("end") - 1 c.mdi(command) o.tkRedraw() commands.mdi_history_write_to_file(mdi_history_save_filename, history_size) # write out mdi history file (history_size equal to -1 will delete history) def mdi_history_write_to_file(file_name, history_size): # print "mdi_history_write: %s : %d" % (file_name, history_size) if history_size > 1 or history_size == -1: file_name = os.path.expanduser(file_name) try: f = open(file_name, "w") try: if history_size != -1: for idx in range(history_size - 1): f.write("%s\n" % widgets.mdi_history.get(idx, idx)) finally: f.close() except IOError: print("Can't open MDI history file [%s] for writing" % file_name, file=sys.stderr) def mdi_history_hist2clip(*event): cursel = widgets.mdi_history.curselection() root_window.clipboard_clear() selection = "" count = 0 if cursel != "": for data in cursel: selection += "%s\n" % widgets.mdi_history.get(data) count += 1 if selection != "": root_window.clipboard_append(selection, type = "STRING") def mdi_history_clip2hist(*event): try: history_size = widgets.mdi_history.size() vars.mdi_command.set("") count = 0 for data in root_window.selection_get(selection="CLIPBOARD").split("\n"): if data != "": history_size = widgets.mdi_history.size() new_entry = 1 if history_size > 1 and widgets.mdi_history.get(history_size - 2) == data: new_entry = 0 if new_entry != 0: # if command is already at end of list, don't add it again widgets.mdi_history.insert(history_size - 1, "%s" % data) history_size += 1 count += 1 widgets.mdi_history.see(history_size - 1) if history_size > (mdi_history_max_entries + 1): widgets.mdi_history.delete(0, 0) history_size= (mdi_history_max_entries + 1) mdi_history_index = widgets.mdi_history.index("end") - 1 commands.mdi_history_write_to_file(mdi_history_save_filename, history_size) return except Tkinter.TclError: print("DBG: Sorry, but the clipboard is empty ...") def mdi_history_double_butt_1(event): if widgets.mdi_command.cget("state") == "disabled": return cursel= widgets.mdi_history.index("active") if cursel < (widgets.mdi_history.size() - 1): commands.send_mdi(event) def mdi_history_butt_1(event): global mdi_history_index if len(widgets.mdi_history.curselection()) > 1: # multiple selection: clear mdi entry field and return vars.mdi_command.set("") return cursel = widgets.mdi_history.index('@' + str(event.x) + ',' + str(event.y)) bbox = widgets.mdi_history.bbox(cursel) if bbox and (event.y <= (bbox[1] + bbox[3])) and (cursel < widgets.mdi_history.size() - 1): mdi_history_index = cursel vars.mdi_command.set(widgets.mdi_history.get(cursel)) else: widgets.mdi_history.see("end") widgets.mdi_history.selection_clear(0, "end") vars.mdi_command.set("") mdi_history_index = widgets.mdi_history.size() def clear_mdi_history(*ignored): global mdi_history_index, mdi_history_save_filename widgets.mdi_history.delete(0, "end") widgets.mdi_history.insert(0, "") widgets.mdi_history.see(0) widgets.mdi_history.selection_clear(0, 0) mdi_history_index = 0 commands.mdi_history_write_to_file(mdi_history_save_filename, -1) def ensure_manual(*event): s.poll() if not manual_ok(): return if ( all_homed() and (s.motion_mode == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_TELEOP) or (s.motion_mode == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_COORD) ): set_motion_teleop(1) else: ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) set_motion_teleop(0) def ensure_mdi(*event): # called from axis.tcl on tab raisecmd if not manual_ok(): return set_motion_teleop(0) ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MDI) set_motion_teleop(1) s.poll() def redraw(*ignored): o.tkRedraw() def toggle_show_rapids(*event): ap.putpref("show_rapids", vars.show_rapids.get()) o.tkRedraw() def toggle_show_program(*event): ap.putpref("show_program", vars.show_program.get()) o.tkRedraw() def toggle_program_alpha(*event): ap.putpref("program_alpha", vars.program_alpha.get()) o.tkRedraw() def toggle_show_live_plot(*event): ap.putpref("show_live_plot", vars.show_live_plot.get()) o.tkRedraw() def toggle_show_tool(*event): ap.putpref("show_tool", vars.show_tool.get()) o.tkRedraw() def toggle_show_extents(*event): ap.putpref("show_extents", vars.show_extents.get()) o.tkRedraw() def toggle_show_offsets(*event): ap.putpref("show_offsets", vars.show_offsets.get()) o.tkRedraw() def set_grid_size(*event): ap.putpref("grid_size", vars.grid_size.get(), type=float) o.tkRedraw() def set_grid_size_custom(*event): if vars.metric.get(): unit_str = " " + _("mm") else: unit_str = " " + _("in") v = prompt_float(_("Custom Grid"), _("Enter grid size"), "", unit_str) or 0 if v <= 0: return if vars.metric.get(): v /= 25.4 match_grid_size(v) def toggle_show_machine_limits(*event): ap.putpref("show_machine_limits", vars.show_machine_limits.get()) o.tkRedraw() def toggle_show_machine_speed(*event): ap.putpref("show_machine_speed", vars.show_machine_speed.get()) o.tkRedraw() def toggle_show_distance_to_go(*event): ap.putpref("show_distance_to_go", vars.show_distance_to_go.get()) o.tkRedraw() def toggle_dro_large_font(*event): ap.putpref("dro_large_font", vars.dro_large_font.get()) get_coordinate_font(vars.dro_large_font.get()) o.tkRedraw() def clear_live_plot(*ignored): live_plotter.clear() def toggle_show_pyvcppanel(*event): # need to toggle variable manually for keyboard shortcut if len(event) > 0: vars.show_pyvcppanel.set(not vars.show_pyvcppanel.get()) if vars.show_pyvcppanel.get(): vcp_frame.grid(row=0, column=4, rowspan=6, sticky="nw", padx=4, pady=4) else: vcp_frame.grid_remove() o.tkRedraw() # The next three don't have 'manual_ok' because that's done in jog_on / # jog_off def jog_plus(incr=False): a = ja_from_rbutton() speed = get_jog_speed(a) jog_on(a, speed) def jog_minus(incr=False): a = ja_from_rbutton() speed = get_jog_speed(a) jog_on(a, -speed) def jog_stop(event=None): a = ja_from_rbutton() jog_off(a) def home_all_joints(event=None): if not manual_ok(): return ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) isHomed = all_homed() doHoming=True if isHomed: doHoming=prompt_areyousure(_("Warning"),_("Joint is already homed, are you sure you want to re-home?")) if doHoming: go_home(-1) def unhome_all_joints(event=None): ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) set_motion_teleop(0) c.unhome(-1) def home_joint(event=None): if not manual_ok(): return jora = vars.ja_rbutton.get() if jora in trajcoordinates: if s.kinematics_type != linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY: print(_("home_joint <%s> Use joint mode for homing")%jora) return if jora in duplicate_coord_letters: print(_("\nIndividual axis homing disallowed for duplicated letter:<%s> ")%jora) return jnum = trajcoordinates.index(jora) else: jnum = int(jora) if lathe_historical_config(): jnum = "xyz".index(jora) doHoming=True if s.homed[jnum]: doHoming=prompt_areyousure(_("Warning"),_("This joint is already homed, are you sure you want to re-home?")) if doHoming: ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) go_home(jnum) def home_joint_number(num): # invoked by machine menu/home widgets ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) go_home(num) def unhome_joint_number(num): # invoked by machine menu/unhome widgets ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL) set_motion_teleop(0) c.unhome(num) def clear_offset(num): ensure_mode(linuxcnc.MODE_MDI) s.poll() if num == "G92": clear_command = "G92.1" else: clear_command = "G10 L2 P%c R0" % num for i, a in enumerate("XYZABCUVW"): if s.axis_mask & (1< 0: t.see("%d.0" % (line+2)) t.see("%d.0" % line) def dynamic_tab(name, text): return _dynamic_tab(name,text) # caller: make a frame and pack def inifindall(section, item): # used by TKPKG=Ngcgui return inifile.findall(section,item) # list def clear_recent_files(): ap.putpref('recentfiles', [], repr) update_recent_menu() commands = TclCommands(root_window) vars = nf.Variables(root_window, ("linuxcnctop_command", StringVar), ("emcini", StringVar), ("mdi_command", StringVar), ("taskfile", StringVar), ("interp_pause", IntVar), ("exec_state", IntVar), ("task_state", IntVar), ("task_paused", IntVar), ("interp_state", IntVar), ("task_mode", IntVar), ("has_ladder", IntVar), ("has_editor", IntVar), ("ja_rbutton", StringVar), ("tto_g11", BooleanVar), ("mist", BooleanVar), ("flood", BooleanVar), ("brake", BooleanVar), ("spindledir", IntVar), ("running_line", IntVar), ("highlight_line", IntVar), ("show_program", BooleanVar), ("program_alpha", BooleanVar), ("show_live_plot", BooleanVar), ("show_tool", BooleanVar), ("show_extents", BooleanVar), ("show_offsets", BooleanVar), ("grid_size", DoubleVar), ("show_machine_limits", BooleanVar), ("show_machine_speed", BooleanVar), ("show_distance_to_go", BooleanVar), ("dro_large_font", BooleanVar), ("show_pyvcppanel", BooleanVar), ("show_rapids", BooleanVar), ("feedrate", IntVar), ("rapidrate", IntVar), ("spindlerate", IntVar), ("tool", StringVar), ("active_codes", StringVar), ("metric", IntVar), ("coord_type", IntVar), ("display_type", IntVar), ("override_limits", BooleanVar), ("view_type", IntVar), ("jog_speed", DoubleVar), ("jog_aspeed", DoubleVar), ("max_speed", DoubleVar), ("max_aspeed", DoubleVar), ("maxvel_speed", DoubleVar), ("max_maxvel", DoubleVar), ("teleop_mode", IntVar), ("motion_mode", IntVar), ("kinematics_type", IntVar), ("optional_stop", BooleanVar), ("block_delete", BooleanVar), ("rotate_mode", BooleanVar), ("touch_off_system", StringVar), ("machine", StringVar), ("on_any_limit", BooleanVar), ("queued_mdi_commands", IntVar), ("max_queued_mdi_commands", IntVar), ("trajcoordinates", StringVar), ) vars.linuxcnctop_command.set(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "linuxcnctop")) vars.highlight_line.set(-1) vars.running_line.set(-1) vars.tto_g11.set(ap.getpref("tto_g11", "False")) vars.show_program.set(ap.getpref("show_program", "True")) vars.show_rapids.set(ap.getpref("show_rapids", "True")) vars.program_alpha.set(ap.getpref("program_alpha", "False")) vars.show_live_plot.set(ap.getpref("show_live_plot", "True")) vars.show_tool.set(ap.getpref("show_tool", "True")) vars.show_extents.set(ap.getpref("show_extents", "True")) vars.show_offsets.set(ap.getpref("show_offsets", "True")) vars.grid_size.set(ap.getpref("grid_size", str(0.0), type=float)) vars.show_machine_limits.set(ap.getpref("show_machine_limits", "True")) vars.show_machine_speed.set(ap.getpref("show_machine_speed", "True")) vars.show_distance_to_go.set(ap.getpref("show_distance_to_go", "False")) vars.dro_large_font.set(ap.getpref("dro_large_font", "False")) vars.show_pyvcppanel.set("True") vars.block_delete.set(ap.getpref("block_delete", "True")) vars.optional_stop.set(ap.getpref("optional_stop", "True")) # placeholder function for LivePlotter.update(): def user_live_update(): pass # placeholder function for building user HAL pins def user_hal_pins(): pass vars.touch_off_system.set(all_systems[0]) update_recent_menu() def set_feedrate(n): widgets.feedoverride.set(n) def set_rapidrate(n): widgets.rapidoverride.set(n) def activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(jora): # note: call with integers only if joints_mode() and s.kinematics_type != linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY: if jora == 10: jora = 0 activate_ja_widget(jora,True) return else: set_feedrate(10*jora) def nomodifier(f): def g(event): if event.state & (1|4|8|32|64|128): return "" return f(event) return g def kp_wrap(f,g): return nomodifier(f) root_window.bind("", commands.task_stop) root_window.bind("l", commands.toggle_override_limits) root_window.bind("o", commands.open_file) root_window.bind("s", commands.task_resume) root_window.bind("t", commands.task_step) root_window.bind("p", commands.task_pause) root_window.bind("R", commands.task_reverse) root_window.bind("F", commands.task_forward) root_window.bind("v", commands.cycle_view) root_window.bind("", "#nothing") root_window.bind("r", commands.task_run) root_window.bind("", commands.reload_file) root_window.bind("", commands.save_gcode) root_window.bind_class("all", "", commands.estop_clicked) root_window.bind("", commands.onoff_clicked) root_window.bind("", commands.mist_toggle) root_window.bind("", commands.flood_toggle) root_window.bind("", commands.spindle_forward_toggle) root_window.bind("", commands.spindle_backward_toggle) root_window.bind("", commands.spindle_decrease) root_window.bind("", commands.spindle_increase) root_window.bind("B", commands.brake_on) root_window.bind("b", commands.brake_off) root_window.bind("", commands.clear_live_plot) #---------------------------------------------------- # letters for teleop only root_window.bind("x", lambda event: activate_ja_widget("x")) root_window.bind("y", lambda event: activate_ja_widget("y")) root_window.bind("z", lambda event: activate_ja_widget("z")) root_window.bind("a", lambda event: activate_ja_widget("a")) #---------------------------------------------------- root_window.bind("`", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(0)) root_window.bind("1", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(1)) root_window.bind("2", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(2)) root_window.bind("3", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(3)) root_window.bind("4", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(4)) root_window.bind("5", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(5)) root_window.bind("6", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(6)) root_window.bind("7", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(7)) root_window.bind("8", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(8)) root_window.bind("9", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(9)) root_window.bind("0", lambda event: activate_ja_widget_or_set_feedrate(10)) root_window.bind("c", lambda event: jogspeed_continuous()) root_window.bind("d", lambda event: widgets.rotate.invoke()) root_window.bind("i", lambda event: jogspeed_incremental()) root_window.bind("I", lambda event: jogspeed_incremental(-1)) root_window.bind("!", "set metric [expr {!$metric}]; redraw") root_window.bind("@", commands.toggle_display_type) root_window.bind("#", commands.toggle_coord_type) root_window.bind("$", commands.toggle_teleop_mode) root_window.bind("", commands.home_joint) root_window.bind("", kp_wrap(commands.home_joint, "KeyPress")) root_window.bind("", commands.home_all_joints) root_window.bind("", commands.set_axis_offset) root_window.bind("", commands.touch_off_system) root_window.bind("", commands.touch_off_tool) root_window.bind("", kp_wrap(commands.home_all_joints, "KeyPress")) root_window.bind("", kp_wrap(commands.set_axis_offset, "KeyPress")) root_window.bind("", kp_wrap(commands.touch_off_system, "KeyPress")) widgets.mdi_history.bind("", "%W see end" ) widgets.mdi_history.bind("", commands.mdi_history_butt_1) widgets.mdi_history.bind("", commands.mdi_history_double_butt_1) widgets.mdi_command.unbind("") widgets.mdi_command.bind("", commands.clear_mdi_history) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", commands.mdi_history_hist2clip) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", commands.mdi_history_clip2hist) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", commands.send_mdi) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", commands.mdi_up_cmd) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", commands.mdi_down_cmd) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", commands.send_mdi) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", commands.mdi_up_cmd) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", commands.mdi_down_cmd) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", "break") widgets.mdi_command.bind("", "break") # try to read back previously saved mdi history data mdi_hist_file = os.path.expanduser(mdi_history_save_filename) try: line_cnt = 0 f = open(mdi_hist_file, "r") try: for line in f: line_cnt += 1 finally: f.seek(0) skip = line_cnt - mdi_history_max_entries history_size = 1 try: for line in f: if skip <= 0: widgets.mdi_history.insert(history_size - 1, "%s" % line.rstrip("\r\n")) mdi_history_index = history_size history_size += 1 else: skip -= 1 finally: f.close() except IOError: pass def jog(*args): if not manual_ok(): return if not manual_tab_visible(): return c.jog(*args) def get_jog_mode(): s.poll() if ( (s.kinematics_type == linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY) and all_homed() ): teleop_mode = 1 jjogmode = False else: # check motion_mode since other guis (halui) could alter it if s.motion_mode == linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_FREE: teleop_mode = 0 jjogmode = True else: teleop_mode = 1 jjogmode = False if ( ( jjogmode and s.motion_mode != linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_FREE) or (not jjogmode and s.motion_mode != linuxcnc.TRAJ_MODE_TELEOP) ): set_motion_teleop(teleop_mode) return jjogmode # Note: require linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS >= linuxcnc.MAX_AXIS jog_after = [None] * linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS jog_cont = [False] * linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS jogging = [0] * linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS def jog_on(a, b): if not manual_ok(): return if not manual_tab_visible(): return if a < 3 or a > 5: if vars.metric.get(): b = b / 25.4 b = from_internal_linear_unit(b) if jog_after[a]: root_window.after_cancel(jog_after[a]) jog_after[a] = None return jogincr = widgets.jogincr.get() jjogmode = get_jog_mode() if jogincr != _("Continuous"): s.poll() if s.state != 1: return distance = parse_increment(jogincr) jog(linuxcnc.JOG_INCREMENT, jjogmode, a, b, distance) jog_cont[a] = False else: global continuous_jog_in_progress,cjogindices continuous_jog_in_progress = True if not a in cjogindices: cjogindices.append(a) jog(linuxcnc.JOG_CONTINUOUS, jjogmode, a, b) jog_cont[a] = True jogging[a] = b activate_ja_widget(a) def jog_off(a): if jog_after[a]: return jog_after[a] = root_window.after_idle(lambda: jog_off_actual(a)) def jog_off_actual(a): global continuous_jog_in_progress continuous_jog_in_progress = False if not manual_ok(): return jog_after[a] = None jogging[a] = 0 jjogmode = get_jog_mode() if jog_cont[a]: jog(linuxcnc.JOG_STOP, jjogmode, a) def jog_off_all(): for i in range(6): if jogging[i]: jog_off_actual(i) def jog_on_map(num, speed): if not get_jog_mode(): if num >= len(jog_order): return axis_letter = jog_order[num] num = "XYZABCUVW".index(axis_letter) if axis_letter in jog_invert: speed = -speed elif num >= num_joints: return elif lathe: if num >= len(jog_order): return axis_letter = jog_order[num] if lathe_historical_config(): num = "XYZ".index(axis_letter) else: num = trajcoordinates.upper().index(axis_letter) if axis_letter in jog_invert: speed = -speed return jog_on(num, speed) def jog_off_map(num): if not get_jog_mode(): if num >= len(jog_order): return num = "XYZABCUVW".index(jog_order[num]) elif num >= num_joints: return elif lathe: if num >= len(jog_order): return if lathe_historical_config(): num = "XYZ".index(jog_order[num]) else: num = trajcoordinates.upper().index(jog_order[num]) return jog_off(num) def bind_axis(a, b, d): root_window.bind("" % a, kp_wrap(lambda e: jog_on_map(d, -get_jog_speed_map(d)), "KeyPress")) root_window.bind("" % b, kp_wrap(lambda e: jog_on_map(d, get_jog_speed_map(d)), "KeyPress")) root_window.bind("" % a, lambda e: jog_on_map(d, -get_max_jog_speed_map(d))) root_window.bind("" % b, lambda e: jog_on_map(d, get_max_jog_speed_map(d))) root_window.bind("" % a, lambda e: jog_off_map(d)) root_window.bind("" % b, lambda e: jog_off_map(d)) root_window.bind("", lambda e: str(e.widget) == "." and jog_off_all()) open_directory = "programs" unit_values = {'inch': 1/25.4, 'mm': 1} def units(s, d=1.0): try: return float(s) except ValueError: return unit_values.get(s, d) random_toolchanger = int(inifile.find("EMCIO", "RANDOM_TOOLCHANGER") or 0) vars.emcini.set(sys.argv[2]) jointcount = int(inifile.find("KINS", "JOINTS")) open_directory = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "PROGRAM_PREFIX") or open_directory vars.machine.set(inifile.find("EMC", "MACHINE")) extensions = inifile.findall("FILTER", "PROGRAM_EXTENSION") extensions = [e.split(None, 1) for e in extensions] extensions = tuple([(v, tuple(k.split(","))) for k, v in extensions]) postgui_halfile = inifile.findall("HAL", "POSTGUI_HALFILE") or None max_feed_override = float(inifile.find("DISPLAY", "MAX_FEED_OVERRIDE") or 1.0) max_spindle_override = float(inifile.find("DISPLAY", "MAX_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE") or max_feed_override) max_feed_override = int(max_feed_override * 100 + 0.5) max_spindle_override = int(max_spindle_override * 100 + 0.5) default_spindle_speed = int(inifile.find("DISPLAY", "DEFAULT_SPINDLE_SPEED") or 1) geometry = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "GEOMETRY") or "XYZABCUVW" geometry = re.split(" *(-?[XYZABCUVW])", geometry.upper()) geometry = "".join(reversed(geometry)) try: trajcoordinates=inifile.find("TRAJ", "COORDINATES").lower().replace(" ","") except: raise SystemExit("Missing [TRAJ]COORDINATES") vars.trajcoordinates.set(trajcoordinates) joint_type = [None] * jointcount joint_sequence = [None] * jointcount for j in range(jointcount): section = "JOINT_%d" % j joint_type[j] = inifile.find(section, "TYPE") or "LINEAR" joint_sequence[j] = inifile.find(section, "HOME_SEQUENCE") or "" axis_type = [None] * linuxcnc.MAX_AXIS for a in range(linuxcnc.MAX_AXIS): # supply defaults, supersede with INI [AXIS_*]TYPE letter = "xyzabcuvw"[a] if not (letter in trajcoordinates): continue if letter in "abc": axis_type[a] = "ANGULAR" else: axis_type[a] = "LINEAR" section = "AXIS_%s" % letter.upper() initype = inifile.find(section, "TYPE") if initype is None: continue # use default axis_type[a] = initype has_angular_joint_or_axis = ( ("ANGULAR" in joint_type) or ("ANGULAR" in axis_type) ) has_linear_joint_or_axis = ( ("LINEAR" in joint_type) or ("LINEAR" in axis_type) ) # Search rules for slider items max_linear_speed = ( inifile.find("DISPLAY","MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY") or inifile.find("TRAJ","MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY") or None) default_jog_linear_speed = ( inifile.find("DISPLAY", "DEFAULT_LINEAR_VELOCITY") or inifile.find("TRAJ", "DEFAULT_LINEAR_VELOCITY") or None) max_angular_speed = ( inifile.find("DISPLAY","MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY") or inifile.find("TRAJ","MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY") or None) default_jog_angular_speed = ( inifile.find("DISPLAY", "DEFAULT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY") or inifile.find("TRAJ", "DEFAULT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY") or None) max_velocity = ( inifile.find("DISPLAY","MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY") or inifile.find("TRAJ","MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY") or inifile.find("AXIS_X","MAX_VELOCITY") or None) # Enforce these slider items (exit if missing) try: msg = (" [DISPLAY]MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY\n" "or [TRAJ]MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY\n" "or [AXIS_X]MAX_VELOCITY") vars.maxvel_speed.set(float(max_velocity)*60) vars.max_maxvel.set(float(max_velocity)) except Exception: print (_("\nMissing required specifier:\n%s" "\nSee the \'INI Configuration\' documents\n")%msg) raise SystemExit try: if has_linear_joint_or_axis: msg = (" [DISPLAY]MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY\n" "or [TRAJ]MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY") vars.max_speed.set(float(max_linear_speed)) if default_jog_linear_speed is None: default_jog_linear_speed = max_linear_speed vars.jog_speed.set(float(default_jog_linear_speed)*60) except Exception: print (_("\nMissing required specifier (has linear joint or axis):\n%s" "\nSee the \'INI Configuration\' documents\n")%msg) raise SystemExit # Check for these slider items (message if missing) try: if has_angular_joint_or_axis: msg = (" [DISPLAY]MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY\n" "or [TRAJ]MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY") vars.max_aspeed.set(float(max_angular_speed)) if default_jog_angular_speed is None: default_jog_angular_speed = max_angular_speed vars.jog_aspeed.set(float(default_jog_angular_speed)*60) except Exception: print (_("\nWarning: Missing required specifier (has angular joint or axis):\n%s" "\nSee the \'INI Configuration\' documents\n")%msg) max_angular_speed = 1 default_jog_angular_speed = 1 vars.max_aspeed.set(float(max_angular_speed)) vars.jog_aspeed.set(float(default_jog_angular_speed)*60) # temporary debugging prints print("note: MAXV max: %.3f units/sec %.3f units/min"%( float(max_velocity),60*float(max_velocity)), file=sys.stderr) if has_linear_joint_or_axis: print("note: LJOG max: %.3f units/sec %.3f units/min"%( float(max_linear_speed),60*float(max_linear_speed)), file=sys.stderr) print("note: LJOG default: %.3f units/sec %.3f units/min"%( float(default_jog_linear_speed),60*float(default_jog_linear_speed)), file=sys.stderr) if has_angular_joint_or_axis: print("note: AJOG max: %.3f units/sec %.3f units/min"%( float(max_angular_speed),60*float(max_angular_speed)), file=sys.stderr) print("note: AJOG default: %.3f units/sec %.3f units/min"%( float(default_jog_angular_speed),60*float(default_jog_angular_speed)), file=sys.stderr) # always allow tcl widgets creation (though they may be forgotten later) if not has_linear_joint_or_axis: vars.jog_speed.set(1) vars.max_speed.set(1) if not has_angular_joint_or_axis: vars.jog_aspeed.set(1) vars.max_aspeed.set(1) root_window.tk.eval("${pane_top}.jogspeed.s set [setval $jog_speed $max_speed]") root_window.tk.eval("${pane_top}.ajogspeed.s set [setval $jog_aspeed $max_aspeed]") root_window.tk.eval("${pane_top}.maxvel.s set [setval $maxvel_speed $max_maxvel]") widgets.feedoverride.configure(to=max_feed_override) widgets.rapidoverride.configure(to=100) widgets.spinoverride.configure(to=max_spindle_override) nmlfile = inifile.find("EMC", "NML_FILE") if nmlfile: linuxcnc.nmlfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[2]), nmlfile) vars.coord_type.set(inifile.find("DISPLAY", "POSITION_OFFSET") == "RELATIVE") vars.display_type.set(inifile.find("DISPLAY", "POSITION_FEEDBACK") == "COMMANDED") coordinate_display = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "POSITION_UNITS") lathe = bool(inifile.find("DISPLAY", "LATHE")) lathe_backtool = bool(inifile.find("DISPLAY", "BACK_TOOL_LATHE")) foam = bool(inifile.find("DISPLAY", "FOAM")) editor = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "EDITOR") vars.has_editor.set(editor is not None) tooltable = inifile.find("EMCIO", "TOOL_TABLE") db_program = inifile.find("EMCIO", "DB_PROGRAM") if (db_program is not None and tooltable is not None): print("%s:DB_PROGRAM specified: TOOL_TABLE=%s is not used"% (sys.argv[0],tooltable)) default_tooleditor = "tooledit" if db_program is not None: default_tooleditor = None tooleditor = inifile.find("DISPLAY","TOOL_EDITOR") or default_tooleditor if inifile.find("RS274NGC", "PARAMETER_FILE") is None: raise SystemExit("Missing INI file setting for [RS274NGC]PARAMETER_FILE") try: lu = units(inifile.find("TRAJ", "LINEAR_UNITS")) except TypeError: raise SystemExit("Missing [TRAJ]LINEAR_UNITS or ANGULAR_UNITS") a_axis_wrapped = inifile.find("AXIS_A", "WRAPPED_ROTARY") b_axis_wrapped = inifile.find("AXIS_B", "WRAPPED_ROTARY") c_axis_wrapped = inifile.find("AXIS_C", "WRAPPED_ROTARY") if coordinate_display: if coordinate_display.lower() in ("mm", "metric"): vars.metric.set(1) else: vars.metric.set(0) else: if lu in [.001, .01, .1, 1, 10]: vars.metric.set(1) else: vars.metric.set(0) if lu == 1: root_window.tk.eval("${pane_top}.jogspeed.l1 configure -text mm/min") root_window.tk.eval("${pane_top}.maxvel.l1 configure -text mm/min") else: root_window.tk.eval("${pane_top}.jogspeed.l1 configure -text in/min") root_window.tk.eval("${pane_top}.maxvel.l1 configure -text in/min") root_window.tk.eval("${pane_top}.ajogspeed.l1 configure -text deg/min") homing_order_defined = 1 # set homing_order_defined only if ALL joints specify a HOME_SEQUENCE for j in range(jointcount): if inifile.find("JOINT_"+str(j), "HOME_SEQUENCE") is None: homing_order_defined = 0 break ct = float(inifile.find('DISPLAY', 'CYCLE_TIME') or .020) if ct < 1: update_ms = int(ct * 1000) else: update_ms = int(ct) interpname = inifile.find("TASK", "INTERPRETER") or "" s = linuxcnc.stat(); s.poll() statfail=0 statwait=.01 while ((s.joints == 0) or (s.kinematics_type < linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY)): print("waiting for s.joints<%d>, s.kinematics_type<%d>"%(s.joints,s.kinematics_type)) time.sleep(statwait) statfail+=1 statwait *= 2 if statfail > 8: raise SystemExit( "A configuration error is preventing LinuxCNC from starting.\n" "More information may be available when running from a terminal.") s.poll() if s.num_extrajoints > 0: # Preview display for extra joints is shared with offsets. # Initially ignore preference for show_offsets in order # to show extra joints in preview, (user can still set # show_offsets) vars.show_offsets.set(False) if s.kinematics_type == linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY: ja_name = _("Axes") else: ja_name = _("Joints") if homing_order_defined: widgets.homebutton.configure(text=_("Home All"), command="home_all_joints") root_window.tk.call("DynamicHelp::add", widgets.homebutton, "-text", _("Home all %s [Ctrl-Home]") % ja_name) widgets.homemenu.add_command(command=commands.home_all_joints) root_window.tk.call("setup_menu_accel", widgets.homemenu, "end", _("Home All %s") % ja_name) widgets.unhomemenu.add_command(command=commands.unhome_all_joints) root_window.tk.call("setup_menu_accel", widgets.unhomemenu, "end", _("Unhome All %s") % ja_name) kinsmodule=inifile.find("KINS", "KINEMATICS") kins_is_trivkins = False if kinsmodule.split()[0] == "trivkins": kins_is_trivkins = True trivkinscoords = "XYZABCUVW" for item in kinsmodule.split(): if "coordinates=" in item: trivkinscoords = item.split("=")[1].upper() duplicate_coord_letters = "" for i in range(len(trajcoordinates)): if trajcoordinates[i] == " ": continue if trajcoordinates.count(trajcoordinates[i]) > 1: duplicate_coord_letters = duplicate_coord_letters + trajcoordinates[i] if duplicate_coord_letters != "": # duplicate_coord_letters are allowed # # Example: configs/sim/axis/gantry.ini -- trivkins with kinstype=both. # With such kins, the value displayed on the gui graphical display # in JOINT mode AFTER homing may be confusing for a pair of joints that # are assigned using a duplicated axis letter in [TRAJ]COORDINATES # and specified consistently with the trivkins 'coordinates=' parameter. # # Moving the joint in the pair with the highest number will update its # displayed joint value and move the cone in the gui graphical display # as expected. # # Moving the joint in the pair with the lower number will update its # displayed joint value but will not move the cone. # # Note also that returning to world mode from joint mode, the # value assigned to the duplicated axis letter will be the value of # the highest number joint since trivkins forward kinematics iterates # through all joint numbers and ends up with the value for the # highest joint number. These behaviors, due in part to the simple # implementation of the trivkins module, could be customized by a more # sophisticated kinematics module that accepts duplicated coordinate # letters with some special requirements -- hence the warning: print (_("Warning: Forward kinematics must handle duplicate coordinate letters:%s")% duplicate_coord_letters) if len(trajcoordinates) > jointcount: print (_("Note: number of [TRAJ]COORDINATES=%(t)s exceeds [KINS]JOINTS=%(l)d") %({'t':trajcoordinates,'l':jointcount})) def lathe_historical_config(): # detect historical lathe config with dummy joint 1 if (lathe and (trajcoordinates.upper() == "XZ") and (num_joints == 3)): return True return False def aletter_for_jnum(jnum): if lathe_historical_config(): if jnum == 1: return "Y" if jnum == 2: return "Z" if kins_is_trivkins: return trivkinscoords.upper()[jnum] if s.kinematics_type != linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY: raise SystemExit("aletter_for_jnum: Must be KINEMATICS_IDENTITY") else: guess = trajcoordinates.upper()[jnum] print("aletter_for_jnum guessing %d --> %s"%(jnum,guess)) return guess num_joints = s.joints gave_individual_homing_message = "" for jnum in range(num_joints): if s.kinematics_type == linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY: ja_name = _("Axis ") ja_id = aletter_for_jnum(jnum) if ja_id.lower() in duplicate_coord_letters: if ja_id not in gave_individual_homing_message: print(_("\nNote:\nIndividual axis homing is not currently supported for")) print(_("KINEMATICS_IDENTITY with duplicate axis letter <%s>\n")%ja_id) gave_individual_homing_message = gave_individual_homing_message + ja_id continue # no menu item for this individual axis letter widgets.homemenu.add_command( command=lambda jnum=jnum: commands.home_joint_number(jnum)) widgets.unhomemenu.add_command( command=lambda jnum=jnum: commands.unhome_joint_number(jnum)) else: widgets.homemenu.add_command( command=lambda jnum=jnum: commands.home_joint_number(jnum)) widgets.unhomemenu.add_command( command=lambda jnum=jnum: commands.unhome_joint_number(jnum)) ja_name = _("Joint") if not homing_order_defined: widgets.homebutton.configure(text=_("Home Joint")) if joint_sequence[jnum] == '': ja_id = "%d"%jnum elif (int(joint_sequence[jnum]) < 0): ja_id = "%d (Sequence: %2s SYNC)"%(jnum,joint_sequence[jnum]) else: ja_id = "%d (Sequence: %2s)"%(jnum,joint_sequence[jnum]) root_window.tk.call("setup_menu_accel", widgets.homemenu, "end", _("Home %(name)s _%(id)s") % {"name":ja_name, "id":ja_id}) root_window.tk.call("setup_menu_accel", widgets.unhomemenu, "end", _("Unhome %(name)s _%(id)s") % {"name":ja_name, "id":ja_id}) astep_size = step_size = 1 for a in range(linuxcnc.MAX_AXIS): a = "XYZABCUVW"[a] if s.axis_mask & (1<", kp_wrap(lambda e: None, "KeyPress")) root_window.bind("", kp_wrap(lambda e: None, "KeyPress")) def unique_axes(axes, order): r = "" axes = set(axes.upper()) for c in order.upper(): if c in axes: r += c return r jog_invert = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "JOG_INVERT") if jog_invert is None: if lathe and not lathe_backtool: jog_invert = "X" else: jog_invert = "" jog_invert = set(jog_invert.upper()) jog_order = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "JOG_AXES") if jog_order is None: if lathe: jog_order = unique_axes(trajcoordinates, "ZXYABCUVW") elif foam: jog_order = unique_axes(trajcoordinates, "XYUVABCZW") else: jog_order = unique_axes(trajcoordinates, "XYZABCUVW") else: jog_order = jog_order.upper() print("note: jog_order=%r" % jog_order, file=sys.stderr) print("note: jog_invert=%r" % jog_invert, file=sys.stderr) bind_axis("Left", "Right", 0) bind_axis("Down", "Up", 1) bind_axis("Next", "Prior", 2) bind_axis("KP_Left", "KP_Right", 0) bind_axis("KP_Down", "KP_Up", 1) bind_axis("KP_Next", "KP_Prior", 2) bind_axis("KP_4", "KP_6", 0) bind_axis("KP_2", "KP_8", 1) bind_axis("KP_3", "KP_9", 2) bind_axis("bracketleft", "bracketright", 3) if len(jog_order) < 3: root_window.bind("", kp_wrap(lambda e: None, "KeyPress")) root_window.bind("", kp_wrap(lambda e: None, "KeyPress")) root_window.bind("", nomodifier(commands.jog_minus)) root_window.bind("", nomodifier(commands.jog_plus)) root_window.bind("", commands.jog_stop) root_window.bind("", commands.jog_stop) opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'd:') # forget axis radiobuttons not in axis_mask for i in range(linuxcnc.MAX_AXIS): if s.axis_mask & (1< num_joints for i in range(num_joints, linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS): c = getattr(widgets, "joint_%d" % i) c.grid_forget() if ( (s.axis_mask & 56 == 0) # 56==0x38== 000111000 (ABC) and not ("ANGULAR" in joint_type) ): widgets.ajogspeed.grid_forget() c = linuxcnc.command() e = linuxcnc.error_channel() c.set_block_delete(vars.block_delete.get()) c.wait_complete() c.set_optional_stop(vars.optional_stop.get()) c.wait_complete() o = MyOpengl(widgets.preview_frame, width=400, height=300, double=1, depth=1) o.last_line = 1 o.pack(fill="both", expand=1) def match_grid_size(v): for idx in range(3, widgets.menu_grid.index("end")+1): gv = widgets.menu_grid.entrycget(idx, "value") if abs(float(gv)-v) < 1e-5: vars.grid_size.set(gv) widgets.menu_grid.entryconfigure(2, value=-1) break else: vars.grid_size.set(v) widgets.menu_grid.entryconfigure(2, value=v) commands.set_grid_size() o.tkRedraw() def setup_grid_menu(grids): for i in grids.split(): v = to_internal_linear_unit(parse_increment(i)) widgets.menu_grid.add_radiobutton(value=v, label=i, variable="grid_size", command="set_grid_size") match_grid_size(vars.grid_size.get()) grids = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "GRIDS") \ or "10mm 20mm 50mm 100mm 1in 2in 5in 10in" setup_grid_menu(grids) # Find font for coordinate readout and get metrics font_cache = {} def get_coordinate_font(large): global coordinate_font global coordinate_linespace global coordinate_charwidth global fontbase if large: coordinate_font = "monospace 20" else: coordinate_font = "monospace 11" if coordinate_font not in font_cache: font_cache[coordinate_font] = \ glnav.use_pango_font(coordinate_font, 0, 128) fontbase, coordinate_charwidth, coordinate_linespace = \ font_cache[coordinate_font] root_window.bind("", pane_top + ".tabs raise manual") root_window.bind("", pane_top + ".tabs raise mdi") root_window.bind("", "+" + tabs_mdi + ".command selection range 0 end") root_window.bind("", commands.next_tab) init() #right click menu for the program def rClicker(e): def select_run_from(e): commands.task_run_line() #if no line is selected drop out if vars.highlight_line.get() == -1 : return nclst=[ (' ',None), # (' ------ ',None), # (_('Run from here'), lambda e=e: select_run_from(e)), ] rmenu = Tkinter.Menu(None, tearoff=0, takefocus=0) cas = {} for (txt, cmd) in nclst: if txt == ' ------ ': rmenu.add_separator() else: rmenu.add_command(label=txt, command=cmd) rmenu.entryconfigure(0, label = "AXIS", state = 'disabled') if not manual_ok(): rmenu.entryconfigure(2, state = 'disabled') rmenu.tk_popup(e.x_root-3, e.y_root+3,entry="0") return "break" t = widgets.text t.bind('', rClicker) #allow right-click to select start from line t.tag_configure("ignored", background="#ffffff", foreground="#808080") t.tag_configure("lineno", foreground="#808080") t.tag_configure("executing", background="#804040", foreground="#ffffff") t.bind("", select_line) t.bind("", release_select_line) t.bind("", lambda e: "break") t.bind("", lambda e: "break") t.bind("", scroll_up) t.bind("", scroll_down) t.configure(state="disabled") if hal_present == 1 : comp = hal.component("axisui") comp.newpin("jog.x", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("jog.y", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("jog.z", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("jog.a", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("jog.b", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("jog.c", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("jog.u", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("jog.v", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("jog.w", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("jog.increment", hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("notifications-clear",hal.HAL_BIT,hal.HAL_IN) comp.newpin("notifications-clear-info",hal.HAL_BIT,hal.HAL_IN) comp.newpin("notifications-clear-error",hal.HAL_BIT,hal.HAL_IN) comp.newpin("resume-inhibit",hal.HAL_BIT,hal.HAL_IN) comp.newpin("error", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) comp.newpin("abort", hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT) vars.has_ladder.set(hal.component_exists('classicladder_rt')) if vcp: import vcpparse f = Tkinter.Frame(root_window) if inifile.find("DISPLAY", "PYVCP_POSITION") == "BOTTOM": f.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=6, sticky="nw", padx=4, pady=4) else: f.grid(row=0, column=4, rowspan=6, sticky="nw", padx=4, pady=4) vcpparse.filename = vcp vcpcomp = hal.component("pyvcp") vcpparse.create_vcp(f, vcpcomp) vcpcomp.ready() vcp_frame = f root_window.bind("", commands.toggle_show_pyvcppanel) help2 += [("Ctrl-E", _("toggle PYVCP panel visibility"))] else: widgets.menu_view.delete(_("Show PyVCP pan_el").replace("_", "")) gladevcp = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "GLADEVCP") if gladevcp: f = Tkinter.Frame(root_window, container=1, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0) f.grid(row=0, column=5, rowspan=6, sticky="nsew", padx=4, pady=4) else: f = None gladevcp_frame = f _dynamic_childs = {} # Call this later def load_gladevcp_panel(): gladevcp = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "GLADEVCP") if gladevcp: gladecmd = gladevcp.split() if '-c' in gladecmd: gladename = gladecmd[gladecmd.index('-c') + 1] del gladecmd[gladecmd.index('-c') + 1] del gladecmd[gladecmd.index('-c')] else: gladename = 'gladevcp' from subprocess import Popen xid = gladevcp_frame.winfo_id() cmd = "halcmd loadusr -Wn {0} gladevcp -c {0}".format(gladename).split() cmd += ['-d', '-x', str(xid)] + gladecmd print(cmd) child = Popen(cmd) _dynamic_childs['{}'.format(gladename)] = (child, cmd, True) notifications = Notification(root_window) root_window.bind("", lambda event: notifications.clear()) widgets.mdi_command.bind("", lambda event: notifications.clear()) get_coordinate_font(vars.dro_large_font.get()) live_plotter = LivePlotter(o) live_plotter.start() o.lp = live_plotter.logger hershey = Hershey() def remove_tempdir(t): shutil.rmtree(t) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() atexit.register(remove_tempdir, tempdir) activate_ja_widget(0, True) set_hal_jogincrement() code = [] addrecent = True if args: initialfile = args[0] elif "AXIS_OPEN_FILE" in os.environ: initialfile = os.environ["AXIS_OPEN_FILE"] elif inifile.find("DISPLAY", "OPEN_FILE"): initialfile = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "OPEN_FILE") elif lathe: initialfile = os.path.join(BASE, "share", "axis", "images","axis-lathe.ngc") addrecent = False else: initialfile = os.path.join(BASE, "share", "axis", "images", "axis.ngc") addrecent = False if os.path.exists(initialfile): open_file_guts(initialfile, False, addrecent) if lathe: if lathe_backtool: commands.set_view_y2() else: commands.set_view_y() else: commands.set_view_p() if o.canon: x = (o.canon.min_extents[0] + o.canon.max_extents[0])/2 y = (o.canon.min_extents[1] + o.canon.max_extents[1])/2 z = (o.canon.min_extents[2] + o.canon.max_extents[2])/2 o.set_centerpoint(x, y, z) def destroy_splash(): try: root_window.send("popimage", "destroy", ".") except Tkinter.TclError: pass def _dynamic_tab(name, text): tab = widgets.right.insert("end", name, text=text) tab.configure(borderwidth=1, highlightthickness=0) return tab def _dynamic_tabs(inifile): from subprocess import Popen tab_names = inifile.findall("DISPLAY", "EMBED_TAB_NAME") tab_cmd = inifile.findall("DISPLAY", "EMBED_TAB_COMMAND") if len(tab_names) != len(tab_cmd): print("Invalid tab configuration") # Complain somehow return # XXX: Set our root window ID in environment so child GladeVcp processes # may forward keyboard events to it rxid = root_window.winfo_id() os.environ['AXIS_FORWARD_EVENTS_TO'] = str(rxid) for i,t,c in zip(list(range(len(tab_cmd))), tab_names, tab_cmd): w = _dynamic_tab("user_" + str(i), t) if c.split()[0] == 'pyvcp': # this is a pycvp panel import vcpparse f = Tkinter.Frame(w, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0) pyvcp = c.split() if len(pyvcp) != 2: print("Invalid PyVCP tab configuration: EMBED_TAB COMMAND =", c) print("Incorrect number of parameters") continue try: f.pack(fill="y", expand=0) vcpparse.filename = pyvcp[1] vcpparse.create_vcp(f, comp=None, compname=t.lower().replace(' ','_')) except Exception as e: print("Invalid PyVCP tab configuration: EMBED_TAB COMMAND =", c) print(e) else: # this is a gladevcp panel f = Tkinter.Frame(w, container=1, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0) f.pack(fill="both", expand=1) xid = f.winfo_id() cmd = c.replace('{XID}', str(xid)).split() child = Popen(cmd) wait = cmd[:2] == ['halcmd', 'loadusr'] _dynamic_childs[str(w)] = (child, cmd, wait) @atexit.register def kill_dynamic_childs(): for c,_,w in list(_dynamic_childs.values()): if not w: c.terminate() def check_dynamic_tabs(): for c,cmd,w in list(_dynamic_childs.values()): if not w: continue r = c.poll() if r == 0: continue if r is None: break print('Embeded tab command "%s" exited with error: %s' %\ (" ".join(cmd), r)) raise SystemExit(r) else: if postgui_halfile is not None: for f in postgui_halfile: if f.lower().endswith('.tcl'): res = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, "haltcl", ["haltcl", "-i", vars.emcini.get(), f]) else: res = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, "halcmd", ["halcmd", "-i", vars.emcini.get(), "-f", f]) if res: raise SystemExit(res) root_window.deiconify() destroy_splash() return root_window.after(100, check_dynamic_tabs) tkpkgs = inifile.findall("DISPLAY","TKPKG") or "" for pkg in tkpkgs: pkg=pkg.split() root_window.tk.call("package","require",*pkg) tkapps = inifile.findall("DISPLAY","TKAPP") or "" for app in tkapps: root_window.tk.call("source",app) o.update_idletasks() icons = (root_window.tk.call("load_image", "axis-48x48"), root_window.tk.call("load_image", "axis-24x24")) for win in root_window, widgets.about_window, widgets.help_window: root_window.tk.call("wm", "iconphoto", win, *icons) vars.kinematics_type.set(s.kinematics_type) vars.max_queued_mdi_commands.set(int(inifile.find("TASK", "MDI_QUEUED_COMMANDS") or 10)) def balance_ja(): w = max(widgets.axes.winfo_reqwidth(), widgets.joints.winfo_reqwidth()) h = max(widgets.axes.winfo_reqheight(), widgets.joints.winfo_reqheight()) widgets.axes.configure(width=w, height=h) widgets.joints.configure(width=w, height=h) if s.kinematics_type != linuxcnc.KINEMATICS_IDENTITY: set_motion_teleop(0) widgets.joints.grid_propagate(0) widgets.axes.grid_propagate(0) root_window.after_idle(balance_ja) else: widgets.menu_view.delete("end") widgets.menu_view.delete("end") widgets.menu_view.delete("end") root_window.bind("$", "") if lathe: if lathe_backtool: root_window.after_idle(commands.set_view_y2) root_window.bind("v", commands.set_view_y2) else: root_window.after_idle(commands.set_view_y) root_window.bind("v", commands.set_view_y) root_window.bind("d", "") widgets.view_z.pack_forget() widgets.view_z2.pack_forget() widgets.view_x.pack_forget() widgets.view_p.pack_forget() widgets.rotate.pack_forget() widgets.axis_y.grid_forget() widgets.menu_view.delete(0, 5) else: widgets.view_y2.pack_forget() widgets.feedoverride.set(100) commands.set_feedrate(100) widgets.rapidoverride.set(100) commands.set_rapidrate(100) widgets.spinoverride.set(100) commands.set_spindlerate(100) def forget(widget, *pins): if "AXIS_NO_AUTOCONFIGURE" in os.environ: return if hal_present == 1: for p in pins: if hal.pin_has_writer(p): return m = widget.winfo_manager() if m in ("grid", "pack"): widget.tk.call(m, "forget", widget._w) forget(widgets.brake, "spindle.0.brake") forget(widgets.spindle_cw, "spindle.0.forward", "spindle.0.on", "spindle.0.speed-out", "spindle.0.speed-out-abs", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs") forget(widgets.spindle_ccw, "spindle.0.reverse", "spindle.0.speed-out", "spindle.0.speed-out-abs", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs") forget(widgets.spindle_stop, "spindle.0.forward", "spindle.0.reverse", "spindle.0.on", "spindle.0.speed-out", "spindle.0.speed-out-abs", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs") forget(widgets.spindle_plus, "spindle.0.speed-out", "spindle.0.speed-out-abs", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs") forget(widgets.spindle_minus, "spindle.0.speed-out", "spindle.0.speed-out-abs", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs") forget(widgets.spindlef, "spindle.0.forward", "spindle.0.reverse", "spindle.0.on", "spindle.0.brake", "spindle.0.speed-out", "spindle.0.speed-out-abs", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs") forget(widgets.spindlel, "spindle.0.forward", "spindle.0.reverse", "spindle.0.on", "spindle.0.brake", "spindle.0.speed-out", "spindle.0.speed-out-abs", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs") forget(widgets.spinoverridef, "spindle.0.speed-out", "spindle.0.speed-out-abs", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps", "spindle.0.speed-out-rps-abs") has_limit_switch = 0 for j in range(linuxcnc.MAX_JOINTS): try: if hal.pin_has_writer("joint.%d.neg-lim-sw-in" % j): has_limit_switch=1 break if hal.pin_has_writer("joint.%d.pos-lim-sw-in" % j): has_limit_switch=1 break except NameError as detail: break if not has_limit_switch: widgets.override.grid_forget() forget(widgets.mist, "iocontrol.0.coolant-mist") forget(widgets.flood, "iocontrol.0.coolant-flood") forget(widgets.lubel, "iocontrol.0.coolant-flood", "iocontrol.0.coolant-mist") rcfile = "~/.axisrc" user_command_file = inifile.find("DISPLAY", "USER_COMMAND_FILE") or "" if user_command_file: rcfile = user_command_file rcfile = os.path.expanduser(rcfile) if os.path.exists(rcfile): try: exec(compile(open(rcfile, "rb").read(), rcfile, 'exec')) except: tb = traceback.format_exc() print(tb, file=sys.stderr) root_window.tk.call("nf_dialog", ".error", _("Error in ~/.axisrc"), tb, "error", 0, _("OK")) # call an empty function that can be overridden # by an .axisrc user_hal_pins() function # then set HAL component ready if the .axisui didn't if hal_present == 1 : user_hal_pins() if not hal.component_is_ready('axisui'): comp.ready() _dynamic_tabs(inifile) if hal_present == 1: load_gladevcp_panel() check_dynamic_tabs() else: root_window.deiconify() destroy_splash() set_motion_teleop(0) # start in joint mode root_window.tk.call("trace", "variable", "metric", "w", "update_units") install_help(root_window) widgets.numbers_text.bind("", commands.redraw_soon) live_plotter.update() live_plotter.error_task() o.mainloop() live_plotter.stop() # vim:sw=4:sts=4:et: