#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # This is pncconf, a graphical configuration editor for LinuxCNC # Chris Morley copyright 2009 # This is based from stepconf, a graphical configuration editor for linuxcnc # Copyright 2007 Jeff Epler # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import os import hashlib import xml.dom.minidom import textwrap import subprocess def md5sum(filename): try: f = open(filename, "rb") except IOError: return None else: return hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest() # warning any data that doesn't start with a _ will be saved # and reloaded - this could change the type class Data: def __init__(self, app, private_data_instance,base_dir, linuxcnc_version): global _PD global _APP global _BASE _APP = app _PD = private_data_instance _BASE = base_dir self.linuxcnc_version = linuxcnc_version # custom signal name lists self.halencoderinputsignames = [] self.halmuxencodersignames = [] self.halresolversignames = [] self.hal8i20signames = [] self.halpwmoutputsignames = [] self.haltppwmoutputsignames = [] self.halinputsignames = [] self.haloutputsignames = [] self.halsteppersignames = [] self.halpotsignames = [] self.halanaloginsignames = [] # internal flags self._mesa0_arrayloaded = False self._mesa0_configured = False self._mesa1_configured = False self._mesa1_arrayloaded = False self._components_is_prepared = False # internal combobox arrays self._notusedliststore = None self._gpioliststore = None self._stepperliststore = None self._encoderliststore = None self._muxencoderliststore = None self._resolverliststore = None self._8i20liststore = None self._pwmliststore = None self._tppwmliststore = None self._sserialliststore = None self._potliststore = None self._analoginliststore = None self._gpioosignaltree = None self._gpioisignaltree = None self._steppersignaltree = None self._encodersignaltree = None self._muxencodersignaltree = None self._resolversignaltree = None self._8i20signaltree = None self._pwmcontrolsignaltree = None self._pwmrelatedsignaltree = None self._tppwmsignaltree = None self._sserialsignaltree = None self._potsignaltree = None self._analoginsignaltree = None # pncconf default options self.createsymlink = 1 self.createshortcut = 0 self.useinisubstitution = False self._lastconfigname= "" self._chooselastconfig = True self._preference_version = 1.0 self._pncconf_version = 3.0 # This is the actual version of this program self.pncconf_loaded_version = 3.0 # This will version number for new configs or be overwritten by a loaded file to the files version. self._re_editmode = False self._customfirmwarefilename = "~/Desktop/custom_firmware/firmware.py" self.advanced_option = False self._substitution_list=[] # basic machine data self.help = "help-welcome.txt" self.machinename = _("my_LinuxCNC_machine") self.frontend = _PD._AXIS self.axes = 0 # XYZ self.include_spindle = True self.available_axes = [] self.baseperiod = 50000 self.servoperiod = 1000000 self.units = _PD._IMPERIAL # inch self.limitsnone = True self.limitswitch = False self.limitshared = False self.homenone = True self.homeswitch = False self.homeindex = False self.homeboth = False self.limitstype = 0 self.homingtype = 0 self.usbdevicename = "none" self.joystickjog = False self.joystickjograpidrate0 = 0.1 self.joystickjograpidrate1 = 1.0 self.joystickjograpidrate2 = 10.0 self.joystickjograpidrate3 = 100.0 self.joycmdrapida = "" self.joycmdrapidb = "" self.joycmdxpos = "" self.joycmdxneg = "" self.joycmdypos = "" self.joycmdyneg = "" self.joycmdzpos = "" self.joycmdzneg = "" self.joycmdapos = "" self.joycmdaneg = "" self.joycmdrapid = "" self.joycmdanalogx = "" self.joycmdanalogy = "" self.joycmdanalogz = "" self.joycmdanaloga = "" self.externaljog = False self.singlejogbuttons = False self.multijogbuttons = False self.jograpidrate = 1.0 self.externalmpg = False self.guimpg = True self.multimpg = False self.sharedmpg = False self.incrselect = False self.mpgincrvalue0 = 0 # all incr-select low self.mpgincrvalue1 = .0001 # incr-select-a high self.mpgincrvalue2 = .0005 # b self.mpgincrvalue3 = .001 # ab self.mpgincrvalue4 = .005 # c self.mpgincrvalue5 = .01 # ac self.mpgincrvalue6 = .05 # bc self.mpgincrvalue7 = .1 # abc self.mpgincrvalue8 = .125 # d self.mpgincrvalue9 = .125 # ad self.mpgincrvalue10 = .125 # bd self.mpgincrvalue11 = .125 # abd self.mpgincrvalue12 = .125 # cd self.mpgincrvalue13 = .125 # acd self.mpgincrvalue14 = .125 # bcd self.mpgincrvalue15 = .125 # abcd self.mpgdebounce = True self.mpgdebouncetime = .2 self.mpggraycode = False self.mpgignorefalse = False self.externalfo = False self.fo_usempg = False self.fo_useswitch = False self.foincrvalue0 = 0 # all incr-select low self.foincrvalue1 = 5 # incr-select-a high self.foincrvalue2 = 10 # b self.foincrvalue3 = 25 # ab self.foincrvalue4 = 50 # c self.foincrvalue5 = 75 # ac self.foincrvalue6 = 90 # bc self.foincrvalue7 = 100 # abc self.foincrvalue8 = 110 # d self.foincrvalue9 = 125 # ad self.foincrvalue10 = 140 # bd self.foincrvalue11 = 150 # abd self.foincrvalue12 = 165 # cd self.foincrvalue13 = 180 # acd self.foincrvalue14 = 190 # bcd self.foincrvalue15 = 200 # abcd self.fodebounce = True self.fodebouncetime = .2 self.fograycode = False self.foignorefalse = False self.externalso = False self.so_usempg = False self.so_useswitch = False self.soincrvalue0 = 0 # all incr-select low self.soincrvalue1 = 5 # incr-select-a high self.soincrvalue2 = 10 # b self.soincrvalue3 = 25 # ab self.soincrvalue4 = 50 # c self.soincrvalue5 = 75 # ac self.soincrvalue6 = 90 # bc self.soincrvalue7 = 100 # abc self.soincrvalue8 = 110 # d self.soincrvalue9 = 125 # ad self.soincrvalue10 = 140 # bd self.soincrvalue11 = 150 # abd self.soincrvalue12 = 165 # cd self.soincrvalue13 = 180 # acd self.soincrvalue14 = 190 # bcd self.soincrvalue15 = 200 # abcd self.sodebounce = True self.sodebouncetime = .2 self.sograycode = False self.soignorefalse = False self.externalmvo = False self.mvo_usempg = False self.mvo_useswitch = False self.mvoincrvalue0 = 0 # all incr-select low self.mvoincrvalue1 = 5 # incr-select-a high self.mvoincrvalue2 = 10 # b self.mvoincrvalue3 = 25 # ab self.mvoincrvalue4 = 50 # c self.mvoincrvalue5 = 75 # ac self.mvoincrvalue6 = 90 # bc self.mvoincrvalue7 = 100 # abc self.mvoincrvalue8 = 100 # d self.mvoincrvalue9 = 100 # ad self.mvoincrvalue10 = 100 # bd self.mvoincrvalue11 = 100 # abd self.mvoincrvalue12 = 100 # cd self.mvoincrvalue13 = 100 # acd self.mvoincrvalue14 = 100 # bcd self.mvoincrvalue15 = 100 # abcd self.mvodebounce = True self.mvodebouncetime = .2 self.mvograycode = False self.mvoignorefalse = False self.gearselect = False self.gsincrvalue0 = 0 # all incr-select low self.gsincrvalue1 = 0 # incr-select-a high self.gsincrvalue2 = 0 # b self.gsincrvalue3 = 0 # ab self.gsincrvalue4 = 0 # c self.gsincrvalue5 = 0 # ac self.gsincrvalue6 = 0 # bc self.gsincrvalue7 = 0 # abc self.gsincrvalue8 = 0 # d self.gsincrvalue9 = 0 # ad self.gsincrvalue10 = 0 # bd self.gsincrvalue11 = 0 # abd self.gsincrvalue12 = 0 # cd self.gsincrvalue13 = 0 # acd self.gsincrvalue14 = 0 # bcd self.gsincrvalue15 = 0 # abcd self.gsdebounce = True self.gsdebouncetime = .2 self.gsgraycode = False self.gsignorefalse = False self.serial_vfd = False # GUI frontend defaults self.position_offset = 1 # relative self.position_feedback = 1 # actual self.max_feed_override = 2.0 # percentage self.min_spindle_override = .5 self.max_spindle_override = 1.0 # These are for AXIS gui only # linear jog defaults are set with: set_axis_unit_defaults() self.default_angular_velocity = 12 self.min_angular_velocity = 3 self.max_angular_velocity = 180 self.increments_metric = "5mm 1mm .5mm .1mm .05mm .01mm .005mm" self.increments_imperial= ".1in .05in .01in .005in .001in .0005in .0001in" self.editor = "gedit" self.geometry = "xyz" self.axisforcemax = False self.axissize = [False,0,0] self.axisposition = [False,0,0] # Gmoccapy self.gmcpytheme = "Follow System Theme" # Touchy only self.touchysize = [False,0,0] self.touchyposition = [False,0,0] self.touchytheme = "Follow System Theme" self.touchyforcemax = False self.touchyabscolor = "default" self.touchyrelcolor = "default" self.touchydtgcolor = "default" self.touchyerrcolor = "default" # QtPlasmaC self.qtplasmacmode = 0 self.qtplasmacscreen = 0 self.qtplasmacestop = 0 self.qtplasmacdro = 0 self.qtplasmacerror = 0 self.qtplasmacstart = 0 self.qtplasmacpause = 0 self.qtplasmacstop = 0 self.qtplasmacpmx = "" self.increments_metric_qtplasmac = "10mm 1mm .1mm .01mm .001mm" self.increments_imperial_qtplasmac= "1in .1in .01in .001in .0001in" self.qtplasmac_bnames = ["OHMIC\TEST","PROBE\TEST","SINGLE\CUT","NORMAL\CUT","TORCH\PULSE","FRAMING", "USER\MANUAL", \ "","","","","","","","","","","","",""] self.qtplasmac_bcodes = ["ohmic-test","probe-test 10","single-cut","cut-type","torch-pulse 0.5","framing", "user-manual", \ "","","","","","","","","","","","",""] self._arcvpin = None self.voltsmodel = "10" self.voltsfjumper = "32" self.voltszerof = 100.0 self.voltsfullf = 999. self.voltsrdiv = 20 # LinuxCNC assorted defaults and options self.toolchangeprompt = True self.multimpg = False self.require_homing = True self.individual_homing = False self.restore_joint_position = False self.random_toolchanger = False self.raise_z_on_toolchange = False self.allow_spindle_on_toolchange = False self.customhal = False self.usebldc = False # These components can be used by pncconf so we must keep track of them. # in case the user needs some for a custom HAL file self.userneededpid = 0 self.userneededabs = 0 self.userneededscale = 0 self.userneededmux16 = 0 self.userneededlowpass = 0 self.userneededbldc = 0 # pyvcp data self.pyvcp = 0 # not included self.pyvcpname = "custom.xml" self.pyvcpexist = False self.pyvcp1 = False self.pyvcpblank = True self.pyvcphaltype = 0 # no HAL connections specified self.pyvcpconnect = 1 # HAL connections allowed self.pyvcpwidth = 200 self.pyvcpheight = 200 self.pyvcpxpos = 0 self.pyvcpypos = 0 self.pyvcpposition = False self.pyvcpsize = False # gladevcp data self.gladevcp = False # not included self.gladesample = True self.gladeexists = False self.spindlespeedbar = True self.spindleatspeed = True self.maxspeeddisplay = 1000 self.zerox = False self.zeroy = False self.zeroz = False self.zeroa = False self.autotouchz = False self.gladevcphaluicmds = 0 self.centerembededgvcp = True self.sideembededgvcp = False self.standalonegvcp = False self.gladevcpposition = False self.gladevcpsize = False self.gladevcpforcemax = False self.gladevcpwidth = 200 self.gladevcpheight = 200 self.gladevcpxpos = 0 self.gladevcpypos = 0 self.gladevcptheme = "Follow System Theme" # classicladder data self.classicladder = 0 # not included self.digitsin = 15 # default number of pins self.digitsout = 15 self.s32in = 10 self.s32out = 10 self.floatsin = 10 self.floatsout = 10 self.bitmem = 50 self.wordmem = 50 self.tempexists = 0 # not present ( a blank CL program edited through pncconf) self.laddername = "custom.clp" self.modbus = 0 # not included self.ladderhaltype = 0 # no HAL connections specified self.ladderconnect = 1 # HAL connections allowed self.ladderexist = False self.cl_haluicmds = 0 self.laddertouchz = False # stepper timing data self.drivertype = "other" self.steptime = 5000 self.stepspace = 5000 self.dirhold = 20000 self.dirsetup = 20000 self.latency = 15000 self.period = 25000 # For parallel port self.pp1_direction = 1 # output self.ioaddr1 = "0" self.ioaddr2 = "1" self.pp2_direction = 0 # input self.ioaddr3 = "2" self.pp3_direction = 0 # input self.number_pports = 0 for connector in("pp1","pp2","pp3"): # initialize parport input / inv pins for i in (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15): pinname ="%s_Ipin%d"% (connector,i) self[pinname] = _PD.UNUSED_INPUT pinname ="%s_Ipin%d_inv"% (connector,i) self[pinname] = False # initialize parport output / inv pins for i in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,14,16,17): pinname ="%s_Opin%d"% (connector,i) self[pinname] = _PD.UNUSED_OUTPUT pinname ="%s_Opin%d_inv"% (connector,i) self[pinname] = False self.number_mesa = 1 # number of cards # for first mesa card self.mesa0_currentfirmwaredata = None self.mesa0_boardtitle = "5i25-Internal Data" self.mesa0_firmware = _PD.MESA_INTERNAL_FIRMWAREDATA[0][2] self.mesa0_parportaddrs = "0x378" self.mesa0_card_addrs = "" self.mesa0_isawatchdog = 1 self.mesa0_pwm_frequency = 20000 self.mesa0_pdm_frequency = 6000000 self.mesa0_3pwm_frequency = 20000 self.mesa0_watchdog_timeout = 5000000 self.mesa0_numof_encodergens = 1 self.mesa0_numof_resolvers = 0 self.mesa0_numof_pwmgens = 0 self.mesa0_numof_tppwmgens = 0 self.mesa0_numof_stepgens = 5 self.mesa0_numof_sserialports = 1 self.mesa0_numof_sserialchannels = 2 # second mesa card self.mesa1_currentfirmwaredata = _PD.MESA_INTERNAL_FIRMWAREDATA[1] self.mesa1_boardtitle = "5i25-Internal Data" self.mesa1_firmware = _PD.MESA_INTERNAL_FIRMWAREDATA[0][2] self.mesa1_parportaddrs = "0x378" self.mesa1_card_addrs = "" self.mesa1_isawatchdog = 1 self.mesa1_pwm_frequency = 20000 self.mesa1_pdm_frequency = 6000000 self.mesa1_3pwm_frequency = 20000 self.mesa1_watchdog_timeout = 5000000 self.mesa1_numof_encodergens = 1 self.mesa1_numof_resolvers = 0 self.mesa1_numof_pwmgens = 0 self.mesa1_numof_tppwmgens = 0 self.mesa1_numof_stepgens = 5 self.mesa1_numof_sserialports = 1 self.mesa1_numof_sserialchannels = 2 for boardnum in(0,1): connector = 2 pinname ="mesa%dc%dpin"% (boardnum,connector) self[pinname+"0"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"0type"] = _PD.ENCB self[pinname+"1"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"1type"] = _PD.ENCA self[pinname+"2"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"2type"] = _PD.ENCB self[pinname+"3"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"3type"] = _PD.ENCA self[pinname+"4"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"4type"] = _PD.ENCI self[pinname+"5"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"5type"] = _PD.ENCI self[pinname+"6"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"6type"] = _PD.PWMP self[pinname+"7"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"7type"] = _PD.PWMP self[pinname+"8"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"8type"] = _PD.PWMD self[pinname+"9"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"9type"] = _PD.PWMD self[pinname+"10"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"10type"] = _PD.PWME self[pinname+"11"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"11type"] = _PD.PWME self[pinname+"12"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"12type"] = _PD.ENCB self[pinname+"13"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"13type"] = _PD.ENCA self[pinname+"14"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"14type"] = _PD.ENCB self[pinname+"15"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"15type"] = _PD.ENCA self[pinname+"16"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"16type"] = _PD.ENCI self[pinname+"17"] = _PD.UNUSED_ENCODER self[pinname+"17type"] = _PD.ENCI self[pinname+"18"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"18type"] = _PD.PWMP self[pinname+"19"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"19type"] = _PD.PWMP self[pinname+"20"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"20type"] = _PD.PWMD self[pinname+"21"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"21type"] = _PD.PWMD self[pinname+"22"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"22type"] = _PD.PWME self[pinname+"23"] = _PD.UNUSED_PWM self[pinname+"23type"] = _PD.PWME for boardnum in(0,1): for connector in(1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9): # This initializes GPIO input pins for i in range(0,16): pinname ="mesa%dc%dpin%d"% (boardnum,connector,i) self[pinname] = _PD.UNUSED_INPUT pinname ="mesa%dc%dpin%dtype"% (boardnum,connector,i) self[pinname] = _PD.GPIOI # This initializes GPIO output pins for i in range(16,24): pinname ="mesa%dc%dpin%d"% (boardnum,connector,i) self[pinname] = _PD.UNUSED_OUTPUT pinname ="mesa%dc%dpin%dtype"% (boardnum,connector,i) self[pinname] = _PD.GPIOO for connector in(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9): # This initializes the mesa inverse pins for i in range(0,24): pinname ="mesa%dc%dpin%dinv"% (boardnum,connector,i) self[pinname] = False port = 0 #TODO up to 4 ports for channel in range(0,_PD._NUM_CHANNELS): self["mesa%dsserial%d_%dsubboard"% (boardnum, port,channel)] = "none" # This initializes pins for i in range(0,_PD._SSCOMBOLEN): pinname ="mesa%dsserial%d_%dpin%d"% (boardnum, port,channel,i) if i < 24: self[pinname] = _PD.UNUSED_INPUT else: self[pinname] = _PD.UNUSED_OUTPUT pinname ="mesa%dsserial%d_%dpin%dtype"% (boardnum, port,channel,i) if i < 24: self[pinname] = _PD.GPIOI else: self[pinname] = _PD.GPIOO pinname ="mesa%dsserial%d_%dpin%dinv"% (boardnum, port,channel,i) self[pinname] = False # halui data self.halui = 0 # not included # Command list for i in range(0,15): pinname ="halui_cmd%s"% i self[pinname] = "" #HAL component command list self.loadcompservo = [] self.addcompservo = [] self.loadcompbase = [] self.addcompbase = [] self.xhomesequence = 1 self.yhomesequence = 2 self.zhomesequence = 0 self.ahomesequence = 3 # common axis data for temp in("x","y","z","a","s"): self[temp+"drivertype"]= "custom" self[temp+"steprev"]= 200 self[temp+"microstep"]= 5 self[temp+"motor_pulleydriver"]= 1 self[temp+"motor_pulleydriven"]= 1 self[temp+"cbmicrosteps"]= False self[temp+"cbmotor_pulley"]= False if not temp == 's': self[temp+"motor_wormdriver"]= 1 self[temp+"motor_wormdriven"]= 1 self[temp+"encoder_pulleydriver"]= 1 self[temp+"encoder_pulleydriven"]= 1 self[temp+"encoder_wormdriver"]= 1 self[temp+"encoder_wormdriven"]= 1 self[temp+"motor_leadscrew"]= 5 self[temp+"encoder_leadscrew"]= 5 self[temp+"motor_leadscrew_tpi"]= 5 self[temp+"encoder_leadscrew_tpi"]= 5 self[temp+"cbencoder_pitch"]= False self[temp+"cbencoder_tpi"]= False self[temp+"cbencoder_worm"]= False self[temp+"cbencoder_pulley"]= False self[temp+"cbmotor_pitch"]= False self[temp+"cbmotor_tpi"]= False self[temp+"cbmotor_worm"]= False self[temp+"outputscale"]= 10 self[temp+"outputminlimit"]= -10 self[temp+"outputmaxlimit"]= 10 else: self[temp+"motor_gear1driver"]= 1 self[temp+"motor_gear1driven"]= 1 self[temp+"motor_gear2driver"]= 1 self[temp+"motor_gear2driven"]= 1 self[temp+"motor_max"] = 2000 self[temp+"cbmotor_gear1"]= False self[temp+"cbmotor_gear2"]= False self[temp+"negative_rot"]= False self[temp+"rbvoltage_5"]= False self[temp+"outputscale2"]= 10 self[temp+"outputmaxvoltage"]= 10 self[temp+"encodercounts"]= 4000 self[temp+"usecomp"]= 0 self[temp+"compfilename"]= temp+"compensation" self[temp+"comptype"]= 0 self[temp+"usebacklash"]= 0 self[temp+"backlash"]= 0 self[temp+"invertmotor"]= 0 self[temp+"invertencoder"]= 0 self[temp+"3pwmscale"]= 1 self[temp+"3pwmdeadtime"]= 500 self[temp+"maxoutput"]= 0 self[temp+"P"]= None self[temp+"I"]= 0 self[temp+"D"]= 0 self[temp+"FF0"]= 0 self[temp+"FF1"]= 1 self[temp+"FF2"]= 0 self[temp+"bias"]= 0 self[temp+"deadband"]= 0 self[temp+"steptime"]= 5000 self[temp+"stepspace"]= 5000 self[temp+"dirhold"]= 10000 self[temp+"dirsetup"]= 10000 self[temp+"homepos"]= 0 self[temp+"homesw"]= 0 self[temp+"hometandemsw"]= 0 self[temp+"homefinalvel"]= 0 self[temp+"latchdir"]= 0 self[temp+"searchdir"]= 0 self[temp+"usehomeindex"]= 0 self[temp+"stepscale"]= 0 self[temp+"encoderscale"]= 0 self[temp+"bldc_option"]= False self[temp+"bldc_config"]= "" self[temp+"bldc_no_feedback"]= False self[temp+"bldc_absolute_feedback"]= False self[temp+"bldc_incremental_feedback"]= True self[temp+"bldc_use_hall"]= True self[temp+"bldc_use_encoder"]= False self[temp+"bldc_fanuc_alignment"]= False self[temp+"bldc_use_index"]= False self[temp+"bldc_digital_output"]= False self[temp+"bldc_six_outputs"]= False self[temp+"bldc_force_trapz"]= False self[temp+"bldc_emulated_feedback"]= False self[temp+"bldc_output_hall"]= False self[temp+"bldc_output_fanuc"]= False self[temp+"bldc_scale"]= 512 self[temp+"bldc_poles"]= 4 self[temp+"bldc_lead_angle"]= 90 self[temp+"bldc_inital_value"]= 0.2 self[temp+"bldc_encoder_offset"]= 0 self[temp+"bldc_reverse"]= False self[temp+"bldc_drive_offset"]= 0.0 self[temp+"bldc_pattern_out"]= 25 self[temp+"bldc_pattern_in"]= 25 self[temp+"8i20maxcurrent"] = 5.0 # set xyz axes defaults depending on units true = imperial self.set_axis_unit_defaults(True) # rotary tables need bigger limits self.aminlim = -9999 self.amaxlim = 9999 self.amaxvel = 360 self.amaxacc = 1200 self.ahomevel = 0 self.ahomesearchvel= 2 self.ahomelatchvel= .5 self.aminferror= .05 self.amaxferror= .5 # adjust spindle settings self.soutputscale = 2000 self.smaxoutput = 2000 self.sP = 0 self.sFF1= 0 self.sFF0= 1 self.smaxvel = 2000 self.smaxacc = 300 self.snearrange = 200.0 self.snearscale = 1.20 self.sfiltergain = 1.0 self.suseatspeed = False self.suseoutputrange2 = False self.scaleselect = False self.susenegativevoltage = True self.susenearrange = False self.ssingleinputencoder = False self.mitsub_vfd = False self.mitsub_vfd_port = '/dev/ttyS0' self.mitsub_vfd_id = (('spindle_vfd',1)) self.mitsub_vfd_baud = 9600 self.mitsub_vfd_command_scale = 1 self.mitsub_vfd_feedback_scale = 1 self.gs2_vfd = True self.gs2_vfd_port = '/dev/ttyS0' self.gs2_vfd_slave = 1 self.gs2_vfd_baud = 9600 self.gs2_vfd_accel = 10 self.gs2_vfd_deaccel = 0 # change the XYZ axis defaults to metric or imperial # This only sets data that makes sense to change eg gear ratio don't change def set_axis_unit_defaults(self, units=True): if units: # imperial # set GUI defaults self.max_linear_velocity = 1 # 60 inches per min self.default_linear_velocity = .25 # 15 inches per min self.min_linear_velocity = .01667 # axes defaults for i in ('x','y','z'): self[i+'maxvel'] = 1 self[i+'maxacc'] = 30 self[i+'homevel'] = .05 self[i+"homesearchvel"]= .05 self[i+"homelatchvel"]= .025 self[i+"minferror"]= .05 self[i+"maxferror"]= .5 if not i == 'z': self[i+'minlim'] = 0 self[i+'maxlim'] = 8 else: self.zminlim = -4 self.zmaxlim = 0 else: # metric # set gui defaults self.max_linear_velocity = 25 # 1500 mm per min self.default_linear_velocity = 6 # 380 mm per min self.min_linear_velocity = .5 # axes defaults for i in ('x','y','z'): self[i+'maxvel'] = 25 self[i+'maxacc'] = 750 self[i+'homevel'] = 1.5 self[i+"homesearchvel"]= 1 self[i+"homelatchvel"]= .5 self[i+"minferror"]= 1 self[i+"maxferror"]= 10 if not i =='z': self[i+'minlim'] = 0 self[i+'maxlim'] = 200 else: self.zminlim = -100 self.zmaxlim = 0 def load(self, filename, app=None, force=False): self.pncconf_loaded_version = 0.0 def str2bool(s): return s == 'True' converters = {'string': str, 'float': float, 'int': int, 'bool': str2bool, 'eval': eval} d = xml.dom.minidom.parse(open(filename, "r")) for n in d.getElementsByTagName("property"): name = n.getAttribute("name") conv = converters[n.getAttribute('type')] text = n.getAttribute('value') setattr(self, name, conv(text)) # this loads custom signal names created by the user # adds endings to the custom signal name when put in # hal signal name arrays #encoders temp =[]; i = False for i in self.halencoderinputsignames: temp.append((i,i+"-a")) for j in(["-a","-b","-i","-m"]): _PD.hal_encoder_input_names.append(i+j) end = len(_PD.human_encoder_input_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_encoder_input_names[end][1]= temp #resolvers temp = []; i = False for i in self.halresolversignames: temp.append(i) _PD.hal_resolver_input_names.append(i) end = len(_PD.human_resolver_input_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_resolver_input_names[end][1]= temp # 8I20 amplifier card temp = []; i = False for i in self.hal8i20signames: temp.append(i) _PD.hal_8i20_input_names.append(i) end = len(_PD.human_8i20_input_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_8i20_input_names[end][1]= temp # potentiometer temp = []; i = False for i in self.halpotsignames: temp.append(i) for j in(["-output","-enable"]): _PD.hal_pot_output_names.append(i+j) end = len(_PD.human_pot_output_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_pot_output_names[end][1]= temp # analog input temp = []; i = False for i in self.halanaloginsignames: temp.append(i) _PD.hal_analog_input_names.append(i) end = len(_PD.human_analog_input_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_analog_input_names[end][1]= temp #pwm temp =[]; i = False for i in self.halpwmoutputsignames: temp.append((i,i+"-pulse")) for j in(["-pulse","-dir","-enable"]): _PD.hal_pwm_output_names.append(i+j) end = len(_PD.human_pwm_output_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_pwm_output_names[end][1]= temp # tppwm temp =[]; i = False for i in self.haltppwmoutputsignames: temp.append(i) for j in(["-a","-b","-c","-anot","-bnot","-cnot","-fault","-enable"]): _PD.hal_tppwm_output_names.append(i+j) end = len(_PD.human_tppwm_output_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_tppwm_output_names[end][1]= temp # GPIO Input temp = []; i = False for i in self.halinputsignames: temp.append((i, i)) _PD.hal_input_names.append(i) end = len(_PD.human_input_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_input_names[end][1]= temp # GPIO Output temp = []; i = False for i in self.haloutputsignames: temp.append(i) _PD.hal_output_names.append(i) end = len(_PD.human_output_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_output_names[end][1]= temp # steppers temp = []; i = False for i in self.halsteppersignames: temp.append((i,i+"-step")) for j in(["-step","-dir","-c","-d","-e","-f"]): _PD.hal_stepper_names.append(i+j) end = len(_PD.human_stepper_names)-1 if i: _PD.human_stepper_names[end][1]= temp warnings = [] warnings2 = [] if self.pncconf_loaded_version < self._pncconf_version: warnings.append(_("This configuration was saved with an earlier version of pncconf which may be incompatible.\n\ If it doesn't plainly cause an error, you still may want to save it with another name and check it. Safer to start from scratch.\n\ If you have a REALLY large config that you wish to convert to this newer version of PNConf - ask on the LinuxCNC forum - it may be possible..") ) for f, m in self.md5sums: m1 = md5sum(f) if m1 and m != m1: warnings2.append(_("File %r was modified since it was written by PNCconf") % f) # no warnings ? return to pncconf APP if not warnings and not warnings2: return if warnings2: warnings.append("") warnings.append(_("Saving this configuration file will discard configuration changes made outside PNCconf.")) if warnings: warnings = warnings + warnings2 self.pncconf_loaded_version = self._pncconf_version # if we have a GUI running, pop a dialog # else print to terminal if not app is None: _APP.warning_dialog("\n".join(warnings), True) else: for para in warnings: for line in textwrap.wrap(para, 78): print(line) print() print() if force: return response = input(_("Continue? (y/n)")) if response[0] not in _("yY"): raise SystemExit(1) def add_md5sum(self, filename, mode="r"): self.md5sums.append((filename, md5sum(filename))) def save(self,basedir): base = basedir ncfiles = os.path.expanduser("~/linuxcnc/nc_files") if not os.path.exists(ncfiles): _APP.makedirs(ncfiles) examples = os.path.join(_BASE, "share", "linuxcnc", "ncfiles") if not os.path.exists(examples): examples = os.path.join(_BASE, "nc_files") if os.path.exists(examples): os.symlink(examples, os.path.join(ncfiles, "examples")) _APP.makedirs(base) _APP.makedirs(base+"/backups") self.md5sums = [] filename = "%s.pncconf" % base d = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument( None, "pncconf", None) e = d.documentElement for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): if k.startswith("_"): continue n = d.createElement('property') e.appendChild(n) if isinstance(v, float): n.setAttribute('type', 'float') elif isinstance(v, bool): n.setAttribute('type', 'bool') elif isinstance(v, int): n.setAttribute('type', 'int') elif isinstance(v, list): n.setAttribute('type', 'eval') else: n.setAttribute('type', 'string') n.setAttribute('name', k) n.setAttribute('value', str(v)) d.writexml(open(filename, "wt"), addindent=" ", newl="\n") print("%s" % base) # write pncconf hidden preference file filename = os.path.expanduser("~/.pncconf-preferences") print(filename) d2 = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument( None, "int-pncconf", None) e2 = d2.documentElement n2 = d2.createElement('property') e2.appendChild(n2) n2.setAttribute('type', 'float') n2.setAttribute('name', "version") n2.setAttribute('value', str("%f"%self._preference_version)) n2 = d2.createElement('property') e2.appendChild(n2) n2.setAttribute('type', 'bool') n2.setAttribute('name', "always_shortcut") n2.setAttribute('value', str("%s"% self.createshortcut)) n2 = d2.createElement('property') e2.appendChild(n2) n2.setAttribute('type', 'bool') n2.setAttribute('name', "always_link") n2.setAttribute('value', str("%s"% self.createsymlink)) n2 = d2.createElement('property') e2.appendChild(n2) n2.setAttribute('type', 'bool') n2.setAttribute('name', "use_ini_substitution") n2.setAttribute('value', str("%s"% self.useinisubstitution)) n2 = d2.createElement('property') e2.appendChild(n2) n2.setAttribute('type', 'bool') n2.setAttribute('name', "show_advanced_pages") n2.setAttribute('value', str("%s"% self.advanced_option)) n2 = d2.createElement('property') e2.appendChild(n2) n2.setAttribute('type', 'bool') n2.setAttribute('name', "chooselastconfig") n2.setAttribute('value', str("%s"% self._chooselastconfig)) n2 = d2.createElement('property') e2.appendChild(n2) n2.setAttribute('type', 'string') n2.setAttribute('name', "machinename") n2.setAttribute('value', str("%s"%self.machinename)) n2 = d2.createElement('property') e2.appendChild(n2) n2.setAttribute('type', 'eval') n2.setAttribute('name', "MESABLACKLIST") n2.setAttribute('value', str(_PD.MESABLACKLIST)) n2 = d2.createElement('property') e2.appendChild(n2) n2.setAttribute('type', 'string') n2.setAttribute('name', "customfirmwarefilename") n2.setAttribute('value', str("%s"% self._customfirmwarefilename)) d2.writexml(open(filename, "wt"), addindent=" ", newl="\n") # write to Touchy preference file directly if self.frontend == _PD._TOUCHY: #print("Setting TOUCHY preferences") templist = {"touchyabscolor":"abs_textcolor","touchyrelcolor":"rel_textcolor", "touchydtgcolor":"dtg_textcolor","touchyerrcolor":"err_textcolor"} for key,value in templist.items(): _APP.set_touchy_preference(value, self[key], str) if self.touchyposition[0] or self.touchysize[0]: pos = size = "" if self.touchyposition[0]: pos = "+%d+%d"% (self.touchyposition[1],self.touchyposition[2]) if self.touchysize[0]: size = "%dx%d"% (self.touchysize[1],self.touchysize[2]) geo = "%s%s"%(size,pos) else: geo = "default" _APP.set_touchy_preference('window_geometry',geo, str) _APP.set_touchy_preference('gtk_theme',self.touchytheme, str) _APP.set_touchy_preference('window_force_max', self.touchyforcemax, bool) # write AXIS rc file for geometry if self.frontend == _PD._AXIS and (self.axisposition[0] or self.axissize[0] or self.axisforcemax): filename = os.path.expanduser("~/.axisrc") if _APP.warning_dialog(_PD.MESS_REPLACE_RC_FILE, False): f1 = open(filename, "w") if self.axisposition[0] or self.axissize[0]: #print("Setting AXIS geometry option) pos = size = "" if self.axisposition[0]: pos = "+%d+%d"% (self.axisposition[1],self.axisposition[2]) if self.axissize[0]: size = "%dx%d"% (self.axissize[1],self.axissize[2]) geo = "%s%s"%(size,pos) print("""root_window.tk.call("wm","geometry",".","%s")"""%(geo), file=f1) if self.axisforcemax: #print("Setting AXIS forcemax option") print("""# Find the largest size possible and set AXIS to it""", file=f1) print("""maxgeo=root_window.tk.call("wm","maxsize",".")""", file=f1) print("""try:""", file=f1) print(""" fullsize=maxgeo.split(' ')[0] + 'x' + maxgeo.split(' ')[1]""", file=f1) print("""except:""", file=f1) print(""" fullsize=str(maxgeo[0]) + 'x' + str(maxgeo[1])""", file=f1) print("""root_window.tk.call("wm","geometry",".",fullsize)""", file=f1) print("""# Uncomment for fullscreen""", file=f1) print("""#root_window.attributes('-fullscreen', True)""", file=f1) # make system link and shortcut to pncconf files # see http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs desktop = subprocess.getoutput(""" test -f ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/user-dirs.dirs && . ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/user-dirs.dirs echo ${XDG_DESKTOP_DIR:-$HOME/Desktop}""") if self.createsymlink: shortcut = os.path.join(desktop, self.machinename) if os.path.exists(desktop) and not os.path.exists(shortcut): os.symlink(base,shortcut) if self.createshortcut and os.path.exists(desktop): if os.path.exists(_BASE + "/scripts/linuxcnc"): scriptspath = (_BASE + "/scripts/linuxcnc") else: scriptspath ="linuxcnc" filename = os.path.join(desktop, "%s.desktop" % self.machinename) file = open(filename, "w") print("[Desktop Entry]", file=file) print("Version=1.0", file=file) print("Terminal=false", file=file) print("Name=" + _("launch %s") % self.machinename, file=file) print("Exec=%s %s/%s.ini" \ % ( scriptspath, base, self.machinename ), file=file) print("Type=Application", file=file) print("Comment=" + _("Desktop Launcher for LinuxCNC config made by PNCconf"), file=file) print("Icon=%s"% _PD.LINUXCNCICON, file=file) file.close() # Ubuntu 10.04 require launcher to have execute permissions os.chmod(filename,0o775) def __getitem__(self, item): return getattr(self, item) def __setitem__(self, item, value): return setattr(self, item, value)